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1,196 accord knits madagascar trabajos encontrados

...Kingdom (max 30 URL) Canada (max 30 URL) India (max 30 URL) Australia (max 30 URL) South Africa (max 30 URL) Philippines (max 30 URL) Pakistan (max 15 URL) Ireland (max 15 URL) Singapore (max 15 URL) New Zealand (max 15 URL) Puerto Rico (max 15 URL) Sudan (max 15 URL) Ghana (max 15 URL) Uganda (max 15 URL) Cameroon (max 15 URL) Zimbabwe (max 15 URL) Trinidad and Tobago (max 15 URL) Madagascar (max 15 URL) Mauritius (max 15 URL) Namibia (max 15 URL) Papua New guinea (max 15 URL) Zambia (max 15 URL) Jamaica (max 15 URL) Malawi (max 15 URL) Swaziland (max 15 URL) Lesotho (max 15 URL) Sierra Leone (max 15 URL) Liberia (max 15 URL) Gambia (max 15 URL) Bidder should place the related URLs in an excel file, which contains a list of the shopping and busines...

$30 - $100
$30 - $100
4 ofertas
180778 Article Script!
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I want a simple program where I can add articles. Here is the features I need it to have: 1) I need to be able to make several levels such as: Each level will show the next level such as: On the page it will have a link to the page. I need to be able to edit each level, so when I create the category I can add content to show on each category page. On the add an article form in the admin area it needs to have these forms: 1) The Top ads form 2) The Title 3) The Article Summary 4) Article Content 5) About Author 6) Article Keywords 7) I need to be able to ad tags 8) The bottom ads form When an article is added it needs to rebuild

0 ofertas

This software have to be resident and installed in PC 1. Function without launch any soft it have to display on screen on image every hours for example during 1 min (this delay have to be parameter) 2. when we install this soft - user give his accord to lauch this software in quick launch 3. all file have to be contain in an UNIQUE .exe :) but weight of file is not a trouble... (so all picture are contained in the exe) 4. in a future project - we will manage online licence - open possiblity to add new picture in EXE (we will talk about it) NB : i don't want a screen saver :) .... But on image appair some time by day. I am waiting for you price... Could you send me other application you have already coded.

$73 Average bid
$73 Oferta promedio
5 ofertas

...Andorra,Argentina,Australia,Bahrain,Belgium,Bolivia,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Brazil,Bulgaria,Burkina Faso,Cambodia,Canada,Cape Verde,Chile,China,Colombia,CostaRica,Croatia,Cuba, Cyprus,Czech Republic,Denmark,Dominican Republic,Ecuador,Egypt,Estonia,Finland,Guadeloupe,Guatemala,Hungary,Iceland,India,Indonesia,Ireland,Israel,Jamaica,Japan,Kuwait,Latvia,Liechtenstein,Lithuania,Luxembourg,Macedonia,Madagascar,Malaysia,Malta,Mauritius,Mexico,Morocco,Mozambique,Netherlands,New Zealand,Nicaragua,Norway,Oman,Panama,Peru,Philippines,Poland,Romania,Russia,Samoa,San-Marino,Senegal,Serbia and Montenegro,Singapore,Slovakia,Slovenia,South Africa,Sweden,Taiwan,Tanzania,Thailand,Tunisia,Turkey,Ukraine,United Arab Emirates,Vietnam or if you can write any ineresting, amaizing travel stories and art...

0 ofertas

...we have already created, that acts as an interface, allowing users to upload music, set some preferences, and then send to this other DLL app, and then accept it back upon completion. The app is based on a series of music products, each product being separately defined and accessed, depending on purchase parameters. The interface design, framework and etc. is already designed. It will work in accord with our x-cart shopping cart. The programmer/programming team needs to meet these requirements: - programming (in C# preferably, I hate Visual Basic). - Need to be very familiar with C#, since that is what I work in and what any examples I provide will be in. - Advanced networking and server load management - Interfacing with Win32 DLLs (all sound processing is done...

