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Shi Jun N.



C Programming Programmer - Metatrader Programmer

$30 USD / hora
Bandera de
Singapore (10:13 a. m.)
Se unió el octubre 9, 2013
$30 USD / hora
I have over a decade of experience in coding trading systems, and spent the last 9 years focused on developing in mql4/5 for the metatrader platform. I have coded anything from simple alerts to complex EAs using neural networks. If you have a project needed to be done in mql, I'm eager to work with you. Please refer to my portfolio for some examples of GUIs I've made for the mt4 platform.
A tiempo
88 %
Dentro del presupuesto
87 %
Aceptar tarifa
98 %
Tasa de recontratación
11 %



Cambios guardados
4.8 · 55 Reviews
Shi became sick for quite some time and left the project in limbo. I ended up having to hire someone else to complete the project but the new coder just didn't quite understand what I was needing. I am hoping to work with Shi once again to complete the work as the coding is great. I will update my rating once the project is completed.
Todd W.
Bandera de
Minden, Canada
hace 2 años
The project is not completed according to the dispute
Luke Karel D.
Bandera de
Gold Coast, Australia
hace 2 años
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Awesome got the job done when other programmers said they could not figure out a solution A++ !
Vernardo G.
Bandera de
Washington, United States
hace 2 años
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Project for Shi Jun N. • $150 USD
do all best ! do all best!
Ovad Ovadya H.
Bandera de
Jerusalem, Israel
hace 3 años
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Adjust code MQL • $130 USD
Excellent professional, careful with the details and very efficient.
Stenia L.
Bandera de
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
hace 3 años
US English - Level 1
US English
UK English - Level 1
UK English
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