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2,000 aces commercial insurance trabajos encontrados
modificar CV
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Me gustaría realizar la siguiente modificación en los CVs: La parte de educación Y en el CV que viene como última posición Commercial Manager, cambiar fecha de 2024 a Current. Bajo skills- agregar Proficiency in Microsoft office En la parte educación sería de la siguiente manera: University of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering 2013-2017 Industrial Engineering

$20 Average bid
$20 Oferta promedio
15 ofertas

Hello everyone I am looking to make an app that works on Android and Iphone. It is a simple application to control the tasks of my workers, everything I find commercial, or is complicated to use or does not fit what I need. The app has to have two parts, a control panel via web and the app itself. Inside the control panel I need to be able to log in with a username and password. Once inside: - USER MANAGEMENT TAB • CREATION OF NEW USERS • AUTOMATIC USER CODE ASSIGNMENT • USER FIRST NAME AND SURNAME • USER DEPARTMENT • PASSWORD ASSIGNMENT • PASSWORD CHANGE • REMOVAL OF USER AND REVOCATION OF APPLICATION TO USER - REAL TIME CONSULTATION TAB • TO CONSULT IN REAL TIME BY USERS WHAT IS BEING DONE AT THAT MOMENT BY EACH EMPLOYEE - DAILY REPORT TAB ...

$734 Average bid
Destacado Urgente
$734 Oferta promedio
37 ofertas
We need salespeople
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...or products. We need an “Appointment Setter” or salesperson with the skills and experience to search and find niches where our client profile is. We are not familiar with the commercial methods, social uses and customs, as well as business protocols in the USA, as well as geographic, political, legal, cultural, etc. factors. We are looking for a person who is a resident of the USA (documentation will be requested to corroborate this) and with a native level of english. With experience as a small and medium-sized enterprise owner, self-employed or freelance. An empathetic person, capable of understanding the commercial needs of a self-employed, freelance teleworker or small and medium-sized enterprise owner. We are looking for an extroverted and eloquent person...

$38 / hr Average bid
$38 / hr Oferta promedio
3 ofertas
We need salespeople
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...or products. We need an “Appointment Setter” or salesperson with the skills and experience to search and find niches where our client profile is. We are not familiar with the commercial methods, social uses and customs, as well as business protocols in the USA, as well as geographic, political, legal, cultural, etc. factors. We are looking for a person who is a resident of the USA (documentation will be requested to corroborate this) and with a native level of english. With experience as a small and medium-sized enterprise owner, self-employed or freelance. An empathetic person, capable of understanding the commercial needs of a self-employed, freelance teleworker or small and medium-sized enterprise owner. We are looking for an extroverted and eloquent person...

$1954 Average bid
$1954 Oferta promedio
2 ofertas

...propia pagina web, sin embargo creo que queda a deber la parte comercial y de impacto que necesita para vender más. La idea es dirigir todo el público de YouTube y redes sociales a mi página de dentista y de ahí captar los posibles pacientes y hacer una venta final, la venta de la primera consulta en principio u otros servicios, alineadores brackets etc. I am an orthodontist and I need a purely commercial landing page to excite people who come from social networks to schedule their first consultation with me. I believe we currently don’t fully showcase all the benefits of being treated with us. We recently purchased a CT scanner and other equipment, and I have a list of all the advantages we offer. My goal is to highlight these on a new web...

$158 Average bid
$158 Oferta promedio
22 ofertas
HumanBody 3D
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For an art project (not commercial) I need to model a real human body, generate the 3D printing file, I don't need it to be real (colours, textures, etc) but just the body in a rigid material. Attached is an example of the model to be printed. I have photos and videos as a basis of what needs to be modelled. Para un proyecto de arte (no comercial) necesito modelar un cuerpo humano real, generar el archivo de impresión 3D, no necesito que sea real (colores, texturas, etc) si no solo el cuerpo en un material rígido. Adjunto un ejemplo del modelo a imprimir. Cuento con fotos y videos como base de lo que hay que modelar.

