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Jayant G.




$5 USD / hora
Bandera de
India (9:47 p. m.)
Se unió el octubre 22, 2024
$5 USD / hora
I am a passionate tech enthusiast who thrives on tackling complex challenges and innovative projects. My experience with microcontrollers has allowed me to bring ideas to life through practical applications. I enjoy the satisfaction of seeing theoretical concepts translate into tangible solutions. Beyond my technical pursuits, I have a strong inclination towards education. I have had the privilege of imparting knowledge in Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry to secondary school students, fostering a love for learning and scientific inquiry. I believe in creating engaging and interactive learning experiences that inspire curiosity and critical thinking. In addition to my technical and teaching skills, I am proficient in crafting compelling presentations using PowerPoint and have a knack for writing clear and concise content. I am a versatile individual who enjoys exploring new ideas and collaborating with others to achieve common goals.
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