Mobile App Development is the creation and development of phones, tablets, personal digital assistants, and other devices that have operating systems. It involves creating software applications for the devices, such as games, utilities, and sometimes even simple to-do lists. These applications are created using programming languages such as HTML5 and JavaScript, which allow developers to create a good user interface. Mobile App Development requires both specific and hard skills from developers, from debugging existing applications to creating entirely new ones.

A great benefit of having a Mobile App Developer on your side is the knowledge and experience they can provide to make your business grow. In addition to creating mobile apps that are good for the user experience, Mobile App Developers can help you with backing up the data from your application securely, modifying an existing app to meet new requirements, troubleshooting any current issues in your application, setting up a server for your application and so much more.

Here's some projects that our expert Mobile App Developer made real:

  • Cloud hosting setup and maintenance
  • Bug fixing/troubleshooting
  • Integrating SDKs based on customer needs
  • Development of features tailored to client specifications
  • Optimizations of service performance
  • Modifying designs to meet customer preferences

We have passionate professional freelancers skilled in the art of Mobile App Development who can work with businesses of any size to develop their ideal mobile applications. Our team has made things possible that many thought impossible by creating usable customer experiences with Mobility Solutions Services like periodic maintenance checks and make upgrades as technology advances without compromising customer data. We also provide support throughout development iterations as needed.

We can help make your vision a reality with affordable solutions for all your mobile needs! Hire a Mobile App Developer in who will help you from concept through completion on any project related to mobile app development. Our experts are capable of handling difficult tasks such as debugging existing applications and properly integrating third party services into applications with utmost efficiency. Get ahead of your competitors with Mobile App Development from today!

De 391,264 opiniones, los clientes califican nuestro Mobile App Developers 4.83 de un total de 5 estrellas.
Contratar a Mobile App Developers

Mobile App Development is the creation and development of phones, tablets, personal digital assistants, and other devices that have operating systems. It involves creating software applications for the devices, such as games, utilities, and sometimes even simple to-do lists. These applications are created using programming languages such as HTML5 and JavaScript, which allow developers to create a good user interface. Mobile App Development requires both specific and hard skills from developers, from debugging existing applications to creating entirely new ones.

A great benefit of having a Mobile App Developer on your side is the knowledge and experience they can provide to make your business grow. In addition to creating mobile apps that are good for the user experience, Mobile App Developers can help you with backing up the data from your application securely, modifying an existing app to meet new requirements, troubleshooting any current issues in your application, setting up a server for your application and so much more.

Here's some projects that our expert Mobile App Developer made real:

  • Cloud hosting setup and maintenance
  • Bug fixing/troubleshooting
  • Integrating SDKs based on customer needs
  • Development of features tailored to client specifications
  • Optimizations of service performance
  • Modifying designs to meet customer preferences

We have passionate professional freelancers skilled in the art of Mobile App Development who can work with businesses of any size to develop their ideal mobile applications. Our team has made things possible that many thought impossible by creating usable customer experiences with Mobility Solutions Services like periodic maintenance checks and make upgrades as technology advances without compromising customer data. We also provide support throughout development iterations as needed.

We can help make your vision a reality with affordable solutions for all your mobile needs! Hire a Mobile App Developer in who will help you from concept through completion on any project related to mobile app development. Our experts are capable of handling difficult tasks such as debugging existing applications and properly integrating third party services into applications with utmost efficiency. Get ahead of your competitors with Mobile App Development from today!

De 391,264 opiniones, los clientes califican nuestro Mobile App Developers 4.83 de un total de 5 estrellas.
Contratar a Mobile App Developers


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    723 trabajos encontrados

    Programa de cobro recurrentes mensuales y que reparta comisiones por afiliado que traigan otros afiliados. A) Quiero un programa que este montado en la web, que cobre por plan mensual unos RD$1,000 pesos en mi moneda local. Esto lo cobrara automáticamente los meses, a todos los afiliados que inscriba. El afiliado viene al negocio o envía el Boucher de pago y nosotros le aplicamos el pago… B) Por cada nuevo afiliado que traiga un cliente ( ya afiliado al programa), el programa le dará el 60% de ese pago al primer cliente que lo trajo, de manera recurrente todos los meses, siempre y cuando ese cliente pague sus RD$1,000 peso, el primero que lo invito al programa cobrara el 60% de ese monto. El programa debe repartir esa ganancia, la cual el primer afiliado, lo...

