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Fusionpact Technologies
Leveraging emerging tech for Business Solutions
$85 USD / hora
India (3:32 p. m.)
Se unió el abril 18, 2022
$85 USD / hora
Our mission is to constantly bring together a fusion of cutting edge & new-age technologies in building product engineering solutions across multiple industry domains to create technology solutions and accelerate Business Impact for Global Enterprises and enable Global organizations to achieve digital transformation with high performant, scalable and reliable systems.
Atul and Fusionpact Team displayed in-depth knowledge of the Scala and Spark tasks, we were struggling to optimise our application with Scala and Spark and the team helped in an efficient manner.
With 25 years of experience working in multiple niche technologies, open source technologies, cloud computing, Fast and Big data eco system, Infrastructure support, Devops and many others. In the process solving Technical and complex Business problems and paving way for digital transformation for enterprises
nov, 2022 - Presente
2 años, 3 meses
Delhi College of Engineering
1994 - 1998
4 años
Engineering - CS
1994 - 1998
4 años
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
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