How do i find a good proofreaderemplois


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2,000 how do i find a good proofreader missions trouvées
Remplir poids produits
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Nous avons besoin de remplir les poids de nos produits présents dans le fichier joint. Vous devez trouver et remplir les poids brut des produits grâce à la référence en colonne A. Lorsqu'une référence finie par "DES" le poids doit être égal à la même référence ne finissant pas par "DES". Il en est de même pour les références finissant par "SBD". Ex : DR3300 =0,691 kg alors DR3300DES = 0,691 kg. Ex : W1490A = 0,72 kg alors W1490ASBD = 0,72 kg English : We need to fill the weight of our products present in the attached file. You must find and fill in the gross weight of the products using the reference in column A. When a...

€387 Average bid
€387 Offre moyenne
13 offres

Je développe une marketplace de freelancers sur Wordpress actuellement. Nous avons fini le site à 80% mais l’outil de gestion des freelances que nous utilisons a beaucoup de bugs donc nous avons voulu le changer en activant le thème Felan qui semble très bien niveau fonctionnalités. Nous recherchons un freelance dynamique et rapide qui pourra nous personnaliser tout ça en rendant disponible : - Une page d’accueil bien lisible et personnalisée avec tout ce qu’il faut pour qu’un freelance et un client se retrouvent - Un package d’abonnement qui marche pour les deux parties - Un espace de connexion employeur/employé - Les catégories d’emploi et autres paramétrages nécessair...

€170 Average bid
€170 Offre moyenne
16 offres
Etude complète bim lod 400
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Dear We appreciate your interest and participation in our project tenders. To ensure efficiency and proper collaboration, we are implementing a structured approach to managing proposals and contracts. Below, you will find the necessary information and instructions for the submission process: 1. Access to Project Files and Details All project-related documents, plans, and additional information are available in the provided folder. Access Link: Google Drive - Project Files Please review the files carefully. If any detail is unclear or missing, kindly send us an email with a list of your questions. We will promptly provide the necessary clarifications.

€14644 Average bid
À la une Urgent
€14644 Offre moyenne
7 offres

If one men find one method to make payment gateway for buy credit with card and I receive crypto without kyc for customer

€29 Average bid
€29 Offre moyenne
2 offres

En français le texte est en-dessous Hello , I am reaching out to request a proposal for creating a harmonized visual identity for my group of companies, operating in the fields of real estate, solar energy, electricity, and temporary employment agency. We already have several existing elements, such as logos and slogans, and we would like to harmonize and modernize them to create a coherent image for all our activities. Attached you will find a detailed summary outlining the specific needs for this project. Analysis of existing elements Creation of new elements (if necessary) Harmonizing the color palette Selection of typography

€905 Average bid
€905 Offre moyenne
37 offres

Full-Stack Developer Needed for E-Learning Platform Inspired by , , We are looking for a skilled full-stack developer to create an e-learning platform (a tutorial marketplace), drawing inspiration from renowned sites like Wyzant, Preply, and Superprof. Our aim is to facilitate accessible, high-quality education for everyone, making it easy to find and connect with top educators and institutions online or in-person. - I want 4 profiles: admin teacher, academy, and students - I need it to have two types of payment: Wallet system for teachers, and direct payment for academy -Here in Algeria there is a visa card & a local card and I I want to integrate API or Stripe Ideal Candidate: Proficient in both front-end (HTML, CS...

€1312 Average bid
€1312 Offre moyenne
68 offres

Full-Stack Developer Needed for E-Learning Platform Inspired by , , We are looking for a skilled full-stack developer to create an e-learning platform (a tutorial marketplace), drawing inspiration from renowned sites like Wyzant, Preply, and Superprof. Our aim is to facilitate accessible, high-quality education for everyone, making it easy to find and connect with top educators and institutions online or in-person. - I want 4 profiles: admin teacher, academy, and students - I need it to have two types of payment: Wallet system for teachers, and direct payment for academy -Here in Algeria there is a visa card & a local card and I I want to integrate API or Stripe Ideal Candidate: Proficient in both front-end ...

