Website can manipulate picturesemplois


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    2,000 website can manipulate pictures missions trouvées

    ...edition and export of quotes (PDF, Excel). Cloud storage: Saving photos, 3D models and quotes on secure cloud storage. Simple and intuitive interface: Clean and intuitive design to facilitate use on mobile and web. 2.2 Taking pictures (smartphone and drone) Manual mode (smartphone): The craftsman takes the pictures directly with his smartphone. Semi-automatic mode (drone): Use the DJI SDK to control the drone. The drone must be able to take pictures from multiple angles of the roof. The craftsman can define a flight zone to scan, and the drone will automatically take the pictures. The compatible drones will be the DJI Phantom 4 Pro and DJI Mini 4 Pro. 2.3 3D reconstruction of the roof Photogrammetry: Use of a photogrammetry engine (e.g. Pix4D or Agisof...

    €1199 Average bid
    €1199 Offre moyenne
    43 offres

    J'ai un travail en continu concernant notre projet précédent ' Profile pictures update Photoshop'

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Offre moyenne
    1 offres
    Custom Module Prestashop
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    I need a custom prestashop module for my website I'm powder coating color reseller in France. I want a module where people can upload their work with my powder on my website. It will permits to me to have more pictures from color and also for "applicators" (people who use my powders) to show their work and have a professional profil page. Look at this for exemple : Send me a message only if you check these links ### Requirements Document for the PrestaShop Module "Customer Photo Gallery" **Module Name**: Customer Photo Gallery **Target PrestaShop Version**: **Objective**: Allow customers

    €520 Average bid
    €520 Offre moyenne
    47 offres

    Nous recherchons un développeur pour nous aider à construire une application qui peut inventorier le contenu d'un réfrigérateur en utilisant une photo. L'application devrait être capable d'identifier avec précision les articles, la quantité et les dates de péremption dans le réfrigérateur en se basant sur la photo, et fournir une liste des articles. Le développeur devrait avoir de l'expérience en apprentissage automatique et en vision par ordinateur. Ce projet nécessite une expertise dans les domaines suivants : Développement d'applications mobiles Apprentissage automatique Vision par ordinateur

    €22 / hr Average bid
    €22 / hr Offre moyenne
    27 offres

    ...à tour de rôle les visiteurs sur ces serveurs (nous commencerons par 3 mais nous devons pouvoir en rajouter autant que nécessaire). Les serveurs se connectent aux bases de données (celles-ci doivent êtres scalables verticalement et réplicables autant que nécessaire (Sharding ?). Mise en cache. Donc scalabilité, haute disponibilité et sécurité. Soit nous stockons les données utilisateurs (pictures, vidéos, images, fichiers, etc...) sur le même serveur contenant le script PHP ou alors on peut les stocker sur d'autres serveurs distants (le script le permet). Je vous laisse me conseiller sur ce point. Mais dans tous les cas, les serveurs doivent être scalables autant que n&e...

    €229 Average bid
    €229 Offre moyenne
    3 offres

    Do you need a new graphic design challenge? The Toyotohi Canada Group is currently looking for a graphic designer (freelancer) who will have the mandate to create visuals for our social medias (Facebook and Instagram) and several other artistic projects as needed. We are made up of 5 dealers based in Quebec and Ontario. The marketi...need a new graphic design challenge? The Toyotohi Canada Group is currently looking for a graphic designer (freelancer) who will have the mandate to create visuals for our social medias (Facebook and Instagram) and several other artistic projects as needed. We are made up of 5 dealers based in Quebec and Ontario. The marketing team is located in Quebec City. If you can handle with tight deadlines and can easily edit our pictures, you ...

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Offre moyenne
    11 offres
    terminer un site web you can
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    je veux commencer un magasin en ligne de sneakers et je veux quelqu'un de competent pour me le terminer en arbe sur la platforme YOU CAN

    €139 Average bid
    €139 Offre moyenne
    12 offres
    Project for Md Yeasin A. -- 2
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    Bonjour Md Yeasin A., j'ai remarqué votre profil et je souhaite vous proposer mon projet. Nous pouvons discuter des détails via le chat. R wall Paper 111 pictures

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Offre moyenne
    1 offres
    Project for Rabiul K. -- 2
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    Bonjour Rabiul K., j'ai remarqué votre profil et je voudrais vous offrir mon projet. Nous pouvons discuter des détails via le chat. Editing 200 Pictures

    €46 Average bid
    €46 Offre moyenne
    1 offres
    Calendar design (Swiss dates)
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    I need a calendar design in pdf (will give you specifications). The calendar has 13 individual pages with pictures. The picture will be above the calendar dates in about 2/3 or 3/4 the space. The pictures will be provided, I need a good quality file for printing. You need to find something original for the first page.

