Virtuozzo hardeningtrabajos
Requisitos del Proyecto: Crear una Custom ROM para dispositivos Android TV Box. Eliminar todas las aplicaciones innecesarias. Asegurar soporte para las últimas versiones de Webview. Garantizar que nuestra APK cargue u...con video, con correcta reproducción de audio y video. Detalles del Proyecto: Contamos con una ROM base que funciona pero tiene algunos problemas. Esta ROM se puede usar como referencia para el desarrollo. Se proporcionarán más detalles específicos a los interesados en el proyecto. Requisitos del Candidato: Experiencia demostrable en desarrollo de Custom ROMs para Android. Conocimiento en hardening y seguridad en Android. Familiaridad con Webview y reproducción de contenido multimedia. Capacidad para trabajar de manera a...
Se requiere un administrador de sistemas para UNIX/CentOS, ya que ha sido atacado, y está colapsando la memoria ram por lo que el sistema, que es un servidor virtual con Virtuozzo está en modo rescate, únicamente sólo se puede acceder por ssh o por filezilla. Necesitamos que el candidato acceda el servidor y sin perder el contenido de los clientes alojados, que repare el sistema y este pueda iniciar sin problema, encontrando cual es el script o el proceso que está actualmente dañando y no funcionando, ya que se ha intentado eliminar este y ha sido imposible por el momento. Gracias
Estamos buscando un experto en aseguramiento de sistemas web. Tenemos alrededor de 12 sistemas web; alojados en distintos servidores Windows y Linux; y requerimos ejecutar un proyecto de aseguramiento de estos sistemas y servidores. Las personas deberán tener conocimiento sobre el manejo de servidores en esquemas cloud.
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...ISPConfig también administra base de datos web y es suficiente para administrar webs. Si con ISPConfig es suficiente no es necesario instalarlo. 8) Necesito instalar y programar toda la seguridad posible, para que no entren ni virus, troyanos ni hackers. He visto que esto es necesario para : Hardening SSH: Migración del puerto estándar. Acceso con llaves. No Root. Hardening MySQL: Migración de Puerto estándar. Solo acceso SSL. Hardening Apache Solo acceso SSL. Hardening del panel. Configuraciones de seguridad. Instalación de Seguridad: IDS / IPS, Logs Analizers, Servicio de verificación de Integridad de Archivos 9) Programar respaldos - copias de seguri...
Buscamos un programador ...los usuarios puedan crear y administrar servidores VPS, en resumen, la aplicación debe contar con un panel de administrador y un panel de cliente. - Crear VPS - Modificar VPS - Borrar VPS - Gestión de IPs - Control de procesos y recursos consumidos Internamente, para la creación/modificación/borrado de los VPS la aplicación debe ejecutar comandos SSH. La plataforma correrá sobre Virtuozzo 7 en su versión OpenVZ. Pueden encontrar la documentación al respecto en: Los candidatos, deberán presentar referencias sobre proyectos anteriores con el fin de justificar su capacidades para la realización del proyecto.
Tenemos un VPS con Virtuozzo y Plesk (acceso root) en el que tenemos montadas las plataformas de nuestros clientes y la nuestra propia. Últimamente hemos tenido problemas y necesitamos un SysAdmin para poder optimizar el servidor al máximo y ponerlo a punto.<br /><br />
...exigencias de los entes reguladores, standares propios y buenas prácticas de la industria.- Analizar, comparar aprender y gestionar diferentes soluciones tecnológicas del área.- Colaborar con el resto del equipo*) RequisitosExperiencia en Actividades de Controles de SeguridadManejo de Herramientas SIEMConocimientos sobre tecnología IPS/IDS/FW/Proxy/AV*) DeseablesConocimiento operativo, de seguridad y hardening de distintas plataformas: Linux, Windows, Solaris, Unix, AIX, zOS y de programación y base de datos: Bash Scripting, java, javascript, perl, python, php, (pl) de normativas BCRA 4609/5374, ISO 27001/27002, ITIL, Cobit, MargeritConocimiento del negocio bancario o y experiencia en descubrimiento, gestión y resolución de vulne...
