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2,000 indian companies database trabajos encontrados

La base de datos MySQL de mi sitio web de comercio electrónico ha superado los 1000 MB y requiere optimización. La base de datos admite principalmente el catálogo de productos y el procesamiento de pedidos, junto con otras funciones. Requisitos clave: - Análisis y optimización integral de la base de datos - Mejoras para mejorar la velocidad y la eficiencia - Sugerencias para la gestión futura de la base de datos Realizo un mantenimiento regular de la base de datos, por lo que esta tarea se trata más de optimizar los datos actuales y mejorar su rendimiento en lugar de lidiar con la falta de mantenimiento. Los candidatos ideales deben tener experiencia en la optimización de grandes bases de datos MySQL, preferiblemente para sitios web...

$38 Average bid
$38 Oferta promedio
20 ofertas

Necesito desarrollar en el entoner Qnap una app para utilizar quickbooks multiusarios.

$210 Average bid
$210 Oferta promedio
6 ofertas

I have 2 FileMaker databases currently used on a desktop computer. I need these databases adjusted for web access so that two additional users can access the data and input new information. Key Requirements: - Adjust 2 FileMaker databases for web access via FileMaker WebDirect. - Implement a user interface that allows the users to View and Edit the databases. - Set up a secure authentication system requiring a username and password for each user. - One of the databases is used for budgeting (Quotation). This should be adjusted to allow the use of different price lists per customer. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with FileMaker databases and FileMaker WebDirect. - Proficiency in web integration and user interface design. - Strong background in setting up secure user authentication ...

$620 Average bid
$620 Oferta promedio
15 ofertas
We need salespeople
Finalizado left

...RESPOND IF YOU CAN GENERATE APPOINTMENTS NOT JUST LEADS. We are a european business center, offering virtual offices to freelancers, teleworkers and small and medium-sized enterprises owners (SMEs) from the USA who need a business address in Europe to sell their services or products to the european market. A highly consumerist market of 448.4 million customers. A market with more than 33 million companies. We do b2b business. Trump will encourage domestic production in the US. It is time for american SMEs and freelancers to export products and services to Europe. Open a branch in Europe, open a virtual office in our european business center. When the US freelancer, teleworker or small and medium-sized enterprise owner (SME) exports his services or products and shows his potent...

$38 / hr Average bid
$38 / hr Oferta promedio
3 ofertas
We need salespeople
Finalizado left

...RESPOND IF YOU CAN GENERATE APPOINTMENTS NOT JUST LEADS. We are a european business center, offering virtual offices to freelancers, teleworkers and small and medium-sized enterprises owners (SMEs) from the USA who need a business address in Europe to sell their services or products to the european market. A highly consumerist market of 448.4 million customers. A market with more than 33 million companies. We do b2b business. Trump will encourage domestic production in the US. It is time for american SMEs and freelancers to export products and services to Europe. Open a branch in Europe, open a virtual office in our european business center. When the US freelancer, teleworker or small and medium-sized enterprise owner (SME) exports his services or products and shows his potent...

$1954 Average bid
$1954 Oferta promedio
2 ofertas

Crear base de datos personalizable para introducir datos y consultar mediante busqueda especifica de palabras. Crear base de datos, para poner en servidor. Php mysql. Front end y backend, puede ser en laravel , CodeIgniter o cualquier. Usuarios. Admin y usuario invitado, en niveles. Tipo de datos a introducir, texto, fecha, imagenes y links. Todo personalizable, serian varios campos, e incluso unos textos serian cortos y otros largos. Todo en un interfaz dinamico y atractivo para la vista, en colores suaves, que se podra personalizar en el menu o en el codigo fuente. 2 secciones principales, primera, introduccion de datos, segunda buscador de palabras clave, indicando donde y cuantas hay en coincidencia. Y que se pueda acceder, ya sea en nueva ventana o lo mas practico. Pero que no se pie...

$164 Average bid
$164 Oferta promedio
40 ofertas

... • Configurar un casilla unsuscribe • Configurar que si un contacto responda , vaya a otra casilla diferente que brindaremos Landings • Configurar la 404 que pueda editar • Configurar una pagina de desucripcion bien completa y esteticamente agradable, que automaticamente agregue las categorias o segmentos que pueda ir agregando en el futuro Configuracion final • No usamos Companies, asi ponerlo en modo b2c • Enviaremos correos y todo en 2 idiomas, asi que configurarlo bien para que enviemos correos en cada idioma y que le llegue en el idioma elegido por el cliente Test final • como test final crearemos 10 contactos, 5 en castellano y 5 en ingles • enviaremos 2 newsletter uno en castellano y otro en ingles, ...

