Difference between downloading and uploading in tabular formtrabajos
...an expert in PHP and Drupal 7/11 with proven experience in complex Drupal migrations to complete the migration of a sports event website from Drupal 7 to Drupal 11. The project is partially completed but presents inconsistencies in data migration, content structures, and entity relationships. The selected candidate will be responsible for reviewing, correcting, and completing the migration using optimized data transfer methods. Candidate Requirements Minimum 5 years of experience in PHP and Drupal (must provide examples of similar projects). Experience in migrating from Drupal 7 to Drupal 11 using API-based methods and Migrate API. Advanced knowledge of Drupal e-commerce (Commerce 2.x and product management)....
...view project: A website for small business where we design, create and maintain their website, social media and other using up-to-date technology like AI. Please, see document attached. Images are just for reference, you can use your own images and design. Please, see this design as a reference: Platform: WordPress with WooCommerce - Primary Language: English (Content will be provided in English). - Objective: Develop a professional website for TechCraftersHub, showcasing its custom website design, creation, and maintenance services tailored for young entrepreneurs and small businesses. The site should emphasize the company’s unique
El objetivo de este proyecto es conectar el google sheets que guarda las respuestas de un formulario de Google con otra hoja de cálculo de Google Sheets para automatizar el proceso de inscripción y seguimiento de altas, bajas y cobros. El candidato deberá tener conocimientos de Airtable o para realizar esta conexión y mejorar la interfaz de usuario para que sea más usable que con Google Sheets. También sería posible hacer la automatización con TaskMagic porque contamos con licencia lifetime.
...Auditoría y Diagnóstico de Seguridad Revisar y analizar posibles vulnerabilidades en el sitio web. Detectar si hay código malicioso o scripts que estén permitiendo el envío de spam. Identificar si mi dominio y correo han sido comprometidos o utilizados para spoofing. 2. Fortalecer la Seguridad del Formulario de Contacto (Contact Form 7) Implementar Google reCAPTCHA v3 en el formulario para evitar envíos automatizados. Instalar y configurar el plugin Contact Form 7 Honeypot para reducir el spam. Limitar el número de envíos por IP y evitar abusos del formulario. Verificar y modificar la configuración del formulario para asegurarse de que solo los correos legítimos sean procesados. 3. Implementar M...
...documentos (Word, LaTeX, InDesign u otros). • Habilidad para investigar y actualizar contenido con fuentes confiables. The academic book should be between 300-400 pages. The book should follow the APA format for citations and overall structure. Regular meetings with the client will be scheduled to review progress and provide feedback. The primary target audience for the book is students. The manuscript should be written in Spanish. The project should be completed within 3 months. The book should maintain a formal and scholarly tone appropriate for academic study. The academic book should be designed for postgraduate students. The diagrams and visual aids should be moderately detailed to support the understanding of key points....
...an expert in PHP and Drupal 7/9 with proven experience in complex Drupal migrations to complete the migration of a sports event website from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9. The project is partially completed but presents inconsistencies in data migration, content structures, and entity relationships. The selected candidate will be responsible for reviewing, correcting, and completing the migration using optimized data transfer methods. Candidate Requirements Minimum 5 years of experience in PHP and Drupal (must provide examples of similar projects). Experience in migrating from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 using API-based methods and Migrate API. Advanced knowledge of Drupal e-commerce (Commerce 2.x and product management). Ad...
...documentos (Word, LaTeX, InDesign u otros). • Habilidad para investigar y actualizar contenido con fuentes confiables. The academic book should be between 300-400 pages. The book should follow the APA format for citations and overall structure. Regular meetings with the client will be scheduled to review progress and provide feedback. The primary target audience for the book is students. The manuscript should be written in Spanish. The project should be completed within 3 months. The book should maintain a formal and scholarly tone appropriate for academic study. The academic book should be designed for postgraduate students. The diagrams and visual aids should be moderately detailed to support the understanding of key points....
...un diagrama de clases para una aplicación de gestión de biblioteca. Tareas: Crear un diagrama de clases UML para una biblioteca, que incluya la gestión de libros, usuarios y socios. Analizar el código proporcionado (en un archivo txt) e identificar los errores de sintaxis y programación. Corregir el código y aplicar buenas prácticas de programación: Nombrar variables y métodos adecuadamente. Tabular el código correctamente. Añadir comentarios relevantes. Evitar la repetición de código. Desarrollar pruebas para asegurar el correcto funcionamiento del código corregido. Documentar el proceso de revisión y corrección del código. Se espera obtener: Un diagrama de c...
