Como convertir jar jav jobs


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    2,000 como convertir jar jav jobs found

    I need a draw: "An illustration with five tokens: 1. In the bottom left corner, a vibrant blue water droplet symbol representing 'Water.' 2. In the bottom right corner, a brown cube-shaped symbol representing 'Earth.' 3. In the top right corner, a white sphere symbol representing 'Air.' 4. In the top left c...below each token in the form of drawn text. The colors should be vibrant, and the four tokens surrounding the plant token should be circularly connected to each other. Between them, there should be smaller grey tokens labeled 'USDC,' which do not require separate labels. Around the plant token, there are three additional smaller tokens: 1. One representing brown logs. 2. One representing a jar containing a bright yellow ...

    $14 Average bid
    54 entries

    Proyecto de Software para Kiosko Aeronáutico / Aeronautical Kiosk Software Project 1. Objetivo General / General Objective: Desarrollar un software integral para kioskos en aeropuertos que permita la validación automatizada de equipaje mediante tecnología avanzada, incluyendo inteligencia artifi...en un kiosko prototipo / Application installed and running on a prototype kiosk. • Código fuente y guía para futuras implementaciones / Source code and guide for future implementations. • Pruebas de validación y garantía de funcionamiento / Validation tests and functionality guarantee. 6. Idiomas del Software / Software Languages: • El software y la interfaz estarán disponibles tanto en español como en ingl&eacut...

    $33 / hr Average bid
    $33 / hr Avg Bid
    40 bids

    As a passionate graphic designer, I specialize in crafting visually compelling content that highlights the unique essence of your brand. This coffee jar mockup showcases my ability to design professional and engaging visuals for product advertisements, focusing on premium aesthetics and marketing appeal. ? What this project delivers: Professional product mockups: Bringing your product to life with realistic and attractive designs. Eye-catching compositions: Combining elements like bold typography, vibrant colors, and intricate details to capture your audience's attention. Custom branding: Tailored to meet the unique voice and style of your business. This mockup was designed with the intent to promote a coffee brand while embodying warmth, energy, and indulgence. Whether it�...

    $169 Average bid
    $169 Avg Bid
    17 bids

    ...cambio, Hungría es un pequeño país del centro de Europa con apenas 10 millones de habitantes y unas características socioeconómicas muy distintas a las españolas. Si es tan importante la defensa de España, ¿por qué Vox se ha unido a Orbán en lugar de permanecer junto a Meloni en el ECR? El segundo cambio es la relajación e incluso renuncia a principios que históricamente han caracterizado a Vox, como el humanismo cristiano, del que se desprende, entre otros, la defensa de la vida del no nacido. Esto es algo que comparte el ECR, liderado por Meloni, pero no así Patriots, la nueva familia de Vox en Europa. En este nuevo partido, si bien los eurodiputados húngaros configuran su cú...

    $140 Average bid
    $140 Avg Bid
    17 bids

    ...Redes sociales (Instagram: @vibesnclub). • Merchandising (camisetas, gorras, accesorios). • Uso digital y físico (web, impresiones, etc.). Inspiración: Por favor, visita nuestro Instagram @vibesnclub para conocer mejor nuestra esencia, actividades y energía. Detalles importantes: Nos gustaría ver propuestas que sean simples pero impactantes, que transmitan tanto un espíritu activo y dinámico como una sensación de comunidad. ¡La creatividad y originalidad son clave! Estamos emocionados de colaborar contigo y darle a vibesNclub una identidad visual única que represente a nuestra comunidad. ¡Esperamos tus propuestas! English > Hi designers! We are looking for a unique and memorable logo for vibe...

