Compare contrast novelsemplois
...with User Values: Create a mechanism that associates each detected placeholder with the value provided by the user. The matching function should take into account the type of placeholder: For text fields, the user value will be directly used for replacement. For gender choices, the code should determine which value to use based on the user's selection. For multiple selections, the code should compare the user-selected value with the available options in the placeholder, preserving the original casing if an exact match is found. Placeholder Replacement: Develop a function that replaces these placeholders with the corresponding values provided by the user. Ensure that the document's Word formatting remains unchanged after the placeholders are replaced. The complexity li... note that I am not looking for you to do the work for me, but rather to develop a tailor-made tool that will specifically meet my needs. Manage a database in Excel format (.xls) called "source data." Retrieve a data row based on a phone number. Allow the daily upload of a new Excel file (.xls) and add it by removing duplicates based on the phone numbers already present in the source data. Compare the new file against the source database based on phone numbers. Remove duplicates based on the phone numbers already present in the database. Export the new Excel file without the duplicates based on the phone numbers found in the source database....
...and Student**: Calculate and display the percentage of absences for each class and student. - **Gender Analysis**: Compare absence and presence rates between boys and girls. - **Visualization**: Bar charts, line charts, and pie charts to visualize attendance data. 2. **Performance Analysis by Subject and Student** - **Average Scores by Subject**: Calculate the average scores for each subject. - **Overall Pass Rate**: Percentage of students passing in each subject. - **Gender Comparison**: Compare the performance of boys and girls in each subject. - **Visualization**: Graphs and tables to display academic results. 3. **Comparative Analysis** - Compare academic performance across different classes, subjects, and periods (terms, years). ### Pred...
Une petite application web ou desktop qui reçoit deux fichier excel un fichier source qui contient 4 colonne premiere colonne code barre deuxième désignation et troisième localisation et quatrième état , puis un deuxième fichier excel ou .csv qui contient 3 colonnes code barre , localisation et état , le résultat final sera un fichier excel et pdf où on trouve le rapprochement final une table écart négatif qui contient les items qui sont disponible dans le premier fichier source et absent dans le deuxième , et un deuxième tableau qui contient les items disponible dans le deuxième et absent dans le premier source , puis un troisième tableau qui contient les items trouver dans les ...
Écrire un programme qui compare octet par octet le contenu de 2 fichier .
...besoin d'aide pour ça ! Je veux que les clients arrivent sur mon site. J'ai besoin de marketing internet et de référencement. S.v.p. visiter mon site pour me connaitre un peu plus. Je me débrouille avec tout ça mais ça prend beaucoup trop de temps. J'aimerais aussi améliorer ma Page Facebook et mon site Instagram Je me compare à d'autres artistes sur Instagram et je me demande comment se fait-il qu'ils aient autant d'abonnés et qu'ils vendent !! Alors que moi je ne vend jamais jamais. Voyez cette artiste qui a débuté en 2019: . Elle a plus de 1000 abonnés... ça me dépasse ! J'ai du talent en dessin et tout le reste mais je suis zéro ...
Lancée en 2020, est une startup qui compare les offres de l’ensemble des banques en ligne ainsi que les services bancaires associés : livrets, assurance vie, transferts d’argent... pour les particuliers mais également les services aux professionnels : terminaux de paiements, gestion de notes de frais, solutions de paiements pour les marchands en ligne et le e-commerce. Ainsi, nous accompagnons le développement des Fintech à travers la génération de trafic et leads qualifiés. Notre vocation est d'être un véritable outil d’aide à la décision et accompagner objectivement les entreprises et les particuliers à se doter d'outils digitaux et à optimiser de mani&egra... the document in PJ “2021019 - AD - inerting the atmosphere H2 O2 with water vapor”: 1. Calculate the composition of the atmosphere inside our future AIO product: residual air, H2, O2 and humidity, depending on the operating temperature, over a range of 0 degrees to a maximum of 90 degrees, pressure atmospheric. 2. Depending on this composition, determine the inertance of this atmosphere and compare its explosive threshold compared to a 2 * H2 + O2 mixture without humidity Logikko conçoit et produit des électrolyseurs embarqués sur véhicules légers. L'objectif est de produire de l'hydrogène (H2) par électrolyse de l'eau et de l'injecter dans le moteur afin d'améliorer les performances...
