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2,000 consume webservice asp missions trouvées
Integrate new UI on webservice
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I need a new UI integrated on my webservice: Here's the link to download the ZIP file. Inside of it are the web templates (HTML. CSS, scripts, etc.), also the license for Airseekr. Website is built on Pure PHP and Laravel.

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Offre moyenne
55 offres

Hi i need webservice to have access perhap using sdk tools to gain access to IP camera saved files on SD card. No nvr is involved. Straight IP camera connected to internet.

€214 Average bid
€214 Offre moyenne
3 offres

We are looking for candidates (Full stack Developer) who can build Web Application. 1. Asp .NET core 2. SQL 3. Blazor (Optional)

€994 Average bid
€994 Offre moyenne
24 offres

... Again, be sure to state any assumptions you make. Also make sure you discuss and support why you picked certain numbers and companies. As stated earlier, this is an important aspect of this problem. If needed, use a discount rate of 12 percent. If needed, the tax rate = 25%. Use only the comparable firms on this page. Useful sources include: Deliverables: A report (including title page listing all team members and an executive summary) not exceeding 6 pages (body and appendix). Calculations should not exceed two pages (in the appendix using Excel) and be incorporated by reference in the body of the paper. more information: Industry Information: PE Ratio

€448 Average bid
€448 Offre moyenne
10 offres

... Again, be sure to state any assumptions you make. Also make sure you discuss and support why you picked certain numbers and companies. As stated earlier, this is an important aspect of this problem. If needed, use a discount rate of 12 percent. If needed, the tax rate = 25%. Use only the comparable firms on this page. Useful sources include: Deliverables: A report (including title page listing all team members and an executive summary) not exceeding 6 pages (body and appendix). Calculations should not exceed two pages (in the appendix using Excel) and be incorporated by reference in the body of the paper. more information: Industry Information: PE Ratio

€95 Average bid
€95 Offre moyenne
9 offres
C# Webservice Integration with API
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Would like to see if a Webservice in c# can be made that will allow me to consume a particular API () for a specific number of requests: Stops GET - /api/v1/stops/{id} PUT - /api/v1/stops/{id} DELETE - /api/v1/stops/{id} POST - /api/v1/stops/stops Eventually we will connect it to MSSQL. Would like to able to access them via an ajax/webmethod call from a webpage. For instance, will create a test stop, and will want to be able to call the stop via ID from the webpage showing its details via ajax.

€453 Average bid
€453 Offre moyenne
38 offres

Good day to you, We have an old website in classic asp with spaghetti code and we are looking for someone to make it responsive in CSS.

€55 / hr Average bid
€55 / hr Offre moyenne
37 offres
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Job description Attività di reverse engineering di un progetto scritto in asp classic con l'obiettivo di redigere un documento di manuale d'uso e stilare un documento che indichi tutti i processi presenti.

€26 / hr Average bid
€26 / hr Offre moyenne
4 offres

Refactoring java webapp / webservice with spring REST-API outbound and inbound connection on Apache Tomcat 9.0.59. Java source not available. Deeper knowledge about JAVA, XML, Tomcat, REST helpful. More Information on request. Repeating work possible.

€221 Average bid
€221 Offre moyenne
10 offres

Looking for Asp .Net Expert for long term opportunity

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Offre moyenne
30 offres

Se busca hacer una "chimenea" colgante para ser instalada en un departamento (se suben imágenes referenciales de este tipo de chimeneas), debe tener un quemador de etanol (adjunt...usar para recircular el aire caliente de la cámara y que salga por la parte superior al interior de la habitación) - La cámara de combustión debe ser doble, una interior donde va el quemador y otra exterior que no se calentará de forma directa con el fuego ya que habrá un espacio por donde éste circulará. - Puede ser abierto o con ventana de vidrio templado, se debe considerar que el quemador consume oxigeno y debe tener ventilación para que el fuego no se apague. Entregable: Archivo en SOLIDWORKS, Planos CAD de piezas para...

€104 Average bid
€104 Offre moyenne
30 offres

This is Recharge,Money Transfer and AEPS with BBPS API Portal.I need Developer who have good knowledge in Java and Serve-let program as well as have good knowledge in API Consume and Create API. Requirement of Project- to fix error of Current project and rearrange all Function. Some more API AEPS,BBPS,Recharge as well as travel APi to. API Doc in Postman or any good format . This is first project then we assign another project of B2B and B2C Portal.

