TekBrix IT Pvt Ltd is an India based IT company with more than 40 clients around the world.
We have a custom eCommerce platform, which is more secure, simpler and faster, without any technical knowledge anyone can manage.
Developed with in MVC format using Php, MySql, Jquery, Angualr JS, Html5, Css3 & Twig.
It has many advanced features to run...
You can manage vendors (If your store is for multi-vendors)
You can manage Customers.
You can manage products.
You can manage currencies, payments, gateways, taxes, discounts and many more.
Supports for multi-currencies.
Supports for multi-languages.
Inventory and many more...
Our platform is ready to start just in few seconds and has everything ( all features) to manage as a single vendor store or for multi-vendors.
Once our bid is approved with in 3 working days we will show the demo of back-end (admin panel) and customize it as per your requirements.
Within 2 months after that we will customize the front-end (user site) as per your store requirements.
We will provide 1 year free technical support.
Have any questions please feel free to contact me at anytime.
thanks in advance and waiting for your response asap...