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    2,000 dubai illustrators trabajos encontrados

    Somos una compañía de Venta directa con sede en Dubai, y estamos buscando a un profesional en la publicación de artículos en medios sociales y prensa internacional para tener una presencia masiva en redes sociales de una manera rápida y efectiva. El trabajo es un trabajo para colaborar bastante tiempo y es importante dominar el ingles para publicar y presencia.

    $417 Average bid
    $417 Oferta promedio
    14 ofertas

    Somos una compañía de Venta directa con sede en Dubai, y estamos buscando a un profesional en la publicación de artículos en medios sociales y prensa internacional para tener una presencia masiva en redes sociales de una manera rápida y efectiva. El trabajo es un trabajo para colaborar bastante tiempo y es importante dominar el ingles para publicar y presencia.

    $772 Average bid
    $772 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas

    My profile is about luxury real estate in Dubai. That is why I need a funnel (a sales funnel) to get the information to interested investors. Mi perfil es de inmuebles de lujo en Dubai. Es por ello que necesito un funnel (un embudo de ventas) para hacer llegar la información a inversores interesados

    $180 Average bid
    $180 Oferta promedio
    25 ofertas

    ¡HOLA! Estoy buscando asistentes que sean capaces de buscar: 1. Maestrías presenciales en la ciudad de caracas sobre temas de medicina dirigidos a médicos cirujanos, marstrias de investigación científica de duración menos de 1 año de forma online en inglés y maestrías de nanomedicina y nanotecnología online y presencia en inglés y también en español, sobre todo en países como USA, Canadá y dubai, pero donde mejor lo consiga 2. Buscar ofertas de trabajos para médicos de todas partes del mundo (en este caso que acepten a médicos venezolanos) en trabajos online como médico, trabajos como telemedicina EL PRESUPUESTO PARA EL TRABAJO ES DE $10

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Oferta promedio
    19 ofertas

    ...Capacidad para seguir y adaptar el material proporcionado. Detalles del Proyecto: Entregable: Video grabado de alta calidad, 4-5 horas. Pago: Hasta US$300 si cuentas con el equipo (buen audio y video). Te proporcionaremos la estructura y los videos específicos que podrás ver, aprender y replicar, adaptando ciertos matices según tu estilo. Cómo postular: Envía tu solicitud con la palabra clave DUBAI....

    $408 Average bid
    $408 Oferta promedio
    28 ofertas

    ...Capacidad para seguir y adaptar el material proporcionado. Detalles del Proyecto: Entregable: Video grabado de alta calidad, 4-5 horas. Pago: Hasta US$400 si cuentas con el equipo (buen audio y video). Te proporcionaremos la estructura y los videos específicos que podrás ver, aprender y replicar, adaptando ciertos matices según tu estilo. Cómo postular: Envía tu solicitud con la palabra clave DUBAI....

    $343 Average bid
    $343 Oferta promedio
    15 ofertas

    ¿Quieres aprender o profundizar en marketing digital y las redes sociales con los mejores cursos? ¿Tienes habilidades para grabarte en alta calidad con una voz clara y agradable? ¡Te necesitamos! TE VAMOS A DAR ACCESO A LOS MEJORES CURSOS PARA QUE LO HAGAS! Estamos buscando a alguien que pueda replicar un curso en video de 4-5 horas siguiendo la estructura y material que te proporcio...agradable. Equipo para crear contenido (cámara, micrófono, iluminación). Capacidad para seguir y adaptar el material proporcionado. Detalles del Proyecto: Entregable: Video grabado de alta calidad, 4-5 horas Pago hasta : US$350 Te proporcionaremos la estructura y los videos específicos que podrás ver, aprender y replicar, adaptando ciertos matices s...

    $409 Average bid
    $409 Oferta promedio
    27 ofertas

    ...Mi objetivo es obtener información detallada sobre varios temas específicos. Si estás interesado en este proyecto y crees tener la capacidad para llevar a cabo esta investigación, me gustaría invitarte a que te pongas en contacto conmigo. Los puntos clave de la investigación son los siguientes: • Investigar los posgrados de cirugía cardiovascular directo que existan en países desarrollados como Dubai, Canadá y otros. Esto incluye requisitos de ingreso, costos asociados, plan de estudios, proceso de admisión y beneficios del programa. • Recopilar datos sobre los posgrados de cirugía general de 4 años en los mismos lugares mencionados anteriormente. Se requiere información sobre lo...