$26 Average bid
$26 Oferta promedio
9 ofertas

Quiero crear una 12 foto de presentation typo post. En tema de corredor de bienes raices Commercial en Canada québec montréal. Puede visitar la agencia con la cual trabajo .

$22 Average bid
$22 Oferta promedio
23 ofertas

...status se debe borrar la celda en la columna de kenny o Auditoria. >En el caso el status sea cualquiera de estos: Retire Lead, Do Not Contact, Lives out of State/Area, Non-homeowner, Bogus Lead, Lost to competitor, Pre - Shading, Post - Shading, Post - poa/hoa denial, pre - poa/hoa denial, operations only, pre - shading, post - shading, post - poa/hoa denial, pre - poa/hoa denial, operations only, commercial, attempted contact, inbound - not interested, woodruff electric company. - Se debe poner seleccionar en la celda de la columna status en el Excel por “DQ”, para estos status se debe borrar la celda en la columna de kenny o Auditoria. Además, existe un status en entre los mencionados en la parte de DQ, más especifico el cual es el de "Bogus Le...

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Oferta promedio
15 ofertas

...status se debe borrar la celda en la columna de kenny o Auditoria. >En el caso el status sea cualquiera de estos: Retire Lead, Do Not Contact, Lives out of State/Area, Non-homeowner, Bogus Lead, Lost to competitor, Pre - Shading, Post - Shading, Post - poa/hoa denial, pre - poa/hoa denial, operations only, pre - shading, post - shading, post - poa/hoa denial, pre - poa/hoa denial, operations only, commercial, attempted contact, inbound - not interested, woodruff electric company. - Se debe poner seleccionar en la celda de la columna status en el Excel por “DQ”, para estos status se debe borrar la celda en la columna de kenny o Auditoria. Además, existe un status en entre los mencionados en la parte de DQ, más especifico el cual es el de "Bogus Le...

$7 / hr Average bid
$7 / hr Oferta promedio
12 ofertas

...status se debe borrar la celda en la columna de kenny o Auditoria. >En el caso el status sea cualquiera de estos: Retire Lead, Do Not Contact, Lives out of State/Area, Non-homeowner, Bogus Lead, Lost to competitor, Pre - Shading, Post - Shading, Post - poa/hoa denial, pre - poa/hoa denial, operations only, pre - shading, post - shading, post - poa/hoa denial, pre - poa/hoa denial, operations only, commercial, attempted contact, inbound - not interested, woodruff electric company. - Se debe poner seleccionar en la celda de la columna status en el Excel por “DQ”, para estos status se debe borrar la celda en la columna de kenny o Auditoria. Además, existe un status en entre los mencionados en la parte de DQ, más especifico el cual es el de "Bogus Le...

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Oferta promedio
12 ofertas

...maintain informative web pages and social media platforms to generate leads for insurance sales in Mexico. Key Requirements: - Creation of Informative Web Pages: The service provider should be able to not only publish but also design and maintain web pages with information about insurance products. - Social Media Management: Proficiency in managing Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and a website is essential. The service provider should have a clear understanding of these platforms and how to effectively promote our insurance products. - Lead Generation: The ultimate goal is to generate leads. The service provider should have experience in utilizing these platforms for lead generation, ideally within the insurance industry. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Pro...

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Oferta promedio
18 ofertas

El plan de desarrollo de software se centra en el diseño UX/UI en Figma, el desarrollo de u...eficacia operativa. Grabación de Llamadas: Facilitar formación de agentes y cumplimiento normativo con NLP. Pruebas Unitarias: Realizar pruebas unitarias exhaustivas de la plataforma. Documentación: Entregar dos documentaciones (pública y privada). Web Principal de Presentación: Completar la web principal de presentación al 100%. Prueba de Clientes: Crear dos clientes de prueba (dental y visión, y insurance) y probar la IA durante una semana. Corrección de Errores: Corregir errores que surjan durante la prueba y realizar entrega final. Se establecerán Milestones a lo largo del proyecto. Al concluir el proyecto, se libera...

