Android is the most popular mobile operating system globally. It is a modernized version of the Linux open-source operating system, which provides millions of users with compute resources and features to create user-friendly mobile applications. An Android developer can specialize in creating and designing the underlying code for building interactive mobile applications for the Android platform with user friendly features such as easy navigation and rich user interface.

Here's some projects that our expert Android Developer made real:

  • Quick integration of payment gateways onto multiple platforms.
  • Identifying and fixing software bugs in existing Flutter projects.
  • Utilizing SMS API to provide a secure login experience with OTP authentication.
  • Developed a multi restaurant food delivery system with powerful UI/UX capabilities that contain an extensive list of features.
  • Added new functions onto existing android applications.
  • Developed a tablet app specifically designed to provide train replacement service manual announcement applications.
  • Wrote code for thermostat remote control on ESP32 WiFi and Blynk cloud platform.

It is evident that Android developers have a wide array of talents at their disposal that can be used to create innovative solutions and applications for any of your desired needs. On, we have experienced Android Developers with years of expertise ready to assist you in your project. Our talented developers are passionate about what they do—making sure that all customers get their desired product quality and standards met on time without compromising the overall application structure and design. If you are looking for an Android Developer for your project, why not post your project today on Freelancer?

De 374,843 opiniones, los clientes califican nuestro Android Developers 4.84 de un total de 5 estrellas.
Contratar a Android Developers

Android is the most popular mobile operating system globally. It is a modernized version of the Linux open-source operating system, which provides millions of users with compute resources and features to create user-friendly mobile applications. An Android developer can specialize in creating and designing the underlying code for building interactive mobile applications for the Android platform with user friendly features such as easy navigation and rich user interface.

Here's some projects that our expert Android Developer made real:

  • Quick integration of payment gateways onto multiple platforms.
  • Identifying and fixing software bugs in existing Flutter projects.
  • Utilizing SMS API to provide a secure login experience with OTP authentication.
  • Developed a multi restaurant food delivery system with powerful UI/UX capabilities that contain an extensive list of features.
  • Added new functions onto existing android applications.
  • Developed a tablet app specifically designed to provide train replacement service manual announcement applications.
  • Wrote code for thermostat remote control on ESP32 WiFi and Blynk cloud platform.

It is evident that Android developers have a wide array of talents at their disposal that can be used to create innovative solutions and applications for any of your desired needs. On, we have experienced Android Developers with years of expertise ready to assist you in your project. Our talented developers are passionate about what they do—making sure that all customers get their desired product quality and standards met on time without compromising the overall application structure and design. If you are looking for an Android Developer for your project, why not post your project today on Freelancer?

De 374,843 opiniones, los clientes califican nuestro Android Developers 4.84 de un total de 5 estrellas.
Contratar a Android Developers


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    542 trabajos encontrados

    App que soluciona problemas con ayuda de ia que pueda tener un dispositivo

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Oferta promedio
    23 ofertas

    Estoy buscando un desarrollador con experiencia en procesamiento de video en tiempo real, procesamiento de imagenes y reconocimiento de caracteres (ANPR/ALPR) para crear una app Android que reciba el flujo de video de una cámara IP, detecte y lea la patente de vehículos, y envíe la información a un servidor junto con la ubicación GPS y la hora. Características clave del proyecto: Recepción de video en tiempo real desde cámaras IP en red local o remota. Detección automática de placas de vehículos Chile (inicialmente) Lectura de la patente utilizando tecnología OCR. Envío de la patente, ubicación y hora al servidor vía API. Busco a alguien con experiencia en OpenCV, Tesseract OCR, geolo...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta promedio
    26 ofertas
    Construyeme una app hibrida
    5 días left

    Necesito una aplicación de mensajería que incluya rastreo en vivo, despacho de productos, devoluciones y asignación de pedidos a mensajeros. Debe ser híbrida para funcionar en Android, iPhone y computadoras. También debe integrar y desarrollar bases de datos externas conectadas por APIs.

    $1514 Average bid
    $1514 Oferta promedio
    68 ofertas

    Existen 7 extensiones, requiero que cuando timbre suenen todas las extensiones

    $19 Average bid
    $19 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas

    Necesitamos implementar un sistema en java que permita mandar notificaciones a 400k usuarios en tiempo real usando Firebase Messaging, sin usar Topic porque no funciona en tiempo real.

