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Pedro S.



Electronic Engineer

$18 USD / Hour
Flag of
Brazil (5:54 PM)
Joined on June 18, 2024
$18 USD / Hour
Hello, I'm Pedro. I graduated as a technician in electronics and electrical engineering from CEFET MG, a specialist in Electronic Engineering from Anhanguera. Currently studying a master's degree in applied electromagnetism, at CEFET MG. I have great experience and contribution in the areas of development of electrical and electronic circuits, PCB layout, development of components, parts and documentation in projects, analysis of requirements and errors. I have experience in identifying and correcting EMC errors, including validation tests in renowned agencies, such as Electrostatic Discharge Immunity (ESD), Transient Immunity (EFT), Surge Immunity (Surge), Conducted Emission, Radiated Emission, Radiated Field Immunity , between others. Within this area I have training and experience with renowned names in electromagnetism. I work as a professional in embedded systems, with experience in all areas of hardware development.
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