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    5,000 fitness missions trouvées

    Bonjour, Il s'agit d'un texte Français de 28 000 mots. Qui a besoin d'un proofreading. Dans le domaine du fitness / wellness. Il faudrait le relire. Corriger les fautes. Simplifier le texte. Raccourcir les phrases si besoin. En gros, rendre le texte plus lisible et plus compréhensible. Il s'agit d'un projet TRÈS simple. Car le texte est déjà de bonne qualité. J'ai déjà mis un proofreader sur le coup. Il s'agit maintenant de le proofreader encore une fois. OUI je suis pointilleux. Et je veux un travail parfait. Et rapide. 1 jour maxi. Merci d'include le code "jf8aH5" dans votre réponse. Sinon je n'en tiendrai pas compte. Yann

    €112 Average bid
    €112 Offre moyenne
    17 offres
    Logo pour site web fitness
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    J'ai besoin d'un logo pour mon entreprise de fitness. Les couleurs de mon site web doivent être utilisées pour le logo ()

    €31 Average bid
    €31 Offre moyenne
    17 offres
    Concevez un logo
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    je souhaites lancer une marque de vetements de sport, fitness et musculation.

    €923 Average bid
    €923 Offre moyenne
    8 offres
    Concevez un logo
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    En tant que personal trainer et fitness coach je souhaite trouver un logo pour mon activité professionnelle. J'ai des idées de ce que je souhaite assez précises. Des exemples de logo et des dessins.

    €50 Average bid
    €50 Offre moyenne
    13 offres
    création d'une chaussure de sport
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    Nous aimerions créer des chaussures de sport type "running", "fitness", qui inspire la vitesse, la légèreté, la souplesse et également un aspect de force et de puissance. Une chaussure qui puisse être portée par une femme ou un homme. Une semelle unique, avec une couleur rouge vive. Des lacets avec un bout en métal couleur bronze (idéalement mais facultatif). De plus, nous souhaiterons bien que cette chaussure rappelle la forme du pied (forme légère des orteils). PS: pas encore de logo

    €209 Average bid
    €209 Offre moyenne
    3 offres
    Trouvez-moi un fabricant
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    Je voudrais créer ma propre chaussure de sport (type "running", "fitness", etc...). Chaussure légère, confortable, semelle résistante pour l’extérieur et pour salle. Je ne possède pas encore un design (modèle) précis, mais je voudrais savoir quel serait en gros le prix de la fabrication d'une paire correspondante aux critères cités précédemment.. Merci !

    €64 Average bid
    €64 Offre moyenne
    2 offres
    Rédigez des articles
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    Je suis à la recherche d'une personne francophone, capable d'écrire des articles en français sur les sujets suivants : Forme, Fitness, Santé, Développement Personnels. Des articles uniques et aussi optimisés pour des mot -clé donnés (SEO)

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Offre moyenne
    32 offres
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    Entreprise de vente de produits, article et accessoires de fitness, musculation, sport en générale.

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Offre moyenne
    3 offres
    Assistance financiere
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    ...Cruise administration Photographa Discothèques mobiles juniors Commissaires adjoints Expedition Leaders personnel technologies de l'information Hôtes et Hôtesses Assistants administration Naturalistes Service à la clientèle Représentants Shore Excursion gestionnaires Casino personnel Sports nautiques Cruise personnel Conseillers de jeunes amuseurs Hôte Gentleman cosmétologue Directeurs Fitness Conférenciers Le personnel médical directeurs de production Air / Mer agents de réservation Shore Excursion personnel Barmans sauveteurs Guest Relations photographe Esthéticiennes Massothérapeutes Instructeurs de conditionnement physique Personal Trainers Bar Sportifs Com...

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Offre moyenne
    1 offres
    Rédigez un rapport
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    Bonjour, Je cherche un(e) journaliste/ rédacteur(trice) pour écrire un guide d'environ 25 pages ( sans illustration) sur des exercices de fitness. Pas besoin d'être dans le domaine mais il faudra faire quelques recherches sur chaque exercice. Je vous fournirais la listes des exercices avec un détail sur chaque exercice ( en anglais), il faudra après le récrire ( et non le traduire). Pour ce travail, il faut avoir un niveau de français PARFAIT ! Merci