Hello, We have a problem with our VAT calculations compared to our sales including VAT. These differ from the turnover including tax. When on the dashboard we compare sales including VAT and detailed VAT amounts, there is a noticeable difference. In addition, our payment provider tells us an amount X collected over the entire month of April, this amount also differs from the turnover including tax given by Woocommerce. Looking through the Woo Reporting plugin, again, the amounts differ from the others. We need to have a sound calculation base on which we can transmit our real figures collected monthly to our accounting firm. We thank you in advance.
Mon memoire doit être rédige en 100 pages environ et en Français. Il a pour problématique: la créativité dans la traduction religieuse. Mon corpus est des lettres apostoliques des Patriarches d'Orient et je compare les deux versions arabe et française. Je dois confirmer a la fin qu'on doit rester fidèle au texte source en traduisant des textes religieux. NB: Le memoire devrait être rédigé selon le style APA (American Psychological Association).
Bonjour, je cherche un assistant virtuel qui parle et rédige un français parfait et qui serait capable de m'assister dans mes tâches administratives, de recherche, et de relation clientèle. Je gère une agence web en France. Compétences reche...créer une feuille Google Sheet qui peut gérer les congés de mes salariés, en prenant en compte les jours fériés, et qui compte automatiquement le nombre de tickets restaurants à leur délivrer chaque mois 2/ recherche internet : je recherche l'outil/CMS/projet open source le plus adapté pour lancer un Wiki en interne où nous pourrons recenser tous nos process. Le livrable serait un document qui compare les meilleures solutio...
Development of a subscription module for a sales shop books and novels. Introduction: Montreal-based company has two online stores 1. A website for monthly subscriptions made under Joomla + RebelHQ 2. A second website dedicated solely to the sale of novels and comic strips problematic: • The version of the module under Joomla is out of date - the version of PHP is expired • Features have stopped working - due to server updates Objective of the project: 1. Transfer the Joomla subscription module to PrestaShop 2. Completely close the site under Joomla 3. Use the PrestaShop platform for both customer subscriptions and book sales Elements provided: • RebelHQ PHP code • Access to a development environment Some commercial rules • Certain e...
Hello, I am searching a Proof-Reader for a no-profit project, for a Documentary to translate from Italien into French. ONLY native speaker please. Totaly are 7900 Words and the topics are Science, Religion and History. In addition, at the end of the correction, the person who translated or corrected must see the online documentary (duration 1-2 hour) to compare the translation with the documentary and make any necessary changes. Salve, cercasi Proof-Reader per progetto no proft lingua madre Francese o Italiana con ottime conoscenze del francese, per tradurre un documentario di 7900 parole. I temi da tradurre sono di tipo scientifico, religioso e storico. Inoltre alla fine della correzzione la persona che ha tradotto o corretto deve vedere il documentario online (durata 1- 2 ore)...
Le 29/08/2017, un webmaster à injecter la base Community Builder dans un nouveau joomla. Il y a eu des problèmes et il n'a pas corrigé : des utilisateurs se sont retrouver des données d'autres utilisateurs). Jusqu’à aujourd'hui d'autres utilisateurs se sont inscrits. J'aimerais trouver quelqu'un qui compare l'ancienne base et la nouvelle. Il faut garder les nouveaux utilisateurs et remettre les choses en place par rapport aux anciens. CB a évolue et a eu des mises a jours entre-temps donc dans un premier temps il faut mettre a jour l’ancienne base en local pour après faire la comparaison. Soit vous pouvez faire la totalité soit je peux m'occuper de la mise a jour de l'...