$145 Average bid
$145 Oferta promedio
16 ofertas

...Raspberry. UV4L uses WebRTC technology, thanks to which it has very low audio and video latencies, but WebRTC uses many and unpredictable communication ports with TCP and UDP traffic, which doesn't allow me to restrict some ports in order to be able to share the available ports between several streams. I found a solution, but it's not very good. What I do is use multiple Internets. Most Internet companies don't allow me in Spain (my country) to have more than one Internet connection per address. What I do is install a computer on another Internet connection. That computer doesn't have to be a PC, it can be a Raspberry or even an Orange PI. The idea is that those computers are VPN servers and their clients are my Raspberrys. You see, the idea is to race smal...

$1132 Average bid
$1132 Oferta promedio
10 ofertas

FIRST OF ALL: ONLY SPANISH COMPANIES WITH LESS 5 YEARS PRIMERO DE TODO: SOLO EMPRESAS ESPAÑOLAS CON MENOS DE 5 AÑOS Somos una empresa de Impresión 3D para empresas y queremos presentarnos a Activa Start UP con una startup que nos desarrolle una necesidad tenemos desde hace tiempo y es una plataforma que nos permita tanto a nosotros como nuestros posibles clientes cargar archivos STL, y a partir del volumen y nuestras formulas de cálculo de precios ofrecerles un precio y la posibilidad de hacer el pedido online sin tener que pasar por llamarnos/contactarnos. La idea además es complementarlo con un GPT que les asesore a la hora de elegir material, condiciones y demás. Del GPT nosotros nos encargaríamos de entrenarlo y hacerlo, ya ...

$9067 Average bid
$9067 Oferta promedio
10 ofertas

...Raspberry. UV4L uses WebRTC technology, thanks to which it has very low audio and video latencies, but WebRTC uses many and unpredictable communication ports with TCP and UDP traffic, which doesn't allow me to restrict some ports in order to be able to share the available ports between several streams. I found a solution, but it's not very good. What I do is use multiple Internets. Most Internet companies don't allow me in Spain (my country) to have more than one Internet connection per address. What I do is install a computer on another Internet connection. That computer doesn't have to be a PC, it can be a Raspberry or even an Orange PI. The idea is that those computers are VPN servers and their clients are my Raspberrys. You see, the idea is to race smal...

$419 Average bid
$419 Oferta promedio
2 ofertas

NO INDIAN / PAKISTAN Freelancers Se requiere de creadores de contenido / imagenes basados en IA para blog técnicos / landing pages, enfocados en informática y hardware. Solo se consideraran freelancers español nativo. Debe presentar trabajos previos.

$21 Average bid
$21 Oferta promedio
40 ofertas

Consultor Experto en servicios Api WhatsApp Business Conocimientos con Chat Bot Api Whatsapp Consulta a bases de datos Requerimientos : Hablar Español!

$288 Average bid
$288 Oferta promedio
5 ofertas

...number/date and select validate. 8. Development of website + ecommerce, with a video at the top, then products on offer and promotion, menus of parent categories to be seen at the top of the page and with filters so that customers can select products by parent category, child categories, vitamins, benefits, etc ..., integrated with the payment gateway redsys, stripe, PayPal, integrated with transport companies (NACEX, SEUR, ...), integration of API of to display nutritional information for each product. 9. Creation of 2 native mobile applications with different customised screens for the whole flow of the purchase process to be much more agile and faster every day: A) A full application with all the Screens for the integral service so the screens that the application should h...

$2662 Average bid
Acuerdo de Confidencialidad
$2662 Oferta promedio
24 ofertas

...number/date and select validate. 8. Development of website + ecommerce, with a video at the top, then products on offer and promotion, menus of parent categories to be seen at the top of the page and with filters so that customers can select products by parent category, child categories, vitamins, benefits, etc ..., integrated with the payment gateway redsys, stripe, PayPal, integrated with transport companies (NACEX, SEUR, ...), integration of API of to display nutritional information for each product. 9. Creation of 2 native mobile applications with different customised screens for the whole flow of the purchase process to be much more agile and faster every day: A) A full application with all the Screens for the integral service so the screens that the application should h...