€586 Average bid
€586 Offre moyenne
12 offres
SEO Web Writer - Mobile Games
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Join a small team and write about the world of mobile games and smartphones. Above all, we are looking for a versatile profile to write about: - Mobile games news on Android and iOS (new releases, major updates,...) - Mobile games tips & guides - Mobile game reviews - Tech and applications articles. aims to be the first international specialized media solely focusing on mobile gaming content. Our team covers the biggest releases, weekly news and latest game patches, with humor and a hint of perspective on the global market. We also write in-depth guides, tips to follow the meta on major titles and extensive game reviews to find out about your next gaming obsession. For all of our content creation, we require some general knowledge about the main titles...

€900 Average bid
€900 Offre moyenne
34 offres
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un programme qui prend en argument un dossier et en effectue un par- cours récursif à la manière de la commande find. Lors du parcours récursif, chaque fois que l’on tombe sur un fichier dans l’arborescence, le processus principal devra créer un nouveau processus qui exécutera une commande passée en argument au programme sur le fichier en question. Le processus père attendra la fin de l’exécution du processus fils avant de poursuivre le parcours.

€20 Average bid
€20 Offre moyenne
4 offres
Trophy icon Graphic charter / Website design
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As part of a cooking book release, we need to: 1. Define the graphic charter (color palet, RVB, typography, ...) we can use on all communication supports and social networks (Instagram, facebook,...). To do this, you must take inspiration from the book cover that you will find attached. Front used on the cover book is Antipasto Pro. 2. Propose a mock-up / design of the website which will be to start on one page. So you should use all the elements of the graphic charter (color palet, typography, ...). The website will aim to present the project (a small text + a video) and to serve as an intermediary towards the websites of sale of the book in paper version and ebook. Visitors should be able to choose from the website if they want to buy the boo...

€38 Average bid
23 propositions
Agence de SMMA
S'est terminé left (facultative) # Notre freelancer idéal : -Compétent, qui a des exemples de travails et de l'expérience. -Motivé, nous préférons un Freelancer qui est motivé à apprendre plutôt qu'un qui est persuadé de tout savoir. -Fiable, nous devons pouvoir compter sur lui en cas de gros projets etc... -Ainsi que sociable parce que le plus important entre nous et nos Freelancer c'est la CONFIANCE. # ??? ?????? - ???? ? We help E-commerce businesses get more customers through paid traffic. # ?????? ? ́ ????? ???? ??????????? ? We are looking for our SMMA agency: -A person who does leadsourcing and brings qualified prospects -A Cold-caller to contact prospects, get appointm...

€4932 - €9865
€4932 - €9865
0 offres

I am a French intermediary for buying and selling gold. About four years ago I was contacted by "feymens" (Cameroonian scammers) to serve as intermediaries in a gold sale between Cameroon and TEXAS in the USA They offered me high commissions For three years I paid small sums for various expenses and I never received anything in return This story cost me at least 60,000 (sixty thousand) euros! I filed a complaint with the court of Douala (Cameroon) against these thieves but the procedure is blocked because they live in the region of Cameroon where there is guerrilla warfare; the Police do not have the right to enter this zone controlled by the Cameroonian army I suffered and continue to suffer psycholog...

€3896 Average bid
€3896 Offre moyenne
10 offres
Villa Chris et Do
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particulier avec un permis de construire accordé cherche quelqu'un pour repenser l'aménagement du rez de chaussé selon certaines contrainte, pour dépot d'un modificatif Préférence pour un francophone pour faciliter les échanges.

€103 Average bid
€103 Offre moyenne
8 offres
Besoin d'un artiste pount musical
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Hello my name is Nello (first name & stage name), Author / Composer / Beatmaker / Performer. I need to make music clips in 3D, in an abstract and minimalist universe (and complex at the end [at the plot twist]) I would like to discuss with a 3D artist, because surprisingly I can only find them by searching on Google. : / .. I tried cinema 4D to make character animation + texture + environment but I wouldn't have time to do everything with music and above all I don't have the necessary resources. Thanks

€1108 Average bid
€1108 Offre moyenne
11 offres
Développer une application
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I'm looking for a freelancer who could developp an application on IOS and Android. The goal of the application is to have severals comapgnies that will register their services with specific keywords and customers could find them by entering those keywords. I don't want any rating on the compagnies neither comments. It has to be as simple as when you go on Google and type for exemple ''sushi'' and find all the sushi restaurant near your location. Compagnies will register by giving their name, website, facebook or wtv, email, phone number and adress. No transaction will be made on the app, only register compagnies and find compagnies with keywords near your search location.

