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Nadeen H.
Front-End Web Developer
$5 USD / hora
Egypt (8:40 a. m.)
Se unió el noviembre 10, 2024
$5 USD / hora
Front-End Web Developer | HTML & CSS Specialist
Dedicated Front-End Web Developer with expertise in HTML and CSS, creating clean, responsive, and visually appealing websites. I specialize in building user-friendly designs that work seamlessly across all devices and browsers.
Key Skills:
✔️ HTML5 & CSS3 (Semantic & Clean Code)
✔️ Responsive Web Design (Mobile-Friendly)
Passionate about delivering high-quality, well-structured websites that enhance user experience. Ready to bring your ideas to life with beautiful and functional designs!
Front End Web Developer & Digital Freelancing Nanodegree
• Mastered HTML, CSS, and responsive design to create structured and visually appealing websites.
• Learned JavaScript and DOM manipulation to build interactive and dynamic web pages.
• Gained experience with Web APIs, asynchronous programming, and single-page applications.
• Developed real-world projects, including a blog website, landing page, weather app, and NLP tool.
• Acquired essential freelancing skills, including marketing, client management, and project handling.
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