    $495 Average bid
    $495 Oferta promedio
    20 ofertas
    4 días left

    Crear aplicacion piramidal de 2 niveles donde se pueda controlar un sistema de referidos y pagos de comisiones, manejo e Data y informes de ventas

    $2209 Average bid
    $2209 Oferta promedio
    60 ofertas
    4 días left

    I am looking to develop a mental health app that revolutionizes the way people receive help. This app must offer users tools for diagnosis, care, monitoring, consultation and therapy, connection with professionals and social connection between users. Busco desarrollar un App de salud mental que revolucione la forma en que las personas reciben ayuda. Esta app debe ofrece al usuario herramientas de diagnostico, cuidado, seguimiento, consulta y terapia, conexión con profesionales y conexión social entre usuarios.

    $30 / hr Average bid
    $30 / hr Oferta promedio
    25 ofertas
    App para control de asistencia
    4 días left

    Una app q muestre una lista de estudiantes y permita con un click marcar como asistente, q guarde los registros en una BD en MySql para poder llevar estos registros a una aplicación web y generar reportes

    $449 Average bid
    $449 Oferta promedio
    81 ofertas

    Necesito que puedan hacerme una web y una app para Android y IOS. Además, tienen que poder conectarse y cambiar información vía tarjetas NFC, como lo hacen las tarjetas de banco.

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Oferta promedio
    22 ofertas

    La aplicación sería de sorteos, las cuales funcionarian con una suscripción mensual para poder participar en ellas. También podrían participar en sorteos menores con premios pequeños visualizando anuncios sin necesidad de suscripción. Los suscriptores deben tener un rango dependiendo de cuánto tiempo vayan suscritos. Que puedan iniciar sesión con Google o crearse una cuenta con correo y todo eso se guarde en una base de datos. Igualmente que se pueda descargar una lista de todos los participantes el día del sorteo. Pondríamos las fechas de cada sorteo con los premios respectivos. Que sea vea ordenado y bonito. Me gustaría que sea para Android y IOS.

    $6142857153472 Average bid
    $6142857153472 Oferta promedio
    35 ofertas

    Como su nombre lo dice, necesitamos crear de Aplicación Android y iOS para que se conecte a otro sistema, un CRM. La conexión con el CRM, se hará con ayuda de otro experto en la herramienta. La principal tarea del proyecto, lo que es el 90% del proyecto es hacer lo siguiente para iOS y Android (puede hacerse en flutter, flutterflow o react native, o como prefieran). -Login por usuario y contraseña con Google -Pantalla con Webview del sitio original -Perfil de usuario -Mapa de la ciudad, con pines importantes precargados -Búsqueda de pines por filtros -Se debe dibujar en la pantalla una zona del mapa para búsquedas por mapa -Guardar lugares favoritos del mapa -Detalle de cada pin del mapa: fotos (carrusel), nombre, precio, descripción ...

    $2303 Average bid
    $2303 Oferta promedio
    44 ofertas

    Quisiera una app para que los propietarios de 2 vehículo o más, puedan alquilar uno de ellos por un plazo minimos de 24 meses. El objetivo es que quien tiene un vehículo sin usar puede obtener una ganancia y quien no tiene para abonar la compra de un vehículo pueda rentarlo por un largo periodo a un precio a convenir. Dentro del precio iran todos los gastos referidos al vehículo.

    $710 Average bid
    $710 Oferta promedio
    57 ofertas
    App ios andorid
    6 horas left

    necesito una app para IOS y android donde compare el tiepo de cambio pagado en diferentes estableciminetos

    $265 Average bid
    $265 Oferta promedio
    38 ofertas

    I'm seeking talented app developers to create a versatile TV app. The app should be compatible with multiple platforms including Apple TV, Android TV, and Amazon Fire TV. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop a cross-platform TV app - Ensure compatibility with all major TV platforms - Deliver a high-quality, user-friendly application Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in TV app development - Experience with cross-platform compatibility - Strong understanding of major TV platforms - Excellent UI/UX design skills

    $2022 Average bid
    $2022 Oferta promedio
    51 ofertas

    I need a talented mobile app developer to help me modify my app. The primary goal of this project is adding new features to improve its functionality and user experience. The modifications I am looking for include: - User selection and slip modification: This feature should allow users to make selections and modify slips within the app. - Offline functionality: The app currently requires an online connection to function. I need it to be able to work offline as well. Ideal candidates for this project should have proven experience in mobile app development, specifically in adding new features to existing apps. A deep understanding of UI/UX principles would be a great advantage, as well as experience with offline capability integration.