$1165 Average bid
Acuerdo de Confidencialidad
$1165 Oferta promedio
23 ofertas

Trabajo de la semana pasada en render y en el servidor, backup/ load scripts

$50 Average bid
$50 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas
WordPress website
Finalizado left

...Stage: (Confirmed) 1. Pages: - Us; Brief review and history of the institution, - Board of Directors and Specialists (brief review of their specialty and CV) - Labor Exchange; Where we can place an Excel-type table where users can view the job offers of affiliated institutions. - Alliances with entities; Excel type table indicating the alliances that the institution has with some entities or companies with possible subscriber discounts or offers. - Table or calendar where visitors can see the events of the current month or those coming for the year. - Contact Us; Send comments, queries about something specific through a form, it should have links to WhatsApp, telephone numbers and social networks. 2. Virtual library (BLOG); - Only subscribers can comment - With the possibility o...

$217 Average bid
$217 Oferta promedio
104 ofertas

...dividirá en varios hitos de unos 1000 emails a ser completados en menos de una semana. - El pago será de 0.015€/correo electrónico encontrado. Research/Data Collection: Email Search for Technology Companies - I am looking for a freelancer who can assist me in gathering email addresses from a list of companies. - The purpose of this project is to collect data for research purposes. - The ideal freelancer should have experience in data collection and be proficient in conducting online research. - The project requires gathering a substantial number of email addresses from a sample of 4800 companies aprox. - Attention to detail and accuracy are crucial in this project to ensure the validity of the collected email addresses. - The freelancer sh...

$48 Average bid
$48 Oferta promedio
7 ofertas

...información requerida. - El cronograma del proyecto debería ser de aproximadamente diez días. - El pago será de 0.015€/correo electrónico encontrado. Research/Data Collection: Email Search for Technology Companies - I am looking for a freelancer who can assist me in gathering email addresses from a list of companies. - The purpose of this project is to collect data for research purposes. - The ideal freelancer should have experience in data collection and be proficient in conducting online research. - The project requires gathering a substantial number of email addresses from a sample of 4800 companies aprox. - Attention to detail and accuracy are crucial in this project to ensure the validity of the collected email addresses...

$136 Average bid
$136 Oferta promedio
7 ofertas

...a region, we would work to expand our geographical presence, using targeted marketing strategies and awareness campaigns to reach new potential clients. Furthermore, we would invest in the training and education of local teams to ensure the quality and consistency of our services across all locations. As the business grows, we would consider acquisition or partnership with established local companies to accelerate our expansion and leverage their market expertise. Additionally, we would explore opportunities to diversify our services, such as incorporating innovative agricultural technologies or offering pest control solutions for other sectors, such as the food industry or public health. Over time, our goal would be to establish ourselves as undisputed leaders in the agricultu...

$268 Average bid
$268 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas

I’m seeking a Spanish-speaking virtual assistant, that will help me find Leeds on LinkedIn and send them an intro message. In the long run I would need to get in touch with approximately 600 companies all around Iberia. Before assigning the full project, I would like to test the quality and the speed of the performance. Therefore, the first part of the project will consist of showing me how many leads can be created, and how many can be contacted in 1 hour. This project has specifically this goal. ———————————————————————————————- Para hispanohablantes: Estoy buscando un asistente virtual ...

$9 / hr Average bid
$9 / hr Oferta promedio
71 ofertas

...Individuals who can convince potential clients of the course's value, and ensure we reach our goal of 50 sales per month Materials used for the course will include PowerPoint presentations, PDF Documents, as well as pre-recorded videos. As such, familiarity with these formats and an understanding of their benefits for participants would be an advantage. This is a sale so that these courses are paid by companies to their workers, a simpler sale than going directly to the professional....

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr Oferta promedio
24 ofertas

...encontrar la información requerida. - El cronograma del proyecto debería ser de aproximadamente diez días. - El pago será de 0.015€/correo electrónico Research/Data Collection: Email Search for Technology Companies - I am looking for a freelancer who can assist me in gathering email addresses from a list of companies. - The purpose of this project is to collect data for research purposes. - The ideal freelancer should have experience in data collection and be proficient in conducting online research. - The project requires gathering a substantial number of email addresses from a sample of 7000 companies aprox. - Attention to detail and accuracy are crucial in this project to ensure the validity of the collected email addresse...