    $200 - $500
    Destacado Sellado
    $200 - $500
    9 ofertas

    Necesito una aplicación idéntica o similar a una aplicación que ya se encuentra en play store; "INTER LEAGUE" - Necesito hacer una aplicación similar pero mucho más simple, sin tantas funcionalidades, tengan en cuenta que necesito la posibilidad de editar los datos semana a semana para que se vayan actualizando y ordenando en la app (cómo es el caso de la tabla de goleadores, por ej.) Contáctenme para más detalles..

    $178 Average bid
    $178 Oferta promedio
    15 ofertas

    Tengo una aplicación desarrollada en FlutterFlow, que está a un 70% del desarrollo, aproximadamente. Esto significa que la mayoría de sus páginas están creadas, está la base de datos conectada con Firebase, y muchas de las funciones de crear, leer editar están funcionando. Lo más crítico es que hay ciertas conexiones que no se muestran por contar con datos nulos u otros errores, algunos formularios graban los datos, excepto algunos campos dinámicos que se relacionan a otras colecciones. Por lo tanto, lo que necesito es alguien experimentado en FlutterFlow, que me ayude a solucionar todos los bugs de conexión de datos, a fin de poder publicar la app lo antes posible.

    $180 Average bid
    $180 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    Buscamos un Freelance Experto en Flutter (FlutterFlow) para el desarrollo de una aplicación. Requisito esencial: hablar español de forma fluida. Si tienes experiencia en desarrollo de aplicaciones con Flutter y estás interesado en participar en un proyecto emocionante, envíanos tu currículum. ¡Estamos ansiosos de trabajar contigo!

    $485 Average bid
    $485 Oferta promedio
    26 ofertas
    offline mysql
    5 días left

    Offline de en android y ios de formularios en android

    $149 Average bid
    $149 Oferta promedio
    21 ofertas

    La aplicación debe incluir uso de mapas, medios de pago, sección de reseñas y recomendaciones, uso de realidad aumentada, sitios y rutas culturales y pronósticos del clima y tiempo. La aplicación del turismo cultural, tiene el objetivo de establecer y analizar la viabilidad de implementar una aplicación de turismo cultural, que permita a los participantes y a la comunidad involucrarse de manera activa en la preservación y promoción de la cultura local.

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr Oferta promedio
    20 ofertas

    necesito crear una app para power app bastante simple , pero lo mas rapido posible

    $166 Average bid
    $166 Oferta promedio
    32 ofertas
    4 días left

    Estoy buscando un programa radar para detectar botes de pesca medianos y pequeños

    $440 Average bid
    $440 Oferta promedio
    11 ofertas

    Deseamos crear una aplicacion que sea compatible con android y IOS, para lo cual vinimos elaborando un Mock up en la pagina figma. Tenemos planeado usar gps, inteligencia artificial y realidad virtual. Como pasarelas de pago tendríamos Google Pay, Apple Pay, Paypal y Mercado Pago. Quisieramos saber la viabilidad de este proyecto o si es posible cambiar el modelo de negocio. Ademas, no se si es posible que nos podria dar una cotizacion del proyecto, decirnos cuanto tiempo demoraría en hacerse

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr Oferta promedio
    25 ofertas

    Realicé una web app con mysql ahora necesito convertirla y publicarla para que los clientes puedan descargarla de app store y play store. Necesito ayuda.

    $185 Average bid
    $185 Oferta promedio
    32 ofertas

    El proyecto es una aplicación Android desarrollada en Delphi 11, para entregas a domicilio, necesito agregarle la funcionalidad de impresión via Bluetooth y wifi, y el envió de los recibos en PDF por correo. Debe permitir la selección del impresor a usar, configuración del email , para la aplicación se usa SQLite y componentes Unidac para la conexión a la base de datos en el Movil.

