Sample personal statement for postdoctoral fellowshipemplois
Hi I need a graphic designer to create a business card. I'm bodybuilding coach. Front: - My name - My title - My contact information (address, phone, email, website) Back: - This photo before / after : I want a simple design on a light background. I need this card quicly. Make me your proposals, I will choose one that appeals to me most. Simple and elegant. Thanks, Paul /---/ Bonjour, Je besoin d'un graphiste pour créer une carte de visite. Je musculation entraîneur. Avant: - Mon nom - Mon titre - Mes coordonnées (adresse, téléphone, email, site web) Arrière: - Cette photo avant / après: Je veux un design simple sur un fond clair. Je besoin de cette carte quicly. F...
En tant que personal trainer et fitness coach je souhaite trouver un logo pour mon activité professionnelle. J'ai des idées de ce que je souhaite assez précises. Des exemples de logo et des dessins.
Pourquoi, vous devriez travailler pour moi ? - Je vous respect - Je respect votre temps - Je suis de bonne humeur - J'embauché pour du long terme ( + 3ans) Tâches : Assitance du président de l'entreprise dans ces activités courantes - Faires des appels au client actuelle de la société - Faires différentes soumissions au près des fournisseurs - Rédiger des courriels - Prendre des réservations et des rendez-vous . - Re-copier du contenu .pdf sur word. - Faire des publications sur les réseaux sociaux Recherche et analyse - Organiser des dossiers d'analyses d'immeubles - Recherche d'immeuble sur des sites webs - Entrée les revenus et répenses ...
...avons besoin de faire de l'édition vidéo sur un .MOV disponible sur iStockPhoto (voir détail plus bas et sample en attachement). L'utilisation du vidéo final (30s) sera utilisé pour un site web et non à la revente. Dans les lignes qui suivent, je vais tenter d'expliquer le plus clairement possible notre demande, mais si vous avez des questions, il me fera plaisir d'en discuter avec vous. N'hésitez pas à nous en faire part de vos suggestions et/ou d'autres solutions. C'est un prérequis très important que le rendu visuel soit à s'y méprendre avec le sample fourni car ce visuel est déjà approuvé dans le projet (aspect chr...
statement proofread statement proofread statement proofread statement proofread statement proofread statement proofread statement proofread
...gestionnaires Casino personnel Sports nautiques Cruise personnel Conseillers de jeunes amuseurs Hôte Gentleman cosmétologue Directeurs Fitness Conférenciers Le personnel médical directeurs de production Air / Mer agents de réservation Shore Excursion personnel Barmans sauveteurs Guest Relations photographe Esthéticiennes Massothérapeutes Instructeurs de conditionnement physique Personal Trainers Bar Sportifs Commissaires de Chambre Hospitalité ou directeurs d'hôtel Matelots de pont Commissaires Danse Instructeurs Agents de réservation Ventes et marketing Département de génie Crew Adjoint Gift Shop Manager Retail Sales Person, Destinations Président, Pr&eac...
AUDIT WORK: - Statutory Audit, Internal Audit, Stock Audit Etc. ACCOUNTING: - All Types Of Book Writing And Preparation Of Profitability Statement And Balance Sheet. TAXATION: - Calculation And Computation, Preparation Of Income Tax Return, Vat Return, Tds Return, And Vat Refund. E- FILLING: - E- Filling Of Commercial Tax Return On Departmental and Exports & Import Documentation. web et je voudrais que vous vous basiez sur celui ci pour en faire quelque chose de semblable. CONTACTEZ MOI POUR AVOIR L'EXEMPLE Merci beaucoup! I want to create a website where I will be able to write by myself about breaking news with a humoristic touch. I will give an example and I would like that you build a template which looks similar. CONTACT ME SO I CAN PROVIDE YOU THE SAMPLE Thank you very much!...
just scraping this link et récupérer dans un fichier excel : le nom : Guyader Aline achat or à Mehun-sur-yèvre (18500) l'adresse: Rue : 149 rue jeanne d arc la ville : Mehun-sur-yèvre 18500 la spécialité : Bijouterie et joaillerie (détail) et le numéro de téléphone : plz check sample file.