€485 Average bid
€485 Offre moyenne
7 offres

We are looking for Software Developer for parellel work (Freelancer). Candidate should have good knowledge of .Net C#, MVC, Angular, ASP. NET, SQL Server, Azure PAAS and experience in the full software development lifecycle. Job Location: WFH Experience: 5+ Years No of positions: 2 Interested candidates can share the updated resumes with me.

€915 Average bid
€915 Offre moyenne
18 offres

Looking for experienced developer with the expertise in .net framework to convert the currently available Rest APIs (v4.5.2) and MVC Application (v4.5) to .net v5.0 (.net core). The mentioned Rest APIs and MVC Application are related to a .net v4.5 version web application product which are required to covert to .net core version. Objective of the project is ...project Consists of, 1. 197 - Rest APIs 2. 7 – MVC Applications with 41 Controllers and respective HTML views for them 3. 3 Library projects The candidate is required to document all the developments for references. • Skill Required – Sound knowledge of C#, ASP .net framework, ...

€2408 Average bid
€2408 Offre moyenne
54 offres

Need a Full Stack developer with a minimum experience of 4 years to conduct 4 interviews for me today from 3.00.p.m. IST onwards. All interviews shall be conducted online on Google Meet and beforehand I shall share the kind of skills that we need from the candidate. Skills to J...Full Stack developer with a minimum experience of 4 years to conduct 4 interviews for me today from 3.00.p.m. IST onwards. All interviews shall be conducted online on Google Meet and beforehand I shall share the kind of skills that we need from the candidate. Skills to Judge on: - Angular (our project is based on Angular 8) - Node JS & ExpressJS (Candidate must have the experience to create and consume APIs to connect the project to the MYSQL DB) - Mysql knowledge about basic queries, Stored Procedure...

€81 Average bid
€81 Offre moyenne
5 offres
Deployment of asp project -- 2
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Deployment of asp project on a server

€255 Average bid
Urgent LDN
€255 Offre moyenne
7 offres

I need some help setting up a small project with Apache Flink and Kafka. Requirements: - Java application with Flink 1.14.4 and Maven. - Flink job streaming app to connect to a local Kafka topic (docker compose file for Kafka provided) - Consume new messages in avro format from Kafka. Key/Value schemas provided. Example messages provided. - Debug/print deserialized values in console. After this initial kickstart the project would continue.

€147 Average bid
€147 Offre moyenne
7 offres

I have a Classic ASP/SQL Server Express application that currently runs on Windows Server 2012. I want to migrate this to Windows Server 2019. I have managed to perform the operating system and SQL server upgrades but the asp pages send emails using CDOSYS. This fails on the Windows Server 2019. I need someone with experience of both Windows Server environments and CDOSYS/Mail transport to instruct me on how to get this working.

€183 Average bid
€183 Offre moyenne
4 offres
Fix contact form
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I have a contact form built in ASP classic which is no longer working and throws an error. I need someone to address the issue. It is time sensitive

€20 / hr Average bid
€20 / hr Offre moyenne
19 offres
React Frontend
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I need a frontend made with react to consume an api. It has to represent some tables in which we can create, insert, modify and delete data. The api is made in AWS appsync, it is already tested with postman

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Offre moyenne
15 offres
React Frontend
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I need a frontend made with react to consume an api. It has to represent some tables in which we can create, insert, modify and delete data. The api is made in AWS appsync, it is already tested with postman

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Offre moyenne
16 offres

To improve loading time and site speed for better user experience

€176 Average bid
€176 Offre moyenne
15 offres

Sorry for repost the project. I need to run the Classic asp project(I thought this is project LOL) Please let me know if you already know how to run Classic asp project. Thank you.

€28 / hr Average bid
€28 / hr Offre moyenne
33 offres
Simple Website Design
S'est terminé left is composed of 8 main pages: - Website Main Page (Landing page, explanation of the Buyer's Guide, Link to Access the Guide) - Login/Registration Page (The Guide content is gated - users must log-in, and have their email validated in order to access the Guide). - Main Guide Page - Header and Main Content Area. The content area is a Tabbed panel (with 6 tabs), to make the content easier to consume on one page. - Focus Area Pages (x5). We've segmented this market into 5 Focus Areas. Each Focus Area has it's own page. Similar layout to the Main Guide page, with tabbed content area. Difference is the content is all in one tab (but the tabs advance the content to the section clicked on) - Vendor Profile Pages (x19). We have 19 vendors in the Guide and each has ...

