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Brewtoo is as a platform for information exchange and cooperation among those who share the same passion: beer. The goal is to create a community of people , beginners and experts, who create their profile on the application including their geographic data. This way , users can interact with others near them to learn how to brew, give an introductory course in brewing, perfect techniques , or just make beautiful meetings and stir among fans . Brewtoo se veut une plate-forme d'échange d'informations et de coopération entre ceux qui partagent la même passion: La bière. Le but est de créer une communauté de gens, débutants comme experts, qui créent leur profil sur l’application en incluant leurs donn&ea...
#SHAB – Second Hand Academic Books Hello, my name is Hani Lim. My team, we are graduate students at University of Neuchâtel. Our story sounds like cliché but reality. Every semester we are facing with the situation that we would spend at least 500 CHF for academic books. Most of students take 4~6 lectures per semester. And each lecture recommends at least one compulsory book which costs approximately between 100 and 120 CHF. It is just simple calculation we would spend at least 100 * 4 = 400 CHF for one semester, which is approximately the same amount as the tuition fee. Here we hit on a new idea that “Why don’t we try to sell, buy and swap each other’s book?” It because we do not have a platform which ca...
...and logistics service. This project will be the best in Canada with its innovative services. During this project development, I viewed many websites of this service that are missing several services availables on our platform (financial management / marketplace + banking / accounting / online payments: paypal, credit card, square, hand to hand / drivers and passengers chat / reviews / live support / accounts management / several other services ...). Next two versions of this platform will be created soon for parcel delivery, logistics and transport trucks service. I launch this tender to Canadian and French companies interested to investing in this project. If you are the right investor on this project, feel free to contact me for more details. ...
...ont été attribuées et de renseigner les livres répondant aux demandes). Notre nouvelle plateforme est presque terminée mais nous devons implémenter deux choses importantes avant son lancement mardi 1Er mars prochain : - Utilisation de l’API goodreads pour aller chercher un titre et un auteur à partir d’un ISBN (code barre du livre), voir PJ. A l’heure actuelle nous utilisons l’API google books mais beaucoup d’ISBN sont erronés ou absents de cette base de données. - Ajouter 0.99€ de frais de port à tous les clients passant commande depuis la France ou la Belgique et 1.99€ pour les autres pays (nous utilisons Stripe). Nous cherchons un freelancer de confiance av...
Je veux traduire des article , des livres , des sites .. etc de / vers : Arabe/français/ Espagnol/Anglais. I want to translate articles , books , web sites ... etc n to/ from : arabic / French/Spanish/ English. ارغب في ترجمة مقالات، والكتب، ومواقع الخ .. من / إلى: العربية / الفرنسية / الاسبانية / الانجليزية
vous rendez le site la section peux y acceder sans connection ou bien dire hors ligne ... peux y acceder sans connection ou bien dire hors ligne le peux lire tous les articles qu'il ce trouve deuxiement j'ai besoin que vous me faire des books aussi peux lire hors ligne merci de m'aider
I have 3 exercices on programming with C++ for beginners. I need someone to write the small programs and add clear notes explaning the steps so I can understand.
la vérité j'ai besoin d'argent et je veux aider ma famille et je veut améliorer mon niveau scolaire et j'ai beacoup d'idées et je suis sur que je peux vous aider et créer plusieurs idées
Je suis à la recherche d'un écrivain de qualité qui peut écrire des e-books pour moi sur une variété de niches fiction (dans la catégorie amour, sentimental, sensualité). ! Vous devez être en mesure d'imaginer un histoire captivante autour d'un titre donné et m'écrire un livre 100% unique et de qualité original. qui va divertir les gens. Vous devez avoir une bonne grammaire et l'orthographe (environ 4000mots). ! je cherche à construire une relation à long terme avec quelqu'un qui peut fournir des livres de qualité pour moi rapidement (dans les 7 jours de livraison). ! S'il vous plaît postulez ici avec un échantillon de votre &...
Traduction de texte de l'anglais au franç voudrais faire traduire des fichiers textes de l'anglais en franç des livres électroniques ou e-books de l'anglais au franç travail bien fait et excellent .
Voici les sujets pour les articles, chacun devra faire entre 500 et 700 mots : - Intel 5th generation - processeur de 5ième génération - l'arrivée Donnez 2 ou 3 modèles sortis et leurs spécifications. - GPU Nvidia Tegra X1 Caractéristiques, nouveauté... - Les voitures sans conducteur - ce n'est pas encore d'actualité
...format A6 (sorte de carte de visite avec message commercial sur le verso) - Création d’une bannière pour la page facebook - Création d'une popup - Création de 5 slides pour mon e-commerce - Mise en page de 3 e-book aux couleurs de la charte graphique du site internet (3 e-books de 30 pages chacun environ) – il ne s’agit pas d’une mise en page type magazine mais d’une mise en page type livre. - Création de deux covers pour deux e-books Les messages commerciaux, photos etc seront communiqués. Votre rôle est vraiment d'apporter votre expertise pour mettre en valeur les flyers, bannière pour un rendu des plus professionnels M...
ce projet a pour but de satisfaire les freelancers, de faire leurs commandes sur la rédaction mais celles-ci se font à temps. Il faut que vous ayez confiance en moi, et tout se passe bien.