...attached design to HTML and embedding it within a PHP file. The editable design file in AI format will be provided, along with the necessary images exported to PNG. This project must be completed within 24 hours, and this deadline is non-negotiable. Proposals specifying more than 24 hours will not be accepted. If the project is not completed within the 24-hour timeframe, it will be considered unsuccessful. I regret the limited time available, but this is the timeframe I can offer. The project is relatively simple for someone experienced in these tasks. I will provide FTP/Cpanel credentials for the developer to work directly on the server. The design is provided in desktop format, but it should be configured to be responsive and adaptable to m...
...designed to streamline and enhance professional development and organizational management. It encompasses functionalities for user authentication and management, asset management, evaluation management, training plan management, and insightful data analytics. The application is being built using a React-based frontend with Material UI components and a Node.js backend (, PostgreSQL, Prisma), all while following best practices for development. Current Status (Completed and Partially Completed Features): Backend: A basic authentication structure has been implemented, including the generation and validation of JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for securing API endpoints. Core API routes for user registration and login, company registration, us...
...on Android and Iphone. It is a simple application to control the tasks of my workers, everything I find commercial, or is complicated to use or does not fit what I need. The app has to have two parts, a control panel via web and the app itself. Inside the control panel I need to be able to log in with a username and password. Once inside: - USER MANAGEMENT TAB • CREATION OF NEW USERS • AUTOMATIC USER CODE ASSIGNMENT • USER FIRST NAME AND SURNAME • USER DEPARTMENT • PASSWORD ASSIGNMENT • PASSWORD CHANGE • REMOVAL OF USER AND REVOCATION OF APPLICATION TO USER - REAL TIME CONSULTATION TAB • TO CONSULT IN REAL TIME BY USERS WHAT IS BEING DONE AT THAT MOMENT BY EACH EMPLOYEE - DAILY REPORT TAB • CHO...
...un diagrama de clases para una aplicación de gestión de biblioteca. Tareas: Crear un diagrama de clases UML para una biblioteca, que incluya la gestión de libros, usuarios y socios. Analizar el código proporcionado (en un archivo txt) e identificar los errores de sintaxis y programación. Corregir el código y aplicar buenas prácticas de programación: Nombrar variables y métodos adecuadamente. Tabular el código correctamente. Añadir comentarios relevantes. Evitar la repetición de código. Desarrollar pruebas para asegurar el correcto funcionamiento del código corregido. Documentar el proceso de revisión y corrección del código. Se espera obtener: Un diagrama de c...
...un diagrama de clases para una aplicación de gestión de biblioteca. Tareas: Crear un diagrama de clases UML para una biblioteca, que incluya la gestión de libros, usuarios y socios. Analizar el código proporcionado (en un archivo txt) e identificar los errores de sintaxis y programación. Corregir el código y aplicar buenas prácticas de programación: Nombrar variables y métodos adecuadamente. Tabular el código correctamente. Añadir comentarios relevantes. Evitar la repetición de código. Desarrollar pruebas para asegurar el correcto funcionamiento del código corregido. Documentar el proceso de revisión y corrección del código. Se espera obtener: Un diagrama de c...
--- Project Title: "Development of Live Chat with Admin Live Panel and Real-Time Interactive Features (Budget: $111 USD, 1 Week)" --- Project Description: We are looking for an experienced freelance developer to create a live chat system with an interactive admin panel. This system should facilitate efficient communication between users and operators while providing real-time management and visualization of interactions. Main Project Goals: 1. Provide a functional and user-friendly live chat for users. 2. Create an Admin Live Panel with graphical tools for efficient system management. 3. Enable real-time communication with interactive features for admins and operators. --- Project Features: 1. Live Chat for Users: Real-...
Text in English and Spanish: ENGLISH: I am looking for a designer/developer to create an educational platform (web and mobile app) focused on language learning, similar to Duolingo. The main idea is that the professional will be in charge of developing the skeleton of the platform (structure and functionality), while I will be in charge of filling in the content. IMPORTANT: You only have to create the structure and method for 1 LANGUAGE. You do not have to design for all languages. The key is that the designer must create a method by which when I have published all the sections, chapters and lessons of that main language, I can duplicate that structure as many times as I need to make room for the rest of the languages that ...
