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Ismail D.
Professional Architect
$5 USD / Hour
Bulgaria (1:09 PM)
Joined on December 19, 2009
$5 USD / Hour
My name is Ismail Bekirov. I’m born in Plovdiv at 1st February 1983 in Bulgaria. I spent my childhood in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. I graduated the M.A. degree program in 2008 from the university of Architecture Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UASG), Sofia. I ran a successful 3d modeling practice for 1 year before moved to another but architectural firm. My first work was a contributed design and support services to a six-person boutique firm with special concentration in commercial and multifamily architecture.Thoroughly I got trained in the complete design development to final drawings and construction document editing. Since then I had a journey of collaborations with architects and construction companies, acquired autonomy in the management of an architectural project in all its phases.