    $110 Average bid
    $110 Avg Bid
    55 bids

    ... permitindo comportamentos mais complexos e dinâmicos no futuro. 3. Sistema de Combate por Turnos ï‚·Desenvolvemos um ciclo de combate fluido e interativo, com registro em tempo real de eventos (logging). ï‚·Esse recurso melhora a experiência do jogador e facilita o rastreamento para ajustes e balanceamento do jogo. 4. Pronto para Expansão ï‚·O sistema foi projetado para receber mecânicas adicionais, como magias, armas, armaduras, efeitos de status (veneno, atordoamento) e até modos multiplayer. Oportunidade de Investimento Com uma base tecnológica robusta, o jogo está preparado para evoluir rapidamente e competir no mercado. Sua contribuição será essencial para: ão de Conteúdo: Desenvolver novos personag...

    $40 / hr Average bid
    $40 / hr Avg Bid
    16 bids

    I'm looking for a mobile game developer to create an engaging, cartoonish style game called "Save the Coins". Game Overview: - Players must collect falling coins in a jar - A minimum of 300 coins is required to be collected within 60 seconds to win - Only 60 winners can be crowned daily Platform & Device Compatibility: - The game should be designed for mobile use - Compatibility with both iOS and Android is necessary Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in mobile game development - Proficiency in creating cartoonish graphics - Understanding of game mechanics and player engagement strategies Your bid should reflect your ability to deliver a high-quality, competitive game that captivates players and encourages daily participation. The project shoul...

    $305 Average bid
    $305 Avg Bid
    11 bids

    ...eps, .svg) o Esto permitirá escalar el logo sin perder calidad y utilizarlo en diversos tamaños y formatos. 2. Archivo de imagen: (.png, .jpg) o Con fondo transparente (.png), para usar en redes sociales, sitios web y otros materiales gráficos. 3. Archivo en PDF: o Para impresión de alta calidad. 4. Variaciones: o Versiones del logo para diferentes fondos (oscuros y claros) y en varios formatos, como solo el isotipo o solo el logotipo. 5. Paleta de colores utilizada en el diseno definitivo...

    $60 Average bid
    220 entries
    Trophy icon Rediseño Logotipo REINSA

    ...un logotipo nuevo para la marca REINSA "recipientes e instalaciones del norte sa de cv" adjunto encontraran el logotipo actual así como imagenes de referencia de los productos que fabrican " (pagina web de referencia de giro comercial ) Nombre de Logo: REINSA (Recipientes e Instalaciones del Norte SA de CV) Estilo de el logotipo: Profesional/ industrial Colores: Rojo, negro, blanco Evitar colores (naranja, amarillo, verde) Elementos a considerar: Puede incluir elementos industriales, tanques, tuercas, se busca respetar la esencia de lo que se hace dentro de la empresa Observaciones: el Logo debe funcionar tanto en color como en monocromático, para poder aplicarlo en diferentes objetos...

    $86 Average bid
    906 entries
    Trophy icon Poner Botones

    Editar una imagen de acuerdo al diseño de una prenda. La imagen de la modelo está mala porque tiene 4 botones y solo debe 3, tal como se muestra la imagen de la prenda. Por tanto, se debe editar la imagen de la modelo, ubicando correctamente los 3 botones que tiene la prenda original

    $14 Average bid
    24 entries

    ...compras e checkout. Cadastro e Login de Usuário: Criação de sistema de cadastro de usuários, com possibilidade de login através de e-mail ou redes sociais. Catálogo de Produtos: Exibição de produtos em tempo real com informações como preço, descrição e imagem. Busca e Filtros: Função de busca de produtos e filtros por categoria, preço, etc. Controle de Estoque: O app deve ser capaz de controlar o estoque de produtos e atualizar em tempo real as quantidades disponíveis. 2. Integração com Meios de Pagamento Sistemas de Pagamento: Integração com plataformas de pagamento como Stripe, PagSeguro ou Cielo, permitindo pagamentos por car...

    $309 Average bid
    $309 Avg Bid
    22 bids

    ...the skin’s natural collagen production, ensuring a firmer, smoother texture with each use. Aloe Vera and Vitamin E: Hydrate and soothe the skin, providing deep nourishment for a fresh, rejuvenated look. How to Use:- Apply a generous layer to clean, dry skin. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Use once or twice a week for optimal results. Packaging:- Housed in a gilded ceramic jar, this mask embodies sophistication and luxury, offering an exquisite addition to your beauty ritual. Conclusion:- Treat your skin to the royal luxury of Opulence Supreme Facial Mask. Let every use be a step toward a more youthful, radiant complexion. Embrace the power of indulgence. When writing these descriptions, aim to...