Busco un experto en vídeo para crear y editar vídeos destinados a promocionar y vender un infoproducto online relacionado tanto con el fitness físico como con la salud mental. Esto podría incluir conteni...dediquen a eso en la práctica. - Experiencia en la escritura de guiones claros y efectivos para vídeos informativos. - Capacidad para proporcionar locuciones de alta calidad según el tono requerido. - Familiaridad con diferentes plataformas de redes sociales para la promoción de contenido. Para mayor información pueden enviar mensajes. Each video should be between 5-10 minutes long. The visual style of the videos should be engaging and dynamic. El estilo visual de los videos debe ser colorido y enérgico...
...become a surprise. 2 - I will consider the work as finished when in one tab of a browser I can see and listen to the streaming from a Raspberry, while at the same time, that is, simultaneously, in another tab the streaming from another is accessed, any other option that does not achieve this, which is my objective, would be considered as unfinished. If the objective is not met, I would ask the platform for a refund. I am only looking for a fair deal for both parties. 3 - I have a PC with Ubuntu 24 and I will provide remote access to it through the application called “nomachine”. Likewise, I will provide remote access to two Raspberrys through VNC. Using nomachine or VNC is basically indifferent, I use nomachine on Ubuntu and VNC on Raspbe...
Buenos días, Necesito incluir en mi página web un formulario de reservas para que mis clientes puedan reservar los traslados de forma sencilla en mi web. El formulario tiene que tener los campos de datos personales (nombre, email y teléfono) origen (en el campo de origen puedes poner la dirección que quieras, no tienen que estar preestablecidas ) y destino (los campos de destino deben ser abiertos también) Los métodos de pago deben ser: tarjeta de crédito/débito, bizum y pago directamente al conductor. También debe incluir campos como: número de pasajeros, hora de recogida/llevada, número de vuelo/tren y si precisan de sillitas de bebe o tienen alguna minusvalía. Mi web es esta y esta es la web q...
1. Complete installation of Odoo 18 Enterprise on the platform and later when the installation and configuration is finished and the corresponding tests have been carried out, the migration to a virtual private server (VPS) will be carried out. Once the project has been confirmed and accepted, a file will be sent with all the detailed information for the import of products, codes, barcodes, parent categories, daughter categories 1, daughter categories 2, prices, staggered prices, VAT, minimum quantities, maximum quantities, order point, inventory, product descriptions, product images, etc. 2. Activation, Configuration and Customisation of the different Odoo 18 applications that we need for the correct functioning of the company (Sales, Invoicing, CRM, W...
...value sent in the first byte. (Active high). To send a byte, write a SendByte function that receives a byte and sends the 8 bits of the byte to the input of the 74HC595 (serial data in). For each bit present in this input, the Shift_Clock must be set to 1 and returned to 0. This must be repeated 8 times. Once the 2 bytes have been sent, the Latch_Clock must be set to 1 and returned to 0, so that the value sent in the first byte must be displayed in the selected digit. Insert 2 nops between the rise and fall of each clock to avoid the pulse being too short. Look at the following instructions that may be useful: rol , ror, brcc, brcs, cbi, sbi. All the above code should be encapsulated as a subroutine called send_digit ...
...become a surprise. 2 - I will consider the work as finished when in one tab of a browser I can see and listen to the streaming from a Raspberry, while at the same time, that is, simultaneously, in another tab the streaming from another is accessed, any other option that does not achieve this, which is my objective, would be considered as unfinished. If the objective is not met, I would ask the platform for a refund. I am only looking for a fair deal for both parties. 3 - I have a PC with Ubuntu 24 and I will provide remote access to it through the application called “nomachine”. Likewise, I will provide remote access to two Raspberrys through VNC. Using nomachine or VNC is basically indifferent, I use nomachine on Ubuntu and VNC on Raspbe...
Necesito desarrollador para construir desde cero un drag and drop form builder en angular con muy buen diseño. Además se debe dejar una estructura limpia para continuar con un proyecto. De ser seleccionado podría quedar trabajando como freelancer en la continuidad del proyecto.
