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Ayomide F.



Workflow Automation,, zapier expert

$10 USD / hora
Bandera de
Nigeria (6:27 p. m.)
Se uniĆ³ el octubre 16, 2024
$10 USD / hora
Greetings! ? As a seasoned Business Process Automation and Sales Funnel Automation specialist with expertise in Zapier, [login to view URL], and a toolkit that includes ClickFunnels and CRM Automation, I'm here to elevate your business to new heights. ? **How I Can Help You:** Are you grappling with the complexities of automating your sales funnel? Is crafting persuasive sales copy giving you a headache? Look no further. I specialize in creating seamless and effective automation solutions using Zapier and [login to view URL], ensuring your business processes run like a well-oiled machine. ? **Common Problems Solved:** Are you struggling with lead management or CRM automation? I've got you covered. From designing a sales funnel that converts to implementing email marketing strategies that resonate, I excel in addressing common pain points in business automation. ? **Unique Approach:** My approach revolves around a deep understanding of your business needs. I leverage ClickFunnels for creating intuitive and high-converting sales funnels, ensuring a smooth customer journey from awareness to conversion. In the realm of sales copywriting, I craft compelling messages that not only grab attention but drive action. ? **Key Skills:** - Automation (Zapier, [login to view URL]) - Sales Funnel Automation - Business process Automation - Email Marketing Strategy & Automation - CRM Automation (Lead Management) - ClickFunnels Expertise - Proficient in chatGPT for personalized communication ? **Tools of the Trade:** My toolset includes industry-standard platforms such as Zapier, [login to view URL], ClickFunnels, and CRM solutions to ensure seamless integration and efficient automation. Let's revolutionize your business processes together! Feel free to reach out for a consultation, and let's explore how I can tailor my skills to address your specific needs. Your success is my priority. ?
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