$1041 Average bid
$1041 Oferta promedio
6 ofertas
Logo Design
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Need logo design for a new product of company (software product). Logo must be compatible with main logo of company and accord with software view. You need create few different variant draft of design. We chose what variant is best, we write remark if need any changes. In future we create bid for site design, a priority for the logo design founder. ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follows (depending on the nature of the deliverables): a) For web sites or other server-side deliverables intended to only ever exist in one place in the Buyer's environment--Deliverables must be installed by the Seller in ready-to-run c...

$11 Average bid
$11 Oferta promedio
13 ofertas an app programmed and created, that acts as an interface, allowing users to upload music, set some preferences, and then send to this other DLL app, and then accept it back upon completion. The app will be based on a series of music products, each product being separately defined and accessed, depending on purchase parameters. The interface design, etc. is already designed. It will work in accord with our x-cart shopping cart. The programmer/programming team needs to meet these requirements: - programming (in C# preferably, I hate Visual Basic). - Need to be very familiar with C#, since that is what I work in and what any examples I provide will be in. - Advanced networking and server load management - Interfacing with Win32 DLLs (all sound processing is done...

0 ofertas

I need an Intervening Head Lease to be written I require an Intervening Head Lease written to good simple English. This MUST be written in full accord to the laws and statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. If you are interested in giving me a quote for this service and for legal advice regarding the same, please contact me and I will email you a copy of my requirements. Please include your email address. This is not to circumnavigate Getafreelancers fees as the winning bidder will ONLY be accepted through this medium - I simply do not want the sensitive details of the lease broadcasted over the internet. I am prepared to pay upt to $200 for this job. Payment will be made via Paypal or moneybookers or similar only on completion of the job. I do not pay in adv...

$100 - $300
$100 - $300
13 ofertas

...****************************** COUNTRY LIST: ALL non-EU European countries (Ukraine, etc) ALL South American Countries Except Argentina and Uruguay ALL Central American Countries except Panama, C.R. and Nicaragua ALL South Pacific Island Countries Except Tonga and Philippines Antigua and Barbuda Bahamas Barbados Botswana Cape Verde Cyprus Ghana Grenada Haiti Israel Jamaica Jordan Kenya Madagascar Namibia Scotland Zambia Zimbabwe ------------------------------ I hope to hear from you soon, hilaryJ P.S. Please PM me with samples of prior work if you have any (this is not required but is helpful). ...

$30 - $100
$30 - $100
21 ofertas

I need an Intervening Head Lease to be written I require an Intervening Head Lease written to good simple English. This MUST be written in full accord to the laws and statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. If you are interested in giving me a quote for this service and for legal advice regarding the same, please contact me and I will email you a copy of my requirements. Please include your email address. This is not to circumnavigate Getafreelancers fees as the winning bidder will ONLY be accepted through this medium - I simply do not want the sensitive details of the lease broadcasted over the internet. Payment will be made via Paypal or moneybookers or similar only on completion of the job. I do not pay in advance. However, you may rest assured tha...

$100 - $300
$100 - $300
10 ofertas

I need an image board setup for customers to add images of there car mods to my existing e-commerce solution, you will need to install an image board modify the graphics as needed and insert a link in the e-commerce solution i use cube cart to the image board, The ones I have been looking at as examples are. something along these lines would look good sean maybe if the customers can put what they have fitted etc to the car also under the photo's of the cars would be great,is this possible? my e-com site = [i m e x] [d e s i g n s] . c o . u k ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition

$30 - $5000
$30 - $5000
0 ofertas
Os Commerce Clean Up
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...cleaned up with logo at top etc. Additionally the contribution she used is just for a fax in form that evidently was some what limited in edit ability. 8.) New customer log in: The problem is when the customer enters in their “new account?? information it only requests “your address??. Then when they get to check out it displays this address as both billing and shipping. The customer of their own accord has to know to click the edit button to change the shipping address if needed. I need something that is a lot more clear and user friendly for the customer. I would prefer that from the original account log in page that it requests both billing and shipping address. Additionally this page seems to be scaring my customers a bit and so would like to edit the wording some...

