Google Adsense
The Search Campaigns, helps you showcase Ads on Google Search Engine Page. With this, it also helps customers to target based on languages, locations, and audiences.
Apps and Mobile Devices are places where your Display Campaign Ads appear. In Addition, It also supports you to schedule and plan ads in advance.
If you not created then we will create new campaign please check this process-
first We will start by analyzing your business and researching your industry. Based on the findings, we will pick perfect keywords and organize them in strong campaigns and ad groups.
Then, The next step is setting up PPC landing pages for conversions optimization. The main benefit of a well-researched PPC campaign is that, believe it or not, the more relevant and intelligent you make it, the less search engines like Google charge for your ad clicks. If users like your ads, you’ve won big time.
Our PPC campaign Involves:
PPC Account Creation
Website & Goal Analysis
Product & Market Research
Keyword Research
Campaign Setup
Landing Page Setup &Optimization(Recommendations)
Creative Strategy (Perfect Ad Copy Creation)
A/B Testing ( Multiple Ads)
Demographic Targeting (Age, Sex, Location, etc.)
Bid Optimization (Monitoring Keywords for higher ROAS)
Improving Quality Score
Placement Sites Targeting