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Ana S.
Freelancer - several skills and experience
$9 USD / Hour
Portugal (5:59 AM)
Joined on January 3, 2015
$9 USD / Hour
Hello, my name is Ana. It's a pleasure to be in touch with you!
I would like to tell you that I am right for your project!
I have great accuracy and integrity as well as responsibility. I like to keep deadlines and I am willing to work hard to deliver quality work.
I have experience in translations from Portuguese to English, French and Spanish, and vice versa; Experience in data analysis and management; Experience with search engine evaluation, transcriptions, voice recordings, and graphic design. Also, I am a very good writer with great accuracy and integrity as well as responsibility. I like to keep deadlines and I am willing to work hard.
I have worked in different places and positions, from sales to network research, from tourism to office work, and I have developed very useful and interesting skills.
My Cv: [login to view URL]
I am totally disappointed with her. She accepted my project but did not work on it because she accept too many work. Not recommended and not trusted. Time waster. I can not recommend him to anyone.
I work at this Hotel as a receptionist, but lately some of my tasks are more managerial tasks. My jobs goes from phone calls, to invoicing, to data entry, to accounting, to clients management.
Apr, 2014 - Present
10 years, 11 months
Empregada de loja
Mar, 2007 - Nov, 2011
4 years, 7 months
Mar, 2007 - Nov, 2011
4 years, 7 months
Manutenção e gestão da loja e venda ao balcão
Mar, 2007 - Nov, 2011
4 years, 7 months
Universidade do Minho
2000 - 2006
6 years
2000 - 2006
6 years
Creative Writing
Different creative writing techniques and execution of different styles of text.
Coaching and communication
Several skills on communication and coaching technics.
Project Management
Curso ministrado por formadores da empresa Google, através da plataforma Coursera
Ainda em curso
US English
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