I want a system for a cooperative that is a website and a mobile app. The interface must be with login.login. You must have a part to manage the company at the administrative level and at the level of the partners who enter. At the cooperative level, you must handle all the accounting and have reports on everyone, payroll, expenses, income, etc. At the member level, members must be able to see their balance in the different types of accounts that we create depending on the products we take out, if it is financial certificates if it is savings if it is loans, etc., they must be able to request loans through there and if the members They belong to a company and when they request they must have the digital signature of the company, that means that the...
Incluir en una plantilla de Elementor un formulario que esté conectado a ContactForm de acuerdo a la refernecia visual que se incluye con el proyecto.
I am looking to develop a mental health app that revolutionizes the way people receive help. This app must offer users tools for diagnosis, care, monitoring, consultation and therapy, connection with professionals and social connection between users. Busco desarrollar un App de salud mental que revolucione la forma en que las personas reciben ayuda. Esta app debe ofrece al usuario herramientas de diagnostico, cuidado, seguimiento, consulta y terapia, conexión con profesionales y conexión social entre usuarios.
...recibirán más detalles. --- We are looking to create between 500 to 1200 minutes of videos in 45 days. This job will take you more than 8 hours a day. You will have to be on it all day. I am only looking for people capable to commit and deliver daily results. You will turn our scripts into error-free AI-generated videos using our platform ( look it up). Some videos will require graphics so you must have a graphic designer eye. Some other videos will not require graphics and will be just the plain AI actor. Some videos will need to be translated and corrected to Spanish. Everything should be checked to be error-free before exporting. Requirements: College educated Bilingual: Spanish and English Great communication ...
Necesito un sitio web que permita a los usuarios descargar videos de YouTube y convertirlos a formato MP3. El sitio debe permitir a los usuarios descargar varios videos a la vez y debe tener una función para crear cuentas de usuario e iniciar sesión. Las descargas de videos deben ser facilitadas por los usuarios que pegan las URL en el sitio.
...for a designer specialized in Revit to integrate different architectural, structural, and utility plans (sanitary, gas, electricity, and data network) and generate a complete BIM model for a project in Colombia. Additionally, we require rendering of both the exterior and interior of the building to visualize the design in detail. Currently, we have the architectural and structural plans as well as the soil study. The utility plans (sanitary, gas, electricity, and data network) will be provided once the selected freelancer is awarded the project. Important: Once all systems are integrated into the BIM model, we anticipate that deficiencies and incorrect crossings between systems will arise. Therefore, we expec...
File and Document Manager Objectives The student will develop a complete Web system that includes a client-side application and a server-side application using recent technologies and frameworks for development. Problem Definition A solution is needed for the problem of poor organization of Files and their documents in a company. A File is known as a collection of documents that is about a specific topic and has a certain number/key to identify it, which can be alphanumeric. A document can belong to several Files, therein lies the problem of disorganization, in addition to the administration of the file permissions to the interested users. Functional Requirements User Management The system will only be for use by internal users of the compan...
1. Complete installation of Odoo 17 Enterprise on the platform and later when the installation and configuration is finished and the corresponding tests have been carried out, the migration to a virtual private server (VPS) will be carried out. Once the project has been confirmed and accepted, a file will be sent with all the detailed information for the import of products, codes, barcodes, parent categories, daughter categories 1, daughter categories 2, prices, staggered prices, VAT, minimum quantities, maximum quantities, order point, inventory, product descriptions, product images, etc. 2. Activation, Configuration and Customisation of the different Odoo 17 applications that we need for the correct functioning of the company (Sales, Invoicing, CRM, W...
...for counting tomato plants on trays in real time. Main Features: 1. Image Recognition for Plant Counting: ○ The application will use voice recognition technology images to identify and count tomato plants in trays. ○ The counting process will be carried out in real time, without need to send the images to a server for analysis. ○ The application will include a library that will perform the counting directly within the mobile device. 2. Interaction with the User: ○ An action button will allow the user to set the moment accurate to perform the count. By pressing the button, the app will count the plants in the tray on which the user is positioned. ○ The app will take photos manually for perform the count. 3. Data Storage and Man...
Design Similar to - Internal Communication and Control from the Administration Panel Security and Privacy: Implementation of robust security measures to protect data integrity and user privacy. The entire system must be internal, without using external services such as Agora or Twilio, thus guaranteeing full control over the communication platform. We are looking to develop an Android application along with a web administration panel that allows creating communication channels and managing users with the following specific functionalities: Channel Creation: Ability to create multiple communication channels within the application, each with its own name and settings. Push-to-Talk Communication (PTT): One to One: Feature that allows users to communica...