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Oferta promedio
    9 ofertas

    Busco Editor / Filmmaker que quiera irse a vivir a Dubai con trabajo fijo. Salario 2000 USD al mes + alojamiento + incentivos económicos si llegamos a ciertas metas (solo tienes que pagar tu comida y el resto lo puedes ahorrar). Esto sería a partir de enero. Quien busca esto, es Youtuber, reside en Dubai y busca una persona tiempo completo para ayudar a filmar y editar. Requisitos: - Entre 21 y 45 años - Experto en edicion premiere PRO y after effects - Experto filmando, usando gimbals, etc - Con muchas ganas de seguir creciendo y aprendiendo - Buena onda ya que viviran juntos. Junto con el editor serán 3 chicos viviendo en la misma casa. REFERENCIA: La idea es lograr trabajos como este Además: - Nosotros nos encargamos del tema VISA -...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    -Crear una ilustración en Adobe Illustrator, que represente una ciudad (Dubai). Esta no debe ser ni muy elaborada ni muy compleja. Puedes elegir el motivo de la ilustración, estilo, lenguaje visual... el único condicionante es que represente claramente a la ciudad elegida (un edificio representativo, un skyline,...). Son dos piezas separadas: Una Postal (10cmx15cm doble cara) y Un Cartel 50cmx70cm. -Debe aparecer el nombre de la ciudad, esto es obligatorio !!! -Las dos piezas deben funcionar coordinadas, como elementos de promoción turística. Es necesario, que las dos piezas presenten encuadres diferentes. -POSTAL: La parte trasera debe incorporar información vinculada a la ciudad escogida: jerarquizar contenidos, componer composici&oacu...

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas
    video facturacion
    Finalizado left

    video para promocionar facturación electroni...(colocar fotografía de bodegas con estantes) * Gestión de Cuentas por cobrar y pagar (persona cobrando) * Etiquetado de productos (producto con etiqueta) * Emisión de facturas electrónicas (factura en impresora) * * Aplicación para consulta de precios, (telefono móvil) * etc. Pruébelo por 90 días totalmente gratis

    $36 Average bid
    $36 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    Necesito crear brochure informativos de los siguientes temas (se paga por brochure): 1. Vancouver 2. Toronto 3. Malta 4. Dublin y Cork 5 Dubai 6. Boston Necesito que el encargado cree un brochure por cada ciudad indicando su historia, habitantes, lugares turísticos, fortalezas de la ciudad, cultura, sociedad, economía, ventajas de vivir y trabajar en la ciudad, vida nocturna, panoramas para viajeros y turistas, costo de la vida, entre otras. No más de 5 hojas por cada ciudad. Se puede agregar una descripción acotada de cada país dentro del brochure de la ciudad.

    $37 Average bid
    $37 Oferta promedio
    22 ofertas

    Quisiera que alguien me ayude a conseguir la oportunidad de hablar un proyecto que realice, acerca de la medicina y su relación con el universo, en la Expo dubai 2020 que empieza en octubre. Mi presentación solo dura 5 minutos, soy venezolano y estoy dispuesto a ofertar con tal de conseguir la oportunidad de hablar.

    $174 Average bid
    $174 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas

    Quisiera que alguien me ayude a conseguir la oportunidad de hablar un proyecto que realice, acerca de la medicina y su relación con el universo, en la Expo dubai 2020 que empieza en octubre. Mi presentación solo dura 5 minutos, soy venezolano y estoy dispuesto a ofertar con tal de conseguir la oportunidad de hablar.

    $184 Average bid
    $184 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas
    Marketing Arabe
    Finalizado left

    Necesito a una persona especializada en el marketing online con conocimiento sobre la cultura Arabe dentro de los emiratos y el golfo (Emiratos Arabes, Dubai, Catar y Baréin). El proyecto es crear landings en idioma Arabe y crear textos atractivos para ellos.

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Oferta promedio
    7 ofertas
    Trophy icon Marca Personal Juan Carlos Julio E.
    Finalizado left

    ...So if you could integrate the glasses and the tie, to my name. or to make a single silhouette of the tie and the lenses that simulate my figure, would be creative. The colors that I like are black, wine red and grayscale. LOGO 2: In addition, I am in need of a sub logo for the first workshop that is going to be called "Business 4 Millennials". This is what we want to focus on with business illustrators (like the attached photo), which are like drawings that attract the youth market. the same colors so that there is agreement between the original colors and the workshop There must be a long art that indicates the whole word "Business 4 Millennials" and an abbreviation that only indicates "B4M" to be used in the presentation. LOGO 3: I need a bus...