    $343 Average bid
    $343 Avg Bid
    60 bids

    I'm looking for a skilled video creator who can use AI to help me produce a mixed, realistic and animated video. The video will depict the bustling Gran Via in Madrid, with pedestrians interacting with our product, "Smart Showcase", which is designed to make store...Ability to create a compelling, engaging narrative - Familiarity with our product or similar interactive technology Please refer to the provided video link to understand the product better. Your creativity and expertise will help us showcase the innovative technology behind 'Smart Showcase'. We look forward to your bids. EL VIDEO TIENE QUE SER NUEVO, UNA PERSONA PASEANDO POR LA GRAN VIA, Y VIENDO COMO LA GENTE INTERACTUA CON NUESTROS SENSORES/BOTONES SMART SHOWCASE. de este estilo.

    $568 Average bid
    $568 Avg Bid
    45 bids

    ...the skin’s natural collagen production, ensuring a firmer, smoother texture with each use. Aloe Vera and Vitamin E: Hydrate and soothe the skin, providing deep nourishment for a fresh, rejuvenated look. How to Use:- Apply a generous layer to clean, dry skin. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Use once or twice a week for optimal results. Packaging:- Housed in a gilded ceramic jar, this mask embodies sophistication and luxury, offering an exquisite addition to your beauty ritual. Conclusion:- Treat your skin to the royal luxury of Opulence Supreme Facial Mask. Let every use be a step toward a more youthful, radiant complexion. Embrace the power of indulgence. When writing these descriptions, aim to...

    $329 Average bid
    $329 Avg Bid
    63 bids

    ...the skin’s natural collagen production, ensuring a firmer, smoother texture with each use. Aloe Vera and Vitamin E: Hydrate and soothe the skin, providing deep nourishment for a fresh, rejuvenated look. How to Use:- Apply a generous layer to clean, dry skin. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Use once or twice a week for optimal results. Packaging:- Housed in a gilded ceramic jar, this mask embodies sophistication and luxury, offering an exquisite addition to your beauty ritual. Conclusion:- Treat your skin to the royal luxury of Opulence Supreme Facial Mask. Let every use be a step toward a more youthful, radiant complexion. Embrace the power of indulgence. When writing these descriptions, aim to...

    $29 / hr Average bid
    $29 / hr Avg Bid
    43 bids

    I need a seasoned developer to create a Weibo source and sink Kafka connector for me. This should be complete with jar files, plugins, and a property file for each. Please ensure the deliverable is sent to my attention. Key Requirements: - The Kafka connector should handle data exclusively in JSON format. - It should support authentication via API Key. - The property files must include connection settings. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in developing Kafka connectors. - Extensive experience with Weibo API and its integration with Kafka. - Strong understanding of JSON data format. - Familiarity with API Key authentication. - Excellent at creating detailed and functional property files.

    $684 Average bid
    $684 Avg Bid
    74 bids
    Trophy icon Label Design

    Label Design The bottle label design is for a 30 ml glass jar bottle that would contain our product Himalayan Shilajit dimension of the label (L X W) is 152 mm x 20 mm The label design should have the following content sections >1. The Product Name <Himalayan Shilajit Resin> 2. Package Content < 25 gm > 3. Our Brand Logo 4. Marketed By Ayrvda Nutrition Empire 5. Manufacturers Date and Use by Date 6. Pure Himalayan Shilajit Our Shilajit is sourced from the pristine peaks of the Himalayas, where it’s carefully harvested at an impressive 17,000 feet by skilled local collectors. This ancient, mineral-rich resin has been naturally formed over centuries, packed with nutrients and powerful compounds that support your overall well-being. Experience the natural p...