€1033 Average bid
€1033 Offre moyenne
15 offres

Hello, My business manager account is deactivated. I'm looking for someone who can help me find workarounds to continue advertising while I'm waiting.

€25 Average bid
€25 Offre moyenne
4 offres
Base de données avec cartographie
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Il s'agit de trouver un outil de cartographie simple ou un SIG (système d’information géographique) simple afin de représenter toutes les parcelles cadastrales existantes sur le domaine foncier de notre entreprise (60 hectares). Cet outil de cartographie...cartographiques de nos locations, et à saisir les données sur nos 130 occupants. Si nous sommes ok sur le tarif, je fournirai la localisation, les cartes de base et le fichier des occupants. Nos échanges se feront en français. Le projet doit être réalisé en 3 semaines. $250 maximum but by step : 1) find the good tools and design in these tools the correct zones and buildings of my area : 100$, 2) insert in these tools all the data on the zone...

€238 Average bid
À la une LDN
€238 Offre moyenne
2 offres
Intuit QuickBook
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I am looking for someone who is familiar with the QUICKBOOK software perfectly. We are a small company in operation for 30 years and have decided to switch software to QUICKBOOK. We are currently using Quebec software and we want to get rid of it by January 30, 2021. Our accounting is not very complex and we don't have a lot of inventory to manage. The project will be under my supervision and in close collaboration with myself. Once the software is up and running, the second step will be to find out if the same person will have an interest in doing the weekly accounting. It's up to you to give me the advantage of choosing you. You can visit our website Thank you Your wizard Bruno

€359 Average bid
€359 Offre moyenne
6 offres
Project for Chirley G.
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Bonjour Chirley, Je recherche un proofreader pour un texte sur mon histoire familiale. Le texte est presque prêt à être imprimé mais je voudrais que le texte soit relu par une personne extérieure avant l’impression pour vérifier la grammaire et l’orthographe de façon rapide (il devrait y avoir très peu d’erreur car le texte a été relu par plusieurs membres de la famille). Le texte a 23,440 mots Et le document at 55 pages. Pourriez-vous me donner une estimation du coût et du temps nécessaire?

€283 - €283
€283 - €283
0 offres
Trophy icon Logo Société colocation appartement
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Hello, I would like to find a freelancer for create a logo for my colocation company or coliving. Our values ​​are comfort, well-being and safety. The logo should be simple and elegant in order to embody our values ​​to the fullest. The company name is My CoHome or MCH Logo color: # 03224c The background should be white No other colors allowed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonjour, Je souhaiterais trouver un freelancer pour réaliser un logo pour mon entreprise de colocation. Nos valeurs sont le confort, le bien-être et la sécurité. Le logo doit être simple et élégant afin d’incarner nos valeurs au maximum. Le nom de la société est My CoHom...

€56 Average bid
49 propositions


€68 Average bid
€68 Offre moyenne
14 offres
€13 Offre moyenne
7 offres
Recruter le meilleur prestataire
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Set up a platform to list contractors of small jobs: plumber, electrician, refrigeration, painter, carpenter, repairer of any kind. This platform is an android/ios application allowing customers to find all the providers around the position of the user. Once the service is completed, the user gives a note to the service provider and the latter does the same for the client. The application must be able to cancel the subscriptions of the mediocre providers and keep only the highest-rated ones. It's the same for the customers.

