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Joshua A.



Web Scraping Expert, Automation Expert ,data Entry

$20 USD / hora
Bandera de
Nigeria (7:01 a. m.)
Se unió el mayo 13, 2024
$20 USD / hora
Hey! Are you looking for someone to scrape data to add value to your business through data scraping, data extraction, and web scraping solutions?? Don't worry, you have found what you are looking for! I'm Adeniran Joshua, your go-to expert for data extraction and web scraping,lead generation, data scraping, data processing and task automation As a web scraping developers here is type of jobs and projects I had done and achieved lots of skills and overcome challenges: ✓ Social Media Scraping - Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin ✓ Real estate property web scraping - realtor ca, realtor com, Zillow, Rightmove [login to view URL] ✓ Review scraping - Google, Amazon com, yelp and Yellowpages (YP), Glassdoor ✓ Online business directory scraping, research, data analysis, and information collection ✓ E-commerce sites product information, review and image scraping - Amazon, eBay ✓ Search Engine data bot/web crawling and data aggregation - Google search, Bing, Yahoo The services that I'm offering are: ☑Data Extraction ☑Data scraping ☑Web Scraping ☑Website Scraping ☑Directories scraping ☑Emails Scraping ☑Bulk Data scraping Challenges Specialized ✓ Cookies handling, ✓ Session handling ✓ Auto Login and automated data Collection ✓ Google captcha bypass, ✓ Image captcha bypass, ✓ Image OCR ✓ Proxy IP rotatio ✓ JavaScript bypass Technical knowledge: ✓ Python Web Scraping (Expert using XPath, DOM praising techniques, Scrapy library,selenium,Beautifulsoup,request and mechanize ..etc) ✓ Selenium The output will be Text, JSON, SQL, CSV, Microsoft excel sheet, Google Spreadsheet, or any other format as required. We can help you to data mining at any scale. i am expert talent in all kind data scraping solution. Hier me as your dedicated web scraping service provider. Client Satisfaction: Your success is my priority. I'm here to exceed your expectations and provide data scraping that empowers your business. Ready to unlock the potential of data scraping and web scraping conquer the digital landscape? Let's chat and make your data-driven dreams a reality!
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5.0 · 2 Reviews
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Joshua is an absolute beast. His coding knowledge and technical understanding is very underrated. Glad to have found him and hopefully will be doing more projects in future.
Rohit S.
Bandera de
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
hace 7 meses
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Data Scraping with Python ₹3.200 INR
it was great working with him he satisfied all my requirements under my budget he is dedicated you can defiently hire him for you project.
Hardik A.
Bandera de
Amgaonbk.(CT), India
hace 8 meses
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