    $100 Average bid
    35 participaciones
    kuti camisetas
    Finalizado left

    ...fortalecer la marca, por lo que estamos buscando ilustradores para dar un toque único y profesional a los diseños de nuestra prendas... Greetings, recently, with my wife, we have launched a t-shirt brand in the city of Pereira - Colombia called kuti ... we have been serigraphers for more than 5 years and we have launched this project, we want to strengthen the brand, what we are looking for illustrators to give a unique and professional touch to the designs of our garments .......

    $115 Average bid
    $115 Oferta promedio
    27 ofertas

    1) Añadir la información de las oficinas en los EEUU y Dubai en el Header de la pagina para que no se vea tan vacía 2) En borrar Footwear. También tenemos que cambiar como se ve esa pagina para que inspire confianza. Si quieres trabajo con el diseñador en eso. 3) En esta pagina: queremos tener un enlace (que se vea grande) - a la misma pagina pero que sea en Arabe. 4) Arreglar el slider en - hay un slider de la misma imagen. O añadir algo nuevo o quitar una de los imágenes.

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    ...estructura para ciertos emails, que se desarrollan dentro de una empresa. Se requieren de 5 - 10, se pagaría 6 dolares por correo desarrollado . Dejo ejemplos: El desarrollo de los nuevos correos seria, tal cual los ejemplos pero con nuevos diseños....

    $55 Average bid
    $55 Oferta promedio
    7 ofertas autor sobre las obras, contactarnos por privado. Por cualquier consulta, estamos a las órdenes. Esperamos sus propuestas. ______________________________________________________________________________ We are looking for artists to perform illustrations for a collectible card game. The illustrations should not be limited to a particular style, so we encourage those interested illustrators to show us their work for us to take into account. The form of work would be as follows: We give the artist a concept on which to base the illustration. An example could be "an elf with the power to control water", and on that the artist should perform the illustration. We could also ask that the illustration have some specific characteristic, such as that th...

    $177 Average bid
    $177 Oferta promedio
    35 ofertas

    Target es ventas masivas de tours y viajes a egipto , dubai,jordania,,,etc Buscamos profesionales y expertos con más de 8 años que hacer target de ventas masiva, y hacer lo que falta en mi web de tráfico, baking,,etc con 20 dólares al mes y con comisiones por cada venta de viajes. desde la primera semana se nota sus trabajo y enviar informes de cada trabajo hecho en OFF PAGE SEO . Nuestra Are you work in spanish web web marked in joomla. To know more on the subject that will see the links and takes note these are our competitors in travel to egypt .: 1- 2-- 3-- 4-- 5--

    $251 Average bid
    $251 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas

    Paraguay, Méjico, Costa Rica, Panama, República Dominicana, Uruguay, Guatemala, Australia, China, Dubai, Singapur, Buenos Aires, Callao, Guayaquil, Valparaiso, Veracruz, Cartagena, Montevideo, India, Japón.

    $572 Average bid
    $572 Oferta promedio
    16 ofertas
    Lamborghini Club Video
    Finalizado left

    Intro video for lamborghini CLub dubai

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Redacción de 60 artículos con extensión de 500 palabras y enlaces internos. Los textos a redactar son para un blog turístico de Dubai. Los artículos son sobre los puntos más interesantes de dicha ciudad (monumentos, historia, consejos para el viajero, museos, gastronomía) y prácticamente irán estructurados de la misma manera. Como si fueran fichas informativas donde el lector satisfaga sus dudas sobre dicho punto turístico. La estructura y las fichas de cada artículo ya están creadas, así como las imágenes de cada uno. El editor deberá redactar el cuerpo (body) de cada artículo y geoposicionar ese monumento en el mapa. Cada artículo tendrá varios enl...

    $244 Average bid
    $244 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    Seleccionamos Project Manager con experiencia en clientes del área Telco para trabajar en importante cliente en Dubai.  La persona seleccionada formará parte de la plantilla de Neoris Dubai por lo que es indispensable disponibilidad de relocalización mientras dure el proyecto  

    $244 Average bid
    $244 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas

    Necesitamos armar los 4 html a partir de los archivos illustrator correspondientes. No responsive. AnchoxAlto fijo. 1- Presentación con un botón de Comenzar 2- Formulario de registro (nombre, apellido, documento, email, link a bases y condiciones) 3- Formulario para ingresar un comentario. 4- Pantalla de agradecimiento.