    $270 Average bid
    $270 Oferta promedio
    10 ofertas
    2 días left

    Se requiere una aplicación web y Android que: Sincronice los calendarios de Google, Outlook, Exchange, ICloud. Se debe seleccionar el calendario primario, que es donde se agenda cuando sea desde CalendarioDisponible. Cada calendario sincronizado debe permitir tener Alias y seleccionar color. Que exista una sincronización bidireccional (SYNCBI), para que el email personal se entere que tengo ocupado horarios de trabajo. La SYNCBI debe cuidar colocar [Smartcal | Alias] en el inicio del asunto, así sabré que ese horario es producto de la sincronización bidireccional y el calendario que ocupa ese horario. La SYNCBI hará lo anterior definido si el usuario (por calendario) lo ha definido así, opciones: Full = SYNCBI colocar [Smartcal | Alias] y c...

    $507 Average bid
    $507 Oferta promedio
    30 ofertas

    Aplicación, hoja de Excel para llevar el historial de aves de pelea según años de registros. Debe manejarse desde una tablet Debe tener información en línea actualizada Debe verse desde dispositivo móvil del propietario Todo debe ser en español, y la comunicación por esta vía también App cerrada solo para uso en las instalaciones con proyección a a vender tables con dicha plataforma instalada a otras instalaciones de crianzas de aves . Registro Genealógico • Información de padres, Madres, abuelos, hermanos: Registro completo de linaje. • Líneas genéticas: Clasificación de líneas ganadoras por resultados . Recuperación de genética seg&uac...

    $1215 Average bid
    $1215 Oferta promedio
    34 ofertas

    Estoy buscando programadores de alta capacidad para desarrollar un sistema que no solo gestione el inventario, sino que también implemente inteligencia artificial en tiempo real para tomar decisiones automatizadas, analizar el mercado y detectar anomalías. El sistema también debe incluir una auditoría avanzada y comparación en el mercado actual en tiempo real. Características clave del proyecto: - Gestión de inventario - Auditoría avanzada - Implementación de inteligencia artificial en tiempo real para análisis de mercado y detección de anomalías - Evaluación de precios en el mercado, estado del inventario y resultados de auditoría para la toma de decisiones automatizadas. - Otros mód...

    $31723 Average bid
    $31723 Oferta promedio
    39 ofertas
    Diseño electronica.
    1 día left

    Basandose en el proyecto OnStep, para sistemas de automatización de monturas de telescopio. Necesito una placa para el control que controle: 1 motor paso a paso Nema17 para eje azimutal. 1 motor paso a paso Nema17 para eje Altitud. 1 motor paso a paso Nema17 para Ajuste Altitud Polar 1 Motor paso a paso Nema17 para Ajuste Azimut Polar. 1 Sensor de inclinación para eje Altitud. 1 Sensor GPS para saber en que latitud estamos. 1 Sensor 2 Ejes, para saber si la montura está a nivel. 1 Sensor brújula para detectar el norte o sur. En la zapata de donde acopla el telescopio tendremos un Hub de 5 USB (igual al sistema OnStep) y 5 Jack de 12Vdc. En la base de sujeción con el trípode, tendremos la conexión de entrada de 12Vdc, conexión para con...

    $514 Average bid
    $514 Oferta promedio
    34 ofertas

    Quiero crear una app móvil para organizar planes

    $354 Average bid
    $354 Oferta promedio
    19 ofertas
    Unfomo App
    10 horas left

    Quiero crear una app móvil para organizar planes

    $577 Average bid
    $577 Oferta promedio
    36 ofertas

    Descripción del Proyecto: Aplicación para Peluqueros y Staff Este proyecto consiste en desarrollar una aplicación mediante la plataforma AppSheet de Google, diseñada específicamente para peluqueros y el personal de una empresa chilena. La aplicación centralizará la gestión de turnos, agendas, y comunicación interna, optimizando así el flujo de trabajo y mejorando la coordinación entre el staff. La app permitirá que cada miembro del equipo acceda a funcionalidades personalizadas, como: Gestión de citas y reservas: Para que los peluqueros puedan visualizar y actualizar su agenda de forma organizada. Comunicación interna: Incluyendo un sistema de chat o mensajes entre el equipo. Control de inv...

    $155 Average bid
    Acuerdo de Confidencialidad
    $155 Oferta promedio
    13 ofertas

    I need an experienced game developer to create a unique cross-platform productivity game compatible with both PC and mobile. The game should be centered around task management and incorporate gamified rewards to keep users engaged. Key Requirements: - Expertise in game development, specifically for cross-platform compatibility (PC and mobile). - Strong understanding of productivity tools and how to gamify them. - Experience with implementing task management features in a game context. - Proven ability to design and integrate engaging gamified rewards. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in game development software and programming languages. - Creative thinking and problem-solving skills. - Excellent understanding of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design principles. - Strong comm...