    $21 Average bid
    68 entries

    objetivo app: alquiler en periodos en los que el garaje se encuentra vacío y el propietario o el arrendador puede aprovechar un beneficio al ocuparlo. *Público que utilizará la app*: Mayores de 18 años en adelante. Tanto para ofrecer como para búsqueda. *Competencia*: no hay especializado en el sector por horas. Características: -Búsqueda y filtros(ubicación, precio, metros cuadrados plaza garaje, tipo de coche que puede aparcar) -Subida y visualización de fotos de los garajes. (Plaza-accesos) -Notificaciones push (garajes nuevos en la zona que buscas guardando parámetros) -Pueden verse garajes disponibles en mapa, listados, filtro por código postal, radio de km/metros. -Creación de perfil con bot&...

    $774 Average bid
    $774 Avg Bid
    51 bids

    ...serán cuentas nuevas Mercado Objetivo: • Mujeres jóvenes (adolescentes y adultas): Atraer a mujeres que buscan productos únicos y personalizados, como joyas que reflejan su estilo personal. • Parejas: Apuntar a parejas que busquen recuerdos duraderos para celebraciones, como aniversarios, compromisos, bodas, etc. • Amantes de la artesanía y productos exclusivos: Personas que valoren la autenticidad y el arte detrás de los productos, como las artesanías Redes Sociales y Plataformas a Utilizar Las plataformas a centrarse según las características de la audiencia. Algunas recomendaciones incluyen: • Instagram: Ideal para mostrar productos visuales como joyas, con un enfoque en fotos de a...

    $67 Average bid
    $67 Avg Bid
    21 bids

    More details: What is the primary goal you want to achieve? Pues que Hackie roblox para recuperar mi cuenta y ya. Have you already contacted Roblox customer support? Yes, but I'm waiting for a response Do you have any proof of account ownership? No, I don't have any proof

    $29 / hr Average bid
    $29 / hr Avg Bid
    6 bids

    ...taglines. This should complement the logo and overall design. Design Elements: Incorporate dynamic visuals like lightning streaks, clouds, or other elements that convey energy and motion, similar to the "Gas Gimlet" reference. Product Details Section: Include placeholder text for product weight (e.g., "3.5g") and a tagline or description. Packaging Style: The design should work on a cylindrical or jar-like container similar to the reference image. Deliverables: High-resolution packaging design mockup. Source file (AI/PSD) with editable layers. Ready-to-print design in the correct dimensions. Inspiration: Refer to the "Gas Gimlet" packaging style for guidance. The final design should reflect a premium and modern brand identity. Note: Please ...

    $295 Average bid
    Featured Guaranteed
    428 entries

    Hola que tal, estoy necesitando un nuevo Banner y logo para mi Facebook, el que tengo se encuentra desactualizado en datos y todo. Ando buscando algo elegante pero que conserve el logo y las letras de logo original, y que contenga los nuevo datos , nuevo telefono. Se trata de un consultorio de medicina estética, puede haber una temática ...tengo se encuentra desactualizado en datos y todo. Ando buscando algo elegante pero que conserve el logo y las letras de logo original, y que contenga los nuevo datos , nuevo telefono. Se trata de un consultorio de medicina estética, puede haber una temática asociada a esto, dejo a libre elección del editor. el telefono nuevo es +54 9 387 449-2984 sin direccion, puede ser con movimiento . Colores como el que ti...

    $21 Average bid
    63 entries

    ...File picker 5. App rating 6. UPI payment My app concept is that it will listen to the WhatsApp notification and reply back based on the rules configured in the app. At the end, I need a fully working app and I need to build it again in my Android studio and all existing operations should work. App level gradle dependencies: dependencies { implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) implementation ':appcompat:1.0.0-beta01' implementation ':constraintlayout:1.1.3' implementation ':firebase-auth:19.0.0' implementation ':firebase-messaging:20.0.0' //implementation ':firebase-dynamic-links:19.1.0' implementation ':play-services-auth:17