$680 Average bid
$680 Oferta promedio
2 ofertas
Enhanced Synclecron
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...the mathematical equation for the waxing and waning "journeying" circular glyphs as it is critical that the yin yang geometric properties of the Synclecron be apparent to the viewer. Also2: during the daytime cycle, the color of the sky is to be sky blue and during the night cycle the sky is black. However, in accord with twilight at dusk, as day begins to turn into night at the beginning of the 12th hour, the color of the sky gets darker and darker until the time of sunset, in accord with the blue and black proportions of the minute triangle. And gets more and more dark until all black at the end of the first hour of night. Of course, the turning of the nighttime black sky into daytime sky blue is reversed from the beginning of the 12th hour of night to the end ...

$297 Average bid
$297 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas

We're looking for a designer who's able to create our project's image with this features: 1. Cold colors 2. Technology drawings (but serious ones. Avoid smiley faces, kids, people in general). 3. Executive style 4. Very sober The name of the company should be included in the logo PATAGONIA TECHNOLOGY C.A. is the name. You can either use caps or not, up to you. Font must be accord to the previously described features. This is needed as soon as possible. For next friday we need the final design. If you have any questions feel free to ask ## Deliverables 1. Photoshop or Illustrator original file needed 2. Font name and file attached to the deliverables 3. Final image in JPG, GIF 4. Excellent Resolution for printing. ## Platform All versions of photoshop or illustr...

$36 Average bid
$36 Oferta promedio
25 ofertas
SEO webpage need
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need 5 SEOed webpages, male health topic, given keywords, 400 words each, SEO focus on Yahoo, you need to suply the following content of each article: 1 the keywords used 2 article description 3 the keywords density you need to write in US-English, articles must accord with US custom and able to convince people. you need to be a REAL SEO writer so you'll know how to write a good descriptin, and know how important it is for SE. payment on satisfied. so for both good of us, you could show me the articles on a .JPG or .PDF file before I pay.

$74 Average bid
$74 Oferta promedio
10 ofertas

Do some very easy basic changes to existing Site Add spaces to all the sign up forms (If user has for example long name or long email it doesnt feed in the given space at the moment). Contact page not working. Fill in form is not been send to us after been filled. After been filled it should appear one of our pages (at If you have some other ideas of design, images or content we would be glad to considerate it and pay you for it. If a good price we would like to add language option to all our pages (we would provide all text in spanisch english and german). If you do a good work you can have with us a lot of work for the future. We would pay when everything is done and working. If your are not accord with it please dont bid. We have been scamed more th...

0 ofertas
120291 PPVCHAT
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...other errors allready found in the site) (Doing other type of customization and design work). Please only bid if you have the time to do this and following jobs in the future quick or on time. We should be able to contact you easily (Email - MSN - Telephone, etc). We would pay after everything is installed and working. We have been scammed and ripped off a couple of times, so if you are not accord with this please dont bid. In order to check that you have read this we would only accept bidders that writte the word "Colombian" at the end of theyr bid. ...

0 ofertas

...other errors allready found in the site) (Doing other type of customization and design work). Please only bid if you have the time to do this and following jobs in the future quick or on time. We should be able to contact you easily (Email - MSN - Telephone, etc). We would pay after everything is installed and working. We have been scammed and ripped off a couple of times, so if you are not accord with this please dont bid. In order to check that you have read this we would only accept bidders that writte the word "Colombian" at the end of theyr bid....