    €179 Average bid
    €179 Offre moyenne
    4 offres
    Concevez une maquette de site Web
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    Bonjour, Je suis une coach sportive basé à Macau (en Asie) et j'ai lancé il y a quelques mois sur mon site un programme de coaching fitness en ligne personnalisé pour femmes. Ce sont des training individuels basés sur des vidéos Youtube et des plans d'entrainements que je réalise de manière hebdomadaire pour chacune de mes clientes. Dans quelques semaines, mon site va être promu dans une émission de TV et j'attends un traffic important. Afin de tirer profit de ce traffic et construire ma mailing list, je souhaiterai développer un programme fitness de 7 jours avec des vidéos Youtube que je proposerai GRATUITEMENT sur mon site pour les personnes qui rentreront leur adres...

    €247 Average bid
    €247 Offre moyenne
    9 offres

    Je voudrais avoir un bon nombres de phots avec citations qui concerne le fitness, l'exercice physique, phrase de motivation, phrase positive, la santé, saine habitudes de vie. Je veux que l'on puisse mettre mon logo et inscrire mon site web sur chaque photo....

    €181 Average bid
    €181 Offre moyenne
    8 offres
    Concevez un logo
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    Box sportive. J'ai besoin d'un logo alliant fitness, nutrition, etc Je souhaite quelque chose de moderne et très efficace visuellement.

    €62 Average bid
    €62 Offre moyenne
    11 offres

    I do have a PDF document regarding gym and fitness routines including time, expected results, and other data, that need to be translated into Latin-American Spanish in Excel format. High final quality is the most important requirement.

    €61 Average bid
    €61 Offre moyenne
    8 offres

    Je souhaites modifier au mieux ainsi que trouver des nouveaux membres pour mon service privé que j'ai en activité sur mon site. Il s'agit d'une zone membres avec des vidéos conseils chaque semaine , vous pouvez voir la page existante de vente ici : Par avance merci

    €468 Average bid
    €468 Offre moyenne
    1 offres
    Joomla Şablonu Oluştur
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    i need joomla fitness web site plus logo

    €228 Average bid
    €228 Offre moyenne
    4 offres
    Logo pour projet fitness
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    Bonjour je cherche un graphiste pour la réalisation d'un logo pour un fitness model, je suis moi meme graphiste mais je manque de temps en ce moment . Le projet est fitness & Bodybuilding : Nom: The animal SHadow Mots clef pour inspiration et l'esprit que j'aimerai y trouvé: Triangle, loup garou, bête, animal, muscles, force, performance, Dark, sombre, Egypte, symétrie , illuminati, loup, mode. Police préfée; Bebas neue et autres font bebas Je joint quelques photo du modele à la demande et voici son site web

    €56 Average bid
    €56 Offre moyenne
    4 offres

    je veux un petit script avec du PHP & FB GRAPH API qui sert à chercher des groupes facebook avec des mots clés et telecharger leurs IDS ( les ids des groupes ) 1- chercher des groupes avec des mots clés ( ex: health and fitness ) 2- affichier tous les groupes avec leurs informations ( ID, Nom, le nombre des membres ) 3- telecharger les IDs des groupes sélectionnes.

    €58 Average bid
    €58 Offre moyenne
    4 offres
    Construisez un site Web
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    Mon site est deja fait, il demande juste une touche professionnelle. La personne competente choisie , devra pouvoir le remettre d'ici le 23 janvier 2015 avant 16 heures (heure de l'est). Aucun sous ne sera payé avant la remisedu projet. Le site doit etre attrayant et dégagé vue qu'il a rapport avec le fitness. A qui le tour.

    €145 Average bid
    €145 Offre moyenne
    5 offres

    6 photographies d'une modèle (mise à disposition) dans nos locaux (situes à Nice) pour une campagne d'affichage pour un club de fitness. Photo prises verticalement en haute définition.