    $77 Average bid
    $77 Avg Bid
    10 bids

    ... "Homemade Spicy Pickles"). Key details: Ingredients list, weight (e.g., "500g"), manufacturing and expiry dates (placeholders are fine), and storage instructions. A tagline or slogan (if you have one). Sticker Dimensions: Provide precise dimensions (e.g., Height x Width in cm/inches) that fit the jar. Deliverables: High-resolution designs in AI, PSD, and PNG formats. A mockup showing how the sticker will look on the jar. Editable files for future updates. Design Guidelines: Use clear and readable fonts. Ensure the design reflects the product’s freshness and authenticity. Colors must be vibrant and food-safe. Include space for a barcode (optional). Time...

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Avg Bid
    21 bids

    ...prueba de resultado con un par de revisiones de los textos y de la imagen. Responsabilidades: - Escribir descripciones de aplicaciones siguiendo la estructura proporcionada. - Utilizar herramientas como ChatGPT u otras similares para generar textos. - Mantener un lenguaje claro, concreto y consistente en todas las descripciones. Requisitos: - Cumplir con los plazos establecidos. - Las descripciones son en español. - Se puede utilizar software como Selenium, Puppeteer o Headless para las capturas de pantalla. - Familiaridad con el uso de herramientas de generación de contenido como ChatGPT. - Se entregarán todo en excel. ----------- Ejemplo de Estructura de Descripción: - Imagen captura de pantalla o logo. - Descripción...

    $673 Average bid
    $673 Avg Bid
    47 bids

    I'm looking to publish an engaging Italian magazine in both print and digital formats. The magazine will target the general public, so content must be accessible yet captivating. Key Content: - Articles and Stories: These need to b...Borsa Taormina Calabria: Tropea Tropea – Santa Maria dell’Isola Rosarno – Reggio Calabria Sorrento Capri Old and New Capri – Blue Grotto Rome Everything Rome Florence Tuscany Lucca Pisa Cinque Terre Santa Margherita Ligure Portofino Castagnole – Not far from the border of Switzerland Camagna Monferrato – Pictures and stories about Ferraris Agricola Lake Como – Province of Como the Lombardi Region Bellagio Venice – Everything Vencie Piemonte Region Cuneo Langhe Wine Region Milano &nd...

    $319 Average bid
    $319 Avg Bid
    55 bids

    Spice jar label as we discussed on chat.

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    I'm looking for a designer to create a vintage-style label for my Spicy Jar. This label will be for an upcoming bottle of spice that I intend to sell online. Key Requirements: - The label needs to prominently feature the ingredients. - It should also include the brand name, barcode, and website. - The design should be in cool tones, particularly blue and green. You may refer to the graphic I have already sourced online. We are operating on a low budget for this project, with a total of $15. Please let me know if you can assist.

    $46 Average bid
    $46 Avg Bid
    120 bids

    I'm in need of a classic style honey jar mock-up in Photoshop. The mock-up should be comprehensive, featuring the lid design and an appropriate background setting. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Photoshop and 3D modeling - Strong design skills, particularly in classic style - Experience in creating product mock-ups - Ability to create realistic background settings Please include examples of similar projects in your bid.

    $19 Average bid
    $19 Avg Bid
    4 bids

    I am looking t...Frontend: Modern technologies like React.js, Vue.js, or others. Database management: MySQL, MongoDB, or equivalent. User Interaction: A user-friendly interface (web and mobile) where users can input tasks. Clear communication of progress and outputs. Deployment Automation: Ability to deploy finished systems to platforms like Heroku, Vercel, or custom servers. Visual Diagram: (Adjuntar un esquema como el que ya tienes donde se explique cómo interactuarán los componentes: React → Node.js Server → OpenAI, con las flechas y las tareas definidas). Proposal Requirements: Please include the following in your proposal: Examples of similar projects you’ve worked on. Your technical approach to implementing this system. Estimated timeline and ...