Analista de Seguridad Informática CD...controles de Seguridad para asignación vinculada al core Bancario en la zona de Microcentro. •Manejo de alguna herramienta SIEM del mercado.•Experiencia en dispositivos IDS/IPS.•Conocimientos sobre tecnología FW/Proxy/: Controles periódicos / Manejo de Incidentes de seguridad y áreas involucradas / Documentacion y reportes / Manejo de :•Conocimiento de seguridad y hardening de distintas plataformas: Linux, Windows, Solaris, Unix, AIX, zOS y networking.•MS SQL Server / Bash Scripting.•Conocimiento de normativas BCRA / Cobit / és intermedio (mails e interpretación de manuales) Tiempo Completo / Relación de Dependencia / Capital Federal / Indicar un valor aproxim...
...ellas:<br />Servidores:<br />- Experiencia en administración de sistemas Linux demostrable.<br />- OS: CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu,<br />- Web: Apache, Nginx, Tomcat, Php,<br />- Base de datos: MySQL, PostgreSQL,<br />- Paneles de control Hosting: Plesk, CPanel, HSPc, Hostbill<br />- Uso de balanceadores de carga y DNS.<br /> <br />Virtualizacion:<br />- Virtualización: VMWare, Hyper-V, Xen, KVM, OpenVZ, Virtuozzo...<br />- Orquestadores Cloud: Openstack, Cloudstack, OnApp, Flexiant, etc..<br /><br /><br />Networking:<br />- Routing: BGP, RIP, OSPF,MPLS<br />- Switching: LACP, vLANs, Jumbo Frames, VTP.<br /><br /><br />Datacenter:<br />- Conocimien...
...ellas:<br />Servidores:<br />- Experiencia en administración de sistemas Linux demostrable.<br />- OS: CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu,<br />- Web: Apache, Nginx, Tomcat, Php,<br />- Base de datos: MySQL, PostgreSQL,<br />- Paneles de control Hosting: Plesk, CPanel, HSPc, Hostbill<br />- Uso de balanceadores de carga y DNS.<br /> <br />Virtualizacion:<br />- Virtualización: VMWare, Hyper-V, Xen, KVM, OpenVZ, Virtuozzo...<br />- Orquestadores Cloud: Openstack, Cloudstack, OnApp, Flexiant, etc..<br /><br /><br />Networking:<br />- Routing: BGP, RIP, OSPF,MPLS<br />- Switching: LACP, vLANs, Jumbo Frames, VTP.<br /><br /><br />Datacenter:<br />- Conocimien...
...Informática, Actuaria o carreras afín Experiencia:- Con experiencia mínima de 3 años en instalación, configuración y mantenimiento de servidores base LINUX con Red Hat 5 o superior- Las capacidades anteriores deben aplicar para entornos físicos y virtuales KVM-RHVM- Habilidades de programación Shell script - Administración del manager RHEV equipos virtuales- Experiencia en manejo y ejecución de Hardening- Análisis e interpretación de LOG´s para detección de incidentes- Experiencia comprobada en cuanto a manejo de servidores físicos- Manejo de redes- Experiencia comprobada en esquemas de storage- Herramientas: Net Backup, Bacula, Jboss, xWifi, X-86, GIT, SVN, Jenkins, Maven, e...
- Con experiencia mínima de 3 años en instalación, configuración y mantenimiento de servidores base LINUX con Red Hat 5 o superior- Las capacidades anteriores deben aplicar para entornos físicos y virtuales KVM-RHVM- Habilidades de programación Shell script - Administración del manager RHEV equipos virtuales- Experiencia en manejo y ejecución de Hardening- Análisis e interpretación de LOG´s para detección de incidentes- Experiencia comprobada en cuanto a manejo de servidores físicos- Manejo de redes- Experiencia comprobada en esquemas de storage- Herramientas: Net Backup, Bacula, Jboss, xWifi, X-86, GIT, SVN, Jenkins, Maven, etc. Zona de trabajo: ATIZAPANSueldo a tratar en enviar CV al correo...
