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Makrand Z.
Android & iOS Mobile App Web React & React Native
$30 USD / Heure
India (9:46 PM)
Inscrit depuis le mai 31, 2016
$30 USD / Heure
Full Stack Developer – Cloud Engineer
Web, Android & iOS Development with React.js React Native, Python, Node.js for Digital Marketing on International Level: Implementation AEM Architect, Asset Management, Web Template development, CMS Creation, Sling, Apache, Felix, OSGI, jQuery, Designs and builds components, templates, Tagging, Country and Time Zone wise Web Development. Responsibility: Coding in Reacts & Nodes & Development, REST API, Web Development, Skills: React.js, React Native, Node.js, Java, MySQL Tools & Architecture,
Automated locomotive website to cloud based App. Data Migration, Kubernetes, Docker, Instance, HTTP hosting, Load
Adobe Experience Manager: Implementation AEM architecture, Asset management, Web Template development, CMS Creation, exchange protocols like JSON, XML, JCR, Apache Sling, Apache, Felix, OSGI, jQuery, Designs and build components, templates, dialogs, and workflows. Responsibility: Coding in Java & Development of AEM Architecture, Web Development Skills: AEM Developer Tools & Architecture.
DevOps Engineer, Full Stack Developer, Mobile App Development
janv., 2019 - août, 2023
4 ans, 7 mois
Yuva E Solutiions
janv., 2019 - août, 2023
4 ans, 7 mois
Web and Mobile App Development, Digital marketing on google Tagging, Website management and Development as required generating minimum 1000 leads per month for real estate agents. Tests scripts, hash tags, links, & Integrated in the social media with image creation ideas in UI/UX. Responsibility: Learn Market and Location wise pricing, education work wise, leads should be implemented. Skills: Head of Digital Marketing, Tools: WordPress, MySQL, React Native, React.js, Node.js.
janv., 2019 - août, 2023
4 ans, 7 mois
Full Stack Developer, DevOps Engineer
avr., 2016 - déc., 2018
2 ans, 8 mois
Kosha Publication
avr., 2016 - déc., 2018
2 ans, 8 mois
Website Development, Manage teams of 20 persons, Production and Client management, Stock as per Demand & Supply. Creative Design Development, correction, & approval of design, Print Media, & Email Management Responsibility: Agile Team management, Stock Management, Production, Delivery, Transportation, Client Management, Support. Skills: PMI Project Management, MS Project, Corel, Photoshop, MS Office, etc. Tools: Agile Management, All departments Manager
avr., 2016 - déc., 2018
2 ans, 8 mois
DevOps Engineer, Full Stack Developer
mars, 2011 - mars, 2016
5 ans
Gopal Animator Pvt Ltd
mars, 2011 - mars, 2016
5 ans
Full Stack development: Practice in coding and debugging development of Web applications with Web3, Angular.js, React.js, Node.js, React Native, MongoDB, Express.js, Next.js, Python, Django, Flask, PostgreSQL, Express, Material UI, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, three.js, data migration, data structure, data analysis, Jira, unit testing, security of code, JIT, simple code, DNR, and JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Java scripts, Type Script Develop various UI/UX designs for Android, iOS, and ERP apps.
mars, 2011 - mars, 2016
5 ans
Gujarat University
1982 - 1985
3 ans
B com
1982 - 1985
3 ans
PMI America
Project Management of America
Handling any type of business
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