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Osama K.



Professional Graphics Designer & Website Developer

$25 USD / Hour
Flag of
Pakistan (1:42 AM)
Joined on September 11, 2024
$25 USD / Hour
I am a professional graphics designer and website developer with extensive experience in delivering high-quality designs and custom web solutions. I specialize in all kinds of graphic work, including branding, logos, business cards, t-shirt designs, and flyers, ensuring each project stands out with a unique and eye-catching look. I create website designs using tools like Figma and Adobe XD, crafting custom designs with an attractive and user-friendly interface that enhances your brand's online presence. In addition to design, I am skilled in CMS development, including WordPress, Shopify, and Webflow, allowing me to develop and manage dynamic, responsive websites. For more complex needs, I offer custom website development using technologies such as PHP, Laravel, and JavaScript, creating robust, scalable websites tailored to your specific requirements. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to client satisfaction, I ensure all projects are delivered on time with exceptional quality.
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