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Peter C.



Completely professional and thorough in my work.

Bandera de
South Africa (6:52 p. m.)
Se unió el marzo 25, 2016
I have decided that after many years in the construction industry, both in design and management, to follow my dream of being successful writer, proofreader and editor, I am certainly not a novice, as I have been doing this for 10 years now, mainly for the construction industry. I am an avid reader and writer, I have written articles for the Institute of Clerk of Works and construction inspectorate SA, as well as many safety documents for the construction industry. I am the preferred proofreader for the ICWCI S.A. I am busy writing the do's and dont's of construction inspection at present.
Cambios guardados
5.0 · 5 Reviews
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Very bad work! Couldn't even complete the project on time.
Rahul Kumar G.
Bandera de
New Delhi, India
hace 8 años
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Private Project IV $10 AUD
Thanks for the help.
Shilpa C.
Bandera de
N/A, India
hace 9 años
Very good writer!
Closed User
Bandera de
hace 9 años
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Private Project II $33 AUD
Made me wait 24 hours for a simple job and then someone else mentioned that he had suffered a mild stroke. If he was having issues, he could have said it earlier.
Shilpa C.
Bandera de
N/A, India
hace 9 años
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The project is not completed according to the dispute
Jared K.
Bandera de
Charleston, United States
hace 9 años
Principal Clerk of Works
ene, 2005 - ene, 2016
11 años
Iintibane Quality and Safety
ene, 2005 - ene, 2016
11 años
I have reached retirement age, my responsibilities included overall site safety monitoring, overall site quality and standard of workmanship, including materials. I was also responsible for monitoring work progress against the project program. submitting monthly reports, maintaining a site diary. I am a member of the following institutes, ICWCI GB ICWCI SA, QISA (senior member) SAIMH.
ene, 2005 - ene, 2016
11 años
jun, 1979 - nov, 2004
25 años, 5 meses
Peter Cromhout Pty Ltd
jun, 1979 - nov, 2004
25 años, 5 meses
I worked as a freelance designer and draughtsman for various companies in Africa and Southern Europe. I then started managing Projects for clients, I was approached by Iintibane Quality & Safety to take up the position of Clerk of works.
jun, 1979 - nov, 2004
25 años, 5 meses
Higher National Diploma Eng. Higher National Diploma Architecture.
1971 - 1975
4 años
Bandera de
South Africa
1971 - 1975
4 años
Springbok Boy Scout
Boy Scouts South Africa
springbok scout.
professional Clerk of Works
professional Clerk of Works
US English - Level 1
US English
UK English - Level 1
UK English
Basic Numeracy - Level 1
Basic Numeracy
A tiempo
100 %
Dentro del presupuesto
100 %
Aceptar tarifa
100 %
Tasa de recontratación
14 %
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