$931 Average bid
$931 Oferta promedio
42 ofertas
Commercial floorplan
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proyecto comercial de carniceria Milestone 1: 3 propuestas de planta. 250 USD Incluye cambios una vez aprobada se pasa la version final a 3D. Milestone 2: 1 propuesta final de 3D. 300 USD

$250 Average bid
$250 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas

I need an Crypto tax advice for European countries I am Mexican, with dual nationality (Spanish). My tax residency is currently in Mexico. My 2 children live in the Netherland. I registered with the Eindhoven municipality 4 years ago and pay Dutch insurance but steel leave mostly in Mexico. I am not yet a Duch tax resident. I want to move to Europe to be close to my sons. Y require an expert to help me calculate how much I would pay in taxes per year if I change my tax residency to the Netherlands, given that I only live off my savings and capital gains (I do not require an exact figure). I would also need to know the process for registering for tax in the Netherlands. I would like to know if there is a better option in Europe. Germany, Belgium, Italy Additional information: I ...

$456 Average bid
$456 Oferta promedio
3 ofertas
Codigos linkedin
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Requiero tener en un excel los codigos internos que linkedin usa para las ciudades de estados unidos y para los tipos de industria. Ejemplos: Ciudades: Philadelphia, PA -> 104937023 Industrias: Insurance -> 42 De mis revisiones, se pueden obtener desde la GUI de busqueda de empleo, en las opciones de filtro se pueden escoger las ciudades e industrias y mirando la peticion que la pagina hace desde chrome->more tools->developer tools->network. Adjunto imagenes ilustrativas.

$128 Average bid
$128 Oferta promedio
16 ofertas

...dedicado para la comunidad hispano del grande Montréal para ensenar estrategia de inversiones inmobiliaria. En 2011 recivi el Caoching de UN Club Privado aqui el '' CIIQ''. Ecreado un curso donde tengo 45 video que explique y ensena como invertir aqui en Canada. Me canal de YouTube tambien tiene contenido pero no tanto approfondidado. Estoy en preceso de sacar licisencia para agente inmobiliario commercial para transacsiones mas grandes de milliones asta el infinito. Soy mesclado con Costa Rica. Mi Papa es Canadiense y mi mama de Costa Rica. Naci en Canada hablo mas que todo frances, despues espagnol y ingles. Bueno ojala te a permitido ver un poco mas alla de la oferta de projecto. Quiero atraer lo mejor tallento en mi equipo virtual. No tenga du...

$81 Average bid
$81 Oferta promedio
49 ofertas

En Information Insurance buscamos a un experto de seguridad informatica profesional que quiera participar de nuestro proyecto, comprometido al trabajo y dispuesto a ayudar en el objetivo. Pagos por comision.

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Oferta promedio
6 ofertas

3 imagenes de edificio comercial, vista frontal vista derecha desde piso vista izquierda aerea cubriendo rooftop

$550 Average bid
$550 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas
Quickbooks PHP MySQL
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Tengo que extraer proyectos, clientes y commercial invoices de Quickbooks hacia nuestra propia base de datos MySQL con PHP.

$152 Average bid
$152 Oferta promedio
11 ofertas

...will keep your profile for future projects. 3. Do not copy the sample image, do not include anything that was not originally created and designed by you. Do not plagiarize other artist's work! If you are awarded with this project and your illustrations are used, you will be credited for your artwork in the final product. 4. All author's copyrights including character/item design, features, commercial exploitation, usage, modification, the image itself and all related files will be transferred to us as soon as you get paid any quantity. You cannot post partially or fully the drawing privately or publicly until we tell you directly so. By accepting this project you agree to enter into a confidentiality and a non-competitive agreement about it. ...

$108 Average bid
$108 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas
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Necesito programador para desarrollar un BOT para automatizar procesos habituales como entrar en una pagina con login y password y dentro seleccionar la opción adecuada cargar la pagina adecuada y allí rellenar un formulario, enviarlo y recoger los resultados y mostrarlos en pantalla.

$497 Average bid
$497 Oferta promedio
34 ofertas

Buscamos a alguien que nos ayude con la redacción de varios tipos de contenido para publicitar nuestra agencia de seguros. Buscamos personas con experiencia en esta industria y preferiblemente con trabajos de redaccion completados.