...los protocolos de la red y experiencia en seguridad de la información, estándares y modelos de seguridad (ISO 27000, ITU X.800,X.805, X.811,X.812,X.813, X.814,X.815,X.816, X.1121,X.1122, NIST 800, OCTAVE, MAGERIT, COBIT, ITIL), Seguridad en Redes e infraestructura (Firewall, Proxy, IPS, Sistema de control de acceso), Análisis y Gestión de demostrable en Hardening en sistemas operativos (Windows/Linux), en redes TCP IP (CCNA Security preferiblemente). Experiencia mínima de 5 años en Diseño e Implementación de Soluciones de Seguridad de la Información, Evaluación de Arquitecturas de Seguridad de la Información proyectos de Seguridad de la Informació en bases de datos (MySql y SQL Server) Valorable...
Estamos desarrollando un proyecto muy ionteresante y novedoso. Buscamos freelancers con conocimientos de informática en algunos de los siguientes conceptos. unbound, squid, ssl bump, suricata, snort (intrusiones), linux kernel, kernel security, hardening, cryptography, tor, i2p, decentralized, odroid, bash sed hawk.<br />Cuantos más conceptos domine, más interesante nos será su propuesta.
Desde Zemsania precisamos un proveedor para realizar una formación de aproximadamente 10 días en San Sebastián. La formación debe contener los cursos JB248 y JB348 de forma independiente.<br /><br />La temática de la formación será la siguiente:<br /><br />·Ins...<br /><br />La temática de la formación será la siguiente:<br /><br />·Instalacion<br />·Modos de Trabajo: Domain vs Standalone<br />·Tuning de Parámetros JVM y asociados del S.O.<br />·Configuración de Datasources, loggin y seguridad<br />·JBoss CLI. // JBoss Operations Network (JON)<br />·Clustering y LoadBalancer<br /...
Estamos desarrollando un proyecto donde solo falta la parte de software. Necesitamos un informático con conocimientos en algunas de las siguientes ramas: seguridad informática, linux kernel, kernel security, i2p, odroid, hardening. No es hacer una página web.
Estamos desarrollando un proyecto donde solo falta la parte de software. Necesitamos varios informáticos con conocimientos en algunas de las siguientes ramas: seguridad informática, linux kernel, kernel security, i2p, odroid, hardening.
Desde Zemsania precisamos un proveedor para realizar una formación de aproximadamente 10 días en San Sebastián. La formación debe contener los cursos JB248 y JB348 de forma independiente. La temática de la formación será la siguiente: ·Instalacion ·Modos de Trabajo: Doma...cursos JB248 y JB348 de forma independiente. La temática de la formación será la siguiente: ·Instalacion ·Modos de Trabajo: Domain vs Standalone ·Tuning de Parámetros JVM y asociados del S.O. ·Configuración de Datasources, loggin y seguridad ·JBoss CLI. // JBoss Operations Network (JON) ·Clustering y LoadBalancer ·Subsistemas. Configuración de Mensajeria ...
Desde Zemsania precisamos un proveedor para realizar una formación de aproximadamente 10 días en San Sebastián. La formación debe contener los cursos JB248 y JB348 de forma independiente. La temática de la formación será la siguiente: ·Instalacion ·Modos de Trabajo: Doma...cursos JB248 y JB348 de forma independiente. La temática de la formación será la siguiente: ·Instalacion ·Modos de Trabajo: Domain vs Standalone ·Tuning de Parámetros JVM y asociados del S.O. ·Configuración de Datasources, loggin y seguridad ·JBoss CLI. // JBoss Operations Network (JON) ·Clustering y LoadBalancer ·Subsistemas. Configuración de Mensajeria ...
