I want to get a design (html + sass/css) for a section of a static web site, which describes solutions for different markets. This will be an update of [login to view URL] page (additional content), so style should match.
I have a PDF ([login to view URL]), which provides an idea of the structure and content, but designer is free to propose own solution as long as it looks nice.
Layout draft and examples of two contents: [login to view URL]
I will provide the full jekyll web site and support with setting it up if jekyll is not familiar.
Awesome Web Design Export HERE!!!
Have great experience of Web to satisfy your demand.
Ready to be your business partner. Responsive Web expert as well as good communication Skill.
Hope to have further discussion. Thank you.
€50 EUR en 1 día
(5 comentarios)
9 freelancers están ofertando un promedio de €49 EUR por este trabajo
I am Web Developer at Envato Market. Specifically working for ThemeForest. And selling my own created WordPress themes. I am Elite Author at Envato. 3350+ sales 214 rating and have 5/5 stars. Which means all customers i have are happy. I love Web Development & Freelancing.