$83 Average bid
$83 Oferta promedio
29 ofertas
colectar crm comercial
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...estandarizado para comparativos de recuperación entre períodos establecidos por valores y cantidad de clientes de valores entregados vs valores recuperados Link clientes Pantalla de búsqueda individual para visualizar gestiones históricas Pastel de morosidad en tiempo transcurrido Pastel de estados de la deuda ( filtros varios parámetros ) Formato de ingreso de abonos parciales CRM COMMERCIAL Vinculación con las redes sociales, mensager, formularios de pagina webs, y whatsapp Vinculación con central telefónica con el fin de que apenas ingrese los leads pueda llamar al numero en menos de un minuto como meta Front de gestión con información del cliente Campos de gestión y de ...

$2351 Average bid
$2351 Oferta promedio
39 ofertas

Necesitamos hacer un proyecto de un local comercial de 70 m2 en Madrid España y obtener los permisos necesarios ante las autoridades competentes de la ciudad. Solo profesionales locales y que hablen español. Favor abstenerse los que no cumplan estos requisitos. We need to make a project for a 70 m2 commercial store in Madrid Spain and obtain the necessary permits from the competent authorities of the city. Only local professionals from Spain and who speak Spanish. Please refrain those who do not meet these requirements.

$14 / hr Average bid
$14 / hr Oferta promedio
9 ofertas

10 characters 5 men, 5 women, 5 Caucasians, 3 Black people, 2 Asian people.. Ages: 2 10-year-old characters, 2 16-year-old characters, 2 25-year-old characters, 2 40-year-old characters, 2 characters of 70 years. Those in their 40s and 70s, dressed formally. In men it is not necessary a suit or tie. Send the characters separately...people, 2 Asian people.. Ages: 2 10-year-old characters, 2 16-year-old characters, 2 25-year-old characters, 2 40-year-old characters, 2 characters of 70 years. Those in their 40s and 70s, dressed formally. In men it is not necessary a suit or tie. Send the characters separately and in a scene that they are all together with a colorful landscape, for example in a park. In jpg and in pgn. With commercial rights, sending the source of the characters. With r...

$557 Average bid
$557 Oferta promedio
14 ofertas

Quiero mejorar mi marca personal tengo una marca comercial que esta super pero deseo crear un logo bien bello para atraer mas pacientes _________________________________________________________________ I want to improve my personal brand I have a commercial brand that is super but I want to create a very beautiful logo to attract more patients

$82 Average bid
$82 Oferta promedio
103 ofertas

...environments: Administrator, Engineer, and Operator. The Administrator will allow the registration and modification of users, the Engineer will allow the calibration between the camera matrix and the dome through a mechanism that configures the relationship between the camera matrix and the dome, and finally, the Operator that will allow only the use of the system. The final definition will involve a commercial aesthetic but all the main functions of the application have been detailed. Additionally, it must be developed in such a way that the use of more than one motorized dome is allowed. Normally the dome will be used by one operator but there may be more than one operator and in that case the customer may want to install more than one dome. To do this, you must have a selecto...

$1454 Average bid
$1454 Oferta promedio
2 ofertas

...diversas propuestas económicas justificadas, flujos de trabajo para revisión y dudas. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Description: I need the design of a commercial plaza with a proposal for a progressive or adaptive environment based on the master plan specified in the different stages of development, in order to meet the existing demand for parking, recreation and commercial point of the health area. The total area is greater than 12Ha, a construction was developed in stages focused on an inclusive socioeconomic level with 6x6 commercial premises, with a metal structure, with an articulated pavement parking, with an occupancy coefficient of 0.8 to 0.96 maximum to be corner. For further specifica...