...Tomcat, .Net, Asp, Jsp, Php, - Base de datos: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLServer, ORACLE. - Paneles de control Hosting: Plesk, CPanel, HSPc, Hostbill - Experiencia demostrable en uso de balanceadores de carga y DNS. - Alta disponibilidad: DRBD, Corosync, HeartBeat y Clustering. - Programación: PHP, Java, Shell Linux/Windows Virtualizacion: - Virtualización: VMWare, Hyper-V, Xen, KVM, OpenVZ, Virtuozzo... - Orquestadores Cloud: Openstack, Cloudstack, OnApp, Flexiant, etc.. - Almacenamiento de ficheros, bloques y objetos: Swift, Ceph, Gluster, NFS, ZFS, NetApp, iSCSI, FC, FCoE - Elaboración de documentación técnica. Networking: - Networking Cisco: BGP, RIP, OSPF,MPLS - Switching: LACP, vLANs, Jumbo Frames, VTP. - Experiencia demostrabl...
...lo cual requerimos de un rediseño de la marca empezando por el logo de la empresa. Nos dedicamos a hacer Analisis de vulnerabilidades, hacking ético, PCI Compliance, venta de software relacionado con seguridad. Palabras que definen la empresa: seguridad, datos, informatica, informacion, hacking etico, vulnerabilidades, software seguro, servidores seguros, hacker etico, pentester, pentest, hardening, aseguramiento, proteccion, monitoreo, seguridad perimetral. Para este trabajo, solamente el diseño del logo de la empresa. Posteriormente deseariamos el diseño de un sitio web preferiblemente html5 de facil mantenimiento, limpio, no sobrecargado. Si se utilizan CMS, estariamos colaborando en el aseguramiento del sitio. No todos los CMS son ...
Hola se necesita verificar las vulnerabilidades de mi sitio web, por lo general lo que necesitamos es Paquete de Vulnerabilidad Paquete de Hardening Microsoft Paquete de Hardening Data Base Microsoft Paquete de Hardening IIS Paquete Pentesting el sistema debe dejarlo lo mas seguro posible. Saludos.
...seguridad a cuatro cajeros electrónicos ATM (Explotación de vulnerabilidades del sistema operativo Windows XP, evaluación de plantilla de seguridad, Ejecución de software no autorizado a partir de cuentas tipo invitado, Ejecución de software especializado para manipulación de hardware de los dispositivos del ATM, Ejecución de ataques basado en firmas, entre otros) - Aseguramiento y Hardening de Servidores, bases de datos, dispositivos de comunicaciones. (4 sistemas operativos, 4 dispositivos de red, 1 servidor Exchange, y un VMWARE) <span style="line-height: 1.6em;">- Depuración de resultados (falsos positivos) de pruebas internas realizadas a 550 activos de información (las pruebas ya s...
I'm looking for an experienced DevOps professional to set up my VPS for a full stack application. The server will host a Java backend and a Nuxt frontend. I'll be purchasing a Hostinger VPS and already have a domain linked to Cloudflare. Key Tasks: - Set up TLS, Https with Auto Renewal - Secure the server with Openssh Hardening and Firewall - Implement a Load Balancer for future scalability - Configure Automated Deploys from GitHub - Establish a Monitoring System - Cloudflare integration for site protection The backend uses Docker for the database, so I need assistance setting that up as well. I'm open to recommendations about whether to use a single VPS or multiple ones. Please note, I expect a detailed documentation on the setup process for future reference and...
I'm seeking an experienced professional to install Kumo MTA on my Linux server. There is no need for a control panel, and I do not require any additional services such as security hardening or backup setup as part of this project. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Kumo MTA installation - Proficient in Linux server management - Ability to perform installations without a control panel - Knowledge of email server configuration and troubleshooting
I am looking for an experienced Windows 10 Engineer with CIS skills. The task here is: - configure WIN 10 Pro based on CIS hardening standard (CIS report with non compliant items will be provided) - export necessary configuration files to be imported into other Win 10 Pro machine - create instructions on how to import all config flied into new WIN 10 machines and deploy config settings Requirements: Needs to know what CIS and worked with CIS configs (script usage etc) and not doing it manually Win 10 Pro is a standalone machine. AnyDesk access will be provdied.