€1323 Average bid
€1323 Offre moyenne
20 offres
Trophy icon Create a super good looking infographic
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Using the picture "French Fab" for the look and feel, create an infographic to illustrate a 8 steps production process. Here is the wetransfer link for the files: I have submited many pictures. You may use them all, some, none (?), draw them instead of using them, add others.... you are free, a good looking result is the main goal. Please, be creative. Many other with other products to come is the result is good. I will also give you some text. Again, you may use it or not. All text will be in french. Name of the infographic: Habiller un mur avec une toile en tissu tendu Etape 1: L'impression L'image est imprimée sur du papier extra fin avec des encres écologiques à base d'eau et san...

€88 Average bid
6 propositions

I am seeking a talented individual to create a simple, personal App called MAMA. It will be a to-do list app which enables you to organise your weekly schedule. I have attached some images along with the advert detailing the required look/format of the intended finished product. Although I have provided a design, there is leeway to personalise as you see fit, as long as within reason and communicated to myself beforehand. Happy to answer any questions. Happy Bidding! 我方正在寻找一个有才能的人来创建一个名为MAMA的简单的个人应用程序。 这是一个待办事项列表应用程序,让使用者可以合理安排每周事项。 我方随附件附上了一些图片以及广告,详细说明了预期成品的所需外观与格式。 尽管我已提供了一个设计模板,但只要在合理范围内并且事先与我方沟通,您可以有自己个人风格的修改修饰。我方将很高兴回答您的任何问题。 招标愉快! Je recherche un individu talentueux pour créer une application simple et personnelle a...

€18 Average bid
€18 Offre moyenne
3 offres
Shopping Mall Apps
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Je Recherche un développeur pour une application mobile (iOS & Android) destiné aux clients d'une centre commercial. L'application devra proposer une aide pour accéder à une boutique (find path). Le centre commercial est sur plusieurs niveaux et sera équipé d'objets Beacon pour un positionnement précis. Le développer doit donc avoir une expérience en iBeacon et Eddystone.

€3904 Average bid
€3904 Offre moyenne
45 offres
pigistes francais
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Bonjour J'ai un grand projet de traduction pour lequel j'ai besoin de 2 proofreaders pour le relire et faire la correction necessaire. Mais avant, proofreader dois faire un petit test de relecture pour vérifier son travail À la recherche seulement de pigistes nouveaux et français SVP écrivez le mot pouvoir dans votre enchère Merci beaucoup

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Offre moyenne
9 offres
Trophy icon Petit logo urgent
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We would like a logo with a premium and modern emblem. The colors are the current colors (possibility to change the colors if it respects the premium and modern). For example, the lego and V (emblem) brand corresponds to what we are looking for. Of course, we want something different. Attached you will find the current logo and the current letter V (emblem). --- Nous souhaiterions un logo avec un emblème premium et moderne. Les couleurs sont les couleurs actuelles (possibilité de changer les couleurs si cela respecte le premium et moderne). Pour exemple, le lego et le V (emblème) de la marque correspond à ce que nous recherchons. Bien évidemment, nous voulons quelque chose de différent. Vous trouverez en pi&egr...

€58 Average bid
Urgent Garanti
456 propositions

What I need is very simple, I am looking for a person able to find Amazon Product for me. 1 Products Should look like similar to a Picture I will give you 2 The products need to be available on Amazon France 3 Background of the image should be Cleaned and without Human being 4 Price btw 15 to 100€ 5 The product should be all the time different and not the same brand or same model 6 If possible the product should have some Votes / Stars / Comments I prepare a video to show you exactly what I am expecting you to do. It is mandatory to watch it and understand it before to start this job. It is not a complicated or hard job, but it can take some time, so you need to be patient and details oriented. // Pour cett...

€23 Average bid
€23 Offre moyenne
4 offres
Project for Do N.
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Bonjour Do N., j'ai remarqué votre profil et je voudrais vous attribuer mon projet. Nous pouvons discuter des autres détails.