0 ofertas

...someone who knows how to fix browser compatibility issues. Please view the following site while reviewing this website: trovata This is a store built in PHP using OS Commerce -- CRE Loaded, with custom additions. 1 On the main page, the product navigation on the left is working fine on Apple computers in Firefox, but not in Safari. Here's what it does wrong in Safari: Click on "Men's - Knits", then float over the sub-catagories such as "outerwear". In Safari it shifts the sub-catagories on mouse-over. Please fix so it doesn't do that. 2 When you go to a product page and select a color from the menu it should show you the matching image for that color. Firefox and Explorer do this correctly. Safari doesn't display correctly -- ...

0 ofertas

I need a web designer to modify a web template i'm using. No meddling with the layout at all, only needs to change colors. I don't have the PSD files, only the JPGs so it's up to your creativity to work things out. I want all the green and gray colors to be changed to pastel colors. Any kind of pastels according to your accord. I will email you the whole template. Thx.

$30 - $100
$30 - $100
18 ofertas

Hi th...apologies for the time it has taken to respond. At the time when we put the bid out our primary aim was to enhance the images on our website. On the basis of the bids we have received and other jewellery web sites we have been reviewing suggest that we were probably not sufficiently concise and clear as to our specifications for bidders. . One of the proposals a bidder put forward did strike accord with us and we corresponded with him for quite some time. Unfortunately he seems to have dropped off. So what we have decided to do is to revamp our requirements for the existing bid. If we are unable to get a bid that meet our requirements and a bidder that we are comfortable working with we will re-post the bid as a new bid. Regards Joe ## Platform This is ...

$153 Average bid
$153 Oferta promedio
9 ofertas

We want to promote web design/software site. Need SEO peoples who can work immediately at our program. Our actual SEO peoples earn 2000-3000$ per month!!! The payments will be in accord with visitors/buyers amount from you. We need all kind of legal promotion: good traffic, links back, forum promotion, blog promotion, better rank position in the search engines, doorway pages. NO SPAM requirment!!!

$2674 Average bid
$2674 Oferta promedio
45 ofertas

Our business will supply real-estate agents with...from any computer. Basically these are the functions we need for our control panel: • Create new log in accounts • Add jobs (upload photos and create job notes) • Delete jobs • Modify existing jobs (add/delete photos) • Modify account contact details The agent/customer need these functions • View jobs • Download photos • Update account/contact information • Delete jobs (at their accord ) We would also like the ability down the track to be able to add an electronic invoice system to the website so our customers can download their invoices. I will also want to expand this site to having the abilty to add real estate listings to it with a 360 degre virtual tour...

$181 Average bid
$181 Oferta promedio
8 ofertas

Our business will supply real-estate agents wi...from any computer. Basically these are the functions we need for our control panel: • Create new log in accounts • Add jobs (upload photos and create job notes) • Delete jobs • Modify existing jobs (add/delete photos) • Modify account contact details The agent/customer need these functions • View jobs • Download photos • Update account/contact information • Delete jobs (at their accord ) We would also like the ability down the track to be able to add an electronic invoice system to the website so our customers can download their invoices. I will also want to expand this site to having the abilty to add real estate listings to it with a 360 degre virtual tour m...

$1196 Average bid
$1196 Oferta promedio
39 ofertas
Logo for AES
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Hi, I need a logo designed for an escrow website I've been working on. The logo I have in mind is like two hands shacking with a 3rd hand covering it. The 3rd hand over the two when two world leaders sign a peace accord on neutral soil. Please feel free to put your own touches on it. Also please provide samples of your logo work. ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follows (depending on the nature of the deliverables): a) For web sites or other server-side deliverables intended to only ever exist in one place in the Buyer's environment--Deliverables must be installed by the Seller in read...