Request for Web Application Hardening Consultant Project Description: We are seeking a skilled cybersecurity and infrastructure optimization expert to secure and optimize a web-based tracking application hosted on Azure. The project is divided into three main phases: Immediate Risk Containment: Conduct a thorough security assessment of the platform and implement hardening measures to address current risks and vulnerabilities. Infrastructure Optimization: Migrate the API Gateway to Azure API Management, integrate advanced monitoring and alerting tools, and implement additional changes as recommended by the professional to optimize platform performance. Ongoing Support: Provide post-implementation advisory services on an hourly basis to support infrastructure configuration an...
My php website recently faced a malware attack, leading to extensive code removal by my hosting provider. The changes to the file resulted in losing the ability to log in to the website, so to restore functionality, I reverted to a backup of the file. Now, I need a...remains operational. Key Aspects of the Job: - Malicious code detection: Please scrutinize the file for any potential malware or harmful code. - Ensuring login functionality: It is critical that any necessary changes do not disrupt the website's login capability. Deliverable: - A clean file that maintains login functionality. I am not seeking any complex security measures or hardening at this time, just a thorough cleanup of the code. No detailed report on the changes made is necessary. Key tasks include segmenting the codebase into modular subrepositories with distinctive access permissions; establishing consistent development environments through Dockerization; automating the deployment pipeline via GitHub Actions including approval and rollback steps; configuring role-based access controls through GitHub teams; implementing post-deployment verification and alerts; hardening the deployment environment security; and setting up monitoring and logging for the application server. Upon completion, the freelancer will have refactored the codebase, refined the development workflow, automated deployments, and added visibility and oversight to better support continued development. Deliverables will be accepted after they have been tested, deployed and documen...
Install new instance Lightsail Configurate node, yarn postgresql and apache Config Dns Config Vhost apache with ssl Deploy App, configurate pm2 Configurate server hardening Key tasks include segmenting the codebase into modular subrepositories with distinctive access permissions; establishing consistent development environments through Dockerization; automating the deployment pipeline via GitHub Actions including approval and rollback steps; configuring role-based access controls through GitHub teams; implementing post-deployment verification and alerts; hardening the deployment environment security; and setting up monitoring and logging for the application server. Upon completion, the freelancer will have refactored the codebase, refined the development workflow, automated deployments, and added visibility and oversight to better support continued development. Deliverables will be accepted after they have been tested, deployed and documen... Key tasks include segmenting the codebase into modular subrepositories with distinctive access permissions; establishing consistent development environments through Dockerization; automating the deployment pipeline via GitHub Actions including approval and rollback steps; configuring role-based access controls through GitHub teams; implementing post-deployment verification and alerts; hardening the deployment environment security; and setting up monitoring and logging for the application server. Upon completion, the freelancer will have refactored the codebase, refined the development workflow, automated deployments, and added visibility and oversight to better support continued development. Deliverables will be accepted after they have been tested, deployed and documen...
I need assistance migrating my WordPress site from shared hosting to Cloudways. The ideal freelancer for this project should have considerable experience with WordPress and Cloudways. No additional services are required at the moment. However, demonstrating expertise in performance optimization and security hardening will be beneficial. The migration should be completed as soon as possible.
...infrastructure: Current Setup: Scaleway L40S GPU Server (48GB VRAM) Running Applio Voice Cloning Service Flask-based API with queue system Ubuntu environment Required Expertise: Strong Python development experience Proficiency in Flask application optimization Experience with async/queue systems in Python Deep knowledge of systemd service management GPU server optimization skills Security hardening for production servers Performance monitoring and optimization NVIDIA GPU resource management Key Responsibilities: Code review and optimization of Python applications Enhance queue system efficiency Optimize server performance Implement robust monitoring Set up proper security measures Configure resource limits Establish backup procedures Ideal candidate should have previous ex...
