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2,000 website needs products added missions trouvées

...personalize all of this for us by making available: - A clearly readable and personalized home page with everything needed for a freelancer and a client to find each other - A subscription package that works for both parties - An employer/employee connection space - Job categories and other settings necessary to make the site work 100% - Data for the payment process (don't worry, we have already added what you need in Woocomerce) We would like this project to be completed within 5 business days maximum. NB: It would be ideal if the person in charge of this project understood a little French....

€165 Average bid
€165 Offre moyenne
16 offres
Développer mon site internet
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...Description: Website Development for Custom Website Sales Context and Objectives The objective of this project is to design a professional website dedicated to selling custom website development services. This platform aims to attract local businesses, entrepreneurs, and freelancers who seek a personalized online presence to support their business growth. Through this site, potential clients should be able to view available services, select site features, request a quote, and initiate their website project with ease. The business model involves outsourcing the development work to a freelance developer, often at a lower cost, and reselling completed websites to businesses with a markup. The website should be professional, clear, and informative...

€157 Average bid
€157 Offre moyenne
31 offres

Je cherche un freelancer qui peut m'aider à promouvoir divers produits physiques dans des groupes Facebook francophones. Vous devrez créer des comptes Facebook et rejoindre divers groupes pour y publier les produits. Responsabilités clés : Créer du contenu engageant pour promouvoir différents types de produits (de l'électronique à la mode, en passant par les articles pour la maison et le jardin). Publier dans des groupes Facebook ciblés en langue française. Exigences : Maîtrise du français, à l'écrit comme à l'oral. Expérience dans le marketing des groupes Facebook. Compétences en création de contenu et en promotion de produits. Connaissance d&...

€54 Average bid
€54 Offre moyenne
16 offres

...interactive and engaging resource directly within their learning environment. The purpose of this specification document is to clearly define the objectives, features, technical requirements, and expectations regarding the deployment and maintenance of the proposed plugin. This document will serve as a reference throughout the development process, ensuring that the final product meets the specific needs of our educational environment, while adhering to Moodle's standards of quality and security. This plugin is designed to be intuitive, secure, and adaptable, ensuring a smooth and effective integration of virtual assistants into the teaching and learning process. IMPORTANT Existing PHP code is already written to display an OpenAI assistant chatbot on a web page. The task i...

€190 Average bid
€190 Offre moyenne
9 offres

...1701780324-2022804656.1701780324&_gac=1.146900549.17019 3 6635.CjwKCAiA98WrBhAYEiwA2WvhOppP-F3CYakp4vz6HjzhfNr97amGw8flEBE_6QhCofRLeadeLo3UsRoCufEQAvD_BwE .. ..... .................................. /with all payment gateways........ ............................. THE SUBSCRIPTION WILL BE COMPULSORY ADD 6 DIFERAND SUBSCRIPTION PRICE (day, week, month, year and one day free if I want) FOLLOWING options added!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! / add a photo or video gallery for customers (the customer can publish videos and photos (public, private or between friends, or open this private gallery for 5 minutes or 15 OR 30 minutes ((all software and other opensouce)) none other paid services) JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL A version of the software PHP 8;4.x,, MySQL 8.x, MyS...

€175 Average bid
€175 Offre moyenne
16 offres
Company needs well designed Shopify
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I am in need of a well-designed Shopify store for my company. The main purpose of the store is to sell products. I do not have a specific design or theme in mind, but I am open to suggestions. Additionally, I do not require any specific functionalities or features, and I am open to anything that would enhance the user experience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Shopify platform - Strong design skills - Experience in creating user-friendly e-commerce websites - Ability to understand and meet the client's requirements and preferences - Knowledge of best practices for e-commerce website design and layout

€36 / hr Average bid
€36 / hr Offre moyenne
16 offres

...development. Your main task will be to assist me from 8am to 9pm, Monday to Thursday, and on Saturdays. This position will pay 673.50 TND or 29,700 Algerian Dinars per month. Regardless of your geographical location, you are welcome to apply, provided you have a reliable internet connection and a high-performance computer. Fluency in English is essential, and fluency in Kurdish and Arabic would be an added advantage. I would like to emphasize my commitment to open-mindedness and mutual respect. Racist or discriminatory behavior will not be tolerated. I am looking for someone who shares these values and who is willing to put them into practice in this job. This position is urgent, and I urge you to apply without delay if you meet the above criteria. If you are motivated and wil...