$144 Average bid
$144 Oferta promedio
61 ofertas

I require some additional functionalities in a PHP proyect, Specifically, I need a field to write in a table and column created in my PostgreSQL database. The new field will capture and store names. Key Requirements are: 1. Field Type: - The new field should be a Text field. 2. Constraints: - The name field should not accept any special characters. 3. Formatting: - There are no specific formatting requirements for the name field. Ideal Skills and Experience: A successful freelancer will have experience with: - Database Management - PostgreSQL databases - Speaking and writing in Spanish Finally, considering the nature of this project, a keen attention to detail and the ability to adhere to project specification is a plus for this task.

$7 / hr Average bid
$7 / hr Oferta promedio
17 ofertas

I need someone experienced to code a scraper in Python. Do you have one script already coded and working? I will purchase it Please, read to the end before bidding. Project must be delivered in 3 days as much. Specifications: 1. It must scrape companies data from Google Maps, including email. Therefore, the spider must visit the website and search for the email. 2. It must be coded in Python + scrapy (or another option if it offers better performance). 3. It must use a proxy service to avoid being blocked. No APIs. No third parties but proxy provider. 4. It must have a web interface that allows importing search terms (or copy + paste), configure proxies API and starting tasks. 5. Data will be saved in a MySQL table. 6. All available data must be collected: Name, address, zip, city...

$121 Average bid
$121 Oferta promedio
8 ofertas

...flowchart (tree or map) and B2C and B2B conversion funnel of the App. 2.2 With the same functions of the website and integrated or synchronized with it. 2.3 B2C functions (freemium) active for everyone and B2B functions (premium) active only for the local country with the option to open it to other countries. What are we looking for? - Experienced iOS and Android developers (freelancers or companies). - Focus on working planned, preparing the Gantt diagram (or similar) of the project. - Guidance in UX, conversion design and neuromarketing. - Focus on submitting wireframes and sketches for approval prior to graphic design and web development. - Ability to work as a team and meet deadlines. - Excellent communication skills (verbal and written) in the Spanish language. ...

$4209 Average bid
$4209 Oferta promedio
31 ofertas

Convertir Excel/CSV/Text/DBF/Access/Mysql data to MySQL/SQL Server Database Convertir Mysql/SQL Server database a Excel/CSV/Text/DBF/Access/Mysql

$72 Average bid
$72 Oferta promedio
21 ofertas

Debo agregar todos los números de referencia OE de Tecdoc a mi base de datos de partes, seria hacer una integracion en excel de una tabla propia a TEcdoc. Por ejemplo tengo un numero de OE de una parte y debe importarse de tecdoc las demas equivalencias de EO que tienen en su BD. De una manera permitida.

$8 / hr Average bid
$8 / hr Oferta promedio
7 ofertas

Debo agregar todos los números de referencia OE de Tecdoc a mi base de datos de partes, seria hacer una integracion en excel de una tabla propia a TEcdoc. Por ejemplo tengo un numero de OE de una parte y debe importarse de tecdoc las demas equivalencias de EO que tienen en su BD. De una manera permitida.

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Oferta promedio
12 ofertas

Necesito un profesional y/o empresa que desarrolle un sistema de webcrapping de ayudas, becas, subvenciones, premios, concursos, eventos, licitaciones y/o contratos de diferentes páginas web y en base a una parametrización que se registren posteriormente en una base de datos segmentada de la que se puedan exportar en formato .xls de forma personalizada, parametrizada y demanda.

$144 Average bid
$144 Oferta promedio
36 ofertas

...(NetBeans) to generate reports using some processes which I will indicate. Your task if you decide to accept it is to create the database with a theme which I will show you privately and after that, develop the code in Netbeans to generate reports using NetBeans, I have an unfinished project but which shows which processes are they have to use, reports must be generated from java, when the reports are generated you must also make some indications to show specific data when indicated. - They must design user-friendly interfaces for data entry and report generation. - Provide the ability to generate custom reports based on criteria selected by the user. - Optimize the database for efficient performance and fast data recovery. - Experience creating user interfaces for data e...

