Dudget is $50 to $100
We need 25.000 Facebook fans that live in Portugal, for a page that has 5k users and +100 new fans every day.
IMPORTANT: the most important thing is that the page/account will NOT get banned. It's fine if you take a few weeks.
Project description and requirements:
* All fans must be real people with active facebook pages
* All fans must have 50+ friends and a minimum of 4 photos
* All fans must be aged 21 and over
* All fans must live in Portugal
* All fans must speak Portuguese
* All fans must have status updated that go back maximum of 10 days
* All fans must have at 20 status updates or more
* If account/fanpage gets suspended you will not be paid
* No fans with pornography, nudity or any content that will jeopardize their accounts deleted.
* You will be paid 14 days after you are done to prove that fans are real and not disappearing, no milestone payments.
* Any fans that are suspended in that time period must be replaced or you will not be paid.
* Please use only good practices for inviting fans "White Hat" (Facebook account must not be banned for your actions and kept active). You will not be paid if the Facebook account is banned/deleted.
Please only bid if you know you can accomplish this job with out having the page banned - bid with knowledge otherwise it get get ignored.
We will have more pages if this job is successfully accomplished.