Hi, I am Ali. I am a Mechanical Engineer who has worked in software development, mechatronics, and computational analysis. I work in integrating hardware and software to ensure customer needs for end user products.
Key Highlights:
Software Engineering: I have worked in Python, Java, and C. I have experience in the development of web applications using Flask, Django, and Spring Boot for Java and can create RESTful APIs, manage databases (PostgreSQL, MongoDB), and deploye applications using Docker and Linux.
Mechatronics Projects: For mechatronics related projects I have designed and implemented real-time control systems, including a ROS2-enabled movement-controlled game and robotics systems that take camera inputs and collaborate with other devices.
Capstone Project: Developed a tachometer and GUI for a rotor balancing machine, integrating accelerometers and other sensors for a full project.
Technical Expertise: I am experienced with libraries and tools such as OpenCV, MediaPipe, Git, and Agile methodologies. I have knowledge in high-performance computing using OpenMP and CUDA.
I am passionate about solving complex challenges through innovative design and cutting-edge technology. I’m eager to collaborate on mechatronics, software, and web development projects that push boundaries.
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