Faire une liste de prospects avec leurs noms, adresse personnelle et numéro de téléphone personnel, en recherchant les informations selon un critère, et/ou grâce à des noms fournis, avec numéro de téléphone professionnel, poste et entreprise. Do a prospects list, with 1 critera for the research, or with some informations we already have to help in your research. Need Name, personal Phone, and personal adress. Sometime we have name, professional phone and professional adress (with the position in the compagnie) to help the research.
As discussed, As discussed, As discussed, As discussed, As discussed, As discussed, As discussed, As discussed, As discussed
Logo design designing for powerhouseventures. Interested candidates can share their sample work.
Voici les sujets pour les articles, chacun devra faire entre 500 et 700 mots : - Intel 5th generation - processeur de 5ième génération - l'arrivée Donnez 2 ou 3 modèles sortis et leurs spécifications. - GPU Nvidia Tegra X1 Caractéristiques, nouveauté... - Les voitures sans conducteur - ce n'est pas encore d'actualité
we discuses ass ...........................................................................................................
Dear Friends, I need voice over artist for regular job which will be around 5000-10000 words per month. We need male artist only and for both French and Spanish language. We can pay $2-4 per minute based on your quality and experience. I have pasted a sample for French and Spanish below so please send your voice for the content mentioned below along with the bid. French : Je pense que, la différence nette entre le paludisme grave et le paludisme non compliqué permet de comprendre quel est l’objectif du traitement pour les deux maladies. Dans le paludisme grave, l'objectif est simplement de prévenir les décès et de permettre aux patients de survivre assez longtemps pour être mis sous un tr...
Dear Friends, I need voice over artist for regular job which will be around 5000-10000 words per month. We need male artist only and for both French and Spanish language. We can pay $2-4 per minute based on your quality and experience. I have pasted a sample for French and Spanish below so please send your voice for the content mentioned below along with the bid. French : Je pense que, la différence nette entre le paludisme grave et le paludisme non compliqué permet de comprendre quel est l’objectif du traitement pour les deux maladies. Dans le paludisme grave, l'objectif est simplement de prévenir les décès et de permettre aux patients de survivre assez longtemps pour être mis sous un tr...
...Delhi-53 M: - 8285958029 E-mail:-amitpal91994@ ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION: 10th Passed from C.B.S.E. BOARD 12TH Passed from C.B.S.E. BOARD Pursuing B.A. (Ist year) from IGNOU COMPUTER'S KNOWLEDGE: RHINO,JCAD, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer JOB EXPERIENCE: Working with AB DIAMOND BEADON KAROL BAGH Delhi-06 as a Cad Designer Since Aug 2011. PERSONAL DETALS: Date of Birth - 18/09/1994 Father's Name &...
Bonjour, J’ai comme projet de mettre en ligne un site commercial vise le marché Algérien (la Wilaya d’Alger Centre comme un point de départ de notre ser...vector icons, touch friendly, strong banner options, grid / list view, vertical and horizontal megamenu, visual composer page builder, revolution slider, layer slider, WPML, bbPress, Google maps integrated & styles option, Geolocation support, Advanced image zoom & popup, quick view function, Free or paid ads, Advanced Search, Group Pricing, Checkout Location Picker, SEO optimized, easy install sample data, and demo views. Le site doit être sécurisé à l’aide des plugins de sécurité, désactivations de rencontre de WordPress. Le budget p...
Hi! I'm looking for a bilingual (French - English) personal assistant. Bonjour! Je suis à la recherche d'un(e) assistant(e) personnel(le) parfaitement bilingue en anglais et français. Je cherche quelqu'un qui pourra travailler entre 10 et 20 heures par semaine. Il y a possibilité de devoir travailler 40 heures par semaine d'ici quelques semaines. Les aptitudes suivantes ne sont pas obligatoires mais seront considérées comme des atouts: - Expérience en rédaction (EN+FR) - Expérience en correction (EN+FR) - Expérience en traduction (EN+FR) - Expérience avec la suite Adobe - Expérience avec la suite Microsoft Office - Expérience avec les produits Google - Exp&eacu...