€176 Average bid
€176 Offre moyenne
4 offres
E-commerce, African products
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Créer un site internet qui permettra de promouvoir certains produits d’Afrique qui sont de qualités. L’idée est de faire découvrir et de faire évoluer ces commerces a l’international. Chaque commerce devra avoir sa boutique avec ses détails spécialisée . Détails dans .PPTX

€601 Average bid
€601 Offre moyenne
61 offres

Bonjour, Il faut qu'un seul variant de produit apparaisse à la fois. Et ceci dès le ma page produit. Si le produit par défaut est noir, seuls les produits noirs doivent être affichés. Si je clique sur blanc, seuls les produits blancs doivent apparaître. S'il vous plaît, lisez bien l'annonce avant de postuler ! Mon site :

€26 Average bid
€26 Offre moyenne
15 offres

...avec jQuery _______ Creating a product page section - Product title - Selection of 3 colors (Blue, White and Black). The Blue color must be selected when the page is opened. - Size selection. No size must be selected when opening the page - If product is no longer available in a size and color, display: This item is not currently available. Please select a size and enter your email address to be added to the waiting list. - Create appearance with Bootstrap - Add to cart button. Clicking on the add to cart button displays a message in the console with the selected color and size. - Features created in JavaScript with jQuery ...

€24 Average bid
€24 Offre moyenne
13 offres
Trophy icon Online catalog for products
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...catalogue for home cleaning products divided into 6 categories The theme should reflect the green cleaning products, bio and eco-friendly cleaning products Final french content and images will be provided. Please use demo images. Below are details for project: Theme: white , green color theme Design: minimalist and modern , clean and neat look. Type of products: eco-friendly products for green cleaning Display: catalogue, flipbook 12 pages or 16 pages (depending on how products are displayed) PRODUITS (product): page 5-6 / page 7-8 Instructions: #1:products are displayed into 6 categories - kitchen (3 products) - bathroom (3 products ) - laundry (1 product) - multi- surfaces / vitres ( 2 products) -...

€21 Average bid
3 propositions
Trophy icon Graphic charter / Website design
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...must take inspiration from the book cover that you will find attached. Front used on the cover book is Antipasto Pro. 2. Propose a mock-up / design of the website which will be to start on one page. So you should use all the elements of the graphic charter (color palet, typography, ...). The website will aim to present the project (a small text + a video) and to serve as an intermediary towards the websites of sale of the book in paper version and ebook. Visitors should be able to choose from the website if they want to buy the book in paper version or in ebook version, then the platform on which to order. A contact form should also be added. You will find attached a picture of the book cover, to give you an idea of the book. For the mock-up you can use ...

€37 Average bid
23 propositions
Project for Bokhanov S.
S'est terminé left Timeline : must be finished on 18 july 2020 ---------- Details : User ID : view@ PWD : view@ 1) Add adresse picker + Delivery Method on top header of the website If adresse location added by user don't have any shipping methods available (according to Woocommerce) then display a Popup saying "we don't deserve tjis location" according below design Remove this popup Use the adresse added by user on header as shipping adresse over checkout If user select "À Emporter" then adresse filed/time should be disabled (À emporter mean restaurant pickup, so we don't need delivery adresse) 2) On click this burger menu, open a side bar with wi...

€186 Average bid
€186 Offre moyenne
1 offres

Nous avons une boutique en ligne de vêtements pour motards et cherchons une personne qui nous aide avec le contenu du site: descriptions des articles, articles blog, saisie de données (pour les caractéristiques techniques et filtres des produits).

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Offre moyenne
9 offres
Odoo expert + Belgian Accountancy
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I need an experienced Odoo user for accountancy implementation on V13. * Advise which accounts we should add our products in order to better declare our revenues. * Help us implement the landed costs * Help us implement the sheet of account We currently have different types of material + service + transport + final products, and all of them needs to be added in specifique accounts following the Belgium law. Examples: 620100/Rémunérations: Personnel de direction 620200/Rémunérations: Employés 620210/Précompte professionnel 620220/ATN - Employés 620300/Rémunérations: Ouvriers 620400/Rémunérations: Autres membres du personnel 621000/Cotisations patronales d'assurances sociales 62...

€28 / hr Average bid
€28 / hr Offre moyenne
10 offres

...également votre base tarifaire pour un article de 1000 mots (12$ max) ainsi que le nombre de mots/jours qu'il vous est possible de rédiger. --------------------------- As part of the development of a new platform, we are looking for one or more editors capable of writing complete buying guides on baby products. This can range from a guide to the best baby bottle warmer to the best stroller for twins. Each guide should propose between 1500 and 5000 words, depending on the specific needs of each theme. This is a long-term job, probably with several months of activity if things go well. Please send us examples of your articles if you have already worked on similar topics. We are also waiting for your rate base for an article of 1000 words (12$ max)....