$152 Average bid
$152 Oferta promedio
18 ofertas

Requiero instalar un servidor Oracle Database 12c en un servidor RHEL 7 y poder conectarme desde otros equipos para hacer consultas por sqlplus o SQL Developer

$171 Average bid
$171 Oferta promedio
8 ofertas

Busco desarrollador, de sistemas JAVA, para la creación de un sistema de control de presupuestos, solicitud de requisiciones, compras, inventarios, partidas de proyectos presupuestarios. El sistema será un similar a lo existentes Dynamic o tipo SAP for HANA. PROPOSALS FROM COMPANIES ARE NOT ACCEPTED, ONLY INDEPENDENT DEVELOPER.

$1470 Average bid
$1470 Oferta promedio
23 ofertas

Tenemos una aplicación web en Oracle Database Oracle APEX, y tres webs. Queremos conectar las dos webs para que se copien los pedidos, artículos, y clientes. Nos urge mucho.

$261 Average bid
$261 Oferta promedio
6 ofertas

Somos un microemprendimmiento en desarrollo y necesitamos establecernos en la web. Nuestro sitio web debería tener obviamente una landing page y un formulario de contacto (podría tener reserva de turnos y recepción de pago pero al momento no es escencial). Como parte de un nuevo proyecto dentro de la expansión necesitaríamos poder crear una base de datos con registros de personas y sus calificaciones. El proyecto web debería ser 100% escalable ya que no contamos con dinero suficiente para su totalidad. Escuchamos consejos sobre el lenguaje a utilizar. Solo evaluamos presupuestos de Argentina.

$451 Average bid
$451 Oferta promedio
60 ofertas

I am looking for a web developer to create a B2B exchange platform for both physical products and professional services. The main goal of the website is to generate sales. In addition, I would like the site to have a rating and commenting system for users to provide feedback on their experience. Other features I require include integration of a payment gateway, as well as ...integration of a payment gateway, as well as user registration, management and profile pages. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in e-commerce development and be skilled in website design and development. THIS PROYECT NEEDS TO BE DONE IN SPANISH Website has to be mobile friendly, i need a WhatsApp plugin and it need to be done in Spanish because the target audience are companies in Centr...

$1410 Average bid
Acuerdo de Confidencialidad
$1410 Oferta promedio
14 ofertas

...líderes (nivel gerencial) y equipos de líderes, en inglés y/o español. Pago comisión del 15 al 20% según volumen de ventas mensual ) porcentaje muy superior a la media. Indispensable experiencia en el ramo, hablarme de esta experiencia EN EL PRIMER MENSAJE. Clientes de cualquier país de habla hispana o angloparlante. I am looking for an excellent SALESPERSON with a B2B client portfolio in medium companies, in the areas of HR or management, to sell remote leadership coaching programs for managers and management teams, in English and/or Spanish. I will pay a 15 to 20% commission on all projects, depending on monthly sales volume, which is a much higher rate than the average. VERY IMPORTANT TO TELL ME ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE IN T...

$2010 Average bid
$2010 Oferta promedio
2 ofertas

Necesito cambiar todos los id de mis usuarios en la base de datos para que sean reflejeados en mi pagina de wordpress.

$23 Average bid
$23 Oferta promedio
17 ofertas

Necesito editar mi página de producto en shopify que ahora es SIMPLE y volverla más “versátil" con secciones tipo toggle para separar: Descripción. Ficha técnica. Garantía. Etc.

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Oferta promedio
20 ofertas
$45 Oferta promedio
7 ofertas

Busco para agencia practicante de marketing digital con énfasis en anuncios en Google y Meta. Experiencia en otras áreas de marketing es valorado. SOLO PAISES LATINOS Nivel de inglés B2 o C1. Para iniciar medio tiempo. Remuneración competitiva, acorde a aptitudes y habilidades.