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    Estoy buscando un Vendedor profesional para que realice la prospección y cierre el trato para vender tres dominios potencialmente buenos para realizar negocios orientados a negocios en Dubai. Los dominios y los precios de venta iniciales serian: (100.000 €), (100.000 €) y (100.000 €)., la operación total seria por 300.000 € Los rangos de las comisiones para el Profesional que consiga estas ventas, serian los siguientes: - por cerrar una venta en 300.000 € el vendedor tendría una comisión de un 17 % (51.000 €) - por cerrar una venta en 260.000 € el vendedor tendría una comisión de un 12 % (31.200 €) - por cerrar una venta en 250.000 € el vendedor tendría una comisión de un...

    $27290 Average bid
    $27290 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    I’m seeking a professional with experience in brand placement within television series, specifically drama/reality show series on Netflix. This project revolves around integrating luxury and fashion brands into various scenarios within the series. “Dubai Divas” Key Requirements: • Expertise in brand placement, ideally in television or film. • Strong understanding of the drama/reality show genre. • Ability to creatively integrate brands into diverse scenarios such as social gatherings, everyday life scenes, and high-stakes or action scenes. • Good network and relationships with luxury and fashion brands would be a plus. Your role will be pivotal in enhancing the series’ appeal to viewers while also effectively showcasing our partner b...

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Oferta promedio
    19 ofertas

    We are looking for an experienced Social Media Marketing Specialist to manage and grow our presence on Facebook & Instagram for the Dubai market. The freelancer will be responsible for setting up and optimizing our Meta Business Suite, handling daily operations, posting engaging content, driving organic outreach, and later managing Facebook Ads to generate leads and brand awareness. The company is in automobile industry and deals with spare parts for cars in Dubai. We need : - Meta Business Suite Setup & Management - Set up and optimize Facebook Business Manager , Whatsapp Business & Meta Business Suite. - Fix any account verification or access issues related to the business account. - Ensure smooth integration between Instagram , Whatsapp and Facebook Business...

    $221 Average bid
    $221 Oferta promedio
    25 ofertas

    ...publication. - Illustrations and design: The book will require cartoonish illustrations, so experience in children’s book design is a plus. - Marketing and distribution: I need a comprehensive marketing strategy to promote the book post-publication. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven track record in children’s book publishing. - Strong editing and writing skills. - Experience in coordinating with illustrators and designers. - Expertise in marketing, specifically targeting parents and children. Looking forward to your bids....

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Oferta promedio
    46 ofertas

    ...looking for an engaging camera spokesperson based in Dubai to showcase a variety of mixed-use properties, primarily residential and commercial. A strong presence on camera coupled with a solid understanding of real estate will greatly enhance your appeal for this role. Key Responsibilities: - Conducting informative and engaging on-location property walkthroughs in prime Dubai locations, including Downtown Dubai, Dubai Marina, and Palm Jumeirah. - Maintaining a charismatic and captivating on-camera presence. Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience in public speaking and on-camera performances. - Strong understanding of mixed-use real estate. - Exceptional ability to make properties appealing and interesting to viewers. - Based in Dubai. Please note,...

    $244 Average bid
    $244 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas

    I need a proactive Business Development Officer to help generate leads in Dubai specifically targeting medium-sized businesses in the Real Estate and Hospitality sectors. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and connect with potential medium-sized business clients in the targeted industries. - Promote our comprehensive accounts management and bookkeeping services which include payroll management, financial reporting, and tax preparation. Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of the Real Estate and Hospitality industries. - Experience working with medium-sized businesses. - Excellent communication and networking skills. - Prior experience in accounts management and bookkeeping services is a plus.

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Oferta promedio
    11 ofertas

    I'm launching a sales consultant business in Dubai and need a professional website to attract outbound leads. The site should reflect my brand identity, showcase my services, and include essential lead-generation tools. Key Features: - Intuitive layout - Responsive design - SEO optimization - Social media integration Branding: The website should prominently feature my logo and color scheme, as well as appropriate imagery and graphics to engage visitors. Services: The site will need to showcase my consultation services and sales training programs. Lead Generation: Vital tools for this project include contact forms and a live chat feature to engage potential clients. Ideal Skills: A strong background in creating sales-oriented websites is highly desirable. The ability to und...

