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Khalid K.
Electronics Engineer(Hardware/Software)
$40 USD / hora
Morocco (1:07 p. m.)
Se unió el marzo 5, 2019
$40 USD / hora
Hello. Nice to meet you.
As an electronic engineer, I have been working in PCB design/layout and firmware programming field for 10+ years.
Here are some of the experiences that I worked ago.
- Schematic and PCB Layout using Altium designer, Cadence, Eagle, and so on.
- SolidWorks Enclosure, AutoCad design
- Matlab simulation
- Multi Layer, Flexible, High speed PCB design
- Exceptional C++/C /C# programming skills.
- FPGA design using Verilog/VHDL (Xilinx ISE/XPS/SDK/Vivado, Altera Quartus, iCECube)
- ARM, DSP, MCUs, Arduino experience.
- Arm cores: ATSAM, STM32, PIC32, A13, FreeScale, MSP, NXP
- MPU: Pic16F, Pic18F, Pic33F, Atmega8,16,128,32,8051,8951,8052,80251
- Single board computer: Raspbery pi, Beaglebone, NanoPi
- Strong with UART, I2C, SPI, BLE,BT, GSM/GPRS/GPS, xBee, ZigBee.
- Especially full experience for BLE HM10, HC05, ESP32, DA14580, nRF52832, 52840, BlueNRG,
Once you hire me, expected me to help your business like I 'm growing it as my own.
I would love to hear from you.
Kindness regards.
Khalid had a very solid understanding of the project and came up with the schematic quickly. With just a few tweaks resulting from the dialog between us, he completed the project in substantially less time than allotted. We have several projects in front of us, and I'm happy to have connected with Khalid.