    €196 Average bid
    €196 Offre moyenne
    3 offres
    S'est terminé left

    Company Name: Self Belief Fitness gym style design NEED ASAP

    €58 Average bid
    €58 Offre moyenne
    4 offres
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    Company Name: Self Belief Fitness gym style design NEED ASAP

    €78 Average bid
    €78 Offre moyenne
    27 offres
    Écrivez un eBook le corp revé
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    Bonjour, Je recherche un écrivain, pour un ebook de (35 pages) qui aura pour titre. ( ) Il doit être rédigé en anglais. Vous devez avoir l’habitude d’écrire, ...deux exemples de textes rédigés par vous. Pour soumettre votre proposition, répondez svp aux questions suivantes : Quelle est la langue officielle du Sri Lanka ? Pourquoi ce sujet vous intéresse ? Combien de jours vous faut-il ? Voici une idée de la matière : 1 Comment avoir des abdominaux et un ventre plat. 2 se remettre au sport. (Comment tenir les bonnes résolutions sans craquer.) 3 Fitness : Les nouvelles tendances pour sculpter votre corps. 4 Fesses ferme. (Des fesses fermes, rebondies et sans cellulite.) 5 Br...

    €240 Average bid
    €240 Offre moyenne
    1 offres
    Site E-commerce
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    Description Notre société est spécialisée dans la gestion de sites E-commerce. Notre équipe est constituée de spécialistes internet. Dans le cadre de notre expansion internationale, nous recherchons une personne de profil commercial pour assurer la vente en ligne & le service clients d'un site E-Commerce vendant du matériel de fitness. Mission ** Cette personne devra rapidement être autonome et gérer : 1 - les appels entrants (email / chat / téléphone) afin d'augmenter le chiffre d'affaire des ventes en ligne sur la Belgique et la Hollande. 2 - le suivi des dossiers clients afin de fidéliser la clientèle du site ** Formation assurée ** Langues : FR - NL obl...

    €959 Average bid
    €959 Offre moyenne
    1 offres
    Service clients
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    Description Notre société est spécialisée dans la gestion de sites E-commerce. Notre équipe est constituée de spécialistes internet. Dans le cadre de notre expansion internationale, nous recherchons une personne de profil commercial pour assurer la vente en ligne & le service clients d'un site E-Commerce vendant du matériel de fitness. Mission ** Cette personne devra rapidement être autonome et gérer : 1 - les appels entrants (email / chat / téléphone) afin d'augmenter le chiffre d'affaire des ventes en ligne sur la Belgique et la Hollande. 2 - le suivi des dossiers clients afin de fidéliser la clientèle du site ** Formation assurée ** Langues : FR - NL obl...

    €939 Average bid
    €939 Offre moyenne
    1 offres
    Commercial Internet
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    Description Notre société est spécialisée dans la gestion de sites E-commerce. Notre équipe est constituée de spécialistes internet. Dans le cadre de notre expansion internationale, nous recherchons une personne de profil commercial pour assurer la vente en ligne & le service clients d'un site E-Commerce vendant du matériel de fitness. Mission ** Cette personne devra rapidement être autonome et gérer : 1 - les appels entrants (email / chat / téléphone) afin d'augmenter le chiffre d'affaire des ventes en ligne sur la Belgique et la Hollande. 2 - le suivi des dossiers clients afin de fidéliser la clientèle du site ** Formation assurée ** Langues : FR - NL obl...

    €939 Average bid
    €939 Offre moyenne
    1 offres

    Description Notre société est spécialisée dans la gestion de sites E-commerce. Notre équipe est constituée de spécialistes internet. Dans le cadre de notre expansion internationale, nous recherchons une personne de profil commercial pour assurer la vente en ligne & le service clients d'un site E-Commerce vendant du matériel de fitness. Mission ** Cette personne devra rapidement être autonome et gérer : 1 - les appels entrants (email / chat / téléphone) afin d'augmenter le chiffre d'affaire des ventes en ligne sur la Belgique et la Hollande. 2 - le suivi des dossiers clients afin de fidéliser la clientèle du site ** Formation assurée ** Langues : FR - NL obl...

    €939 Average bid
    €939 Offre moyenne
    1 offres

    I would like to get the Achilles Fitness website artwork updated. See the Dropbox Link below for the files to complete the updated website artwork. The Achilles Fitness (Update Website) PDF file shows you what all needs to be done. Let me know if you have and questions.

    €240 Average bid
    €240 Offre moyenne
    1 offres

    I am launching an active wear brand and need a skilled social media manager to develop and oversee our social media strategy from scratch. The primary platforms will be Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. Key Responsibilit...connection, prioritizing customer engagement over product showcases or testimonials. Ideal Skills: - Proven track record in social media management, particularly for lifestyle and fashion brands. - Exceptional content creation and community engagement skills. - Familiarity with Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube's algorithm and best practices. This project is perfect for someone passionate about fitness and fashion, with a knack for social media. Your role will be crucial in shaping our brand's online presence and fostering a vibrant community of acti...