    $396 Average bid
    $396 Avg Bid
    44 bids

    Necesito que alguien me descargue estos plugins gratis para logic y fl studio, para yo colocarlos directamente en mis software de produccion, que descargue plugins y libreiras de instrumentos de piano, osquesta, pads y sinths, especialmente de generos como Lofi, pianos elegantes, ect, los plugins son los siguientes: Komplete Start: Sine Factory: Spitfire Audio LABS: Analog Lab Play: Modo Drum CS: Lorenzo´s Drums: Cassette Drums: Modo Bass 2 CS: Ample Bass: https://plugins4free

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Avg Bid
    2 bids

    I'm looking for an expert in GraalVM who can provide the necessary native-image commands to compile my full-screen AWT Java application into a Windows executable. This executable should be able to run on PCs without Java installed. I have the Java JDK and the native-image on my PC. The tas...Extensive experience with GraalVM and its native-image capabilities. - Deep understanding of Java and AWT. - Previous experience in converting Java applications into Windows executables. - Ability to deliver succinct and clear command instructions. To compile and run the application I use: javac -cp ".;tinysound-1.1.1.jar;steamworks4j-1.9.0.jar" jar -cfm *.class *.png *.wav *.bmp java -cp ".;;tinysound-1.1.1.jar;steamworks4j-1.9.0.jar" Ea...

    $226 Average bid
    $226 Avg Bid
    17 bids

    I'm experiencing a deployment failure with my Spring Boot application on AWS Lambda. The issue arises when I'm running the Lambda funct...arises when I'm running the Lambda function, and I'm encountering a ClassNotFound exception for the handler class, despite the class file being present in the JAR. I need an expert who can: - Troubleshoot the deployment issue and find the root of the ClassNotFound exception. - Diagnose if there's a problem with the JAR or the Lambda configuration. - Provide solutions to successfully deploy and run the Spring Boot application on AWS Lambda. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with AWS Lambda and Spring Boot. - Proficiency in diagnosing and resolving deployment issues. - Familiarity with building...

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Avg Bid
    13 bids

    ...entity within game. Overall features Key features of mod 1. Deleting all vanilla entities Once you put this mod file inside the mod folder, it overwrites all entity-related information in the minecraft-{version}.jar file with dummy data. It's not just erasing during runtime based game memory, but actually overwriting jar file after decompiling it. 2. Preventing mod entity Also, as soon as you put it inside the mod folder, all the other mod files in the folder will be overwritten with dummy data. The file's name will also be changed to ""(because most Mod files are in jar style). Since the mod folder itself is modulated to turn files within it into dummy data, every mod files would be turned into dummy files regardless of the removal of this m...

    $183 Average bid
    $183 Avg Bid
    10 bids

    I have a WAR file project that I need deployed on a Tomcat server running on an Ubuntu server. The WAR file deployment involves a shell script, Docker Compose, a JAR, and other configuration files. The final deployment needs to be hosted on a specific domain that I own. - I prefer to use the Shell script for deployment. - I have a Shell script ready for deployment. - I may need some modifications to the Shell script. I am looking for an expert who can assess my Shell script and make any necessary modifications to ensure a smooth deployment. The backend of project is in java and front end is in react/node js. Project ran successfully on local intellij and war file built successfully.

    $80 Average bid
    $80 Avg Bid
    22 bids

    I'm looking for a professional to create a modern-themed Shopify store for my candle business. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a modern, user-friendly Shopify theme for a candle shop - Execute a 3D photo shoot for two types of candles: Luxury (black jar, white candles) and Marble effect (clear jar, colourful candles) - Produce a product animation video intended to demonstrate usage - Design product banners focused on promotional events - Create all necessary contents for the shop Skills & Experience: - Proficient in Shopify setup and design - Experienced in 3D product photography - Capable of producing engaging product animation videos - Skilled in graphic design for product banners - Excellent content creation skills We will provide the jars and labels, your tas...

