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Om Prakash V.
$5 USD / hora
India (1:17 p. m.)
Se unió el marzo 31, 2019
$5 USD / hora
Take a deep breath and relax because you have just found the right person to do your task.
Furthermore, I am very responsive and submit my works before the due date, which is verily recommended with every effort to meet my client’s needs without falling off in quality.
Mathematics Skills
1. Linear Algebra
2. Calculus (Differential and Integral)
3. Vector Calculus
4. Linear Programming (Operation Research)
5. Modern Algebra
6. Complex Analysis
7. Differential Equation
8. Real Analysis
If some topics not listed , feel free to enquire .
Assignment will be deliver before deadline and For exam I will be available on time as per your time zone EST or IST.
Note:- For online exam your study material maybe required for assuring terms and revision purpose so exam efficiency does not get affected.
For tutoring purpose :
All online teaching equipment will be used .
One demo class will be provided.
Feel free to ask.
Expert in 2D Drafting on AutoCad.
Done 3 majors project.
Worked with two Indian company as Draftmen.
Before hiring you can see my previous project.
Work will be delivered before deadline.
Multiple revisions and Improvements will be done till client satisfaction .
Note: For future small changes are free of cost in your previous work.
Feel free to contact.
Kindly contact me first if you have special requests, lengthy texts, or specific deadlines.
Waiting for seeing your crucial interest.
Thank you.