1. Complete installation of Odoo 17 Enterprise on the platform and later when the installation and configuration is finished and the corresponding tests have been carried out, the migration to a virtual private server (VPS) will be carried out. Once the project has been confirmed and accepted, a file will be sent with all the detailed information for the import of products, codes, barcodes, parent categories, daughter categories 1, daughter categories 2, prices, staggered prices, VAT, minimum quantities, maximum quantities, order point, inventory, product descriptions, product images, etc. 2. Activation, Configuration and Customisation of the different Odoo 17 applications that we need for the correct functioning of the company (Sales, Invoicing, CRM, W...
...---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENG/ Bot Functions 1. Joining Groups and Channels: - The bot joins groups and channels. 2. User Verification: - Verifies old and new users in groups. - Forces users to invite a specific number of people and join a channel in order to continue posting in the group. 3. Editing Channel and Number of Invitations: - Allows you to edit which channel users should join and the number of people to invite from the conversation with the bot. - This configuration must be individual for each group managed by the bot user. - But with the ability to replicate the same configuration in other groups, in a massive or specific way. 4. User Acce...
...Status: - A JSON file generation for dynamic forms with NestJS and TypeORM already exists and works. - The app developed with Ionic and Angular accesses the backend to dynamically obtain and store forms in the localStorage of the mobile device. The forms are then dynamically generated by Ionic in Angular and stored locally when completed. - Forms that load based on specific conditions have been implemented. For example, in a health form, it should ask if the user has started their sexual activity. If the answer is "Yes", it should ask if they have attended family planning. If the user is male and 50 years or older, it should ask if they have had senior citizen exams. All these questions are dependent on eac...
1. Complete installation of Odoo 17 Enterprise on the platform and later when the installation and configuration is finished and the corresponding tests have been carried out, the migration to a virtual private server (VPS) will be carried out. Once the project has been confirmed and accepted, a file will be sent with all the detailed information for the import of products, codes, barcodes, parent categories, daughter categories 1, daughter categories 2, prices, staggered prices, VAT, minimum quantities, maximum quantities, order point, inventory, product descriptions, product images, etc. 2. Activation, Configuration and Customisation of the different Odoo 17 applications that we need for the correct functioning of the company (Sales, Invoicing, CRM, W...
...looking for a Spanish speaker to record episodes of the podcast. This is a long term job with no definite end date. - Task to perform: Recording an episode with a script of about 1500 words on various topics (history and culture of your country, traditions, historical characters, cities, tourism, sports, economy, etc.). We will provide the script. - Payment: Payment will be for 1 episode. In your proposal, indicate the budget for the recording of 1 episode of 1500 words. If you are chosen for the job, you would work on a recurring basis on the project, making between 4 and 8 episodes per month....
...a 5:30 de la tarde hora Guatemala. Empezando 23 de abril y terminando 23 de mayo. Alrededor de 15 personas, las sesiones son por google meet. Temas a impartir. Editor de consultas de Power BI Extracción de datos: Extracción vs Direct Query Conectar datos alojados en diferentes orígenes Enlazar datos desde la consulta Entorno de trabajo para modelar con Power BI Introducción al modelado tabular con Power BI Tablas y relaciones Power BI – Modelos de datos Iniciación a DAX Fundamentos DAX 1. DAX en la práctica 2. Columnas calculadas y medidas 3. Tablas Calculadas 4. Fórmulas DAX de inteligencia de tiempo (YTD, MTD, PreviousQuarter,…) 5. Funcionalidades del entorno Power BI 6. Seguridad 7. Seguridad de acc...
...on-demand services. This app will enable both service providers and consumers to interact seamlessly within the same application. Your tasks: - Design and code an interface that is intuitive and user-friendly for both service providers and consumers. - Integrate features for service providers to upload images and detailed descriptions of their previous work. Ideal skills for this project: - Proven experience in app development, specifically with platforms offering multiple services. - High-level coding skills. - UI/UX expertise. - Familiarity with integrating image uploading and detailed text capabilities. When submitting your bid, please include a comprehensive project proposal detailing your understanding of the project ...