€8 Average bid
€8 Offre moyenne
1 offres
Trophy icon designer un visuel de Stickers
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...soit dans des phrases soit juste les mots, le logo du facebook et d'instagram QFIndustry. EN : We are a company (Quality Food Industry or QFI) for auditing and training in food hygiene, mainly for catering. Following our audit, we communicate to the public the control results on the social networks so that the customers are aware of the hygiene levels of the controlled restorer. In this context we need rather large Stickers (127 x 76 mm) for display on the front of the restaurants which had a correct note to the control of hygiene. This reassures the usual consumers and even to bring a new customer reassured to know that this restaurant is well controlled. You will find the logo of the company with the visuals of the digital notes on the facebook...

€175 Average bid
14 propositions
Trophy icon Concevez un logo -- 2
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Bonjour, je fais appelle à vos talents créatif, afin de trouver une idée unique et originale ! Le logo est destiné à un site marchant qui vend des chaussettes. Avec l'idée de design, le côté "c...trouver une idée unique et originale ! Le logo est destiné à un site marchant qui vend des chaussettes. Avec l'idée de design, le côté "club" et fraternelle, convivial, dynamique et tendance... tout un programme... Nom du site: Chaussettes club Merci pour votre créativité !! ------- Hello, I call on your creative talents to find a unique and original idea! The logo is for a walking site that sells socks. With the idea of ​​...

€76 Average bid
55 propositions
Project for Do N.
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Bonjour Do N., j'ai remarqué votre profil et je voudrais vous attribuer mon projet. Nous pouvons discuter des autres détails.

€11 Average bid
€11 Offre moyenne
1 offres
maison d’hôte
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Le projet consiste a importer sur le site de Djerba un petit village, ou le client peut trouver un accueil et une échelle plus proche de celle d'une maison privée traditionnelle tous en assurant le maximum de confort et de dépaysement The project consists of an importer on the site of Djerba a small village, where the customer can find a welcome and a scale closer to that of a traditional traditional house for maximum comfort and change of scenery

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Offre moyenne
7 offres

... Le projet : 1. Trouver des entreprises en France qui a. Distribuez gratuitement des paquets d'échantillons de bébé aux nouvelles mamans ou aux mamans enceintes. b. Vendre des produits à des mamans nouvelles ou enceintes c. Communiquer avec les nouvelles mamans ou les mamans enceintes. 2. Envoyez-leur une introduction à Beaming Baby. 3. Aidez-nous à négocier des tarifs commercialement viables. 4. Aidez-nous à commencer à distribuer des chèques-cadeaux via ces canaux. Overview: We are looking to Distribute a 25 Euro Gift Voucher to Redeem on our Website to attract Pregnant and New Mums to buy from The Project: 1. Find Companies in France who a. Distri...

€345 Average bid
€345 Offre moyenne
10 offres

...contenues dans le dossier comme support ou source pour trouver une image de meilleure qualité sur internet (Google images, …) en tapant les références des produits du fichier Excel sur les moteurs de recherche. Prenons un exemple avec une référence fictive de produit : SM-R760NDAAITV Dans le dossier dédié que nous vous communiquerons, vous aurez 3 photos : Ces trois photos vont vous permettre de bien voir le produit, mais les images seront de mauvaise qualité la plupart du temps, ou avec un watermark (filigrane) dessus. Le but du travail est de proposer une ou des images de très haute qualité pour cette même référence

€120 Average bid
€120 Offre moyenne
37 offres
Tshirts and Dresses trendy design
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...---------------------------------------------------------------- We are textile producer, and we need to find designs to renew frequently our collection for mens and womens (tshirts, shirts, polos, tops, dresses,...). We actually work by theme, and the designer make proposal accordingly. Working on this project could open up on a long term collaboration with us for each collection. We are looking for fashion European style and specially in France, summer style dresses, basic and fine fashion tshirt... You will have to follow the trend and purpose us original designs and pattern. You have to be aware of fashion techniques (print, colors, digital, embroidery...), in order to deliver a final precise files to go for production. We could help you out for this part ...

€378 Average bid
€378 Offre moyenne
25 offres
Do some data entry
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I need you to fill in a spreadsheet with data. Data entry/filling data as a work from home job

€245 Average bid
€245 Offre moyenne
46 offres
Do some data entry
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I have some work, in an Excel spreadsheet. Entrer les donnes sur l'excel et remplir les tableaux faire les graphes. Taper des textes sur word. Traduction arabe englais frainçais.

