Hi NetMarketer,
I appreciate the heads up on this one. Since we are already leveraging the Google Places API, I assume that you need to add an Admin configured "Type" to the Map itself. I can:
(a) Incorporate this functionality in the set up of the Places Pages plugin we are working on (using a shortcode for this particular functionality so you can place it in the content of whichever page is being used as the "Home" page)
(b) We can code it as a completely separate plugin. I did note your top budget of $50.00 unfortunately in dealing with geo-location (visitor data) it requires a bit more coding. I did however bid at a level which takes the coding of the already awarded plugin into account. (I can leverage some of the coding used.)
I could have this done probably 1-2 days after the first one, so you could have both done by mid next week latest.
Please do contact me with any questions you have!
Warmest Regards,