...Super User is reserved for guests with personal application. All, or a selection, of features for managing their apps proposed by AppsBuilder can be activated or deactivated depending on each customer at any time. No access to technical settings of their apps. User access This user access is private. It gives a personal and private access to modify content and / or photos, send notifications PUSH ... without access to the data of other users. Here the user has access to their personal data. Importantly for the "user": Push notification access with limited number of sending (daily, weekly, monthly, annually) with counter and shipping history. Past its quota the user can not send push notification. No access to technic...
Hi! I'm looking for a bilingual (French - English) personal assistant. Bonjour! Je suis à la recherche d'un(e) assistant(e) personnel(le) parfaitement bilingue en anglais et français. Je cherche quelqu'un qui pourra travailler entre 10 et 20 heures par semaine. Il y a possibilité de devoir travailler 40 heures par semaine d'ici quelques semaines. Les aptitudes suivantes ne sont pas obligatoires mais seront considérées comme des atouts: - Expérience en rédaction (EN+FR) - Expérience en correction (EN+FR) - Expérience en traduction (EN+FR) - Expérience avec la suite Adobe - Expérience avec la suite Microsoft Office - Expérience avec les produits Google - Exp&eacu...
Hi! I'm looking for a bilingual (French - English) personal assistant. Bonjour! Je suis à la recherche d'un(e) assistant(e) personnel(le) parfaitement bilingue en anglais et français. Je cherche quelqu'un qui pourra travailler entre 10 et 20 heures par semaine. Il y a possibilité de devoir travailler 40 heures par semaine d'ici quelques semaines. Les aptitudes suivantes ne sont pas obligatoires mais seront considérées comme des atouts: - Expérience en rédaction (EN+FR) - Expérience en correction (EN+FR) - Expérience en traduction (EN+FR) - Expérience avec la suite Adobe - Expérience avec la suite Microsoft Office - Expérience avec les produits Google - Exp&eacu...
NEED SAMPLE OF WORK OF """" Architectural Construction Document """"" FOR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION $20 AND UP
Both sites have the iHomefinder WP plugin installed called 'Optima Express' (1) admin/dan2355 Sample page: (2) admin/pro2355 There are layout issues, misplaced buttons, etc due to plugin upgrade and therefore theme conflicts are occuring.
As discussed
...know on Facebook and receive 20% commission for each sale made through your website Now make money from your website using our banner and receive 20% commission for each sale made through your website How? Simply register on our page (see below) Subscribe: Then you receive a personal login link you need to use when you want to make the link between our website and your facebook status. For every sale made on eBernimont and from your link: a commission of 20% or more will be distributed ... What to do: just about us distributing our links on your website, facebook, blog or other. More you tell us, there will be more commissions. Interested (e)? Feel free to register on the next page (for more information): Subscribe: http://www
... Now make money from your articles Twitter help us to let us know on Twitterand receive 20% commission for each sale made through Twitter How? Simply register on our page (see below) Subscribe: Then you receive a personal login link you need to use when you want to make the link between our website and your facebook status. For every sale made on eBernimont and from your link: a commission of 20% or more will be distributed ... What to do: just about us distributing our links on your website, facebook, blog or other. More you tell us, there will be more commissions. Interested (e)? Feel free to register on the next page (for more information): Subscribe: --------------------
...make money from your articles FaceBook and help us to let us know on Facebook and receive 20% commission for each sale made through facebook How? Simply register on our page (see below) Subscribe: Then you receive a personal login link you need to use when you want to make the link between our website and your facebook status. For every sale made on eBernimont and from your link: a commission of 20% or more will be distributed ... What to do: just about us distributing our links on your website, facebook, blog or other. More you tell us, there will be more commissions. Interested (e)? Feel free to register on the next page (for more information): Subscribe: -------------------
...know on Facebook and receive 20% commission for each sale made through your website Now make money from your website using our banner and receive 20% commission for each sale made through your website How? Simply register on our page (see below) Subscribe: Then you receive a personal login link you need to use when you want to make the link between our website and your facebook status. For every sale made on eBernimont and from your link: a commission of 20% or more will be distributed ... What to do: just about us distributing our links on your website, facebook, blog or other. More you tell us, there will be more commissions. Interested (e)? Feel free to register on the next page (for more information): Subscribe: http://www