€1986 Average bid
€1986 Offre moyenne
2 offres
Do some data entry
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Faire du travail sur Excel Expert Excel et vba developper

€406 Average bid
€406 Offre moyenne
35 offres
Trophy icon Design a Logo
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...couverture FB, j'aurais besoin que vous repreniez mes articles en vente sur le site. En pièces jointes, vous pourrez trouver des logos qui me plaisent déjà.. Surprenez moi :) ---- Hello everyone, I would like to have a nice logo for a fashion accessories store and for a facebook cover page. The logo must be refined, sober and appeal to luxury, without being bling bling... The logo must also remember the know-how and the French luxury. I would like something innovative... For the page, I need something with some of my products. In attachments, you can find logos that I like. Thanks ! :)...

€82 Average bid
47 propositions

...autant.. Le logo doit aussi rappeler le savoir faire et le luxe français. J'aimerais quelque chose de novateur et innovant.. En pièces jointes, vous pourrez trouver des logos qui me plaisent déjà.. Surprenez moi :) ---- Hello everyone, I would like to have a nice logo for a fashion accessories store. The logo must be refined, sober and appeal to luxury, without being bling bling... The logo must also remember the know-how and the French luxury. I would like something innovative... In attachments, you can find logos that I like. Thanks! :)...

€56 Average bid
€56 Offre moyenne
32 offres
Adwords Campaign - FRENCH
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FRENCH Project. Hi, we sell online course on our website About 100 courses are available. Either you buy 1 course (approx. 19 €) either you subscribe for a month or 12 months for 15 €/month to all the catalog. I need help to create an Adwords Campaign (i will use Adwords Editor to upload it after – So i’ll nedd an exel file as a result). You’ll find herewith an excel file with Title of the course / Name of the author of the course / url of the course). No need to track those URL for the moment. So. - 1 campaign ((i’ll set up everything about CPC, Display, geographic….) - As many Ad groups as courses - 2 Ads by group - As much keyword as needed You can use the Keyword tag Bonjour, nous ...

€190 Average bid
€190 Offre moyenne
3 offres

Hello everyone We will open a new fast food restaurant on the concept of high quality Kebab. We need an interior design: walls, ceiling, lights, print packaging, or any other graphics that you can find in a fast food. On the walls, we want to retranscribe the history of Kebab and good appetite in full of different languages, we also need a graphic for the menu, the products are not yet chosen but for now we can define the theme and the color codes that you can offer us. commercial name for the restaurant is "Quebab" with the slogan "Quality Döner Food" who inspire the quality Kebab food. Pleae work also on the Logo of the Quebab Français : bonjour à tous Nous allons ouvrir un nouveau restaurant F...

€352 Average bid
Garanti Scellé Meilleur concours
20 propositions
Do some data entry
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Remplir des feuilles de calculs avec des données

€3319 Average bid
€3319 Offre moyenne
3 offres
Do some data entry
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Remplir des feuilles de calculs avec des données Transcription des données

€118 Average bid
€118 Offre moyenne
24 offres
Find Information from Websites
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sert a aider les autres dans les recherches sur internet

€17 Average bid
€17 Offre moyenne
24 offres
Trophy icon Design an "Owl" Logo
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Hello, I'd like to have a nice logo of a cute owl for my store which sells products for the house/bedroom and clothes for night. I can't find examples on the internet... Here is two ideas that I have : - a simple cute owl (maybe on a branch and/or surrounded by feathers (that would make a circle around it)) ; - or a sleeping owl (maybe sleeping on a pillow or something with feathers). I'd like to have colours on it (mainly blue/green, blue, dark blue... with if possible gold and/or brown). The important thing to me is that the owl must have cute eyes! It might seem vague, but I am opened to anything related to these ideas. Thank you very much in advance, Audrey ___ Bonjour,...

€58 Average bid
36 propositions
Do some data entry
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Créer un fichier excel, qui peut servir de reporting, avec multiples macros

€428 Average bid
€428 Offre moyenne
21 offres