€524 Average bid
€524 Offre moyenne
129 offres
Bot to send vistis to a websites.
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I need to develop a bot that opens multiple threads from different IPs. The goal is to artificially increase the traffic of a specific url. For this, it will be necessary to use browsers without headers such as casper js so that they are not detected as bots. It will also be nec...without headers such as casper js so that they are not detected as bots. It will also be necessary to use services such as which rotates the IP address for each request. The service will be executed from one or more servers. It has to have the capacity to simulate around 10 thousand visits in an hour. Therefore it has to be optimized to consume few resources. The project must be completed between 24 and 48 hours.

€252 Average bid
€252 Offre moyenne
11 offres

Hi, I need 2 Python files, one for the server and one for a client that uses specifically this will be a pub/sub app where only the server publishes messages and 1 or more clients will consume messages. This should use the asyncio libraries (not the twisted libraries). The messages to send will be stored in a queue. The server should send each message in the queue (per topic) one at a time. The server needs to be able to (along with the other common functions): - allow connections from multiple clients - multiple topics for clients to subscribe to - data to send will be pulled from a queue ( 1 queue per topic) - messages sent with be dict - handle sending messages from a queue per topic The client needs to be able to (along with the other common functions): - connect to

€97 Average bid
€97 Offre moyenne
2 offres

Hello, We have a basic application written on asp and run on IIS with ms access database. We would like to use Microsoft sql database instead of ms access. We are looking for someone with experience in asp to migrate all data from ms access to ms sql and make the application work.

€34 Average bid
€34 Offre moyenne
13 offres
ASP VB Script website repair
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written in ASP VB Script. The website will read from the MS Access database, but will not write to it. The resulting error: The original programmer has passed away, and I have (until now) been able to keep the website functioning. I can write html and limited ASP. I believe either the scripting needs re-written, or the server needs to install something. But I am no expert, and that's why I am seeking help.

€147 Average bid
€147 Offre moyenne
23 offres

References will be provided We need teams experienced with indian stock market or have knowledge asp net core as backend Front end to be in ReactJS Web development needed renderable on mobile Need teams WHO are capable in handling and Successfully doing the job I need professional dumbheads avoid bidding

€2312 Average bid
€2312 Offre moyenne
16 offres
Example how to consume web API c#
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Using a real web service , create a small app written in c# (netframework or .net5) for desktop to explain how to consume a rest API. The example must use a get, a post, a put and a delete and handle errors . The example must explain how to fill request headers and the use of token

€39 Average bid
€39 Offre moyenne
17 offres
Presentar Tempus Labore
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Hemos desarrollado una aplicación, para agilizar y reducir los errores de cálculo del tiempo de trabajo adicional a su jornada, realizados por los empleados. Necesitamos una animación, que muestre lo que hay tomar en cuenta para realizar dicho cálculo, el tiempo que consume y la exposición a cometer errores, realizando el proceso sin una herramienta automatizada como el sistema "Tempus Labore". Luego presentar todas las ventajas de realizar dichos cálculos utilizando "TEMPUS LABORE", mostrando como fluyen los datos entre el sistema de Nóminas, TEMPUS LABORE y los dispositivos control de Entradas/Salidas de los empleados, así como también presentar el resultado de los cálculos realizados.

€382 Average bid
€382 Offre moyenne
3 offres

References will be provided We need teams experienced with indian stock market or have knowledge asp net core as backend Front end to be in ReactJS Web development needed renderable on mobile I need professional dumbheads avoid bidding

€5346 Average bid
€5346 Offre moyenne
5 offres

I have a simple Classic ASP project with MS-Access database which was running at Windows 7 - IIS Server for the last many years. Now I have upgraded my desktop to windows 11 but couldn't let my application work properly in my new setup. Previously my access database was .mdb and i think it is needed to be changed into .accdb Also I feel there is the need of some changes in the permission for IIS server. I need someone who can troubleshoot and fix this issue through teamviewer on my desktop. If you have experience and confidence we can start working right away. It may take maximum 1 to 2 hour.