    $196 Average bid
    $196 Oferta promedio
    197 ofertas

    We are looking for professional architectural drawings for a small-scale construction project in Dubai. The project involves the design of two nearly identical buildings, each with dimensions of 3m x 3m x 3m. The drawings must be detailed enough for a construction company to follow and must comply with Dubai's building regulations. Project Details: Building 1: Constructed with local hollow blocks that include built-in insulation (approx. 60mm insulation within a 200mm-wide block). Building 2: Constructed using 200mm solid lightweight concrete blocks (Leca) with Coldins insulation panels applied to the exterior. Exterior Finish: Both buildings will be plastered externally. Doors & Windows: Each building will have one door, but no windows. Additional Features: Some decorativ...

    $131 Average bid
    $131 Oferta promedio
    55 ofertas

    I'm on the lookout for a skilled videographer based in Dubai, specializing in real estate content. Your main task will be shooting engaging videos for social media promotion. Key requirements: - Experience in filming real estate properties - Timely delivery of video content - Adherence to a budget of 150 AED per video I value professionalism and punctuality, so your ability to meet deadlines is crucial. If you have a knack for creating dynamic and energetic content, we might just be the perfect match.

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    I'm seeking a talented designer to create a classic-style emblem/logo for my social club. The design should incorporate both text and an icon/symbol. - Style: The logo shoul...Symbolism: The icon/symbol should represent our social club. I will provide examples of the kind of symbols we typically use. Ideal skills for this job include graphic design, typography, and a strong understanding of classic design elements. Experience in creating logos or emblems for social clubs or similar organizations would be highly advantageous. The social club is called 'The Club 971' based in Dubai. Elements could be a camel, the burj khalifa, a crown for the royal family, burj al arab etc, neutral tones I can easily change. Canva would be good so I can play around with it myself if...

    $47 Average bid
    $47 Oferta promedio
    105 ofertas

    I need a website dedicated to a Dubai-based residential real estate brokerage. The site should primarily showcase property listings with a focus on residential properties. Key Features: - A comprehensive search filter to help potential buyers or renters find the right property. - Virtual tours of properties to enhance the user experience and provide a realistic view of the listings. - Agent contact details for every property to facilitate direct communication between potential buyers/renters and our agents. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development and design, with a portfolio of similar projects. - Experience with creating interactive features like search filters and virtual tours. - Understanding of the real estate industry and its specific web requirements.

    $1926 Average bid
    $1926 Oferta promedio
    134 ofertas

    Hi there, I will provide you 436 Interior designers with all the details.

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    ... Do you have your own arsenal of lead generation tools and a knack for navigating platforms like Apollo and Salesforce? If you're experienced in SaaS sales—particularly in the Cybersecurity or Information Security sectors—and have a track record of success in the Arab markets, especially UAE, we want to connect with you! Responsibilities: - Cold Outbound Sales: Confidently call cold leads in Dubai and the UAE in general, converting them into warm prospects and hot deals, setting appointments. - Lead Generation: Utilize your own lead generation and research tools to identify high-potential clients. - CRM Proficiency: Manage and track sales activities using tools like Apollo, Salesforce, and other CRM platforms. - Market Expansion: Leverage your knowledge of the...

    $230 Average bid
    $230 Oferta promedio
    5 ofertas

    I'm looking for a seasoned Process Safety Engineer to oversee the design and evaluation of critical safety systems for an FPSO conversion project in Dubai. FPSO will be installed in Nigeria. The focus will primarily be on the development of robust safety system components, including: - Fire and Gas Detection Systems - Emergency Shutdown Systems - Pressure Relief Systems The successful candidate must ensure these systems are compliant with both ISO and API standards. An understanding of company-specific standards would be a plus. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proven track record in safety system design - Extensive knowledge of ISO and API standards - Experience in FPSO or similar maritime projects - Proficiency in designing and evaluating safety systems ...

    $31 / hr Average bid
    $31 / hr Oferta promedio
    13 ofertas

    I'm looking for a professional video creator who can help me produce a high-quality promotional video targeting tourists in Dubai. Key Requirements: - The video should showcase various activities available for tourists, such as car rentals, buffy tours, jet skiing, and more. - The video should be engaging, high-quality, and suitable for promoting Dubai as a tourist destination. - Experience in promoting tourist activities is a plus. Skills and Experience Needed: - Excellent video editing skills - Experience in creating promotional videos - Familiarity with Dubai’s tourist scene - Ability to convey a clear, engaging message to the target audience

    $259 Average bid
    $259 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    ...answer with two scientific articles published. 2. Solve the mathematical model by using Solver Tool. Include screenshots of the model showing the objective function, the optimal solution, and the constraints. Discuss the solution. 3. Based on the solution from Question 2. critically evaluate the impact of the following events on the solution: a. The production managers in Abu Dhabi and Dubai sites decided to increase the annual production capacity to reach 125,000 units in order to accommodate for the increase in demand. b. Examine the impact of the Mid-West region demands reduction to 44,000 hydraulic accumulators c. In some business environments, it may not be ideal to use a linear programming (LP) model for solving management related problems. Propose manageme...