...le client. Une API et une documentation précise devra être fournit pour que le comparateur puisse être maintenu par la suite. PHP/javascript/ I need a developer who can develop from A to Z a comparator of insurance policy rates. The customer will fill out a form (Vehicle and Housing and Health ...), following the answers some of the sites supported by the comparator (50 sites analyzed) will compare then prices and others informations will be displayed for the client . An API and precise documentation will have to be provided so that the comparator can be maintained later....
Bonjour à tous, Nous cherchons un Freelancer, Français, très calé sur Magento 1.9, pour mettre à jour et corriger 1) un script existant pour mettre à jour notre stock sur magento via un fichier XLS ou CSV, puis 2) pour mettre sur le Bon de Commande les Codes Bares correspondant aux produits à expédier. 1) Nous avons un script qui ne fonctionne pas trop bien ces derniers temps. Ce script compare un fichier XLS issue de notre POS au Stock sur magento. Comme nous avons un point de vente en dur et le site (les deux n'étant pas connecté) le soir nous mettons à jours magento pour que les stock correspondent. Le fichier XLS a plusieurs colonnes, dont le code barre des produits et le nombre en stock r&ea...
...Notre entreprise vend des solutions qui permettent d'étudier toutes les caractéristiques de la tumeur des patients, pour ainsi fournir aux oncologues des pistes de traitements les plus adaptés, et dons les plus efficaces, pour combattre le cancer du patient. Nous aimerions un article qui analyse objectivement les innovations dans le domaines, les avantages de ces tests pour les patients, et qui compare les entreprises qui réalisent ces analyses : nos concurrents et nous. ...
Retouche de photos immobilier (10-300 photos), chromie, ton foncé/ton clair, contrast, ciel bleu, photo d'intérieur également, accentuation, déformation, resize 1920x1280pix pour certaines convertir en profil CMJN (attention au bleu des piscines). Faire proposition de prix unitaire. Les photos seront disponible sur serveur.
...JomEstate pour que la composante Joocial puisse ecouter en direct la creation d'une annonce JomEstate. Pour chaque tache, je vais rajouter des commentaires sur un bug tracker pour accelerer le processus. Pour chacune des taches completees, je dois obtenir les modifications dans le code ainsi que sur mysql pour les integrer sur notre plateforme officiel. Je peux faire une comparaison (avec Beyond Compare 3) avec mon backup d'installation, mais ce serait plus pratique si vous avez deja ces modifications. Au pire, vous pouvez ajouter en commentaire un code special qui vous identifierait que je pourrai trouver dans tous les fichiers (avec Notepad++). Lors d'une modification d'un fichier sur le FTP, vous pouvez renommer le fichier officiel pour le garder et ...
...JomEstate pour que la composante Joocial puisse ecouter en direct la creation d'une annonce JomEstate. Pour chaque tache, je vais rajouter des commentaires sur un bug tracker pour accelerer le processus. Pour chacune des taches completees, je dois obtenir les modifications dans le code ainsi que sur mysql pour les integrer sur notre plateforme officiel. Je peux faire une comparaison (avec Beyond Compare 3) avec mon backup d'installation, mais ce serait plus pratique si vous avez deja ces modifications. Au pire, vous pouvez ajouter en commentaire un code special qui vous identifierait que je pourrai trouver dans tous les fichiers (avec Notepad++). Lors d'une modification d'un fichier sur le FTP, vous pouvez renommer le fichier officiel pour le garder et ...
D’accord, 50 000 apps c’est dérisoire quand on compare ça aux 600 000 apps du Google Play Store, mais ce n’en est pas moins un bon argument de vente susceptible de séduire les utilisateurs potentiels comme les développeurs. Et c’est une croissance phénomenal en seulement 18 mois. L’Appstore d’Amazon ne dispose pas que d’ apps pour le Kindle Fire, on y trouve aussi des apps pour tout appareil fonctionnant sous Android OS 1.6 ou plus récent. Amazon dispose de contenus de qualité depuis des années et entend bien aller au bout de ses projets, et j’en déduis que dorénavant, il faudra aussi compter avec la partie apps de leur store. L’impressionnant contenu dont il ...