$399 Average bid
$399 Oferta promedio
14 ofertas
SQL database
Finalizado left

Hola necesito ayuda con un view en SQL que cree ayer pero no está procesando la información como yo quería. Desafortunadamente no puedo compartir el database porque el computador es de mi empresa y no deja compartir base de datos, trabajaríamos de forma remota en el cual te daría acceso a mi pantalla

$27 Average bid
$27 Oferta promedio
21 ofertas
DBA Oracle
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Nos encontramos en búsqueda de una persona para desempeñar el cargo de DBA Oracle en modalidad remoto Para este cargo es necesario: · Experiencia como Oracle DBA más de 4 años · Comprensión en arquitectura y diseño de soluciones de base de datos Oracle · Ex...Comprensión en arquitectura y diseño de soluciones de base de datos Oracle · Experiencia en Implementar y mantener entornos Oracle RAC, ASM y Data Guard · Experiencia en Gestión de incidentes en BD Oracle · Experiencia en planificación de la capacidad, actualizaciones, migraciones y mantenimiento de la base de datos · Experiencia en Gestión de Proyectos · Conocimiento en administrar Oracle Da...

$2420 Average bid
$2420 Oferta promedio
12 ofertas
prensa escribiendo ..
Finalizado left

Nuestra empresa es Telus y estamos buscando un buen escritor para escribir uno de nuestros comunicados de prensa para nosotros ... Se trata de Indian Folk Art y estamos teniendo una subasta NFT alrededor de algunas de estas obras que nunca se han hecho antes en la History... Ya tenemos un borrador de formulario hecho que se compartirá con usted, pero tenemos que hacerlo pegadizo, el primer para necesita tener palabras que llamen la atención de los pueblos, necesita un encabezado impresionante y un ángulo digno de noticias, así como un enfoque estructurado... Así que si usted puede enviar muestras, así con lo que ha hecho que será genial!..

$111 Average bid
$111 Oferta promedio
15 ofertas
prensa escribiendo ..
Finalizado left

Nuestra empresa es Telus y estamos buscando un buen escritor para escribir uno de nuestros comunicados de prensa para nosotros ... Se trata de Indian Folk Art y estamos teniendo una subasta NFT alrededor de algunas de estas obras que nunca se han hecho antes en la History... Ya tenemos un borrador de formulario hecho que se compartirá con usted, pero tenemos que hacerlo pegadizo, el primer para necesita tener palabras que llamen la atención de los pueblos, necesita un encabezado impresionante y un ángulo digno de noticias, así como un enfoque estructurado... Así que si usted puede enviar muestras, así con lo que ha hecho que será genial!..

$85 Average bid
$85 Oferta promedio
8 ofertas

Al querer finalizar el proceso de compra, se ve detenido debido a que la dirección y datos del perfil no son gua...querer finalizar el proceso de compra, se ve detenido debido a que la dirección y datos del perfil no son guardados, por lo que el proceso de compra queda sólo en AdminCarts. Esto sucede 3 de 10 usuarios. Es extraño; al parecer la db está dañada. Estamos utilizando Knowband Supercheckout (se puede quitar también para ir descartando módulos) te necesitamos para un diagnóstico general, revisión del database, quizás revisar la performance del servidor contratado (SCL). Anterior programador no supo encontrar el problema. Ideal comunicación telefónica, flexible de día, con pos...

$272 Average bid
$272 Oferta promedio
12 ofertas

The job is to write 3 articles between 1000 and 1200 about lottery or casino topics. The 3 article topics: - How to play American lotteries from India (explain how Indians can play the US lotteries, focus on Powerball and MegaMillions, write about their differences, how to play them from India online, the biggest jackpots wined by Indian players, etc.) - How to choose the right lottery numbers to win euromillions (different strategies used by players, such us the most frecuent numbers, lucky numbers, random numbers, etc) - What is the RNG of online casino games and why it's so important You can change a bit. Just so you know, once we receive the articles, we will insert links to , and send them to media outlets.

$36 Average bid
$36 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas

Necesito postulantes para agregar algunas funcionaoidades a sistema de taxi ya funcionando. El miso esta creado en React.Js - Redux - Firebase Realtime Database. Solamente para agregar funcionalidad a el panel de control.

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Oferta promedio
34 ofertas

Hola Tony B., vi tu perfil y me gustaría ofrecerte mi proyecto. Podemos conversar por chat acerca de los detalles. hello

$10 Average bid
$10 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas

Hola Kishore P., vi tu perfil y me gustaría ofrecerte mi proyecto. Podemos conversar por chat acerca de los detalles.

$2 / hr Average bid
$2 / hr Oferta promedio
1 ofertas