Make FB Image ads

Terminé Publié le il y a 3 ans Paiement à la livraison
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I need to make several image ads for my product: Ski Goggles.

They need to look like image ad examples here: [login to view URL]

The raw goggle image file is this: [login to view URL]

This is not a one time project. I am looking for a designer to work with my other brands too, so a long term collaboration.

Conception graphique Photoshop Design de photoshop Illustrator Design de bannières

Nº du projet : #32010276

À propos du projet

15 propositions Projet à distance Actif il y a 3 ans

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Hello, I read through the job details extremely carefully and I am absolutely sure that I can do the project "FB Image ads" very well. I have more than 10 years of experience. So don't judge me with my profile. Here i Plus

%selectedBids___i_sum_sub_4% %project_currencyDetails_sign_sub_5% INR en 1 jour
(3 Commentaires)

15 freelances font une offre moyenne de 1037 ₹ pour ce travail


Pratik ! I checked examples and I can design a nice images ads for you .CONTACT ME PLEASE TO DISCUSS MORE AND START WORK IMMEDIATELY

%bids___i_sum_sub_32% %project_currencyDetails_sign_sub_33% INR en 1 jour
(94 Commentaires)

Good Day! Are you looking for a Graphics designer for your business? We are a team of professional designers we can design the best for your business. We have more than 15 designers in our team with lots of experie Plus

%bids___i_sum_sub_32% %project_currencyDetails_sign_sub_33% INR en 1 jour
(58 Commentaires)

I have read your job description and assure you that I am a perfect fit for the job for Make FB Image ads I am well versed in various types of graphic designing work including website, templates, Landing page, mobile Plus

₹1050 INR en 7 jours
(49 Commentaires)

Hi There, Your link isn't visible… But I can help you to make your banner. I would like to #design your logo# like the sample, that you attached in the files. >>>> I am willing to start right now at 1111 INR I am e Plus

%bids___i_sum_sub_32% %project_currencyDetails_sign_sub_33% INR en 1 jour
(34 Commentaires)

I have great typing work in the IT market for 10 years I'm a computer technician I have any editing software skill in my spare time I am a typist / I work with photoshop

₹1050 INR en 7 jours
(0 Commentaires)

I am so much interested to do this work. And i also enjoy this work. Hope you give me a positive reply. Thanks.

%bids___i_sum_sub_32% %project_currencyDetails_sign_sub_33% INR en 1 jour
(0 Commentaires)

I have over 2 years of marketing experience. I use the tools photoshop and illustrator very well. I also have a premium membership on one stock site, so we can put in additional graphics.

₹1000 INR en 3 jours
(0 Commentaires)

I can help you to design the fb image ads for your company. I can make it creative and looks different from other people.

₹1200 INR en 5 jours
(0 Commentaires)