    €64 Average bid
    €64 Offre moyenne
    16 offres

    I'm seeking a skilled writer who can create one 1200-word, human-written, and well-researched article per week. The focus will be on diet plans within the health and fitness niche, specifically tailored for beginners looking to improve their diet. Key Responsibilities: - Research and write engaging, actionable, and helpful content about nutrition and diet plans. - Ensure the articles are accessible and appealing to beginners. - Deliver one article per week, consistently. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in health and fitness writing, particularly about nutrition. - Proven experience in crafting beginner-friendly diet plans. - Excellent research skills, able to substantiate content with credible sources. - Capable of delivering high-quality, human-writte...

    €11 Average bid
    €11 Offre moyenne
    65 offres

    Company Overview: We are an established fitness company called Sportstech with over 15 years of experience in designing and manufacturing innovative home fitness equipment. Our product line includes treadmills, exercise bikes, and other equipment, often featuring cutting-edge technology such as 21.5" interactive displays for a fully immersive workout experience. Project Description: This project focuses on creating a new display housing for our sTread Pro treadmill. Currently, the sTread Pro features a 21.5" display as shown here: Details. However, for this project, we are planning to introduce a version of the treadmill with a 10.1" display. The challenge lies in designing a new housing that integrates the smaller display seamlessly with

    €500 Average bid
    91 propositions

    ...correcting, retouching, and adding text or graphics to my training photos. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro) - Expertise in photo editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom) - Creative flair for graphics and text overlays - Understanding of social media trends and audience engagement techniques Previous experience editing fitness-related content is a plus. Your role is crucial in helping me connect with my audience and enhance the professional quality of my training content. Client speaking- the video I just provided is exactly what I will be needing help on. I would like to do a collab on my videos as I see on TikTok, I need good music. I have no idea how to edit so I'm putting this all in the hands of...

    €28 / hr Average bid
    €28 / hr Offre moyenne
    5 offres

    ...benefits. - Develop ads tailored for platforms like YouTube and TikTok. - Showcase the product in creative and effective ways. Relations (PR) Specialist Skills: - Strong communication and networking skills with global media. - Experience in writing press releases and managing media relations. Responsibilities: - Collaborate with international health and fitness influencers. - Arrange media coverage, podcasts, and interviews to promote the product. - Enhance the brand’s credibility in international markets. Support Specialist Skills: - Experience in multi-language support and international communication. - Problem-solving and professional communication skills. Responsibilities: - Handle international custome...

    €513 Average bid
    €513 Offre moyenne
    28 offres

    I'm looking for a developer to create a fitness tracker app that is compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. This app should not only monitor fitness metrics but also track sleep time. Additionally, it should interface with Netflix, providing a unique blend of fitness and entertainment. Key Requirements: - Cross-platform compatibility (iOS and Android) - Comprehensive fitness tracking capabilities, particularly sleep time - Integration with Netflix Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in mobile app development for both iOS and Android - Experience in developing fitness tracking applications - Skills in creating streaming service compatible apps

    €22 / hr Average bid
    €22 / hr Offre moyenne
    199 offres

    I'm seeking a skilled web developer to create a consultancy website for the health and fitness sector. Key Features: - Service Description Pages: Detail the various consulting services offered. - Client Testimonials: Showcase past clients' success stories and experiences, building trust and credibility......... in the future not needed immediately. -more like a personal life coach sold as a single package. i would need the capability payments and refunds. standard email and bulk email capability also The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Proven experience in web development, particularly in building e-commerce sites. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.

    €159 Average bid
    €159 Offre moyenne
    245 offres

    ...Web3 innovations, Metaverse concepts, Tokenomics explained, Crypto security tips. Niche: Geography & Nature – Natural wonders, Rare wildlife, Environmental issues, Volcanoes and tectonics, World deserts and forests, Ocean mysteries, Cultural geography, Bioluminescent phenomena, Conservation efforts, Extreme weather phenomena. Niche: Health & Fitness – Quick workouts, Healthy eating hacks, Stress relief techniques, Yoga and meditation, Fitness for beginners, Mental health awareness, Sleep optimization, Immune system boosting, Weight loss tips, Holistic wellness. What You’ll Earn: - Competitive rewards in cryptocurrency for each accepted post. - Bonus incentives for viral content with high engagement metrics. - Opportunities for long...