    €71 Average bid
    €71 Offre moyenne
    55 offres

    Je cherche une personne pouvant m'obtenir un domaine en et surtout la possibilité de creer un grand nombre de adresse email a partir de ce domaine.

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr Offre moyenne
    3 offres

    Je cherche une personne pouvant m'obtenir un domaine avec l'extension . C'est une extension habituellement réservé aux écoles mais je n'ai pas d'école pour le moment.

    €4 / hr Average bid
    €4 / hr Offre moyenne
    2 offres

    Je cherche une personne pouvant m'obtenir un domaine en et surtout la possibilité de creer un grand nombre de adresse email a partir de ce domaine.

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr Offre moyenne
    2 offres

    JE cherche une personne pouvant m'obtenir un domaine en et surtout la possibilité de creer un grand nombre de adresse email a partir de ce domaine.

    €4 / hr Average bid
    €4 / hr Offre moyenne
    2 offres

    JE cherche une personne pouvant m'obtenir un domaine en et surtout la possibilité de creer un grand nombre de adresse email a partir de ce domaine.

    €52 / hr Average bid
    €52 / hr Offre moyenne
    2 offres

    JE cherche une personne pouvant m'obtenir un domaine en et surtout la possibilité de creer un grand nombre de adresse email a partir de ce domaine.

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr Offre moyenne
    2 offres

    JE cherche une personne pouvant m'obtenir un domaine en et surtout la possibilité de creer un grand nombre de adresse email a partir de ce domaine.

    €3 / hr Average bid
    €3 / hr Offre moyenne
    4 offres

    vancouver sign services .com vancouver sign services .com vancouver sign services .com v vancouver sign services .com

    €90 Average bid
    €90 Offre moyenne
    19 offres
    Trophy icon Create a super good looking infographic
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    Using the picture "French Fab" for the look and feel, create an infographic to illustrate a 8 steps production process. Here is the wetransfer link for the files: I have submited many pictures. You may use them all, some, none (?), draw them instead of using them, add others.... you are free, a good looking result is the main goal. Please, be creative. Many other with other products to come is the result is good. I will also give you some text. Again, you may use it or not. All text will be in french. Name of the infographic: Habiller un mur avec une toile en tissu tendu Etape 1: L'impression L'image est imprimée sur du papier extra fin avec des encres écologiques à base d'eau et sans solvants Etape 2: Le transfert...

    €85 Average bid
    6 propositions

    Je recherche une personne habile avec Aweber pour la mise en page de ma lettre de nouvelle. Durée du travail 1h. Connaissance de Aweber. Partage d'écran avec Teamviewer. En français svp. I am looking for somebody who knows AWEBER for doing my newsletter. I have written it in Word. I need to add ROWS, pictures.... and setting nicely.

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Offre moyenne
    3 offres
    Trophy icon Fitness Illustration
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    hello I would like 2 illustrations like the attached pictures the best possible. if I like the job I would have many other illustrations to make. I need a partner on the long therm I would like a link to your work done if possible ------------------- bonjour j'aimerais deux illustrations comme sur les photos ci-jointes le mieux fait possible . si le travail me plait j'aurais beaucoup d'autres illustrations a faire. J'ai besoin d'un partenaire sur la durée.

    €11 Average bid
    9 propositions
    Trophy icon new publicity PSD or AI A4 or A3 for a web agency
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    I need a publicity inspirated to this picture see virginmob2 file I send pictures monkey for background and logo file attached, don’t hesitate to reply me for any question . Text need inclued in this publicity : « Vos concurrents se moquent de vous ? 99 euros/mois = Un site web sur mesure Un Référencement premium Un conseiller en communication dédié l’accélérateur digital contact@ 04 81 68 00 08 »

    €68 Average bid
    Garanti Meilleur concours
    21 propositions
    Animation Logo / label
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    Il s'agit d'une intro en animation 3D pour un studio de réalisation cinématographique qui servira de logo/label. Le studio porte le nom de Vision Motion Pictures. Le scénario de l'animation commence avec un zoom sur un visage vivant non découvert et qui rentre dans les yeux pour se retourner comme à l'intérieur d'un tunnel, afin d'observer ce que les yeux voient... Ceci donnera petit à petit qu'on avance dans le tunnel, sur un paysage sublime en mille couleurs. L'image se figera et le logo définitif apparaîtra. J'espère que la description pourra aider. Je suis disposé à apporter des éclaircissements. Cordialement.

