Online catalog for products

Contest Brief

Hi looking for an online catalogue for home cleaning products divided into 6 categories
The theme should reflect the green cleaning products, bio and eco-friendly cleaning products

Final french content and images will be provided. Please use demo images.

Below are details for project:
Theme: white , green color theme

Design: minimalist and modern , clean and neat look.

Type of products: eco-friendly products for green cleaning

Display: catalogue, flipbook 12 pages or 16 pages (depending on how products are displayed)

PRODUITS (product): page 5-6 / page 7-8

#1:products are displayed into 6 categories

- kitchen (3 products)
- bathroom (3 products )
- laundry (1 product)
- multi- surfaces / vitres ( 2 products)
- floor ( 2 products)
- Sponges and lavettes ( 6 products)

#2: Each Product will include : product image, product certification(s) , product name , quick view product description.

#3: ( please free to display as you see appropriate for a clean design , but I just need the products pages to be in pair (meaning products page can be displaye in 2 or 4 pages, not 3 or 5; for example, you can put Floor category and multi-surfaces category on the same page, because they have less products)

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Employer Feedback

“Great seller, professional and excellent communication. I highly recommend”

Profile image Midain, France.

Public Clarification Board

  • mdimran0172
    • 2 years ago

    Sir please check my entry #2

    • 2 years ago

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