$16 Average bid
$16 Oferta promedio
30 ofertas

Hi, I need a short report written with some information on Madagascar. This is a long shot, but the winning programmer MUST BE A RESIDENT OF MADAGASCAR (OR KNOW SOMEONE WHO IS in order to get the required information. Please post a message for more info. Thanks

0 ofertas
Flash Movie
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A 45 SECOND full page flash movie intro to a website. Basically all that we have is a script and voice talent ready to go. The project could be for simple cartoon type of animation or "Madagascar" 3D animation. Feel free to quote for both or either animation. ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follows (depending on the nature of the deliverables): a) For web sites or other server-side deliverables intended to only ever exist in one place in the Buyer's environment--Deliverables must be installed by the Seller in ready-to-run condition in the Buyer's environment. b) For all others including desktop ...

$3280 Average bid
$3280 Oferta promedio
11 ofertas

... and group of proxy. 5) Modify the number of time for entering the site and how many times What will software will do: The software will search in the search engine the domain or URL from the domain and will enter the site as a different proxy. The entry will be by group of proxy – for example – I would like to enter the site from only proxy from USA and UK. Entry the site will accord the setting as on number 5 on top – frequency and time (enter the site 6 times from 10 to 90 seconds. The software will export to html or word a report: • Where the site was found • What keyword • What page was found • Etc. I would love to hear from the programmer other suggestions that he have about the program. Payment: paypa...

$100 - $300
$100 - $300
2 ofertas
Click on site
Finalizado left

Click on site ... and group of proxy. 5) Modify the number of time for entering the site and how many times What will software will do: The software will search in the search engine the domain or URL from the domain and will enter the site as a different proxy. The entry will be by group of proxy – for example – I would like to enter the site from only proxy from USA and UK. Entry the site will accord the setting as on number 5 on top – frequency and time (enter the site 6 times from 10 to 90 seconds. The software will export to html or word a report: • Where the site was found • What keyword • What page was found • Etc. I would love to hear from the programmer other suggestions that he have about the program. ...

$100 - $300
$100 - $300
0 ofertas
Finalizado left

Project objective is to develop an e-commerce web site selling food oriented products from Madagascar. The initial number of products will be 6 with 3 variant each and 3 different packaging/volumes. More products will be gradually added. One key constrain is the link with the production and shipping site which requires production orders,shipping slips and billing documents. These could be sent by Email "live" or twice daily. The site needs to accept Credit card payments and be initially able to include shipping costs to USA,Canada, the 25 EU countries, Japan and India. More countries will be added later. The content of the site needs to be "upgradable" from anywhere so that updated content can be added. We initially think of using Lunix/MySqL/Php with Mambo but...

$300 - $1500
$300 - $1500
8 ofertas

...Republic of Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova, Republic of Monaco Mongolia Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar N/A Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles ...

$63 Average bid
$63 Oferta promedio
13 ofertas

...also doing a simple calculation about renting and selling with financing options and rates with years for new and used cars... Boats and other motors shall be added as an option! So Renting System and selling used and new motors system plus calculations with rates and other stuff Cars or any type of motors will be divided or searchable by: * models "Ex: Honda" * Type "Ex: accord, Civic, etc etc" * year make * Price range * used/new When displaying cars we need to see some info about this car, for example: Pictures Model Type Year make Price Color Options Status "Sold, available, rented out, in date, etc" Seller contact info Other details when this car is sold or rented we need to see who bought it or who rented it out,...

$909 Average bid
$909 Oferta promedio
55 ofertas
I'm looking for seo
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I'm looking for seo collaboration for getting search engine traffic to my adult websites and increase their link popularity. Websites are online and get some traffic, you have to increase search engine traffic, Google, Yahoo and MSN are preferred engines. You will be paid based on results or in a way we get an accord. I will provide you with key to work with for getting targeted traffic. If you reach good results I will propose you more work and this could become a long partnership. Thank you ## Deliverables Rent A Coder requirements notice: As originally posted, this bid request does not have complete details. Should a dispute arise and this project go into arbitration "as is", the contract's vagueness might cause it to be interpreted against you, even...