Traduction US -> FR de l'article suivant Pas de traduction automatique, maîtrise de l'anglais et du français obligatoires.
Traduction US -> FR de l'article suivant Pas de traduction automatique, maîtrise de l'anglais et du français obligatoires.
Vous souhaitez avoir un site ou un blog de qualité ? ce qui veut dire qu'ils s'adaptent à tous les médias d'aujourd'hui : Pc, tablette, smartphone, etc. Un support 24/7 est fourni par les graphistes lorsque vous achetez un template chez eux. Bonne conception à tous ;)
STM Books & Journals, School/Colleges books, diaries, brochures, Annual report etc.
...doit recevoir les infos et fichiers sous forme de dossier sur une dropbox. Le profil utilisateur doit être munis d'une section basique de statistiques relatives à ses ventes. La plateforme distribuera un et/ou plusieurs ebooks, aura une section de vidéo gratuites et payantes. L'administration du site doit pouvoir se faire facilement par l'administrateur du site (mise en vente de nouveau e books, produits, ajout de nouvelles vidéo, pages, articles ..) Plateforme de prédilection Wordpress. Site optimisé pour le référencement, Map site et Métadonnées. Le Design souhaité doit être Actuel, Sobre, Invitant à la confiance et à l'achat. Le Site doit pour...
Bonjour , en vue de mettre un site de vente ligne de e-books, je voudrais vous solliciter pour la tâche de conception du site référencement et du design des couverture des e-books,. En contrepartie vous, nous les collaborateur du dit projet partageront les bénéfices suivant notre participation et en fonction du revenu généré par nos ventes. Merci de votre collaboration à ce grand projet qui fera un boom sur la toile. Les autres détail vous seront livré si vous convenez de développer le projet avec nous. A notre succès ! Gilles
Bonjour , en vue de mettre un site de vente ligne de e-books, je voudrais vous solliciter pour la tâche de conception du site référencement et du design des couverture des e-books,. En contrepartie vous, nous les collaborateur du dit projet partageront les bénéfices suivant notre participation et en fonction du revenu généré par nos ventes. Merci de votre collaboration à ce grand projet qui fera un boom sur la toile. Les autres détail vous seront livré si vous convenez de développer le projet avec nous. A notre succès ! Gilles
Bonjour Otherprod, en vue de mettre un site de vente ligne de e-books, je voudrais vous solliciter pour la tâche du référencement. En contrepartie vous, moi et les deux autres collaborateur du dit projet partageront les bénéfices suivant votre participation et en fonction du revenu généré par nos ventes. Merci de votre collaboration à ce grand projet qui fera un boom sur la toile. Les autres détail vous seront livré si vous convenez de développer le projet avec nous. A notre succès ! Gilles e-mail: gilleslamerveille@ facebok:
As discussed.....................................................................................................................
Bonjour J'écris des e-books (pour l'instant en français) et les vends avec un dispositif d'affiliation Je cherche quelqu'un qui saura me les vendre par internet Quelqu'un ayant une liste de prospects important pourra par exemple lui communiquer la page de vente Dans l'attente de vos propositions Cordialement Thiery
Le travail consiste à préparer la couverture d'un eBook intitulé: Premier titre Technical analysis - the beginning Deuxième titre How verify picks from Gurus before investing Nom de l'auteur: C.G. Tangworth Éditeur: JumpyStocks Il s'agit d'un livre qui traite de l'analyse technique boursière et s'adresse aux débutants. Ce livre contient bon nombre de graphiques boursiers. Une page couverture modèle est proposée. On demande la production d'une couverture attirante et professionnelle. Nous avons joint également le logo de l'entité légale. Nous avons également joint des exemples de couvertures de livres qui traitent du même sujet. À ...
Bonjour J'écris des e-books (pour l'instant en français) et les vends avec un dispositif d'affiliation Je cherche quelqu'un qui saura me les vendre par internet Quelqu'un ayant une liste de prospects important pourra par exemple lui communiquer la page de vente Dans l'attente de vos propositions Cordialement Thiery
Hi Please add "I like books" to your bid. Need a native french speaker. The story has around 1200 words. And five characters: old lady two young boys two young girls Please send me a voice demo with this text: «Oui, j’imagine cela, Nicholas," ricana la vieille dame, son visage se pliant comme du papier mou. "Et laissez-moi vous dire! Je suis très friand de ça moi aussi. Je les achète au moins une fois par semaine. Aimez-vous ce genre, Meredith? " "Oh, oui!" Dit la jeune fille. “Merci infiniment!" "Eh bien, je dois y aller. Au fait, je suis Mme Cooper,. Je vis dans la maison juste à la fin de Sunshine Lane. Connaissez-vous la route? " "Oui, je connais!"...