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas

    I'm looking for an experienced Android developer who can create an app similar to the RUSH-LUDO APP. Key Features: - The app should include a robust multiplayer mode - Incorporating in-app purchases is essential - The app should have leaderboards to track and display user rankings Design: - I have a basic idea for the app's design, but I would appreciate your expertise in refining it and making it user-friendly and engaging. Ideal Skills: - Strong experience in Android app development - Previous experience with game development is a plus - Understanding of implementing in-app purchases and multiplayer functionality - Ability to collaborate on design and contribute creative ideas.

    $1264 Average bid
    $1264 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a customer service chatbot for my e-commerce business. The chatbot's primary function will be to answer customer inquiries, which can include: - Order status and tracking - Product information - Return and refund policies The chatbot should be integrated across multiple platforms including our website, mobile app, and social media platforms. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in chatbot development - Experience with e-commerce applications - Knowledge of integration across different platforms - Ability to create a user-friendly interface Please only apply if you have relevant experience and can provide examples of similar projects you've completed.

    $175 Average bid
    $175 Oferta promedio
    62 ofertas

    I'm looking for an Android app that monitors a specific website for new content containing designated keywords. The app should send mobile notifications with the updated content link. The tracking should be set to every minute. Key Features: - Ability to search for both single words and phrases - Send immediate mobile notifications with new content links - Same should be repeated every minute Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Android app development - Experience with web scraping and keyword tracking apps - Ability to implement push notifications

    $67 Average bid
    $67 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas

    I'm looking to develop the front end of a projects management app using mern stack/ react tailored for software development. The app should be compatible across Web, iOS, and Android platforms. Key Features: - Task Tracking: Users should be able to create, assign, and monitor the progress of tasks. - Team Communication: The app should have inbuilt features to facilitate seamless communication among team members. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in frontend development for cross-platform compatibility - Experience in creating task-tracking and communication features - Knowledge in software development project management tools.

    $395 Average bid
    $395 Oferta promedio
    107 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled professional to help me scrape a mobile application using Appium and NodeJS. The primary purpose of this project is data extraction, specifically text content from the application. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in using Appium for mobile application testing and interaction - Extensive knowledge of NodeJS - Experience with data extraction and app scraping The extracted text content will be used for content analysis. I would appreciate it if you could provide examples of similar projects you've worked on in your proposal. Thank you.

    $92 Average bid
    $92 Oferta promedio
    9 ofertas

    I am seeking a talented and experienced developer or development team to create a feature-rich Ludo multiplayer game, similar to the popular Rush - Play Ludo Game Online app. The ideal candidate should have expertise in mobile game development, preferably with experience in building multiplayer and real-time gaming apps. Note: DON'T PLACE FAKE BIDS

    $793 Average bid
    $793 Oferta promedio
    23 ofertas
    App development
    6 días left

    For Backend: Lanaguage: Either Java (Spring) or Golang Database: PostgreSQL (better if have used PostGis) For Frontend: React with Ionic

    $480 Average bid
    $480 Oferta promedio
    105 ofertas

    I am seeking a talented and experienced developer or development team to create a feature-rich Ludo multiplayer game, similar to the popular Rush - Play Ludo Game Online app. The ideal candidate should have expertise in mobile game development, preferably with experience in building multiplayer and real-time gaming apps. Note: DON'T PLACE FAKE BIDS

    $1420 Average bid
    $1420 Oferta promedio
    5 ofertas

    I need an experienced Java developer to implement native Android functionality in my Flutter app. The app should detect incoming, outgoing, missed, and received calls, even when the app is killed or running in the background. Based on the type of call, it should automatically send different types of WhatsApp messages. Requirements: - Detect call events (missed, received, outgoing) even if the app is not running. - Trigger different WhatsApp messages(via API) based on call type. - Implement native Java code and integrate it with Flutter using platform channels. - Handle required permissions for calls. Skills Required: Java (Android native) Flutter (Platform channels) Background services, BroadcastReceivers, and JobSchedulers in Android. Please share relevant experience and how you’...

