Hello, I have dealt with these requirements many times, I have attached the projects in my portfolio, and I am available for a quick call today!
My experience includes working with Javascript, Node, ReactJS, and Typescript, using different features of Next, such as dynamic Routing, server actions, getStaticProps, getServerSideProps, geStaticPaths, and also utilizing SSG and SSR for particular cases to increase the performance of the Website. Additionally, I worked and integrated different API approaches such as GraphQL, Rest, and Trpc and integrated the AI into the SASS applications. I use React Hooks, React Router, FramerMotion, and different state management libraries such as Mobx, Redux, Zustand, Xstate. For styling in my experience I used Css, SCSS Tailwind, Mui, ChakraUi Storybook, and Flowbite, regarding testing, I used Jest, Cypress, and React Testing Library. For the backend, I worked with Node, Express, and Nest using different ORMs for interaction with the DB such as TypeOrm, Mongoose, Sequelize, and Prizma. I have a solid background in monolithic and microservice architecture.
Let's bring your vision to life with inventive solutions!