...will begin in December of 2024, and completion is desirable during the month of January 2025. Budget: My budget for this project is $250. *Additional Information* Version Preferences: No specific version requirements; however, using stable, up-to-date versions is preferred. Security and Compliance: Adherence to industry best practices for security is expected. I'm looking for general security hardening guidance. I will be reviewing candidates who have experience that lends to this preference. Ongoing Maintenance: I will handle all ongoing maintenance post-deployment. *How to Apply* Please provide: - A brief overview of your relevant experience. - Examples of similar projects you have completed. - An outline of how you plan to approach this project. - Your availability t... to support virtual desktops. Key Requirements: - Installation, setup and configuration of an E660F VxRail 5-node cluster with 2TB RAM per node. - Use of vCenter for managing the cluster. - Ensuring high availability redundancy for the setup. - Configuration of network settings including VLANs, IP addressing, and DNS for the VxRail cluster. - Implementation of security best practices and hardening of the VxRail cluster. - Optimization and performance tuning of the VxRail cluster to support VDI workloads efficiently. - Setup and configuration of backup solutions to ensure data protection and disaster recovery. - Implementation of monitoring tools and dashboards to track the health and performance of the cluster. - Regular firmware updates and patch management for the VxRail no...
...performance. 12. WP Super Cache - Easy caching solution. 13. WP Rocket - Premium caching plugin for speed. 14. Autoptimize - Optimizes your site’s HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 15. Cloudflare - CDN and performance optimization. Security Tools 16. Wordfence Security - Firewall and security scanner. 17. iThemes Security - Comprehensive security plugin. 18. Sucuri Security - Malware scanner and security hardening. 19. MalCare - Security and malware removal tool. 20. All In One WP Security & Firewall - Security management tool. Backup Solutions 21. UpdraftPlus - Backup and restoration plugin. 22. BackupBuddy - Complete backup solution. 23. Duplicator - Backup and site migration tool. 24. BlogVault - Automated backups and restoration. Analytics & Tracking 25. MonsterI...
I am in need of an expert who can install and configure Mailcow on my Debian server. I have...Set up SSL/TLS certificates for secure email communication - Configure DKIM and DMARC for email authentication and anti-spoofing - Implement backup solutions for emails and configurations - Set up user management and access controls - Implement tools for monitoring email server performance - Customize the Webmail interface to align with branding - Apply best practices for server security and hardening Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Debian - Previous experience with Mailcow - Knowledge in email services setup - Skills in Spam filtering configuration Please bid if you have the relevant experience and can deliver quality work. Please implement standard security protocols for the Mailcow ins...
...Implement SSL certificate for securing data transmission between the server and clients. - Implement measures to protect against Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks. - Set up comprehensive logging and monitoring to keep track of server health and potential security issues. - Implement an intrusion detection system to monitor and alert on any unauthorized access attempts. - Perform server hardening to minimize vulnerabilities by closing unneeded ports and services. - Set up load balancing to distribute incoming traffic evenly across multiple servers. - Implement a failover mechanism to ensure high availability in case one server goes down. - Set up regular backups for both the website files and the MySQL database to prevent data loss. - Enforce rate limiting to prevent ab...
...SSL provider, ensuring secure HTTPS access for all websites. * Backup Configuration: Implement a reliable backup solution to automatically back up all websites, databases, and configurations on the server. Ensure backups are stored securely and can be easily restored if needed. * Setup mail delivery and other DNS records * Integrate server with CloudFlare * Security Setup: Implement security hardening, including installing and configuring firewall protection, antivirus software, and DDoS mitigation strategies. This should include setting up ModSecurity, GeoIP, Fail2Ban, and OWASP Rules. Optimization: - Configure LiteSpeed Cache (LSCache) for enhanced site speed. - Optimize PHP settings with opcache. - Fine-tune MySQL/MariaDB for faster database queries. - Monitoring and Alerts: ...