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Oferta promedio
    13 ofertas

    I'm looking to develop a speech training app specifically designed for preschool aged children (4-6 years). The app should utilize artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze children's pronunciation and diagnose their specific speech issues, such as articulation disorders, fluency disorders, and voice disorders. It should then recommend the most relevant course of exercises to correct these issues. Key Features: - Speech Issue Diagnosis: The app should be able to identify various speech issues, including articulation, fluency and voice disorders. - Tailored Exercise Recommendations: Based on the diagnosis, the app should suggest personalized exercises to help improve the child's speech. - Engaging Elements: To keep children interested and motivated, the app should incorporate ...

    $4233 Average bid
    $4233 Oferta promedio
    48 ofertas

    I'm seeking an experienced Android Automotive AOSP developer to implement call notifications into the notification panel during HFP (Hands-Free Profile). The specific requirements are: - Call Notifications: The notification panel needs to display notifications for incoming calls. The specifics of what should be included in the notifications have not yet been determined, so there may be some flexibility and room for your expertise and suggestions. - Interactive Notification: The notification for an incoming call should provide the options to either answer or reject the call. Ideal skills for the job include: - Profound knowledge and experience with Android Automotive AOSP development. - Familiarity with HFP (Hands-Free Profile) and its implementation. - Skills in designing and imple...

    $5 Average bid
    0 participaciones
    Photo Capture IOS CLock
    6 días left

    I have an Android TImeclock which works perfectly find. I need it for the iOS. All APIs completed. I have the source code for Android. I have the assets I need someone who can deliver it quickly

    $40 Average bid
    $40 Oferta promedio
    14 ofertas

    I'm looking for an expert developer to create a web-based app that measures miscellaneous objects using OpenCV and HTML5. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in OpenCV and HTML5. - Experience in developing web-based applications. - Ability to create a user-friendly interface. - Knowledge in object recognition and measurement techniques. The app should be able to accurately measure a variety of miscellaneous objects. Please note that past work and experience are crucial for the success of your proposal.

    $160 Average bid
    $160 Oferta promedio
    41 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to upgrade my existing hybrid app from Ionic 3 to the latest version, with a focus on performance improvements. This includes creating a fully functional iOS version of the app too. Key Requirements: - Upgrade the app targeting performance improvements. - Develop the iOS version of the app. Additional Features for iOS: - Implement Push Notifications. - Set up In-app Purchases. - Integrate Social Media functionalities. The current app is stable, so there are no urgent bug fixes needed. The goal of this project is to enhance the app's performance and add new features to the iOS version. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience with Ionic, hybrid app development, and a proven track record of creating iOS versions of apps. Familiarity w...

    $277 Average bid
    $277 Oferta promedio
    7 ofertas
    apk terperinci
    6 días left

    Pengoperasian canva, ArgGis, office

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Oferta promedio
    15 ofertas

    Need developer who has skills in app development and is well equipped with the knowledge of going through all process of sending app to android markets and is able to fix all errors Applicant must be able to set up screenshot,icon,app title,description,privacy policy,data safety and all other required things, It is a very simple task and it won't take much time

    $606 Average bid
    $606 Oferta promedio
    30 ofertas

    I'm looking for an experienced Android developer to create a utility app aimed at collecting data from various users. Key requirements: - The app will need to be a data-gathering tool, so a strong understanding of how to effectively collect and manage user data is essential. - It needs to be able to handle different types of user input, including text, multimedia (photos, videos), and sensor data (like location and health metrics). - Experience with creating user-friendly, intuitive interfaces will be important, as the app needs to be accessible to a wide range of users. Ideal skills for the job include: - Proficient in Android development - Experience with data collection apps - Knowledge of managing multimedia and sensor data - UI/UX design experience

    $323 Average bid
    $323 Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas
    Real-time Stock Tracker Mobile App
    6 días left

    I'm looking for a skilled mobile app developer to create a Share Market Mobile App that tracks real-time stock data. The app should be available on both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: - Real-time stock tracking: The app's primary function is to monitor stock prices and trends in real-time. - Cross-platform compatibility: The app needs to function seamlessly on both iOS and Android devices. - User authentication: The app should have a secure login system using email and password. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in mobile app development for iOS and Android. - Prior experience in developing stock market tracking apps will be a plus. - Strong understanding of secure user authentication systems. Please bid if you have the relevant skills and experience.