    $464 Average bid
    $464 Oferta promedio
    10 ofertas

    I'm looking for a seasoned app developer to create a cross-platform productivity tool. The app should be compatible with both mobile and PC, specifically targeting Windows and iOS systems. Key Requirements: - Expertise in developing cross-platform applications - Prior experience with productivity tool development - In-depth knowledge of Windows and iOS platforms - Strong skills in mobile and desktop app development Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid.

    $85 Average bid
    $85 Oferta promedio
    8 ofertas

    I'm seeking a talented game developer to help create an engaging, action/adventure, third-person perspective console game. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in console game development, specifically in the action/adventure genre. - Experience with creating third-person perspective games. - Strong understanding of game mechanics, storyline development, and player engagement strategies. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in relevant programming languages and game development software. - Creativity and passion for game design. - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Your bid should reflect your expertise and previous experience in similar projects.

    $602 Average bid
    $602 Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas

    I'm in need of a developer proficient in B4X, to help create simple natural language conversational apps. These will be text-based chat and voice interaction, with the ability to integrate with various other services. We will be utilizing our proprietary Bot Service on MS-Azure. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in B4X for app development - Experience with creating natural language conversational apps Skills and Experience: - Strong programming skills, particularly in B4X - Prior experience with voice interactive apps

    $184 Average bid
    $184 Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled Flutter developer to integrate AdMob into my app. Specifically, I need Interstitial ads incorporated throughout the app. Key Requirements: - Integrate Interstitial ads at the following points: - After completing a level - After using a special feature - At the start of the app - Utilize my existing AdMob account for this integration Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Flutter - Prior experience with AdMob integration - Understanding of ad placement strategy for user engagement without disrupting app flow Please bid if you can deliver an effective integration.

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas

    Looking for an experienced developer to create a custom vibration feature mod for a personal gaming project. The mod should enhance shooting accuracy through refined vibration feedback, improving overall gameplay experience. Priority is on subtlety and effectiveness of the vibration feedback without altering the game's core functionalities.

    $24 / hr Average bid
    $24 / hr Oferta promedio
    11 ofertas

    I need a native Android device management app to be copied without the source code. Application, web front-end and admin panel. Ideal skills: - Android App Development - UI/UX Design - PHP Skills - Quality Assurance Testing - Familiarity with Device Management Systems Please note that the new app should only support Android platform.

    $574 Average bid
    $574 Oferta promedio
    51 ofertas

    The technology being used is Laveral and all work will be uploaded to gitlab to me merged with the current code. I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a chat application with specific design requirements. The chat interface should have a unique display of virtual goods and a user-friendly layout. Key Features: - A circular display of virtual goods around the chat interface, with a cash balance prominently displayed at the top. - Real-time updates on virtual goods count next to the respective item's image when collected. - Automatic appearance of virtual goods in the interface when available to the user. - Direct access to the chat application upon user login. - An idle screen that plays a video on repeat with sound in the chat window, while no messages are open. - Eas...

    $517 Average bid
    $517 Oferta promedio
    53 ofertas
    WhatsApp Sales Chatbot Development
    6 días left

    I'm looking for a talented chatbot developer who is proficient in Python and has experience with graph and LLM (Large Language Models). The main purpose of this chatbot is to assist with sales on the WhatsApp platform. Key Requirements: - Design and implement a sales-focused chatbot on WhatsApp - Ensure the chatbot has automated response capabilities Ideal Skills: - Expert in Python - Familiar with graph and LLM - Previous experience in chatbot development - Knowledge of WhatsApp integration The goal is to develop a seamless, efficient and user-friendly chatbot that can help boost our sales on WhatsApp. Please provide examples of previous work related to chatbot development, particularly on the WhatsApp platform.

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Oferta promedio
    16 ofertas
    Sales Generation Project
    21 horas left

    I'm looking for a professional who can help me generate more sales.