Bonjour je cherche un expert joomla pour configurer un template joomla et un module pour un site de sport. il s'agit d'un site d'information sur le sport , passe en revue tous les sports pratiqués football, handball, boxe, tennis, rugby, cyclisme, judo, natation, b...le sport , passe en revue tous les sports pratiqués football, handball, boxe, tennis, rugby, cyclisme, judo, natation, basket-ball, volley-ball, athlétisme. exemple de site le template peut être ou les modules: qui sera configuré pour chaque type de sport aussi les widget ici :
Bonjour je cherche un expert joomla pour configurer un template joomla et un module pour un site de sport. il s'agit d'un site d'information sur le sport , passe en revue tous les sports pratiqués football, handball, boxe, tennis, rugby, cyclisme, judo, natation, b...le sport , passe en revue tous les sports pratiqués football, handball, boxe, tennis, rugby, cyclisme, judo, natation, basket-ball, volley-ball, athlétisme. exemple de site le template peut être ou les modules: qui sera configuré pour chaque type de sport aussi les widget ici :
Un essai qui compare la place de la corruption et les matchs truqées dans le foot européen et canadien Titre original
Il s'agit d'une petite application qui a pour but d'améliorer le contraste d'une image dégradé en utilisant la méthode d'égalisation d'histogramme. Ensuite, comparer le résultat avec l'image originale en utilisant le PSNR.
...optimizing data transmission due to variable network conditions and congestion. Efficient packet scheduling algorithms are crucial for ensuring fair bandwidth allocation and optimizing network performance. However, real-world evaluation of these algorithms in a controlled and reproducible environment is limited. This project provides a testbed that allows researchers and developers to analyze and compare multiple scheduling strategies under controlled conditions, enabling a deeper understanding of their real-world performance. Project Goals Design and implement a Wi-Fi scheduling testbed that allows multiple RPis to communicate with a central OpenWRT router. Develop scripts on OpenWRT (router) and Raspberry Pi (clients) for real-time scheduling of packet transmissions. Automate ...
I am seeking a skilled and experienced writer to create a series of romantic adult (erotica) Hindi short stories. The plots should be engaging and the characters should be well-developed. Key requirements include: - Expertise in writing long stories/novels - Proficient in Hindi language - Experience in writing romance/erotica content - Ability to deliver stories that are captivating, unique, and enjoyable - Consideration for cultural nuances and sensitivity In your application, please include examples of your previous work, particularly any similar stories you have written in the past. These should demonstrate your ability to write in a romantic tone and create engaging adult content. Please note that all proposals should be in Hindi. Looking forward to hearing from writers wit...
I'm looking for a skilled Photoshop expert to add artistic effects to my nature photos. The primary goal is to achieve a high contrast and vibrant color scheme. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Adobe Photoshop - Experienced in color correction and enhancement - Able to create high contrast and vibrant color palettes - Creative in applying artistic effects Your task will involve: - Applying a high contrast and vibrant color scheme to my nature photos - Enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the images (The grass looks a little dead. Just looking for someone who can change that) If you have a passion for nature and a keen eye for color and detail, I would love to see your proposal.
I'm in need of a Google Sheets app that can help me track stock prices using data from Google Finance. Key Features: - Historical Data Comparison: The app should allow me to compare daily stock prices over time. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Google Sheets - Experience with data analysis - Familiarity with Google Finance - Understanding of stock market dynamics.