€36 Average bid
€36 Offre moyenne
5 offres

...within Thailand and abroad found that the compound relieves fever, exhibits anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties, and has a bitter taste. Currently, Andrographis paniculata is widely used across Thailand, either for its leaves and other parts or its crude extracts in pellet or capsule form. As this compound is water insoluble, its absorption is limited to 2.67%, requiring individuals to consume three to four capsules each time, three to four times per day, totaling 9-16 capsules per day or an equivalent of 180 mg of Andrographolide per day. “The team has researched and developed the world’s first Andrographolide Nano Emulsion, which helps increase absorption by more than six times, thus requiring only a small amount while resulting in very high efficacy. This...

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr Offre moyenne
28 offres

...del presupuesto (al mismo tiempo que envía los datos a mi servidor para que quede grabado el presupuesto en nuestra base de datos) Y tengo creado los dos webservices que hacen las funciones... solo hay que adaptarlos al pluggins es decir ya esta creado el webservice 1 que via una URL con el formato tipo .... llama a mi servidor y obtiene de vuelta el precio (por ejemplo 314,20 euros) o devuelvo un "0" si no se puede facilitar .. y ya está creado el webservice 2 que via otra URL con el formato tipo .... envía a mi servidor los datos para que quede grabado el presupuesto en nuestra base de datos lo que necesito

€173 Average bid
€173 Offre moyenne
33 offres
WhatsApp Integration Project
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...proposal for a WhatsApp integration module (thru GupShup as broker). The scope of the project is to obtain an standard interface which includes some of these tasks/milestones are: *Creation of the basic class models for inbound/outbound events and messages *Webhook for text/media messages *Data Layer for inbound/outbound events and text/media messages *Files Management for inbound/outbound media *Consume APIs Rest for outbound text/media messages We will only accept proposals from freelancer that can prove that had worked with WhatsApp projects before, with preference to those with proved experience with GupShup API. We accept proposals with existing running projects as long as we can get the code. The required profile is an experienced .Net developer with background in web...

€689 - €1377
€689 - €1377
22 offres
Back end C# con dapper
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Ricerchiamo uno sviluppatore back end C# da inserire in un nostro team di ...di progetto composto da 1 Project Manager e da un nostro collega frontendista. Il lavoro sarà svolto interamente da remoto e sarà indicativamente della durata di 2 o 3 mesi a tempo pieno, cui seguiranno alcuni giorni di messa a punto bugfixing, su cui intervenire solo quando ci sarà il bisogno. Lo sviluppatore che ricerchiamo dovrà curare la parte back end utilizzando le seguenti tecnologie: 1. ASP .NET Core (ultima versione .NET 6): ottima conoscenza 2. Sql Server: ottima conoscenza 3. Dapper: ottima conoscenza Gradita laconoscenza delle ulteriori seguenti tecnologie: 4. 5. Typescript 6. DevExtreme + JQuery 7. Ottima conoscenza nella progettazione dell’architetta del pro...

€22 / hr Average bid
€22 / hr Offre moyenne
13 offres
Application Developer .net
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*Talent those who can spare 8 hours in a day please do apply** Job description: 7 to 10 years experience using C#, ASP .NET or ASP .NET Core, .NET Framework (4.x or higher) or .NET Core (3.x or higher) Proficiency in Visual Studio 2019 or higher Experience in Agile Application Development & Scrum methodologies Experience in working from offshore on distributed team (different time zone), staying on top of communication, and ensuring deliverables are met on time. Experience in Angular (9.x or higher), Typescript Nuget package manager, NPM package manager RESTful Web Services, experience in developing WebAPI. Experience in using any Dependency Injection/IoC Framework (i.e. Unity). Proficiency in HTML, DOM, JSON, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax. Data Access Libraries: , Enti...

€12 / hr Average bid
€12 / hr Offre moyenne
21 offres

Code: Classic asp & Javascript including some ajax/json Database: MS Access You need to be able to write the code and test the code for this project. I am doing some academic research on supermarket shopping and have an experimental on line supermarket shop which offers products at different prices etc according to some pre-determined conditions. At present people can click "Add to cart" and the product is added to the cart. For some conditions, and not others, as shown in the access database, I would like to show an additional window before adding to the cart. The window will show additional encouragement such as "Great choice - that is a healthy product - do you want to continue or not?" or "Bad choice - that is is a high sugar product - do you w...

€115 Average bid
€115 Offre moyenne
5 offres
C++ based SCA project
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...through VPN (they connect to the external servers outside of our network through Remote Desktop Connection). As you understand, there is no way to implement successful audits on those servers for the lack of direct control. So, screen recording remains our only way to audit the activities of our developers. However, when we considered the amount of disk space that such screen recordings might consume, we decided to go for screen captures (screenshots) instead. So, with that in mind, we decided to have an application developed using C++ with the following objectives: 1> The application would be installed on the machines of every developer assigned to the project. 2> The application should be activated the moment the machine boots up and activates the user desktop and would k...