...know on Facebook and receive 20% commission for each sale made through your website Now make money from your website using our banner and receive 20% commission for each sale made through your website How? Simply register on our page (see below) Subscribe: Then you receive a personal login link you need to use when you want to make the link between our website and your facebook status. For every sale made on eBernimont and from your link: a commission of 20% or more will be distributed ... What to do: just about us distributing our links on your website, facebook, blog or other. More you tell us, there will be more commissions. Interested (e)? Feel free to register on the next page (for more information): Subscribe: http://www
...know on Facebook and receive 20% commission for each sale made through your website Now make money from your website using our banner and receive 20% commission for each sale made through your website How? Simply register on our page (see below) Subscribe: Then you receive a personal login link you need to use when you want to make the link between our website and your facebook status. For every sale made on eBernimont and from your link: a commission of 20% or more will be distributed ... What to do: just about us distributing our links on your website, facebook, blog or other. More you tell us, there will be more commissions. Interested (e)? Feel free to register on the next page (for more information): Subscribe: http://www
...nécessaire pour une demande de permis de batir (implantation, cadastre, égouttage/fondation, etc). Search architect designer to prepare a record of building permits (only drawing part!) On renovating a small house between Party (Ground = + / - 50m ²). Based on a metric statement, photos of the existing situation and freehand sketches of the proposed situation, the provider must submit the proper plans (ground floor + 1), sections, elevations (2) of the existing situation and projected situation and plans required for permit application build (location, cadastre, drainage / foundation, etc.)....
J'ai besoin de traduire un texte d'environ 26.000 mots en un maximum de dix jours. Il s'agit d'un texte technique par rapport au monde du vélo. La traduction doit être effectuée par un traducteur de langue maternelle française. Je parle très bien le français, donc je sais reconnaitre une traduction bien faite. JE vais vous envoyer une sample phrase que vous devait traduire avant de l'attribution du projet.
Homepage design for personal finance website
Hi, If you don't practice a perfect writing english or think using a translator (english to french), please not to answer to this project. For these are capable, you will have to translate in FRENCH little part of a french academic article in english. This is below an exemple of what you have to translate. I need it 3 days at last just after having accepted you best offer. Regards. Send me your english sample of : 6/ Un management du déguisement des volontés Les logiques d'actions entre le monde marchand et le monde de l'inspiration sont différentes. Alors que le monde marchand se base sur des désirs de possession, celui de l’inspiration s’emploie à développer la grâce ...
As discussed......................................................................................................................................................................................
Hi, nnIf you don't practice a perfect writing english or think to use a translator, please not to answer to this these are capable, you will have to translate 3100 is an example that you have to translate, send in my personal box mail to be chosen to do the job and get the complete file :nn>>> to be translated at firstnnAu-delà de l’individu : savez-vous que le collectif est le meilleur contributeur pournconstruire un avantage comparatif au sein de l’entreprise ?nnQuelle organisation n’a jamais rêvé de pratiquer une exploitation sans limite de ses ressources et capacités ? Avec l’avènement des nouvelles technologies, la co-construction des connaissances génère de véritables mines
Hi, If you don't practice a perfect writing english or think to use a translator, please not to answer to this project. For these are capable, you will have to translate 3100 words. This is an example that you have to translate, send in my personal box mail to be chosen to do the job and get the complete file : >>> to be translated at first Au-delà de l’individu : savez-vous que le collectif est le meilleur contributeur pour construire un avantage comparatif au sein de l’entreprise ? Quelle organisation n’a jamais rêvé de pratiquer une exploitation sans limite de ses ressources et capacités ? Avec l’avènement des nouvelles technologies, la co-construction des connaissances gén&...