$2220 Average bid
Acuerdo de Confidencialidad
$2220 Oferta promedio
27 ofertas

Nuestra empresa necesita automatizar procesos con BluePrism para extracción de información desde compañías de seguro a partir de listado proveniente de sistema interno Our enterprise needs to automate information extraction procces with BluePrism from insurance companies reading data from a list from a internal web system

$495 Average bid
$495 Oferta promedio
5 ofertas

Yo dicto clases de ética en algunos portgrados. Hay una norma que obliga a algunas instituciones financieras a dictar cursos de ética comercial a sus executivos. Yo tengo el material para las clases que corresponde a 12 horas divididas en 7 capítulos. Busco quien me ayude a convertir este material en un e-learning con piezas de no más de 15 minutos de duración cada una de ellas

$50 Average bid
$50 Oferta promedio
6 ofertas

...indicating which doctor is available near your location, and available. IF NOT URGENT...- .the same is displayed GPS AND MAP indicating availability and proximity. 5) COMPARISON,BUDGET AND PAYMENT:() Open a price comparison, give a quotation and proceed to secure payment. There are two options: 5.1) WITH PRIVATE INSURANCE + CONCERTED WITH DR MEHUSELAH... insurance company accepts payment + verification in seconds. 5.2) WITHOUT PRIVATE INSURANCE - PATIENT PAYS TO THE PLATFORM BY CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD. 6) CONSULTATION AND SATISFACTION SURVEY....

$3362 Average bid
$3362 Oferta promedio
2 ofertas

...payments divided into 2 different accounts ... I will try to explain what I want to do. I have developed and coded 32 eBooks in 32 PDF Docs An example of them; I want to "save" them stored somewhere on the Net or the cloud or wherever it is best. The eBooks are sold for € 5 each. I would like to be able to sell WHOLESALE, for example: 10,000 to € 2 each so that the Commercial Agent or Distributor can sell it online for € 5 and keep the profit of € 3 for each book they sell. Now the question is the following: HOW do I do so that the seller can sell directly and collect the € 5 from his client, at the same time pay me € 2… and that the client can be downloaded instantly Online after making the payment… Perhaps a system that D...

$444 Average bid
$444 Oferta promedio
5 ofertas
Spokespersons Videos
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Hello, I am looking for an Asian communicator to create a commercial advertising video ... I attach a photo and the text to pronounce ... Thank you! Si estás pensando comprar en China desde República Dominicana Para consumo personal o de manera comercial, este video es para ti... Uno de los pasos más importante es la identificación de un buen proveedor con el fin de evitar estafas y engaños y la siguiente igual de importante es la empresa que utilizarás para el transporte de tu carga. Que sea igual de segura y que garantice Un precio rentable. OPS te ayuda a encontrar el proveedor idóneo para ti, luego tienes la opción de pagarle desde República Dominicana y nosotros pagaremos al proveedor en China cuando garantice...

$38 Average bid
$38 Oferta promedio
4 ofertas
Desarrolla aplicación
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I need to make a commercial application. A platform with photos and product information that is easy to update with the possibility of including products in a purchasing process and being able to buy the selected products. The main problem is being able to connect to a payment platform available in the country that accepts payments in Argentine pesos.

$352 Average bid
$352 Oferta promedio
20 ofertas
campus internet
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somos una empresa que ya tiene 8 locales comerciales en centros comerciales pero queremos extender nuestras ventas por internet. teniamos personal para el tema pero nunca despego. queremos expertos que nos armen y manejen todo el proyecto ____________________________________________________________ We are a company that already has 8 commercial premises in shopping centers but we want to extend our sales online. We had staff for the theme but it never took off. we want experts to arm us and manage the entire project

$403 Average bid
$403 Oferta promedio
20 ofertas
Aplicación tipo Uber
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...around him. The driver from his driver application will be able to offer the client the value that he would charge for the transport, so several drivers would send their prices and it would be an auction for the client who needs the transport and this approves the one that best serves him. Once the (quote) is approved, the client can book the trip with the day or the date or immediately, add insurance for their cargo or merchandise, for an additional value and make the payment to the platform. Once the trip has started, the user will be able to see the route of the vehicle (truck) as is done with uber, contact the driver by call or chat. At delivery the driver must read a QR code or send a photograph of the delivery, (to be defined) in order for the platform to refund the cor...