...seamlessly. - Quote generation: The system should automatically generate quotes for customers based on their specifications and current pricing. - Company Portal: - Price management: Companies need the ability to adjust and manage their prices efficiently. - Order management: An intuitive system for handling and processing orders. - Comparing companies: A feature that allows companies to compare their offerings with others in the platform. - Builder App: - Bid on projects: Builders should have the capability to bid on various projects. - Track work progress: A feature for builders to monitor their work. - Manage assigned tasks: Builders should be able to oversee and manage tasks assigned to them. This platform should enable customers to design windows and doo...
...reports for each user: o A column graph that shows the time spent on each section of the VR content. o A table displaying all students (if a user has multiple students) and the time spent by each student on VR content. o The ability for users to compare time spent and usage across students or their own activity. ________________________________________ 5. Data Access and Comparison • The admin should be able to view data across all users, including: o A summary of total time spent by each student and user on the VR content. o The ability to compare time spent across different users or students. o A table showing the students' names and the time each one spent on VR content under their parent user account. ________________________________________ 6. Technical Requ...
I'm seeking a skilled professional for editing both my photos and videos. Video Editing: - Primarily focused on color correction and grading to enhance the visual appeal. Photo Editing: - Basic adjustments (brightness, contrast, etc.) - Retouching and blemish removal to ensure the images are pristine. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in photo and video editing. - Proficiency in color correction and grading. - An eye for detail in photo retouching.
...user-friendly and secure, with essential e-commerce functionalities. Key Features: - Online Payment Integration: The website should seamlessly handle transactions, ensuring a smooth shopping experience. - User Account Management: Customers should be able to create, manage and track their purchases through personal accounts. - Package Comparison Feature: The site should allow users to easily compare different E-SIM packages, facilitating informed purchasing decisions. Payment Methods: - The website should support Credit/Debit Cards for transactions. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Expertise in e-commerce website development - Strong knowledge of secure online payment integration - Experience with user account management systems - Ability to create an intuit...
I'm seeking a professional web developer to create a modern, clean school website primarily for information dissemination. The site needs to include sections for news and announcements, academic programs, and a staff directory. A user-friendly WordPress Content Management System (CMS) is crucial, enabling me to easily update these sections my...Management System (CMS) is crucial, enabling me to easily update these sections myself. Key requirements: - Proficiency in web development and design - Expertise in creating and implementing WordPress CMS - Experience in developing educational websites - Skills in ensuring accessibility and user-friendliness - Knowledge of SEO best practices Accessibility feature: The website must include a high contrast mode to support users with visu...
...creating reflected light on the couple. 7. Hard vs. Soft Shadows in Midday Sun This illustration is split into two sections: A) Hard Shadows in Direct Midday Sun The couple is standing under direct noon sunlight. Their shadows are very short and harsh beneath them. The schematic should illustrate this high-contrast lighting. B) Long Shadows with a Lower Sun The same couple, but now the sun is lower in the sky. Their shadows are long and stretched to one side. The illustration should contrast these two lighting conditions. Requirements: The style must match the attached reference image exactly. The schematics should be clear, with a focus on lighting, subject, and photographer positioning. Simple, minimalistic, and professional technical drawings. Delivered in high-resolu...
I need an expert in either VBA or Python who can help me search, validate, and compare alphanumeric data in multiple cells in Excel. The results should be shared in another cell indicating whether the data is 'Matched' or 'Not Matched'. Key Requirements: - Proficient in either VBA or Python - Expertise in Excel data manipulation - Ability to implement custom logic for data validation and comparison - Capable of creating clear output in Excel Data Validation: - The data will need to be checked for specific patterns. - The patterns are not standard and will require custom logic to identify. Ideal Skills: - Strong experience with Excel's VBA or Python integration - Excellent problem-solving skills for creating custom data validation logic - Attention to det...