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Oferta promedio
    27 ofertas

    My Flutter iOS app is ready for production and needs to be uploaded to the App Store. I am unsure about my Apple Developer account status, but I do not need help setting one up. - Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Flutter - iOS app deployment expertise - Knowledgeable about App Store submission process - Familiar with Apple Developer Account intricacies - Excellent problem-solving skills I need a professional who can navigate this process smoothly and efficiently. Please include your relevant experience in your bid. Thank you.

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Oferta promedio
    11 ofertas

    I'm looking for an Android app tailored for my property maintenance company. The purpose of this app is to streamline operations for our employees. Key Features: - Upload Work Orders: Employees should be able to input and upload work orders directly onto the app. - Link with Calendar: The app needs to synchronize with a calendar for scheduling and time management. - Add Photos and Notes: It should allow our team members to attach photos and notes to work orders for better clarity and communication. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Android app development. - Experience with creating enterprise-level applications. - Understanding of property maintenance industry is a plus. - Strong skills in UI/UX to ensure the app is user-friendly for all employees. The app should include distinct Ad...

    $1562 Average bid
    $1562 Oferta promedio
    68 ofertas

    I'm seeking a professional with expertise in Photon Quantum systems and the Unity game engine. The project involves adapting a PC-based game for competitive multiplayer functionality. Key tasks include: - Transferring the game from a single-player to a multiplayer format, ensuring a seamless transition. - Implementing competitive gameplay features. This requires a deep understanding of game mechanics and player interaction to maintain balance and fairness. The ideal candidate should have substantial experience in simulation development, algorithm design, and quantum system modeling, with a strong proficiency in Unity. Prior work with competitive PC games is a plus. Your ability to integrate quantum principles into gameplay will be key to the success of this project. The project sho...

    $564 Average bid
    $564 Oferta promedio
    20 ofertas

    I'm looking for a case opening simulator specifically designed for themed mystery boxes. The mystery boxes should simulate the experience of opening real-world packages filled with physical goods. - Themed Mystery Boxes: The simulator should categorize the mystery boxes into various themes. Each theme should present a unique set of items, creating an engaging and diverse experience for the users. - Contents of the Mystery Boxes: The items within the mystery boxes are physical goods. Therefore, the simulator should be able to accurately represent the variety and randomness of real-world mystery boxes. - High-Quality Simulation: The simulator should provide a high-quality, immersive case opening experience, replicating the excitement and unpredictability of opening a real mystery box. ...

    $900 Average bid
    $900 Oferta promedio
    22 ofertas

    I need an experienced developer to create a multi-platform grocery ordering and barcode scanning app. The app should be available on both iOS and Android, and must include the following features: - A comprehensive grocery ordering system - An efficient barcode scanning feature - A secure system for user accounts and login Additionally, the app needs to support multiple languages. You should have a strong background in app development, with specific experience in creating ordering systems and barcode scanning functionalities. Knowledge in implementing multi-language support in apps is also a plus. Please provide previous examples of similar apps you have developed.

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Oferta promedio
    9 ofertas

    I'm looking for an experienced mobile app developer to create an offline navigation app for both iOS and Android platforms. The app should utilize Google maps and incorporate key features like turn-by-turn navigation, Points of Interest (POI) search, and offline map download. Key Requirements: - Cross-platform mobile app development experience, particularly with iOS and Android - Proficiency in integrating Google maps into a mobile app - Previous work experience in developing navigation apps - Understanding of implementing features like turn-by-turn navigation and POI search - Skills in enabling offline functionality for map downloads Ideal candidates will have a portfolio of similar projects and strong references.

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Oferta promedio
    5 ofertas
    Revitalize & Innovate: PM App
    6 días left

    I'm looking for an experienced app developer to help me revitalize my Project Management (PM) application. The primary focus of this project is to add new features that will enhance the app's functionality and usability. Key Features to be Added: - Collaboration Tools: These should include real-time chat, file sharing, and task assignment capabilities. The aim is to facilitate seamless communication and collaboration among team members. - Advanced Reporting: Incorporating sophisticated reporting features that can provide comprehensive project insights and analytics will be crucial. - Software Integration: The app should be able to connect and interact with other software, enhancing its versatility and usability. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in app development, preferably with ex...