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Offre moyenne
16 offres

shopify besoin daide pouvez vous maider a finir une page wholesale awalable products ?

€39 Average bid
€39 Offre moyenne
4 offres
Trophy icon Design & setup site web
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...rempoter la mission s’occupera aussi de la création du site avec les éléments déjà a disposition. --------------------------------------- Lower English version Hello, I want to create a website for my project Here is the site: I have no time to spend on it so I need help with the design and implementation. The techologist is Wordpress. I wish to highlight my project audio book with photo. And be able to sort by geographical area the sounds. Sounds are hosted on Sound Cloud and must remain so. And a photo with a small text must be added. I need an attractive presentation to propose to make donations for the evolution of the project. I need a design presentation of the pages of the site and the person who repot the mission

€139 Average bid
10 propositions
Trophy icon design business card - BP
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DESIGN DOUBLE SIDED BUSINESS CARD - Professional appearance Richard B Creative Photographer 716.300.0000 blanc@ IG: @blanc_p Facebook: Blanc P ***FINAL FILES MUST BE 300DPI CMYK LAYERED PSD FILES WITH EDITABLE TEXT*** **SIZE IS US STANDARD 2X3.5 WITH AN EXTRA 0.125 ADDED TO WIDTH AND LENGTH FOR BLEED**

€16 Average bid
47 propositions
Ajout de fonction à Pixie
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As part of our website, which must act as a control room, we want to use the plugin "Pixie Image Editor" which is based on Fabric.js. This plugin is very good and we want to make changes: - Video import and auto play - The serialization is existing, it must be modified to respond to the addition of the video - Exporting the creative as a video - Added animated effects, such as:   1) Scrolling text   2) Rebound   3) Flashing text We know that the FabricJS library allows us to apply many animations. Animations can be applied to any object within the scene (videos, images, texts, shapes, stickers) If we want to keep the Pixie engine, it's because we like it in its design. We know that it is intended for editing simple images, we want it to be use...

€170 Average bid
€170 Offre moyenne
8 offres

What I need is very simple, I am looking for a person able to find Amazon Product for me. 1 Products Should look like similar to a Picture I will give you 2 The products need to be available on Amazon France 3 Background of the image should be Cleaned and without Human being 4 Price btw 15 to 100€ 5 The product should be all the time different and not the same brand or same model 6 If possible the product should have some Votes / Stars / Comments I prepare a video to show you exactly what I am expecting you to do. It is mandatory to watch it and understand it before to start this job. It is not a complicated or hard job, but it can take some time, so you need to be patient and details oriented. // Pour cette mission, je cherche une personne capable de trouver des produ...

€22 Average bid
€22 Offre moyenne
4 offres

Le projet est de récupérer sur internet une grande quantité d’images de produits. Nous mettons à votre disposition une archive ZIP contenant environ 100 dossiers. Chaque dossier contient plusieurs images d’un même produit et porte une référence unique. Vous aurez en plus accès à un fichier Excel vous listant le détail de chaque référence unique. Le principe est d'utiliser les images contenues dans le dossier comme support ou source pour trouver une image de meilleure qualité sur internet (Google images, …) en tapant les références des produits du fichier Excel sur les moteurs de recherche. Prenons un exemple avec une référence fictive de produit :...

€117 Average bid
€117 Offre moyenne
37 offres

...quelques photos pour aider la conception web. J'aimerais un site web qui ressemble à celui-ci: ------------------------------ I need a good website designer to ask him to build a 3 page website. It is essential for me that it is on a dynamic website like WordPress. Because I want to add the text myself. Also added some useful applications for the website. This is a marketing website for a company in the renovation / construction I have the logo, the business card and a door sign to help with the design, I can also provide some photos to help web design. I would like a website that looks like this: ...

€125 Average bid
€125 Offre moyenne
33 offres

it will integrate 100 products title description sizes colors etc ...

€23 Average bid
€23 Offre moyenne
30 offres

Synchronisation produits fichier csv et la page facebook.

