Equity Manager EA
The ea just has to monitor account equity as described below
1) Dropped onto Chart
2) Records Current Account Equity (will be same as Account balance that time, as no trades open)
3) Trades are placed automatically by other EA
4) As soon as New Equity - Original Starting Equity = set ProfitAmountTarget (in $$,%,pips) in its settings, Closes all positions/trades.
5)Resets itself to New Equity (will be same as Account balance that time, as no trades open) for next cycle!
Other additional features
6) Plots a live equity history line for the day- the attached indicator can be useful
7) Must have the option to consider all open positions, current pair or specific pairs
8 )Minimize the closing time of all orders
For example starting with an account balance of $1000. As trades accumulate, close at TP, and open new trades as price moves, I want it to close all open AND pending orders when the balance of the account would show when all trades are closed as $1005. A $5 net profit. And then after checking to make sure all trades are closed, note the new balance of $1005 and the profit target of another $5, so when all trades are closed the account balance is $1010. And so on... It should work on relative profit calculated from Initial equity and present equity. It records the balance/equity...as soon as Set Amountprofit target is realized , it closes all trades and resets itself again to new account balance for next cycle.