€11 / hr Average bid
€11 / hr Offre moyenne
1 offres

Se esta desarrollando api de ERP y se requiere utilizar como tienda web a prestashop, esto mendiante webservices tipo REST.

€535 Average bid
€535 Offre moyenne
23 offres
Cake PHP Website Admin
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...tool creates a unique scientific landscape irrigation budget for users based on their client’s landscape size, square footage of each plant factor (lawn, shrubs, trees, etc.), current irrigation type, city’s historical Evapotraspiration monthly/annual data. Landscape professionals are responsible for maintaining this unique budget as a landscape water manager and making sure the site does not consume more than its budgeted amount of water. Water managers maintain the budgets by reading their sites water meter readings on a weekly/monthly basis. The tool then uses this meter reading to calculate usage and percentage over/under budget to measure their progress as a water manager. The tool can also create historical reports based on individual or company usage. The too...

€129 / hr Average bid
€129 / hr Offre moyenne
21 offres

...gateway integration (for subscriptions etc.) Support that will be provided: 1. Rough (note only rough) UI wireframes to help understand expected screen functionality 2. Guidance on Data Model in MySQL 3. Requirements & Logic 4. Any logic clarifications Work to be delivered 1. Design UI & build Front End Screens in ReactJS. 2. Design & build backend APIs using Slim 4 & have the ReactJS front end consume it. 3. Use MySQL database to store data & retrieve data using queries, functions/stored procedures 4. Optimize & reduce file size (while not impacting user visual experience) any images uploaded by user 5. All code needs to be well structured & commented Delivery Mode: 1. Upload all code to Github atleast every 3 days 2. Deploy the same code to hostin...

€469 Average bid
€469 Offre moyenne
6 offres
vb script asp web page
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The site was written approximately 10 years ago using ASP and VB Script. It uses a Microsoft Access database which the site can read from but cannot write to it. The original programmer has passed away and I need someone to make the necessary changes to bring the site back to functioning. The current host is Godaddy.

€161 Average bid
€161 Offre moyenne
19 offres core consume web Service
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currently i have a code that is working fine in and i want to shift the code to core 6 public partial class ClientAPI : SoapHttpClientProtocol { static readonly string BaseURL = ServicePath; static readonly string CertificatePath = pathofcertificate; static readonly string CertificatePass = "CertificatePass "; public ClientAPI() { = BaseURL; = new WebProxy(ProxyIP, false); X509Certificate2 x509 = new X509Certificate2(CertificatePath, CertificatePass, ); (x509); } [SoapDocumentMethod("http://www .dddd", Use = , ParameterStyle = )] [return: XmlElement("sendOTPResponse", Namespace = "http://www. NameSpace URL")] ...

€148 Average bid
€148 Offre moyenne
11 offres
License Key check webservice
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I need a web service that checks if a user is authorized or not by checking its email and key against an existing list. This web service will be hosted on Azure and will be called from C#/VB .NET code. I should also be able to edit the list of valid/licensed emails and keys securely through a web interface using a mobile device or desktop computer.

€119 Average bid
€119 Offre moyenne
9 offres
Between Developers Resource
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We have a Talent Management system that needs maintenance and functionality/report development. The environment is MS SQL with stored procedures and .Net but there is also quite a bit of Asp classic. Visualization has been done with Telerik. We are buy hiring but developer would only be a available from 1 May

€23 - €46 / hr
Scellé LDN
€23 - €46 / hr
36 offres
KYC WhatsApp
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...pero seguro desde whatsapp podamos verificar que quien está solicitando el credito, y nos suministra el documento de identidad, este no sea alterado y que esa persona corresponde a quien hace la solicitud mediante una selfie, una prueba viva, etc, y que la final tengamos la certeza que la probabilidad de fraude sea muy muy muy baja. Este proceso debería poder integrarse a nuestro bot (via API, webservice, etc), nuestra web e incluso a unos puntos físicos a nivel nacional donde las personas solicitan nuestro credito...

€217 Average bid
€217 Offre moyenne
11 offres
Build me a webasite using. NET
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I want to build a home page using ASP. NET

€28 Average bid
€28 Offre moyenne
25 offres