    $175 Average bid
    $175 Oferta promedio
    30 ofertas
    DeFi DEX on Avalanche Blockchain
    6 días left

    I'm seeking a talented blockchain developer to create a user-friendly, high liquidity Decentralized Exchange (DEX) on the Avalanche blockchain. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with DeFi application development, particularly DEXs - Proficient in Avalanche blockchain - Skilled in creating intuitive user interfaces - Capable of implementing solutions for high liquidity and trading volume - Knowledge of advanced trading options is a plus

    $149 Average bid
    $149 Oferta promedio
    26 ofertas

    I'm looking for a proficient developer to create a Fiat-to-BTC & ETH On-Ramp crypto API. The primary function of this API will be to integrate with a payment processor, facilitating seamless transactions for both Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). Key Requirements: - An understanding of payment processor integration and cryptocurrency transactions. - Proficiency in developing secure, efficient APIs. - Experience with creating OAuth for user authentication. This project will be pivotal in enhancing our platform's transaction capabilities, making it a crucial piece of our development roadmap. Your expertise will help us ensure a smooth, secure, and efficient payment processing system for our users.

    $163 Average bid
    $163 Oferta promedio
    7 ofertas
    Optimize Mobile Video Streaming
    6 días left

    I need help with my website that hosts user-uploaded videos. The videos seem to load slowly on mobile devices, primarily when using 4G or 5G cellular connections. Ideal Skills: - Video streaming optimization - Website performance tuning - Knowledge of user-uploaded video platforms Experience: - Proven track record in improving mobile video load times - Familiarity with 4G/5G network constraints - Prior work with user-uploaded content Your task will be to identify the issues causing the slow loading on mobile and implement a solution to enhance the user experience on cellular networks.

    $146 Average bid
    $146 Oferta promedio
    26 ofertas

    I need a skilled web developer to help me write HTML code for my e-commerce site, The primary objective of the site is to drive sales, so it needs to be optimized for conversion. Key Requirements: - Develop a Home page, product pages, and a contact page. - Utilize my provided visual inspirations and examples to achieve a desired aesthetic. - Ensure the site is user-friendly, responsive, and SEO-friendly. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML and web development. - Experienced in e-commerce site development. - Able to understand and replicate specific visual styles. Please only apply if you can deliver high-quality work that aligns with my vision.

    $141 Average bid
    $141 Oferta promedio
    73 ofertas

    I'm seeking an experienced app developer to work on my old mobile app, which is built for both iOS and Android platforms using React Native. I'll provide the old source code files. Key Tasks: - Debugging: Identifying and fixing existing bugs in the app to enhance its performance and user experience. - Feature Development: Implementing new features to upgrade the app and make it more competitive in the market. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in React Native: As the app was built using this framework, a deep understanding of React Native is crucial. - Debugging Skills: Prior experience in identifying and fixing bugs in mobile applications. - Feature Development: Ability to conceptualize and implement new features. Experience in UI/UX redesign is a plus but not required. Your experti...

    $286 Average bid
    $286 Oferta promedio
    14 ofertas

    I’m desperate need of professional help to unlock my Android phone. This device holds precious memories of my late brother, who passed away in 2020. My ultimate goal is to retrieve the pictures stored on it. Key Information: - Phone Type: Android - Lock Method: PIN/Password - Previous Attempts: Yes, but failed Ideal Skills: - Android security bypass - Data recovery - Sensitive situation handling Please understand the urgency and emotional weight of this task. Your assistance could mean the world to me. Thank you. The specific phone model is Lgl53bl Trackfone wireless Only the unlocking process is required. The user does not have a backup of the data. This task needs to be completed within as soon as you can. Please use the following method: whatever works to get it open. The unl...

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas

    I'm in search of an experienced Ionic developer for my mobile app project. The developer should have a proven track record of successfully uploading apps to the Google Store and Apple Store. I need someone who can start immediately. Key Tasks: - App development using Ionic - Preparing and uploading the app to Google Store and Apple Store - Implementing In-app purchases The app is an e-commerce platform with the following features: - User authentication - Push notifications - In-app purchases Required Integrations: - Payment gateways - Social media platforms - Analytics services Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in Ionic development - Experience with e-commerce app development - Familiar with implementing In-app purchases - Proven track record of successfully uploading apps...