    $119 Average bid
    $119 Oferta promedio
    14 ofertas

    mapa para web, recursos para manipular imagens de satélite, mapas e informações

    $100000 Average bid
    $100000 Oferta promedio
    12 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled mobile game developer with a strong background in creating engaging action games. The project will involve developing a game for the mobile platform. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop an action game for mobile - Ensure the game is engaging and user-friendly Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in mobile game development, particularly action games - Strong understanding of user experience and game design - Proficient in relevant programming languages and game development tools Please note, the perspective of the game has not yet been decided, and input on this will be appreciated.

    $414581 Average bid
    $414581 Oferta promedio
    38 ofertas

    I'm in search of skilled app developers to create a cross-platform (iOS and Android) application similar to Swiggy but with a unique concept. The app should be designed with a professional and corporate touch, steering clear of overly vibrant or minimalist aesthetics. Key Features: - Delivery Tracking: The app should provide real-time updates on delivery status. - User Reviews and Ratings: There should be a system in place for users to provide feedback and rate their experience. - Payment Integration: The app must support secure and seamless payment transactions. - User Sign Up: A simple yet effective user registration process is crucial. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in developing cross-platform applications. - A portfolio showcasing professio...

    $57 Average bid
    $57 Oferta promedio
    13 ofertas

    I need to develop a platform that can control Android phones from the PC terminal. Currently, I have found a website that meets my requirements and can use all its functions. I hope to make a 1:1 replica of this website, or you can better implement these functions. However, this website is in Chinese, and you may need to understand Chinese or do translation. It would be best if you have a long-term and stable team, as this is more reliable and can complete the project quickly. If you think you meet the requirements, please contact me.

    $5626 Average bid
    $5626 Oferta promedio
    45 ofertas
    Game Graphics Revamp for Android
    6 días left

    We're in the process of enhancing an Android game and need a talented user interface designer to revamp its graphics.

    $130 Average bid
    $130 Oferta promedio
    22 ofertas

    I'm looking for a straightforward Android app (compatible with version 10 and above) that features a single button with a basic default design. This button's sole function is to cancel or clear all notifications from all apps within the Notification Shade. When you Swipe-Down on the main screen in Android, you get a list of all the notifications from the different apps. At the bottom, is a "Clear All" button. The app should mimic the behaviour of this Clear All button in clearing all notifications. Key requirements: - The app should not have any additional settings or features beyond the notification clearing function. - A confirmation dialog before clearing notifications is not necessary; the app should clear notifications immediately upon button press. - The button ...

    $189 Average bid
    $189 Oferta promedio
    71 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled React Native developer to update my app from version 0.64 or below to the latest version. The goal of this project is to ensure full compatibility with both Android and iOS. Currently, the app is only utilizing standard libraries, so it should be a straightforward update. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in React Native, particularly in upgrading versions - Strong understanding of Android and iOS compatibility - Experience with standard libraries in React Native Please, only apply if you have a proven track record with React Native updates and can ensure the app's stability post-upgrade.

    $522 Average bid
    $522 Oferta promedio
    134 ofertas

    I'm seeking an experienced mobile app developer to create a hybrid application for Android and iOS. The app connects parents seeking maids for their children, with the maids themselves. Both parties will register on the app, and parents will be able to search for maids according to their specific needs. Key Features: - Registration via Email and Password: The registration process for both maids and users will be simple and secure, only requiring an email and password. - Maid Profiles: Users should be able to view specific details about each maid, particularly their experience and skills. - Payment Gateway: The app should have a seamless, secure payment gateway that supports Credit/Debit cards, Mobile wallets, and Bank transfers. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Ex...

    $344 Average bid
    $344 Oferta promedio
    42 ofertas

    I'm looking for a proficient Android developer to create a location-based navigation app. The app should provide users with: - Real-time traffic updates - Turn-by-turn directions Experience in developing similar utility apps will be a significant advantage. The ideal freelancer should be well-versed in Android development, have a keen understanding of navigation systems, and be capable of incorporating real-time data into the app. Please include your portfolio showcasing relevant projects when you bid.