€78 Average bid
€78 Offre moyenne
9 offres
Products Promotion
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Bonjour je recherche un professionnel du marketing pour la promotion de mes produits sur les différents pays : USA, Asie, Europe , Russie, Middle East Promotion de mon site internet : ainsi que mes creations horlogères je suis présent sur : Face book, Instagram, Twitter , ma recherche est de diffuser sur des site professionnel lies au monde de passionné : horlogerie joaillerie, fashion, voiture de luxe , private jet , football , etc...... je desire +de vues possible , dés 40'000 vues

€356 Average bid
€356 Offre moyenne
11 offres

Traduisez des articles de l'anglais vers français, sur les produits technologiques (logiciels) . Les contenus comprennent des guides d'utilisation, des sujets techniques, etc. Il sera mieux si vous pouvez utilsier Notepad ++ pour éditer et traduire des textes en format html. On préfère les français ou francophone. Le tarif sera calculé par mot. Les articles à traduire ne sont pas difficiles, en moyenne 1000 mots par article. Les détails sont à communiquer. Nous avons des centaines d'articles à traduire dans le futur, plusieurs projects successifs. Il y a aussi des petits projects temporaires, donc c'est une bonne chance pous vous ! Exigences: traduction précise, officielle et commercial...

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Offre moyenne
23 offres

Traduisez des articles de l'anglais vers français, sur les produits technologiques (logiciels) . Les contenus comprennent des guides d'utilisation, des sujets techniques, etc. Il sera mieux si vous pouvez utilsier Notepad ++ pour éditer et traduire des textes en format html. On préfère les français ou francophone. Le tarif proposé est 0.01$-0.0125$ par mot. Les articles à traduire ne sont pas difficiles, en moyenne 1000 mots par avons des centaines d'articles à traduire dans le futur, plusieurs projects successifs. Il y a aussi des petits projects temporaires, donc c'est une bonne chance pous vous ! Exigences: traduction précise, officielle et commerciale, correct en grammaire, bonne utilisation des t...

€7 / hr Average bid
€7 / hr Offre moyenne
1 offres
Build a Website
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Update #27, May 6th, 2016 - Added MonsterBTC, the new highest-paying faucet by a lot. Updated the amounts paid out by and , which have decreased because of the rise in Bitcoin. - Bryan] Bitcoins are all over the headlines, but did you know there are websites that pay out "free" Bitcoins for visiting them or doing tasks? They're called Bitcoin faucets, and they're a great way for you to get into Bitcoins without mining, wiring money to a

€407 Average bid
€407 Offre moyenne
20 offres

...a book full directory on the site without having to use FTP software. When you click on this BUTTON a window opened and has an option to add a book (directory with all the files and sub directory). When the book is added, there is an option ADDED THIS BOOK cliquand in this relationship is back in the post and we automatically have a link to the directory of the book on the website. This result will give links When the post will be added we'll see the text we write this book and the link to the directory to read the book. Thank you Have a good day ------------------ Bonjour, Nous avons créé avec le système des livre

€513 Average bid
€513 Offre moyenne
25 offres

J'ai un travail en continu concernant notre projet précédent ' needs a logo design'

€28 / hr Average bid
€28 / hr Offre moyenne
1 offres
Animation de logo -- 2
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Sur la base de notre logo , créer une Animation 3D percutante pouvant servir pour le web , la projection TV, ou film pub HD. Notre logo est en illustrator (Ai) . Le sigle représente une personne de profil avec des a...faire ressortir le personnage volant. Le texte à rajouter en fin d'animation "Institut Supérieur des Arts et Métiers du Numérique" . Based on our logo, create a powerful 3D animation that can be used for web, projection TV, or HD movie pub.   Our logo is illustrator (Ai). The symbol represents a person's profile with wings. the animation should bring out the flying character. The text to be added at the end of animation "Higher Institute of Arts and Trades Digital". For final animation...

€195 Average bid
€195 Offre moyenne
17 offres

he app needs to have 4 different pages accessible to different people depending on their job description. Page 1 - For Admin only will contain the following fields for info to be entered prior to discharge operation: Name of vessel: Cargo hold # (1 to5 ) Product ________ Quantity___________ Cargo hold # (1 to5 ) Product ________ Quantity___________ Cargo hold # (1 to5 ) Product ________ Quantity___________ Cargo hold # (1 to5 ) Product ________ Quantity___________ Cargo hold # (1 to 5 ) Product ________ Quantity___________ ***A cargo hold may have multiple types of merchandise so we need to be able to make about 10 entries on that page Page 2 - For controllers Tracking Number (to be generated by the app) Truck License Plate __________ Date _______________ Time ...

€1014 Average bid
€1014 Offre moyenne
7 offres
€37 Offre moyenne
1 offres

Bonjour je recherche des vendeurs ou télé-marketeurs indépendants H/F pour booster mon développement en France et aux USA d'un produit exceptionnel : l'"Olife", à base de feuille d'Olivier (soutenu à ce jour par 16 500 études et publications), commercialisé par la société Italienne Evergreen Life Products. La rémunération est très importante (de 9€ à 28€ / vente ou nouveau client). Possibilité de travail à temps choisi suivant votre disponibilité. Possibilité d'un plan de carrière suivant vos objectifs financiers. Aucun Stock Nécessaire. Activité à domicile (Ordinateur, Internet et T&e...