    $414 Average bid
    $414 Oferta promedio
    37 ofertas

    **Call for Digital Illustrators – Animated Series (No Animation Skills Required)** ?✏️ We are looking for **digital illustrators** to join the team for an animated series. The **first pilot episode** is already completed, and we are currently working on the second one. ? **What Are We Looking For?** ? Artists who can draw digitally. ? Each illustrator will be assigned specific frames to draw, following a pre-established style. ? You must be able to send the artwork in digital format, as we work in **Adobe Animate**. If you use **Photoshop and/or Illustrator**, even better, but any other software that allows exporting the required quality is also fine. ? **The work is 100% remote**, so there's no need for in-person meetings. Everything is done from you...

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Oferta promedio
    31 ofertas

    Title: Email Copywriter for Real Estate Investment Outreach in Dubai Description: I am a real estate agent in Dubai, and I’m looking for an experienced copywriter to craft professional and engaging email templates for my clients. The emails will be used for two main purposes: 1. First Approach Email: A formal introduction to potential investors, explaining the benefits of investing in Dubai’s real estate market. 2. Project Launch Email: A structured email announcing new real estate project launches, highlighting key details, pricing, and investment opportunities. I will provide all the necessary details about the projects and the market, and the copywriter will be responsible for structuring and refining the content from A to Z to ensure it is clear, ...

    $35 Average bid
    $35 Oferta promedio
    19 ofertas

    I'm an agency owner looking to attract more real estate clients in Dubai through targeted ads. To support this initiative, I'm in need of a skilled web designer who can create a modern, sleek, and conversion-optimized landing page on WIX for my agency. Key Features of the Landing Page: - Lead Generation: The primary objective of the landing page is to capture leads. Therefore, the design should incorporate strategic elements aimed at maximizing conversions. - Contact Form: A user-friendly contact form is essential for prospective clients to reach out. - Client Testimonials: To build trust and credibility, the landing page should feature testimonials from our satisfied clients. - Service Highlights: A clear, concise presentation of our agency's services is key to info...

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Oferta promedio
    131 ofertas

    ...authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) Meydan Grandstand, Meydan Road, Nad Al Sheba, Dubai, U.A.E • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit guidelines. You are only required to deliver the pictures, video & observations and are not expected to assemble a report like the Sample...

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Oferta promedio
    2 ofertas

    I'm in need of an Instagram photographer based in Dubai. The project involves capturing a mix of candid and professionally staged shots of me in unique, lesser-known locations throughout the city. Key Requirements: - Personal/Portrait photography experience - Ability to blend candid and staged shots - Knowledge of off-the-beaten-path spots in Dubai - Instagram-ready photography skills Please provide a portfolio of similar work.

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    I'm seeking copyright-free drone footage of several global landmarks for use on a travel counsellor website. The specific locations of interest include: - Eiffel Tower, Paris - Great Wall of China - Grand Canyon, USA - New York - Thailand - Norway - Greece - Italy - Dubai Ideal footage would be in landscape format Landscape 1920 x 1080 Full HD resolution: - Aerial views - Panoramic shots - Slow motion sequences Experience with sourcing high-quality, copyright-free footage is essential. Please provide samples of your work or a portfolio if available.

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Oferta promedio
    15 ofertas

    I'm in need of a talented children's book writer who can create a captivating story centred around the theme of friendship for 3-5 year olds. The writing should be simple yet ...experience for the job: - Proven experience in children's literature, specifically targeting the 3-5 year age group - Exceptional storytelling ability, particularly around the theme of friendship - Understanding of age-appropriate language and narrative structure The book will need simple and colorful illustrations. The writer will need to collaborate with an illustrator, so experience working with illustrators is a plus. The story should have natural breaks for illustrations and should lend itself well to being visually represented. Please include samples of your previous work targeting th...

    $502 Average bid
    $502 Oferta promedio
    61 ofertas