    €153 Average bid
    €153 Offre moyenne
    16 offres
    Trophy icon Projet ATAWANE
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    ...d'autres propositions. quelques exemples de sites concurrents : In english : Atawane is an online application 100% Caribbean which allow you to book touristic activities and transportation in Martinique. We would like to refresh our chart more specifically the logo. We need something fresh that can be remembered well. It has to inspire vacation and caribbean. and must include one of the two pictures in linked files. we are open to any suggestion....

    €165 Average bid
    Garanti Meilleur concours
    264 propositions
    write a description for my web site
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    I have a site that shares funny pictures and news about animals, and I would like a little description to put in the "about" tab

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Offre moyenne
    2 offres

    Cherche à avoir une offre de service avec un style bleu marine noir et blanc a la « catch me if can » sous forme 8 et demi par 11. Bref, avoir une belle mise en page originale pour détailler l’offre de recrutement pour les clients potentiels.

    €48 Average bid
    €48 Offre moyenne
    5 offres

    New comer in audit and finance consulting, I look for a responsive, attractive and modern website inspiring confidence and dynamism. Multilanguage: French/english et including online and mobile payments if possible , a blog, contact request and newsletter. The target is mainly african between 30 and 60. Big and small companies. The business wish to be close to costumers with high level using of digital solutions. Use of lanscapes as pictures is prefered. Nouveau cabinet dans l'audit et la finance souhaite un site internet moderne et attractif inspirant confiance et dynamisme. !il devra être bilingue anglais/français et prévoir le paiement des formations en ligne ( si possible), le blog, formulaire de contact et newsletter. La cible est essentie...

    €235 Average bid
    €235 Offre moyenne
    46 offres
    Trophy icon Create my logo for my shop!
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    Hello! I wish a logo for a watch shop. The name of my shop is paul spencer paris and i want pretty much the same font that you picture with paul spencer. Here are some crown pictures I like. I would like a logo in the same style as ottega london! ___________________________ Bonjour! Je souhaite un logo pour une boutique de montres. Le nom de ma boutique est paul spencer paris et je veux a peu près la même police d'écriture que tu l'image avec paul spencer. Voici quelques photos de couronne que j'aime. Je voudrais un logo dans le même style que ottega london !

    €33 Average bid
    14 propositions

    Hello we want you to create the "À Propos de Nous page" (about us) in HTML for You will make the button clikable and create the html page with the actual header and footer. On this page we want the 2 pictures joined somewhere within the text plus the text bellow : À PROPOS DE NOUS LedDesign est une entreprise à Brossard sur la rive-sud de Montréal se spécialisant dans l'éclairage ou communément appelé LED pour les secteurs résidentiel, commercial, industriel, institutionnel et agricole. Nous offrons à nos clients la plus vaste gamme de produits de qualité actuellement disponibles sur le marché en Amérique du Nord. Chez LedDesign, nous savons qu’...

    €43 Average bid
    €43 Offre moyenne
    15 offres

    ...a scroll saw for maquetisme. : our company is specialized in wood scroll saw and we propose all kind of fabrication paterns for wood afficionados and wood craft people. You will reproduce many car models inspiring you from our design style and propose drafting enabling wood cut easily for our clients. Thus, there will be 2 parts in our project : - 3D design based on pictures we will supply, and photorealism of these 3D models in differents life situation (being assembled, final rendering with different angles) - drafting all parts in PDF (for final client) and DXF for us. There will cutting instruction and assembling advices with a step by step exploded views and explicative text instructions. 2 draft version for each design : first written in French, the other one

    €425 Average bid
    €425 Offre moyenne
    22 offres

    I am looking for an expert to create a simple checkout page on my PrestaShop website and optimize the connections to PayPal at this time customers getting error or can not pay. we receive Paypal message- check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment Notifications (IPN). IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing. I would like to have two payment options on the checkout page 1. Payment with credit card via PayPal 2. Payment with Paypal account The default method should be the credit card and clients could choose PayPal as a second method. (See image provided) Default currency is Euro . Default language if French . Site is mostly service French clients Payment page terms must be in FRENCH language. See example of how the checkout sho...