€19 Average bid
€19 Offre moyenne
5 offres

bonjour je désire avoir une news letter , introduction , de la société et des produits gangi dot tv

€71 Average bid
€71 Offre moyenne
6 offres
€149 Offre moyenne
1 offres

Le projet : Nous recherchons quelqu'un pour une mission sur le long terme pour éditer nos catalogues produits. Les catalogues sont pré-remplis et les informations manquantes doivent être complétées (informations disponibles sur une page web dont l'url est fournie). Une dizaine d'informations sont à compléter par produit (de type couleur, taille, catégorie…) Les catalogues contiennent en moyenne 30 produits. Profil: - maîtrise du français et de l'anglais impératif ; - compétences techniques : excel, internet ; - Profil général : vous êtes précis et rigoureux et aimez le travail bien fait + vous êtes performant et fiable. Planning - Une ...

€108 Average bid
€108 Offre moyenne
39 offres
€3 / hr Offre moyenne
1 offres
1,000 Products the EMC SHop
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details discussed

€278 Average bid
€278 Offre moyenne
1 offres
Work Needs to be done
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Let's discuss.. Let's discuss.. Let's discuss.. Let's discuss.. Let's discuss.. Let's discuss.. Let's discuss.. Let's discuss.. Let's discuss..

€20 / hr Average bid
€20 / hr Offre moyenne
1 offres
Enter products on online store
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As described

€3 / hr Average bid
€3 / hr Offre moyenne
1 offres
Tryptique Commercial Products
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besoin de conception d'un folder commerciale, à utilisation de présentation pour clients existants et de prospection, sou sforme d'un tryptique,de notre gamme de produits dans le traitement de l'eau en B to B , (Commercial et Industrial)( adoucisseurs, filtres, osmose inverse, deferrisation...) Besoin de ce catalogue en français, espagnol, allemand et anglais( traduction fournit par nos soins) Etablir un document prêt à utiliser pour impression de ce folder( ou prestatin d'impression à étudier si intéressant). Nous pouvon sfournir les photos, textes etc.....

€681 Average bid
€681 Offre moyenne
3 offres
Design 6 page A4 leaflet
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Hello, I would like to do a advertising document to post and distribute for people around me. the project is about a leaflet...Température ) - heating , radiator draw ( FR : chauffage ) - consumption falls, ( FR : gestion consommation énergétique ) - Alarm, Siren draw ( FR : fonction alarme ) - Metéorologic, cloud/sun draw ( FR: Météo ) - CCTV, camera draw (FR: Caméras ) - garden waterspray, waterdraw ( FR: arrosage ) - swimmingpool management, draw ;) ( FR: gestion piscine ) - mobile devices...... An entry shall be added above or below the design : "solutions complètes et abordables pour l'intégration domotique, pour le neuf ou la rénovation " This main draw will can take pla...

€28 - €232
€28 - €232
23 offres

as we descuss...........................................................................................

€8 / hr Average bid
€8 / hr Offre moyenne
7 offres
facebook fans needs
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as we descuss...........................................................................................

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Offre moyenne
1 offres

...toujours une ligne nouvelle. Demandez-nous les liens pour tester l'application et regardez les 2 pièces jointes. Merci par avance de vos candidatures. --- Hello, The project is to debug a script to create online form. There are two errors: 1 / After recording ("save" button) a new form, the confirmation message of creation is no longer displayed. 2 / Instead of updating a previously added row line i nthe MYSQL table, the program always adds a new line. Ask us links to test the application and see the 2 attachments. Thank you in advance for your application....

€28 Average bid
€28 Offre moyenne
3 offres

As discussed

€260 Average bid
€260 Offre moyenne
1 offres

I'm seeking a professional WordPress site design for my Test and Measuring Instruments Company. The primary purpose of the site is to sell our products online. Key Requirements: - Basic e-commerce functionality: The site should include a straightforward product listing and checkout process. - Design: The design should be professional and corporate, aligning with the nature of our business. Ideal Skills: - WordPress development - E-commerce integration - Corporate website design Experience in designing and developing B2B e-commerce sites will be an added advantage. Please submit your bid if you believe you can deliver a high-quality, user-friendly site that meets these requirements.

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr Offre moyenne
16 offres