    $378 Average bid
    $378 Avg Bid
    68 bids

    This design aims to highlight the quality and freshness of our "Natural Jam" in a visually appealing and sophisticated manner. It should be suitable for advertising, attracting health-conscious consumers who appreciate high-quality, natural food products. Key Design Elements: 1. A luxurious jam jar should be at the center of the design, featuring a label with an image of a fig and our product logo, showcasing the premium quality of the product. 2. The background color should be a rich purple, complementing the color of the fig and creating a sense of uniqueness and appeal. 3. Incorporating natural elements like whole and sliced figs and plant leaves will enhance the perception of the product being natural and healthy. 4. A flowing purple liquid should add movement and vi...

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Avg Bid
    40 bids

    One page of code project I need to share news updates by posting tweets through the Twitter API using Lucee CFML (ColdFusion). It should be not more than one page of cfml code, the last code was only few lines when I was using twitter4j jar file that helped me in coldfusion but after the x api update I'm unable to know how to update my code. Key Information: - The primary objective is to share news or updates via tweets. - The API endpoint will be the Twitter API, however, I may require guidance on this. - I have the necessary authentication details for the API. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Lucee CFML (ColdFusion). - Experience with the Twitter API. - Ability to provide guidance on API usage. - Good communication skills for understanding project requirement...

    $29 Average bid
    $29 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    ...histograms. On the rightside, there need to be multiple time famfres visible of the momentum and the squeeze The study should identify periods of market consolidation followed by explosive moves (squeezes) and display momentum using histograms. The study must have customizable parameters, including Bollinger/Keltner lengths, standard deviations, and color options. The deliverables include a compiled .jar file, source code, and user documentation. Key Requirements: - The study should be compatible with MotiveWave's SDK. - Integration with Bollinger Bands as an additional technical indicator. - The implementation of the TTM Squeeze Pro indicators should closely mimic the functionality demonstrated in the TradingView link provided. Ideal Skills: -Java - Experience in develo...

    $331 Average bid
    $331 Avg Bid
    16 bids

    ...the video (YouTube link) directly below the introduction. - Add a clickable link to the YouTube course at the end of the post. ### **5. Translation to English:** - Use the Polylang plugin to automatically translate the post into English. - Ensure both versions (Spanish and English) include the embedded video and the course link. Example: []() --- **Grouping Posts into a Complete Guide on WordPress:** - Later, I will group all posts into a complete guide within WordPress. - This will involve adding a brief description and linking all related posts using a post grid from the Spectra plugin. - **Important considerations:** - All posts must be grouped under a

    $339 Average bid
    $339 Avg Bid
    33 bids

    Android iOS both development Phone Zio sensor specific movement detection or volume button or power button Automatic push notification to designated members when presse...Promotional reward function Visit path number of visits SNS sharing login Condições de elegibilidade para participação no desenvolvimento 1 Mais de 5 anos de experiência em desenvolvimento / Deve ser uma equipe com ampla experiência em desenvolvimento 2 Somente equipes capazes de projetar e desenvolver telas e UIUX como equipe de desenvolvimento 3 O cliente não fala inglês, portanto é utilizado tradutor apenas para desenvolvedores que não tenham problemas de comunicação. 4 Como o orçamento de desenvolvimento é f...

    $99 Average bid
    $99 Avg Bid
    19 bids

    I'm facing issues with my dependent Gradle project specifically related to the creation of Jar and WAR files. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Gradle - Experience with Jar and WAR file creation I need a freelancer who can help troubleshoot these issues and get my project back on track. FREELANCER HAS TO SOLVE THIS ISSUE ON REMOTE DESKTOP, AS I CANT SHARE THE CODE. I will explain the issue here. Say I have java project JA, JB, JC, JD NOTE: There is no error in any project, and is compiling well. JB is dependent on JA JD is dependent on JB and JC When I try to create an executable JD jar, it should bundle/export all dependant jar files. But it is not happening. Similarly, there is a web project say WA which is dependent on JB and JC. I w...