    $504 Average bid
    $504 Oferta promedio
    28 ofertas

    I'm looking to develop a modern and minimalistic preschool management application for both iOS and Android. The app should have both front and back-end features including: - Visitor records - Student registration - Student Attendance - Teacher Attendance - Teachers posting daily stories, pictures, videos - Parents posting comments - School/class announcements - Accident report - Events report/quick updates - An Admin panel with various privileges and settings The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in Flutter app development with a strong portfolio, and traceable record of commitment to quality outcome. Understanding of preschool management is not necessary. The design of the app should be minimalistic and modern, offering a smooth and user-friendly int...

    $4886 Average bid
    $4886 Oferta promedio
    34 ofertas

    I'm looking for a talented app developer to create an interactive social entertainment app. The detailed concept and ideas are provided in a world file, which includes all features and functionalities. Key Features: - Messaging: The app must have a robust messaging system, allowing users to communicate in real time. - Friendship Management: Implement features for users to manage their friends list, send/receive friend requests, etc. - Content Sharing: Users should be able to share their own content and interact with others' posts. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in mobile app development, preferably with a focus on social interaction and entertainment apps. - Strong experience in implementing messaging systems and content sharing features. - Ability to understand and execute detail...

    $1139 Average bid
    $1139 Oferta promedio
    56 ofertas
    Flutter app
    6 días left

    Need flutter app reskin ( just Android app needed ) Documentation available Task start now

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Oferta promedio
    20 ofertas

    I suspect my Android phone has been compromised by a colleague. I'm experiencing unusual battery drain and spotting strange apps and files. Despite my efforts in restarting the device and running antivirus software, the issues persist. I need a professional who can: - Verify if my phone has indeed been hacked - Identify the source of this breach - Remove any malicious software Skills and experience required for this job include: - Deep understanding of Android operating system - Proven experience in mobile security - Proficiency in malware detection and removal - Ability to identify unusual patterns and anomalies I'm looking for a trustworthy expert who can handle this matter discreetly.

    $601 Average bid
    $601 Oferta promedio
    27 ofertas

    I'm looking for a user interface designer who can create a stock market app UI design using the provided Figma template. It should align with the components & experience as per template . Our screen count is approx. 25 . Template: (Community)?node-id=4-5&node-type=canvas&t=juVuCpKYmG5TSSgE-0 The overall design should be user-friendly, reflecting a simple yet engaging experience for the users. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Figma and UI/UX design principles. - Experience in designing modern and clean interfaces. - Previous work on financial or stock market apps would be crucial

    $355 Average bid
    $355 Oferta promedio
    28 ofertas

    I'm looking for a mobile app developer to create an order and delivery based e-commerce app for groceries. This app needs to be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: - Order Placement: Users should be able to easily select and order groceries. - Delivery Tracking: The app should provide real-time tracking of grocery deliveries. - Payment Processing: Secure and seamless payment gateway integration is crucial. - User Management: The app must include features for user registration, login, password recovery, etc. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in mobile app development, particularly for e-commerce. - Proficiency in both iOS and Android development. - Previous experience with implementing delivery tracking systems in an app. - Strong understanding of secure ...

    $397 Average bid
    $397 Oferta promedio
    17 ofertas

    Here’s a description for your app: App Name: E7la2ly Description: Our app is a cutting-edge platform designed to connect users with barbershops and freelance barbers across Egypt. Users can easily browse local barbershops, view their services, and book appointments with just a few taps. Unlike other apps, our platform emphasizes accessibility by providing a range of options, including free services from freelancers and affordable bookings at barbershops nearby. With a focus on flexibility, our app caters to both customers looking for high-quality grooming services and barbers who want to showcase their skills and expand their client base. Whether it’s a quick trim or a full grooming session, users can find the right barber to meet their style needs, all in one convenient pla...

    $2176 Average bid
    $2176 Oferta promedio
    58 ofertas

    I'm looking for a developer to build a cross-platform (iOS and Android) productivity app tailored for solo travelers. The app should primarily act as a collaboration tool. Key Features: - The app should facilitate communication and collaboration among users. Ideal freelancer should have: - Proven experience in mobile app development, particularly for iOS and Android. - A strong understanding of designing apps for specific target audiences, in this case, solo travelers. - Experience in implementing collaboration tools within an app. - A portfolio showcasing productivity apps. Please provide examples of your previous work related to this project.

    $536 Average bid
    $536 Oferta promedio
    53 ofertas

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