    €77 Average bid
    €77 Offre moyenne
    2 offres

    Je souhaiterais retoucher des photos (environ 15 photos) prises avec mon smartphone afin de presenter sur notre page Facebook professionnelle (#OptimumCarCareReunion) notre travail (suppression des plaques d'immatriculation et integration d'un watermarking. J'aimerais également être conseillé sur le plan marketing via Facebook.

    €95 Average bid
    €95 Offre moyenne
    6 offres

    We are looking for a second hand margarine production unit with a capacity of 2000kg / h. Pictures, Brands and year of the materiel must be provided. Nous somme à la recherche d'une unité de production de margarine d'occasion d'une capacité de 2000kg/h. Les photos ainsi que les informations sur le matériel disponible sont obligatoires. Buscamos a una unidad de producción de margarina segunda mano con una capacidad de 2.000 kg/h. fotos y informaciones de material obligatorio.

    €71 Average bid
    €71 Offre moyenne
    1 offres
    Write an Android application
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    Ch.2 Simplify! The Android User Interface. Ch.3 Engage! Android User Input, Variables, & Operations. Ch.4 Explore! Icons & Decision Making Controls. Ch.5 Investigate! Android Lists, Arrays, and Web Browsers. Ch.6 Jam! Implementing Audio in Android Apps. Ch.7 Reveal! Displaying pictures Ch.8 Design! Using a DAtePicker on a tablet Ch.9 Customize! Navigating Tabs on a tablet app Ch.10 Move! Creating Animation Ch.11 Discover! Incorporating Google Maps Ch.12 Finaly! Publishing your android app Book name bootcamp you find it online paste the chapter name with the book and will find it

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr Offre moyenne
    3 offres
    Wordpress website for music band
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    ...ENGLISH ---------- We need a very good wordpress worker. We already have a theme for it. The website will be for a band of music (orchestra). What we need in the website : - Some content about the band (history, members, free roles in the band, etc..) - A member area, where the members can find a calendar with some events (that are created by just one person), and the members can download some mp3 (of concert for exemple) too. - A "news" section where a redactor can add some articles - Some pictures and video of the band - A place to make a donation (paypal, or something with SMS overtax (switzerland)) - It have to be multilingual We dont ask you to make the content of the site, you can use lorem ipsum !! The ...

    €395 Average bid
    €395 Offre moyenne
    27 offres

    As discussed.......................................................

    €148 Average bid
    €148 Offre moyenne
    5 offres
    Joomla 3.0 Customized Website
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    Hello, I need a quote for a basic Joomla 3.0 website in FRENCH with a very nice design/layout version with some of these features: - Incl. Responsive Version - Full width background slider - Homepage picture or/and video slider - Pictures gallery - Products with Price List - Contact Form (secured) + Google Map - SEO - Etc. You will get all content ready (logo, pictures, texts, menu map). P.S. You can reply in french :)

    €440 Average bid
    €440 Offre moyenne
    12 offres

    Bonjour, Nous aurions besoin de détourer des images et de les améliorer. Il s'agit de packshots de pots de yaourt. Il faut détourer les pots et enlever le reflet rouge sur les pots. il y a 24 photos à détourer. Hello, We would need to trim images and improve them. They are packshots of yoghurt pots. We need to crop the pots and remove the red reflection on it. There are 24 photos to crop.

    €31 Average bid
    €31 Offre moyenne
    6 offres

    make professional photos of our past achievements: garden shed, treehouse ... Take pictures of textures of materials used in order to use them in 3d picture to our website. IMPORTANT NOTE: necessity of geographical accessibility - Belgium --------------------------------------------réaliser des photos professionnelles de nos anciens réalisations: cabane de jardin, treehouse... Prendre des photos des textures des matériaux utilisés pour pouvoir les utiliser dans des image 3d pour notre site web. NOTE IMPORTANT: nécéssité d'accessibilité géographique - Belgique

    €501 Average bid
    €501 Offre moyenne
    1 offres

    NOTICE : I do not need flowers...... i nedd to teach me all thing about follower and likes.....I want to learn how I can send flowers twitter i nedd Person It gives me the best way To increase send flowers twitter for Multiple accounts And not for Just accounts - Must be guaranteed - And I send large numbers flowers twitter - And teach me how to use NOTICE : I do not need flowers...... i nedd to teach me all thing about follower and likes.....I want to learn how I can send flowers twitter

    €97 Average bid
    €97 Offre moyenne
    1 offres

    Maquette for flyers, posters,Billboards, visit cards, or any of type promotionnel items. évent planning activities etc… film editing, tv commercial editing, website design.