...WordPress and WooCommerce development experience. Proficiency in PHP, HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript/jQuery. Extensive experience with custom plugin development and API integrations. Deep understanding of server environments (e.g., LAMP/LEMP stacks, Cloudflare configurations). Advanced knowledge of performance optimization tools (e.g., WP Rocket, Advanced Database Cleaner). Strong skills in security hardening, troubleshooting, and site recovery. Proven ability to debug and resolve technical issues efficiently. Familiarity with eCommerce platforms and payment systems (Stripe, Apple Pay, etc.). Strong communication skills and ability to work collaboratively. Preferred Qualifications: Experience managing high-traffic, high-performance eCommerce websites. Familiarity with designing and ...
...of Plesk, ensuring it’s fully optimized for our server environment. Nginx Reconfiguration: Install and configure Nginx as the primary web server, optimizing it for speed and performance. Fine-tune Nginx settings for caching, load balancing, and efficient handling of static and dynamic content. Server Security: Set up comprehensive security protocols, including firewall configuration, SSH hardening, and best practices to protect against unauthorized access. DNS Configuration: Configure DNS records for multiple domains, ensuring proper propagation, stability, and functionality. (have one domain and few subdomain) Database Setup: make sure Installation and configuration of MySQL (or other necessary databas...
...the current layout. I should still be able to see the timeline overview at the bottom without scrolling to it. - Do not resize the tiles, or make modifications to their look and feel. - The tiles should have some sort of animation as they move around. - There are currently three tiles on the scren. We need to expand them out and be named the following: * Application Control * User Application Hardening * Restrict Office Macros * Patch Applications * Restrict Administrative Privileges * Patch Operating Systems * Multi-Factor Authentication * Regular Backups - Don't just copy these tiles, make new names and id for them or you will break the code. - All the existing processes and functionality should work like fliping tiles, bringing up the device list, generating the report an...
We are seeking a skilled Linux server administrator to configure a new VPS provided by 1&1 IONOS. The VPS specifications are as follows: Type: Linux-based Virtual Private Server CPU: 4 vCores Memory: 8 GB RAM Storage: 240 GB SSD Project Requirements: Initial Setup & Configuration: Full setup of the Linux environment tailored to our operational needs. Security Hardening: Implement security measures including firewall setup, SSH configurations, and any necessary patches to ensure the server is secure against vulnerabilities. Performance Optimization: Adjust settings for optimal performance based on the server's specifications and intended use cases. Software Installation: Installation of specific software packages (wordpress websites) Documentation: Provide detailed doc...
Task: AlmaLinux Hardening Cyberpanel Setup OpenLiteSpeed Setup Help you migrate sites you face challenges with Also check the wordpress website for vulnerable themes and plugins.
Russell, I'd like to hire you for this project we talked about. Are you available?
I'm looking for a seasoned professional to assist me in setting up and hardening my Ubuntu Desktop. This involves implementing advanced security measures including LUKS. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with Ubuntu Desktop - Strong knowledge in security hardening techniques - Proficiency in implementing encryption using LUKS - Ability to set up and configure firewalls - Experience in applying advanced security measures The ideal candidate will have a solid understanding of encryption and security protocols to ensure my system is secure.
I'm seeking an expert in Linux security. The focus of this project is on hardening my server's security and conducting a thorough audit. Key areas of concern: - Network Security: I need someone who can assess and fortify my server's network security. - Data Encryption: Assistance in securing my data through effective encryption methods is also necessary. Specific tasks: - Installation of an Intrusion Detection System (IDS): This is a critical part of the project. The freelancer will need to install and configure an IDS to monitor and analyze network traffic for signs of intrusion. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of Linux and its security features. - Experience in server hardening and security audits. - Proficient in network security measures, particular...
I need a dedicated server set up with Ubuntu Linux. This is for personal use. Key tasks include: - Network configuration - Hardening Linux (including installing and configuring AppArmor and other hardening features) - Creating a BAT script for internet connection setup - Setting up UFW firewall - Configuring virtualization with VMware - Setting up Ramdisk Experience with Ubuntu Linux, server setup, network configuration, and system hardening is crucial. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your application. I need this project completed as soon as possible.