    €3 / hr Average bid
    €3 / hr Offre moyenne
    40 offres

    I'm in need of a female model for a commercial shooting to promote a clothing line. The ad will be used primarily for online platforms. Key Requirements: - Experience in commercial modeling, particularly for clothing - Comfort and skills in front of the camera - Ability to express the brand's image and values - Good physical fitness and body posture Ideal Skills: - Previous experience in online commercial modeling - Understanding of the latest fashion trends - Ability to take direction and improvise when needed - Good communication skills Please provide a portfolio or links to previous work where applicable.

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Offre moyenne
    3 offres
    Sports Analytics
    5 jours left

    The Sports Analytics Management project leverages advanced data analytics to provide actionable insights for sports enthusiasts, teams, and stakeholders. it captures l...captures live match data, player performance metrics, and historical statistics to deliver comprehensive analysis. The system uses machine learning algorithms to predict outcomes, highlight key player contributions, and recommend strategies. Fans can engage through features like live commentary, score updates, and in-depth match reports. Teams benefit from tailored dashboards focusing on player form, fitness, and game strategies. The platform supports multi-sport coverage with scalable architecture and API integrations for real-time data feeds. It aims to bridge the gap between data and decision-making in the sports...

    €44665 Average bid
    €44665 Offre moyenne
    27 offres

    ...Pool: Preferably an organic, freeform-shaped pool that blends with the natural surroundings. • Kids Play Area: A dedicated space for children’s recreation, ensuring a family-friendly atmosphere. • Outdoor Activities Areas: Open spaces dedicated to outdoor games and recreational activities like yoga, nature walks, and adventure sports. • Indoor Games Room + Gym Area: An indoor entertainment and fitness space for guests to unwind and stay active. • Spa Centre: A luxurious spa facility offering a range of wellness services to guests. • Staff Dormitory: A separate building for staff accommodation to maintain a seamless operation. • Boundary Wall: Design a secure boundary wall around the entire resort. • Pathways & Walkways: These should be...

    €1767 Average bid
    €1767 Offre moyenne
    20 offres

    ...correcting, retouching, and adding text or graphics to my training photos. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro) - Expertise in photo editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom) - Creative flair for graphics and text overlays - Understanding of social media trends and audience engagement techniques Previous experience editing fitness-related content is a plus. Your role is crucial in helping me connect with my audience and enhance the professional quality of my training content. Client speaking- the video I just provided is exactly what I will be needing help on. I would like to do a collab on my videos as I see on TikTok, I need good music. I have no idea how to edit so I'm putting this all in the hands of...

    €98 Average bid
    €98 Offre moyenne
    91 offres
    Fitness Pro Platform Development
    5 jours left

    This project is a versatile web and mobile platform specifically designed for personal trainers, fitness coaches, nutritionists, and sports centers. Its primary goal is to provide advanced tools for client management, the creation of personalized training/diets plans, and detailed progress tracking, all powered by innovative features such as artificial intelligence, gamification, and data analytics. Coaches can upload their own exercises/diets, create fully customized routines with parameters like sets, repetitions, rest times, and intensity (%RM, RPE), or leverage AI tools to generate automated plans tailored to their clients’ fitness levels, goals, and preferences. These plans can be easily reviewed and edited, ensuring they meet the unique needs of each client. The...

    €10830 Average bid
    €10830 Offre moyenne
    167 offres
    Trophy icon CustomFit Platform Logo Design
    4 jours left

    I’m seeking a professional logo for my brand, CustomFit. T The logo should reflect key values: customization, Fitness, and transformation. It needs to feel modern, sleek, and approachable while communicating trust and innovation .Key Elements to Include 1. Name: The logo must prominently feature the name “CustomFit.” I like using the O as the logo ICON 2. Versatile between a long logo and Square/circle ICON 3. ICON can be A simple and relevant symbol, like a weight plate, or target, to fitness. 4. Typography should be Modern, bold, and approachable fonts. 5. Colour: as pictured Deliverables 1. Primary logo in high-resolution formats (PNG, JPEG, SVG). 2. Primary Icon in high-resolution formats (PNG, JPEG, SVG). and monochrome variations. #0d0e2c. #dbb6...