    $8 - $15 / hr
    $8 - $15 / hr
    70 ofertas

    The iOS App needs to be built and managed till publishing is done. Below is the Scope of work for the iOS/Android App project. DM if you are a fit!

    $304 Average bid
    $304 Oferta promedio
    100 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to build a mobile app that caters to social networking. The app should be designed for both iOS and Android platforms. I am only looking for someone who is willing to create and build the app in exchange for equity. I am looking for someone to share my vision. Key Aspects: - Expertise in mobile app development is a must, preferably with a focus on social networking apps. - Proficiency in cross-platform development tools and languages. - Experience in UI/UX design principles for mobile to ensure the app is user-friendly and engaging. Your bid should reflect your experience and portfolio in social networking app development.

    $1531 Average bid
    $1531 Oferta promedio
    148 ofertas

    I'm looking for a talented app developer to create an vehicle maintenance app. The app will be user-friendly and available on both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: - User Authentication: The app will require a Mobile Number Registration/Login for user authentication. - Vehicle Management: Users should be able to manage comprehensive details about their vehicle including make, model, year, service history, mileage, and photos. - Service Scheduling: The app should allow users to schedule service appointments with ease. - Real-Time Tracking: Users should be able to track their vehicle's service in real-time. - Maintenance Reminders: The app will send timely reminders for regular maintenance checks. - Secure Payments: A safe and reliable payment gateway is a must for in-app ...

    $614 Average bid
    $614 Oferta promedio
    153 ofertas
    Flow Free Game Redesign & Update
    6 días left

    I am looking for a skilled game developer to help me edit and update the source code of the Flow Free game. The project involves enhancing the overall theme and style of the game, as well as redesigning specific gameplay mechanics. Key responsibilities: - Improve and redesign gameplay mechanics - Update and enhance game design elements - Implement changes to the overall theme and style of the game The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in game development, particularly with editing and updating source code. A keen eye for design and a strong understanding of gameplay mechanics is essential. Please provide examples of similar projects you have worked on in your bid.

    $183 Average bid
    $183 Oferta promedio
    31 ofertas
    Android & Windows App Enhancement
    6 días left

    *Please do not respond to this posting without first looking at and understanding how the software functions. You can download the software from here alongside some pre-populated demo content that you can import to the Manager (windows app) and the Viewer (Android app). To install the Android app you will need a licence: vRnJDrSHKR8r6AO I'm seeking a seasoned Android and C# programmer to refine existing apps. The Android app requires bug fixing as well as some adjustments to the UI. The Windows app needs similar amendments. The software comes as a pair with the Windows application allowing users to create a multi-media interactive which is then displayed on tablets via the Android app. Key Responsibilities: - Modify UI/UX for both Android and Windows apps - Improve functionality...

    $522 Average bid
    $522 Oferta promedio
    68 ofertas

    I need to create a small project for Android mobile: An application to enhance and improve the quality of images (including sharpening faces and increasing image resolution) Utilize some publicly available AI models like GFPGAN and Codeformer Use and interact directly with ncnn The application should be able to run offline on mobile.

    $199 Average bid
    $199 Oferta promedio
    34 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled app developer to create a comprehensive property management app. The app should cater to various aspects of property management including: - Tenant Management: Features such as lease tracking, tenant communication, and background checks are crucial. More specific details will be provided upon project commencement. - Maintenance Requests: The app should have a simple and efficient system for addressing maintenance requests from tenants. - Rent Collection: A seamless rent collection system is essential for the app. In addition to the tenant management features, the app needs to incorporate specific property management functionalities such as: - Rental Listing Management: The app should facilitate easy management of rental listings. - Financial Reporting: A r...

    $1889 Average bid
    $1889 Oferta promedio
    181 ofertas

    I'm experiencing some functionality issues with my Flutter app. The problem specifically pertains to data fetching and display. At times, it seems that no data is being displayed, which is impacting the overall user experience. I am seeking a skilled Flutter developer with experience in debugging and troubleshooting functionality issues within apps. The ideal candidate would have a strong understanding of data fetching processes and display mechanisms within Flutter applications. Key Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Flutter development - Strong debugging and troubleshooting skills - Experience with data fetching and display in apps - Ability to improve overall app functionality and user experience.

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Oferta promedio
    31 ofertas

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