Bonjour, Je suis Web Developer avec un nombre important de clients et de Freelancers à gérer. Cela se passe majoritairement sur Skype, dans le cadre de développement de sites internet, solutions web, etc... Je recherche un personal assistant qui puisse communiquer sur Skype en français/anglais, et qui ait quelques notions de technologie pour effectuer du suivi de projets. Merci de vos réaction. Bien à vous, David
As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reli...working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) SHARAWI CIRCLE STREET, 9020000, HEBRON, PALESTINE • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit guidelines. You are only required to deliver the pictures, video & observations and are not expected to assemble a report like the Sample Report. Note: Milestone will be released the following week after the site visit to give us time to organize the report and contact you ...
READ FIRST BEFORE POSTING YOUR LOGO I'm seeking a graphic designer to create a professional and corporate-looking logo for my brand. I would like for it to have stallion performance within the logo and also adding training so they know what I do. Maybe make it like a badge style. It’s a must that you use the horse that I provided down below. If you do not use the horse head that I provided your image will be rejected. Key Requirements: - Convey a sense of trustworthiness through the design Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven graphic design experience - Ability to integrate brand values into design My company’s name is stallion performance (its a personal training business) No dumbbells or weights. Use my brand identity colors've completed 2. Your approach to this specific project 3. Tools and technologies you plan to use 4. Timeline estimate 5. Any questions about the project requirements Qualified candidates will be asked to provide a small sample of data (5 stores) to demonstrate their understanding of the requirements before final selection. ## Additional Notes - This is a one-time data collection project with potential for ongoing updates in the future - All data collected must be from publicly available sources - We prioritize data quality and completeness over speed Thank you for your interest in our TCG store directory project!...
*****WE NEED THE DESIGNS ASAP. THE DESIGN UPDATES ARE SIMPLE. PLEASE UPLOAD A VERSION OF YOUR PROPOSED FLYER FOR 1 and CAPABILITIES STATEMENT FOR 2 BELOW TO APPLY****** FLIER SUBMISSIONS MUST HAVE A DYNAMIC BACKGROUND, NOT BLACK ONLY. 1. Teams Unite- FLYER (URGENT): We need the same Teams unite design post in the form of a flier updated to reflect the fact that the next event is on Monday, April 28, 2025 that has both a dynamic/modern background. The flier should have a black ground but be provided in two versions: (1) one with a black background, (2) one without a black background. INCLUDE THIS TEXT ON THE FLIER SUBMITTED: Join us for a vibrant evening of camaraderie and collaboration where government representatives and contractor executives connect to ne...
I'm looking for someone to help me understand holistic digestive health and the various health care approaches, including Western, complementary, and alternative medicine. The task involves: - Defining holistic health in your own words with proper citations. - Researching and defining Western, complementary, and alternative medicine in your own words, also with citations. - Discussing the importance of understanding these diverse approaches to align medical advice with personal values and needs. The primary focus is on how different health care systems can collaboratively or individually support overall well-being, especially concerning digestive health. Ideal candidate should have: - Strong research skills - Ability to articulate complex concepts simply - Proficien...
I'm looking for a thorough exploration of holistic digestive health, integrating diverse healthcare perspectives. This project involves defining holistic health, alongside Western, complementary, and alternative medicine. Key Tasks: - Define holistic health in your own words and cite sources. - Research and define Western, complementary, and alternative medicine in your own words, with citations. - Stress the importance of these approaches in aligning medical advice with personal values and needs. The primary focus is on understanding how these different health care systems can collaboratively or individually support overall well-being, particularly regarding digestive health. Proper research and citation from peer-reviewed journals are essential to avoid a zero score...
I have been tasked with making a CIM for Vail Mountain Corp. I do not have enough time to complete it and my assigned tasks by the deadline, Monday at Noon. Below are the requirements sent to me by my boss: Executive Summary Introduction and Overview of the Firm History Products and Services Major Competitors Industry Analysis Industry Summary Industry Trends and Industry Outlook Degree of Competition/ Market Shares/ Economic Moat Key Industry Drivers Overall Conclusions about the Industry Management Team Brief bios and photos (if available) for senior management including the Chairman of the Board, CEO, CFO, and heads of Marketing, Human Resources, Operations, Information Technology, Legal and Compliance...