    €14 Average bid
    462 propositions
    Rapid Weight loss
    6 jours left

    Weight Loss Coaching Services Hourly Rate: $10/hour Estimated Sessions: Based on your budget, we will be having 2hours per day. Four days in a week. That will be 8hours weekly for 3week What’s Included: Customized Diet Plans: Tailored to your lifestyle and preferences. Fitness Guidance: Workouts designed for maximum efficiency. Accountability Check-ins: Regular tracking and motivational sessions. Flexible Scheduling: Sessions at times that suit you.

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Offre moyenne
    1 offres

    ...Web3 innovations, Metaverse concepts, Tokenomics explained, Crypto security tips. Niche: Geography & Nature – Natural wonders, Rare wildlife, Environmental issues, Volcanoes and tectonics, World deserts and forests, Ocean mysteries, Cultural geography, Bioluminescent phenomena, Conservation efforts, Extreme weather phenomena. Niche: Health & Fitness – Quick workouts, Healthy eating hacks, Stress relief techniques, Yoga and meditation, Fitness for beginners, Mental health awareness, Sleep optimization, Immune system boosting, Weight loss tips, Holistic wellness. What You’ll Earn: - Competitive rewards in cryptocurrency for each accepted post. - Bonus incentives for viral content with high engagement metrics. - Opportunities for long...

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Offre moyenne
    34 offres

    ...up Submission Feature: Tournament directors or users should be able to submit new tournaments directly through a form on the website. After submission, entries should be reviewed by an admin for approval and then automatically added to the listings. 3. Coaches Filterable Searchable List: A page where users can search for coaches based on location and specialty (e.g., bowling, sports psychology, fitness). Filters include: Location Filters: State, City, or within a specified mile radius. Coaching Specialty: Bowling, mental game coaching, strength & conditioning, etc. Price Filters: Hourly rates, session rates, etc. Search Flexibility: Allow users to leave any filter unmarked for a broader search. Coach Details: Each coach should have: Name, bio, and qualifications Location (cit...

    €1272 Average bid
    €1272 Offre moyenne
    117 offres

    I'm looking for a talented video editor to help me create dynamic and fast-paced shorts from my gym footage. The videos need to be accompanied by high-energy beats and include text overlays, transitions and sound effects. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in video editing software - Able to deliver fast-paced, dynamic edits - Experience with fitness-related content preferred - Creative with sound effects and transitions - Able to work with specified music genres

    €11 Average bid
    €11 Offre moyenne
    21 offres

    I'm seeking a seasoned marketing professional with IT & Software experience to boost sales for my Gym Management Software. Your primary focus will be social media, s...offers. Your role is crucial for enhancing our brand's visibility and driving sales. We are seeking a results-driven Product Marketing Executive to promote our innovative gym management software. This role offers an exciting opportunity to earn a 50% commission in each product sale per month based on performance. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in marketing and a passion for fitness technology. You will be responsible for developing and executing marketing strategies, identifying potential clients, and driving sales. If you are motivated, entrepreneurial, and ready to make an impact, w...

    €233 Average bid
    €233 Offre moyenne
    6 offres

    I'm in search of a mar...background in marketing and a passion for fitness technology. You will be responsible for developing and executing marketing strategies, identifying potential clients, and driving sales. If you are motivated, entrepreneurial, and ready to make an impact, we want to hear from you! Key Responsibilities: - Strategize and implement effective marketing initiatives to boost sales. - Utilize primarily social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram) for promotions and outreach. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in the software industry, preferably with gym or fitness related products. - Demonstrable success in sales-oriented marketing campaigns. - Proficient in using Facebook and Instagram for business purposes. - Innovative thinker with a passion f...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Offre moyenne
    5 offres and fitness app. The app should incorporate diet plan integration and a calorie and food tracker. Key Features: - Diet Plan Integration: Users should be able to follow personalized diet plans within the app. - Calorie and Food Tracker: Implement a functional tracker that allows users to monitor their calorie intake and food consumption. User Functionalities: - Meal Logging: A user-friendly interface for logging meals. - Calorie Counting: An accurate, reliable system for counting calories. - Food Database Search: A comprehensive database that users can search for food items. Ideal candidates should have prior experience in developing similar apps, with a strong portfolio to back it up. Proficiency in both Android and iOS platforms is crucial. Understanding of health and...

    €715 Average bid
    €715 Offre moyenne
    81 offres

    Meilleurs articles de la communauté fitness