...(NOT SEO SERVICES) I am seeking an SEO consultant to guide me on the best website strategy for my 11 sites undergoing a revamp. We have two potential routes: 1. Independently revamping each site to capitalize on specific niche SEO. 2. Constructing a singular Master Site with each subsite embedded (e.g., ), leveraging a higher domain authority. Your role will be to thoroughly compare both strategies and highlight the pros and cons. The ultimate goal is twofold: to attract niche-specific traffic and to promote overarching services. Key Metrics for Success: - Organic growth - Niche SEO - Domain Authority - Enhancements in landing and conversion rates Skills and experience in international recruitment/visa industry SEO is a plus. I may consult a couple of professionals for
I'm seeking a technical paper focu...should utilize Ethereum scanner data along with CoinGecko API data for model explanation and performance illustration. Ideal Skills: - Profound understanding of GNN-based models and recommender systems - Expertise in cryptocurrency data analysis - Strong technical writing skills - Ability to break down complex concepts into comprehensible segments. Please note, the paper needs to extensively compare model performance and not delve into practical application scenarios. However, this aspect may be briefly touched upon as supplementary content. Code implementation examples are not necessary, but a clear and logical sequence of model explanation along with the results and supporting images of results are necessary. The format to be used wi...
I have a Python script I've written that works in comparing two files and getting statistics from it. o File #1 is the input where a user can enter their data. o File #2 is the master list where we are comparing a specific column from file #1 to another column in file #2. I need the output to print to a PDF with multiple different stats and visuals derived from the output (comparison between file #1 and file #2). In addition, we need a UI built for this simple program. I have a quick mockup build that I can share once you are selected. We'll also want to ensure that there is Legal verbiage/license agreement that is accepted. Lastly, the program should only work for 14 days as a trial and they should be guided to contact the sales team afterwards. We'll need ...
...Create KPIs for Australian Housing Prices in Tableau Description: I need an experienced Tableau expert to help create Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for a housing price dataset in Australia. The KPIs should provide actionable insights for decision-making. Key Questions to Address with KPIs: Price Efficiency: What is the price per square foot for each property, and how does it compare across different cities and property types? Space Utilization: What is the lot utilization ratio (built-up area to lot area percentage) for properties, and how does it vary by property type (e.g., townhouse, apartment, villa)? Cost Distribution: What is the average price per bedroom and price per bathroom, and how do these metrics differ by state or city? ...
I'm working on merging 2 images (high-gain and low-gain )grayscale images to create HDR images using the trans_mef algorithm. However, I believe the current model mainly focuses on preserving structure and features, while contrast and structural details play a crucial role in the fusion process, not just brightness. As the trans_mef algorithm is typically designed to merge more than 2 images, we cannot change the algorithm . Instead, we can either combine it with another algorithm or add more layers to achieve superior HDR effects. The goal is to enhance the evaluation indicators: *The metrics should be updated for mefssim more than 0.97 and psnr more than 35 ,ssim more than 0.97, mse 8.7 or 7.8 and time should be less than 10 s * The result should be HDR , which means whe...
I need a professional photo editor to clean up my photo. Key Tasks: - Remove blemishes: The photo has some blemishes which need to be cleaned up. - Bad lighting: Some parts of the photo are not well lit and need to be editor to clean up my photo. Key Tasks: - Remove blemishes: The photo has some blemishes which need to be cleaned up. - Bad lighting: Some parts of the photo are not well lit and need to be adjusted. - Lighting Corrections: The contrast needs to be adjusted and the color balance needs to be fixed. Ideal skills for the job: - Proficiency in photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom. - Attention to detail to ensure all blemishes are removed and the photo is enhanced to the best quality. - Experience with color correction and contras...
I have a logo that needs a slight enhancement. I would like the word "Digital" added beneath the logo in a different exciting font and a contrast color to the logo. No special effects are needed for the text. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in graphic design and logo modification. - Experience in creating modern style text. - Ability to choose appropriate contrast colors. - Attention to detail and commitment to quality.