$735 Average bid
$735 Oferta promedio
8 ofertas


0 ofertas
Web site Design
Finalizado left

...XHTML 2 draft specification achieve final recommendation status, it will be easier to adapt to it (if Excedo choose to do so) from XHTML 1.0 than from HTML. 5. Old browsers are as comfortable with XHTML as they are with HTML. There´s no advantage to XHTML in this regard, but there´s no disadvantage either. 6. New browsers work well with XHTML (particularly XHTML 1.0), and many accord it special treatment not granted to pages authored in HTML 4. This makes XHTML more predictable than HTML in many cases. 7. XHTML works as well in wireless devices, screen readers, and other specialized user agents as it does in traditional desktop browsers, in many cases removing the need to create specialized wireless markup versions and allowing sites to reach more visitors wi...

$1000 - $3000
$1000 - $3000
47 ofertas

...About Us o Company Overview – xxxxxxxx Difference o Staff Overview · Contact Us o General Contact Information o Email Contact Form · Resource Page o Links to our friends o Purchase Order Terms and Conditions o Sales Order Terms and Conditions o Equipment Operating Instructions (HTML PDF and Streaming Video) o MSDS Sheets (HTML and PDF) o Insurance Requirements and sample ACCORD Certificate (HTML and PDF) o Equipment Rental Agreement (HTML and PDF) o Privacy Policy Page Content Management xxxxx. requires that the new web site be designed to allow for the efficient management of the new site. We would like a secure browser based management system, which will allow a non-technical professional user to add/edit/delete dynamic content, and ...

$761 Average bid
$761 Oferta promedio
30 ofertas

Hi, We are looking for a content writer to write about the history, facts, inter...will check the work.] 250 words for the long description and 100 words for the short description (Do not dulpicate the content in the two descriptions and do not dulpicate the content from another subject.) Two games are needed per SUBJECT. We have over 1,000 party game descriptions. You can create your own game or alter one of our games to fit the SUBJECT. Sample SUBJECTS: School party Madagascar party Hollywood party Work party Office party Beer Party Magic Country Western Texas Hold 'em Golf Outing Kentucky Derby Olympics Ballerina Homecoming Alien Garden Clambake Brunch Lobsterfest Retirement Congratulations Good Luck Engagement We have samples and a few other minor requirements. Than...

$125 Average bid
$125 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas

See attached for business requirements. This is a challenging and demanding project; only high level business requirements can be given. Coder is required to able to code the programs by investigating and applying all coding techniques by himself independently to produce final deliverables functioning with features accord to high level business requirements given by buyer. Safe deposit and NDA is required from coder to secure project commitment. Coder interested in pickup this project should reply with convincible facts and present his approach to demonstrate abilities to deliver the complete project. ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables must be in read...

$3938 Average bid
$3938 Oferta promedio
3 ofertas
65352 Vehicle Database
Finalizado left

...the other sites. Bottom line is that I need every vehicle listing in this database from 1983-2005. Timeliness will be a factor in choosing the person for this project. The vehicles years, makes, and models may have various inserts that may vary by type, engine, transmission, and drive type. So, a 1999 Honda Accord would have a listing for a coupe and sedan. For the coupe, there were 4 cylinder and 6 cylinder engines, and the same goes for the sedan. So the 1999 Honda Accord would probably have 8-10 or more listings when it is all over. This database will eventually be converted and utilized as part of a web database. I need this as soon as possible. This is only research and data entry. If you feel that the data should be broken up into different tables, plea...

$75 Average bid
$75 Oferta promedio
1 ofertas

Hi, We are in need of PHP expert to review the database of a beta version of a site. We need the site reviewed for bugs, and de-bugged if necessary. There are also some errors we found on our own accord which would need to be address. This site is scheduled to go live 5 days. Thus will require the coder to be available via phone or messenger to keep the lines of communication open and steady , and to be diligent in there work effort ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follows? (depending on the nature? of the deliverables): a)? For web sites or? other server-side deliverables intended to only ever exist in one place in th...