$2111 Average bid
$2111 Oferta promedio
36 ofertas
Amg Life Insurance
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Agencia de seguros de vida con ahorro. Planes de ahorro para la educación de los hijos o jubilación.

$63 Average bid
$63 Oferta promedio
6 ofertas
Trophy icon T-shirt Design 3
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I need a t-shirt design for commercial purposes, the topic is Angler/fishermann and the saying is in spanish. Tengo una hija bonita yo soy pescador. Conozco lugares donde nadie te puede encontrar. I also need a fish or boat, something like that. Suprises me !

$30 Average bid
25 participaciones

...his work would be like. In the following link () there is a picture of a Rolex Submariner. Two proposals (layers that can be superimposed) are expected as shown for each customizable part of the watch (bezel, lugs, dial, case, central and outer link). See the attached file as a guide. WE DON'T REQUEST A SAMPLE WITH COMMERCIAL VALUE, JUST A TEST OF THE QUALITY OF WORK. WE KNOW THAT IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO WORK WITH EXAMPLES, WE ONLY ASK FOR A TEST OF WHAT THEY WOULD DO IN ANY FORMAT. PDF FOR EXAMPLE WITH THE FINAL RESULT WOULD WORK. ------------------------------Español ------------------------------------- Somos una empresa comercializadora de relojes de lujo que en adición presta el servicio de personalización de

$1211 Average bid
$1211 Oferta promedio
7 ofertas

Implementación de varios módulos de MRI Software en la Ciudad de México. Se requiere experiencia en implementación de MRI Software en módulos: Commercial Management Account Payable AR Corporate GL Banks Lease Flow Job Cost Se requiere hablen español.

$2250 Average bid
$2250 Oferta promedio
3 ofertas
vídeo y fotografía
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Hacer vídeos y fotos promocionales sobre lugares de interés turístico y no tan turístico de Cantabria. Así como la edición de estos para fines "comerciales". Sacar el máximo partido a los recursos existentes, buscando los detalles y puntos fuertes del lugar. -- Make videos and promotional photos about tourist and not-so-tourist places of Cantabria. As well as the edition of these for "commercial" purposes. Make the most of existing resources, looking for the details and strengths of the place.

$636 Average bid
$636 Oferta promedio
10 ofertas

...sales modules email addresses define typical profiles to copy by module sales, purchasing, operations, administration, system administrator. to provide in excel the databases to clean them and to load them again to the version 12 configuration of formats (sales quotation, invoice, checks), email for each user, synchronize them with Google accounts. Adjust all parameters for Guatemala (fiscal, commercial and legal) steps required for this project: 1 Odoo Project 1.1 revision of current system to fix security problem 1.2 extract information from current modules to clean and reload correctly 1.2.1 excel sheets to work with 1.3 indicate the requirements necessary to install 12 view in Google Cloud 1.4 Install the Odoo v 12 system 1.5 Configure Odoo v 12 community 1.5.1 Guatemalan ta...

$641 Average bid
$641 Oferta promedio
11 ofertas

and build an IoT device through commercial Arduino i.e. ESP32 modules with wireless modules + control module + storage module (They can be those offered by Aliexpress or Amazon). 2. It must have temperature inputs, gas sensor (only for alarm), presence or movement sensor, measurement of 1, 2 or 3 phases of current with CT from 10 to 100A. and voltage measurement. 3. You must allow to store the temperature and current data for minutes and hours and corresponding date. 4. The data must be stored in the memory or module with microSD. 5. You must allow to extract the data through the USB port and through the WIFI module with an interface that connects to a database on the WEB. Or via Bluetooth or WIFI with an App from the cell phone. 5. You must have a solid state relay module. W...

$80 Average bid
$80 Oferta promedio
3 ofertas

...maintainers for users and for site administrators. You must allow setting prominent properties to appear in the first places. The development must show the properties on the map agglomerated by geographic sector. In addition to having the search filters that facilitate the user to find the specifications they need. It must allow the administration and visualization according to the criteria of commercial banners that will be hired by advertisers....