    $111 Average bid
    $111 Avg Bid
    7 bids

    ...Technical Requirements Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript (preferably using ES6 or higher). Compatibility: The game must be compatible with major web browsers and adapt to various screen sizes (responsive design). Accessibility: Ensure the game is accessible to all users, including alternative navigation options for users with disabilities. Juego de Rompecabezas Descripción General Convertir la maqueta del juego de rompecabezas en una versión funcional utilizando HTML, CSS y JavaScript. El objetivo es desarrollar un rompecabezas interactivo donde las piezas puedan arrastrarse y soltarse en espacios específicos del tablero. Especificaciones Detalladas Piezas del Rompecabezas Diseño: Las piezas deben ser idénticas a las imág...

    $46 Average bid
    35 entries

    ...fonts (harmonized and suitable for a classic theme) • Pairings for: • Headings • Subheadings • Body text 3. Color Scheme • Primary colors (reflecting nature, health, and classic tones) • Secondary/Accent colors • Guidelines for usage (e.g., background vs text, complementary color pairings) 4. Icons and Illustrations • Custom icons (e.g., wheat stalks, sourdough loaf, rolling pin, starter jar, etc.) • Subtle patterns for branding (e.g., wheat patterns, natural textures) 5. Social Media Templates • Instagram posts • Instagram stories • Highlight covers • Facebook banners • General post templates for product promotions, announcements, and offers 6. Printable Materials • Business cards ...

    $177 Average bid
    $177 Avg Bid
    124 bids
    Hii jav

    Hii pleasee have a look on this

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Avg Bid
    1 bids

    ...seeking a creative and experienced packaging designer with a specific focus on the cosmetics industry. The project revolves around designing a sophisticated packaging for beef tallow in a jar. Key Responsibilities: - Conceptualize and design high-end, luxury-style packaging for beef tallow. - Utilize a simple and minimalist approach while keeping the design bold and colorful. Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in cosmetics packaging design. - Expertise in creating luxury and high-end packaging. - Proficiency in simple, minimalist, yet bold and colorful designs. - Prior experience designing jar packaging is a plus. Your unique design will not only protect the product, but also enhance its visual appeal and marketability. Would like a few mockups but for a fin...

    $147 Average bid
    $147 Avg Bid
    110 bids

    I'm looking for a designer to recreate a jar label. The label should replicate the image and layout of the provided reference as closely as possible, with specific modifications. Tasks include: - Updating text as highlighted in the circles and indicated below the arrows. - Replacing certain images as specified. - Adjusting colors to match the reference image. The logo will be provided as a file upload in JPEG format, and should be placed at the top of the label as per the reference image. Ideal skills for this job include: - Graphic design - Label design - Attention to detail - Proficiency in design software The wording on the labels in black, should be copied exact. This is going to be a product label printed on a jar.

    $21 Average bid
    83 entries

    ...arrange clips to tell a cohesive story. • Add smooth transitions between scenes. 2. Text Overlays: • Add impactful text captions synced with key moments (e.g., “30 years of my life sitting on this table” and “Today, I’m letting it go”). 3. Audio: • Include a motivational or emotional background track (I can suggest options if needed). • Add sound effects like fire crackling, footsteps, and jar clinking. 4. Color Grading: • Subtle color correction to enhance the mood (e.g., warm tones for the fire scene). 5. Optional: • Sync with a voiceover (I can provide the script and recording), or use captions only. Deliverables • A polished 1080p TikTok-ready video under 60 seconds. • Editable project files (i...

    $37 Average bid
    $37 Avg Bid
    43 bids

    ...investigaciones: creará perfiles en línea y enviará mensajes. - Hablar con clientes: hablará con clientes. Los candidatos ideales: - Ser de México, Costa Rica o Colombia. - Hablar español e inglés. - Competente en el uso de dispositivos móviles y portátiles para publicar y enviar mensajes en plataformas de redes sociales. Habilidades y experiencia: - Dominio del inglés y el español. - Experiencia previa como asistente ejecutivo o en un puesto similar. - Sólidas habilidades analíticas y de investigación. - Excelentes habilidades organizativas y de gestión del tiempo. -------- I am in search of a proficient Executive Assistant from Mexico, Costa Rica, or Colombia. The primary...

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr Avg Bid
    23 bids