...skilled in geographic data collection for a project aimed at identifying and recording the geolocation coordinates of toll stations across various European countries. The success of this project hinges on the accuracy and reliability of the data collected, which will be crucial for optimizing the routes for overland freight transport. Project Objectives: Toll Station Identification: Locate all toll stations in the assigned countries. Geographic Coordinates Registration: Document the precise coordinates of each station. Classification by Highway: Compile a list categorized by highway with the gathered information. Deliverables: A comprehensive list of toll stations with the highway name and geographic coordinates. Documentation on the data collection ...
The project is 252 days and 4231 hours. The budget for each freelancer is 47,49. Specific requerimients in chat Required skills: Engineering drawing, product design, industrial design, technical drawing/tech pack, 3d rendering, Data science, machine learning, branding, fashion design, ux design. digital marketing, project management. All will need to have knowledge of Machine Learning to make data-driven decisions and complement the Machine Learning specialist. -Project Manager (Lean Startup): Experience in the implementation of the Lean Startup method. Ability to make informed and agile decisions. Central coordinator to ensure team alignment with project objectives. Software Developer: Experience in web and app...
Busco editor para la creación de short form videos. 1 al día aproximadamente. Envía tu portafolio o vídeos pasados o no se te tendrá en cuenta. Temas: emprendimiento y desarrollo personal.
...the way suppliers and dropshippers work together. Our platform is designed to be a unique space that acts as an intermediary to simplify and improve every step of the process. We do not yet know how much ($) the development of the platform could cost, but a base will be set and we will be open to receive proposals for the price. This will be quoted in DOLLARS (usd). A very brief explanation of the project will be made below, if you are interested you can contact us to give you the information in detail and the idea structure we have developed. Purpose of the platform: Our platform is presented as a management and collaboration system between suppliers and dropshippers. Our approach is to facilitate the direct connection ...
Ejecutable para copiar base de datos madre en formato tabular para transformar y segmentar; para después devolver archivo para consultas de precios reorganizado con posible segmentación por fecha, marca y modelo. Cleaning y merge a base de datos madre, de archivo pdf con data tabular.
...application should allow choosing between two modes: quiz mode and creative mode. In creative mode, the application should display controls on a part of the screen to modify the values of sides a, b, c, and angles α, β, and γ. When these values change, the displayed lattice drawing should also change, showing the name of the lattice corresponding to one of the 14 possible options. Additionally, there should be an explanation to the user of why that lattice is formed with those specific values. All of this should be within the same window. In quiz mode, the application presents 10 questions. Each question involves displaying a lattice figure with random values of a, b, c, α, β, and γ. The user in ea...
...help with some everyday things, and young people who can help them. These everyday things could be: picking up the children from school; babysit; go buy food; walk the dog; etc Key concepts: -There are two different types of records depending on whether the person wants to offer help to people (service provider), or the person needs help (service requester). -The application is very easy to use and very visual, because it can be used by older people. -Service seekers have two ways to find a service provider. Searching through the search engine, or publishing short ads explaining what they need. Service providers must enter in their profile the services they can offer to be found by the search engine, and also, they can see the ads posted by applicants a...
...a document with links to official web pages speaking about risks of non correct use of garments in hospitals. have some info, and need a research of each one , one by one to add in the document. Need as much as link as possible or attached files with the info in the next list. Burden M et al (2013) Bacterial contamination of healthcare workers’ uniforms: a randomized controlled trial of antimicrobial scrubs. Journal of Hospital Medicine; 8: 7, 380-385. 2. Fijan S, Turk SŠ (2012) Hospital textiles - Are they a possible vehicle for healthcare-associated infections? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 9: 9, 3330-3343. 3. Casey AL et al (2010) Role of copper in reducing hospital environment conta...
I need a Video Editor for Youtube, the niche is NBA and the channel is in English. Quality and eye-catching videos are needed about the best moments of some players, teams, and even about the life of some players. 2 videos per week are required, that is 8 videos per month. The titles of the videos will be provided and your job will be the script writing, voice over and editing. The videos must be between 8-10 minutes long and not inflict any copyright on youtube. The monthly fee will be $96 per month ($12 per video). Quality will be valued and as long as the youtube channel works and monetizes good work will be rewarded with extra pay. Only people interested and serious about the job, please. If your price i...
Quiero hacer un pluging y publicarlo en wordpress que sea el clon exacto de Releasit COD Form & Upsells que se encuentra en shopify, mismas funcionalidades y demás. Dejo el link de pluging