$2204 Average bid
$2204 Oferta promedio
46 ofertas

Hi we need a webpage, the company doesn’t have already the commercial name. We want it to be done on Drupal or preferably on Wordpress for easily adding more modules if needed. Since it’s an association in Mexico, we want the people that will work on the project to speak spanish. _____ Hola, necesitamos una página para una asociación, hoy no tiene nombre comercial y se esta trabajando en esto. Necesitamos que sea montada en una plataforma como drupal o wordpress que nos permita hacerla modular y con mejora continua. Como la asociación es mexicana necesitamos que los programadores, diseñadores hablen español. Subo archivo con mas explicaciones y requerimientos de la página. Cualquier duda por favor avísenme.

$164 Average bid
$164 Oferta promedio
48 ofertas

...mínimo de 5-10% de empresas interesadas en recibir información. El salario se pagará semanal en función de resultados: -USD 200 semanales por un éxito entre 5% y 10% de captación. -USD 300 semanales por un éxito superior al 10% de captación. Enviar CV y una pequeña descripción de sus habilidades. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Commercial telephone agents from Spain, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Argentina, and Chile are required for cross-platform. Desirable experience (not exclusive) in intangibles and functions of telemarketing, speech, customer acquisition, etc. They must make at least 60 daily calls, they will be given the speech already prepar...

$418 Average bid
$418 Oferta promedio
30 ofertas
Copywirter SEO
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Necesitamos a alguien para crear textos optimizados y persuasivos para nuestra marca propia de maquinas de Fitness. Vamos lanzar una web a nivel Europeo solo para ella. Aqui los productos: Son mas o menos 44 . No hace falta que la descripción sea grande como en Amazon...algo así estaría bien:

$971 Average bid
$971 Oferta promedio
58 ofertas

Hi we need a webpage, the company doesn’t have already the commercial name. We want it to be done on Drupal or preferably on Wordpress for easily adding more modules if needed. Since it’s an association in Mexico, we want the people that will work on the project to speak spanish. _____ Hola, necesitamos una página para una asociación, hoy no tiene nombre comercial y se esta trabajando en esto. Necesitamos que sea montada en una plataforma como drupal o wordpress que nos permita hacerla modular y con mejora continua. Como la asociación es mexicana necesitamos que los programadores, diseñadores hablen español. Subo archivo con mas explicaciones y requerimientos de la página. Cualquier duda por favor avísenme.

$1163 Average bid
Urgente Acuerdo de Confidencialidad
$1163 Oferta promedio
41 ofertas

...nuestras capacitaciones, inicialmente cada diseño lo pagaremos a us us$ 9.0, para un total de us$ 54.00 por los 6 artes o diseños. Deberá ser un diseño gráfico de alta calidad, con colores vivos en un lenguaje moderno y fácil de entender, sin perder la seriedad y vanguardismo. Las 6 capacitaciones son: Life Coaching con PNL 2.0, Neuroventas, Lenguaje Corporal , Employer Branding , Neuro-oratoria y Commercial Project Team Coach. Los diseños deben estar hechos en un máximo de tiempo de 5 días. La empresa o el diseñador que asuma el proyecto, deberá de darnos un concepto unificado de nuestro estilo como empresa, es decir una línea grafica unificada, profesional y sobre todo alineada a nuestra l&iacut...

$42 Average bid
$42 Oferta promedio
6 ofertas

...nuestras capacitaciones, inicialmente cada diseño lo pagaremos a us us$ 9.0, para un total de us$ 54.00 por los 6 artes o diseños. Deberá ser un diseño gráfico de alta calidad, con colores vivos en un lenguaje moderno y fácil de entender, sin perder la seriedad y vanguardismo. Las 6 capacitaciones son: Life Coaching con PNL 2.0, Neuroventas, Lenguaje Corporal , Employer Branding , Neuro-oratoria y Commercial Project Team Coach. Los diseños deben estar hechos en un máximo de tiempo de 5 días. La empresa o el diseñador que asuma el proyecto, deberá de darnos un concepto unificado de nuestro estilo como empresa, es decir una línea grafica unificada, profesional y sobre todo alineada a nuestra l&iacut...

$84 Average bid
$84 Oferta promedio
27 ofertas