I need a black and white graphic design featuring a pocket watch that flips open. The design should incorporate the Killin’ Time logo (without the text) on one side of the pocket watch. On the other side, the watch face should display the time 4:20, ensuring the hands are clearly visible and well-placed. Design Requirements: Black and White Design (high contrast, clean, and sharp) Pocket Watch Detail: Flipping open with two distinct sides Left Side: Features the Killin' Time logo (without text) Right Side: A traditional watch face with hands set to 4:20 Should maintain a bold and timeless aesthetic fitting the cannabis brand Needs to be high-resolution and scalable for various uses (print & digital) Let me know if you need any additional details or creative freedom ...
...and space). Photo 4: Select a different element of art (line, shape, value, form, color, texture and space). Photo 5: Select one principle of design (emphasis, balance, harmony, variety, movement, rhythm, unity, contrast, proportion, and scale) Photo 6: Select a different principle of design (emphasis, balance, harmony, variety, movement, rhythm, unity, contrast, proportion, and scale). Photos 7, 8, 9, and 10: Choose a different composition technique for each image from the following list: • Framing the subject • Backgrounds • Spot Pattern Contrast of dark and light • Contrast of sharpness • Point of view • Perspective • S-curve • Cropping • Rule of thirds • Golden mean • Simplicity • Get...
...maintaining a modern and clean aesthetic. High contrast is key, ensuring the title and visuals stand out at small sizes. We are open to different color schemes but prefer rich, vibrant backgrounds with striking accents. The typography should be strong, readable, and professional. ✅ FINAL DELIVERABLES (WINNING ENTRY MUST PROVIDE): ✔ Aspect Ratio: 1:1 (Square) ✔ JPG & PNG (minimum 2400 x 2400 px, 72+ dpi) – Ready for upload ✔ Layered Source File (PSD or AI) ✔ Font Files or Font Names Used ✔ Any image sources (license obtained or free commercial use) ✅ We would appreciate the overall design direction followed while bringing unique, creative touches ✅ Ensure the title is bold and readable even at small sizes ✅ Keep the design modern, high-contrast, and visually ...
...for classic men's haircuts, beard trims, and close shaves, offering a specialized, no-fuss grooming experience. Broader Styling Options: Salons often provide a wider range of services, such as hair coloring, treatments, and styling, which might be useful if you're looking for a more comprehensive look or a change in style. Personal Preference: You might be exploring different styles or want to compare the expertise and service quality between a traditional barber and a full-service salon. Convenience: Sometimes having access to both options in Nairobi means you can choose the service that best fits your mood or specific needs on any given day. For Barbers (Traditional Grooming Services) Barber & Co. Location: Westlands Highlights: Modern grooming, precision hairc...
...develop a market comparison platform aimed at local suppliers of plastic doors. The platform will generate quotations based on customer-provided specifications and show the most competitive prices. Key Requirements: - Collect Customer Data: The platform needs to gather dimensions and specifications of the door from customers in order to generate accurate quotes. - Supplier Comparison: It should compare prices from various local suppliers, displaying the companies offering the lowest prices at the top. - User-Friendly Interface: The platform needs to be intuitive and easy to navigate for customers. Ideal Skills: - E-commerce platform development - Data processing and comparison algorithms - UI/UX design - Understanding of local plastic door market Please provide examples of sim...
...-2023.pdf&id=1541 The slide should compare these companies based on the following aspects of financial risk management for the Treasury department at these companies: - Credit Risk - Market Risk - Foreign Exchange (FX) Risk - Interest Rate (IR) Risk - Liquidity Risk - Commodity Price Risk - Use of Derivatives for hedging purposes - Value at Risk (VaR) - Important -Where does it employ the use of VaR? -Credit Risk? Market Risk? or Both
I need a professional to create a tests solving app. The app should run under Windows 11 in bacground as a process with name of my choose and no icons etc. visible. Should every 10s take a screenshot of my screen, OCR texts, compare texts to my database in UTF-8 database and finally mark with small color overlay correct asnwer on my screen. The overlay should be near the asnwer at not impact mouse interactions.