    €273 Average bid
    €273 Offre moyenne
    5 offres
    Argentic Video
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    ...smells which impregnate him. Across the time, he changes his appearence but his elegance and his aspirations stay the same. We first imagine him wearing a top hat igetting in a gentleman club, putting the world to rights. Then, he evolves in a charismatic, classy and festive Gatsby. Sweeping aside the smoke of the cigars, the modern dandy appears. In a chic and masculine universe, black and white pictures reflect his past. Additional informations : -The images used are only suggestions and others have to be found -No face has to be shown -Add a music -All the image or music purchases are for us. -Possibility to use animation Budget (purchases excluded) : 350 euros Deadlline : 1st of August....

    €328 Average bid
    €328 Offre moyenne
    6 offres

    I need several German Facebook languages in the following categories: - entertainment / viral - funny pictures, video - quotes - DIY - furniture It should be in German language. Fanpage must be created and built in natural way The minimum amount of fans : 10 000 The budget for one fanpage : 200 euro Time : 60 days minimum 80% of fans should be from Germany, Austria, Switzerland

    €140 Average bid
    €140 Offre moyenne
    1 offres
    Vidéo The Collector Argentic
    S'est terminé left

    ...which impregnate him. Across the time, he changes his appearence but his elegance and his aspirations stay the same. We first imagine him wearing a top hat igetting in a gentleman club, putting the world to rights. Then, he evolves in a charismatic, classy and festive Gatsby. Sweeping aside the smoke of the cigars, the modern dandy appears. In a chic and masculine universe, black and white pictures reflect his past. Additional informations : -The images used are only suggestions and others have to be found -No face has to be shown -Add a music -All the image or music purchases are for us. Budget (purchases excluded) : 350 euros Deadlline : 1st of August. ...

    €338 Average bid
    €338 Offre moyenne
    3 offres
    Design a Banner
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    Hi we would care to find a partner that will design ( include pictures) for us a pack of: landing page and set of banners in the following sizes 320x50, 320x480, 480x320, 300x250, 728x90, 1024x768, 768x1024, 728x90, 300x250, 160x600, 120x600 and 300x600 and a landing page on an existing wordpress site, with plugin that you preffer.

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Offre moyenne
    11 offres
    German Facebook fanpage build
    S'est terminé left

    I need several German Facebook fanpages in the following categories: - entertainment / viral - funny pictures, video - quotes - DIY - furniture It should be in German language. Fanpage must be created and built in natural way The minimum amount of fans : 10 000 The budget for one fanpage : 200 euro Time : 60 days minimum 80% of fans should be from Germany, Austria, Switzerland if you offer world wide fans please DO NOT apply

    €27 - €226
    €27 - €226
    0 offres
    Spanish Facebook fanpage build
    S'est terminé left

    I need several Spanish Facebook fanpages in the following categories: - entertainment / viral - funny pictures, video - quotes - DIY - photoshop my photo request It should be in Spanish language. Fanpage must be built in natural way The minimum amount of fans : 10 000 The budget for one fanpage : 100 euro Time : 60 days

    €104 Average bid
    €104 Offre moyenne
    4 offres
    French Facebook fanpage build
    S'est terminé left

    I need several French Facebook fanpages in the following categories: - entertainment / viral - funny pictures, video - quotes - DIY - photoshop my photo request It should be in French language. Fanpage must be built in natural way The minimum amount of fans : 10 000 The budget for one fanpage : 200 euro Time : 60 days

    €148 Average bid
    €148 Offre moyenne
    5 offres

    J'ai besoin de détourer des images. Environ 15 images complexes et 150 images simples (détails). I need cliping path pictures. Average of 15 complex images and 150 details (very simple).

    €289 Average bid
    €289 Offre moyenne
    17 offres