$107 Average bid
$107 Oferta promedio
6 ofertas

Hi, We are in need of PHP expert to review the database of a beta version of a site. We need the site reviewed for bugs, and de-bugged if necessary. There are also some errors we found on our own accord which would need to be address. This site is scheduled to go live 5 days. Thus will require the coder to be available via phone or messenger to keep the lines of communication open and steady , and to be diligent in there work effort ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follows? (depending on the nature? of the deliverables): a)? For web sites or? other server-side deliverables intended to only ever exist in one place in th...

$56 Average bid
$56 Oferta promedio
9 ofertas

...accounting and book-keeping. Hence bidders who are familiar with Indian standards shall be preferred to work on this project. I need an Accounting software as per Indian accounting standards & practices. It should be developed with MS-Visual Basic 6.0 as front end and MS-Access as back end. I wish to add that bidders can evaluate the popular Indian accounting software called as ACCORD for reference purpose of this project. ACCORD is available for evaluation purpose at This Accounting software should have regular features like Cash Book, Bank Book, Ledger Accounts, Trial Balance, Profit & Loss Account Statement, Balance Sheet, Voucher entries, Account statements, etc. etc. Basically, entries should be only in the form of either "payment voucher" or "...

$85 Average bid
$85 Oferta promedio
8 ofertas

... 10. Important: This guide simply needs to show the user how to locate a used car on these sites. I'll need you to show how to find a used car on each site by searching for: 1. A particular make 2. A particular year model 3. A particular location (if available on that site) So, in your examples, you could show the reader how to locate a 2002 Honda Accord being sold in or near the 28711 zip code. Also - I'll need screen shots of each site and each step of the process on that site. I'd expect each site to take up about 10-15 pages, including screenshots. This should be a very simple project for someone who knows what they're doing. ... ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as ...

$260 Average bid
$260 Oferta promedio
15 ofertas
Accounting Software
Finalizado left

...accounting and book-keeping. Hence bidders who are familiar with Indian standards shall be preferred to work on this project. I need an Accounting software as per Indian accounting standards & practices. It should be developed with MS-Visual Basic 6.0 as front end and MS-Access as back end. I wish to add that bidders can evaluate the popular Indian accounting software called as ACCORD for reference purpose of this project. ACCORD is available for evaluation purpose at This Accounting software should have regular features like Cash Book, Bank Book, Ledger Accounts, Trial Balance, Profit & Loss Account Statement, Balance Sheet, Voucher entries, Account statements, etc. etc. Basically, entries should be only in the form of either "payment voucher" or "...

$112 Average bid
$112 Oferta promedio
7 ofertas

...We need to develop set of embedded codes to call the MS Fax Services API which will be embedded in faxable documents. The faxable document when deposit to ports/directories monitored by the Microsoft Fax Service Server, it will take out the embedded codes from the faxable document as fax instructions, erase the codes and only retain the content of the faxable document. Fax the faxable document accord to the embedded codes. A fax status and queue management program to monitor the fax submitted will also need to develop and it must able to run on remote Windows /Unix/Linux client machine. Programming and documentations must follow Microsoft Windows 2003 programming requirements and use MSInstaller. Main features should include: *Core software programs run as system services under W...

$1466 Average bid
$1466 Oferta promedio
4 ofertas
assignment of holidays
Finalizado left

...prototype where the user is asked a various set of questions and then the databse suggests the resort that tehy should visit i can give u my databse along with sql queries u hav to connect and construct website, please can you keep it simple but nice. the requirements are as followed: These are carried over to the deliverables section. -should be a direct link to the main questionnaire, which will accord, to certain criteria match the customer to the resort. -user should be able to search for a particular resort from a search mechanism which searches what is on the centralised the user knows what he/she is looking for then the user should be allowed to type in a name of a resort, Island or Country and the search should return the resorts identified with that name and all local r...

$160 Average bid
$160 Oferta promedio
4 ofertas