... et envoyer nous votre proposition. Nous sélectionnera que le meilleur. ===================================== We search the best writers translators. French to Polish You are a (an) excellent editor, reviser, proofreader and translator? Looking for a simple collaboration, which allows you to focus your attention on your core competency, It's you're looking for! Estimated time: 4 to 5 hours maximum for full translation missing price: 15 USD / H The translation is done online. If you are interested, please register on and and send us your proposal. We select only the best....
I'm seeking motivated individuals on Telegram with a keen interest in investing. Your task will be promoting and selling online finance and investing courses, and you will earn for every course sold. Ideal Candidates: - Passionate about finance and investing - Strong communication skills - Experience in selling services online - Familiarity with Telegram and its engagement strategies Remember, every course sold brings you a step closer to becoming your own boss. Join me on this rewarding journey!
I'm seeking a talented, professional female American voice over artist for an audio book recording of approximately twelve thousand words. The ideal candidate will have: - A clear, engaging and professional tone, suitable for an audio book - A warm and friendly undertone to keep listeners interested - A native American accent Your voice should be able to convey the narrative of the book in a captivating way, making it easy for listeners to follow along. Experience in voice over work, particularly for audio books, is highly desirable. Please provide samples of your work that match this description.
I am seeking an experienced editor for a children's book aimed at older children (8-12 years). The book, with an educational theme, requires both content and proof-reading services. Key Responsibilities: - Proofreading: Ensure the book is free from grammar and spelling errors - Content Editing: Evaluate story flow, character development, and educational value Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience editing children's books, particularly for the 8-12 age group - Strong background in both proofreading and content editing - Experience with educational literature - Excellent understanding of grammar and spelling - Ability to evaluate story flow and character development
I need a seasoned web editor for my WordPress site. The ideal freelancer will be experienced in the property field and be able to devise a comprehensive plan for content creation and editing, as well as implementing design changes as necessary. The website is for all those involved in property be it investing, managing, selling or building works Skills & Experience: - Proficient in WordPress - Strong background in content creation and editing related to property - Experience in web design adjustments - Knowledge in plugin management - Excellent communication skills for strategizing content plan Please note, the specific web editing tasks will include: - Content updates: Regularly updating the site with new content - Design adjustments: Making nec...
I'm in need of a BitTitan expert to provide consultation on best practices for email migration specifically to Microsoft 365. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of BitTitan. - Expertise in email migration strategies. - Familiarity with Microsoft 365. Experience: - Proven track record of successful email migrations. - Prior consultation roles focusing on BitTitan best practices.
I need a person who can promote and sell my Digital Products, Courses and Books in the United States and can give me at least 10 to 15 sales a week if anyone do this so Bid now
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Title: Ghostwriter Needed for an Inspiring Book on Career Development Description: I am looking for an experienced ghostwriter to help me bring my book idea to life. The book will focus on career development, job market insights, and skill-building strategies, with a strong emphasis on guiding young professionals and students. Project Scope: • Genre: Non-fiction, Career & Self-Help • Word Count: Approximately 40,000 – 50,000 words • Writing Style: Engaging, informative, and inspiring • Target Audience: Students, young professionals, and job seekers • Tone: Motivational, educational, yet easy to read • Research Requirement: Writer must conduct some research on job market trends, employability skills, and industry expectations &...
Title: Ghostwriter Needed for an Inspiring Book on Career Development Description: I am looking for an experienced ghostwriter to help me bring my book idea to life. The book will focus on career development, job market insights, and skill-building strategies, with a strong emphasis on guiding young professionals and students. Project Scope: • Genre: Non-fiction, Career & Self-Help • Word Count: Approximately 40,000 – 50,000 words • Writing Style: Engaging, informative, and inspiring • Target Audience: Students, young professionals, and job seekers • Tone: Motivational, educational, yet easy to read • Research Requirement: Writer must conduct some research on job market trends, employability skills, and industry expectations &...
I'm looking for a professional writer to help me pen a Self-help book targeted at adults. This book will be in the non-fiction genre. Ideal skills for this project include: - Expertise in writing self-help books or similar non-fiction works - Deep understanding of adult issues and interests - Ability to convey complex ideas in an engaging and accessible way - Strong storytelling skills to keep readers interested - Excellent command of English and grammar Please provide samples of your previous work in the self-help genre when you bid.
Project Overview: I’m looking for a professional web designer and developer with experience in WordPress and Elementor to create a website for The site is hosted on , so familiarity with Elementor’s hosting and design capabilities is essential. The primary goal of the site is to serve as a membership-based platform where I educate users on investing in DeFi (Decentralized Finance). It will need to showcase training videos, offer subscription-based access, and provide an engaging user experience to keep members involved. Key Requirements: E-commerce functionality: Users should be able to subscribe to the service. Content Management System (CMS): A backend that allows easy posting of articles, blogs, and video tutorials. Interactive tool...
I'm seeking a seasoned Power BI trainer for a comprehensive, in-person course tailored for beginners in Raipur. The course should cover a range of crucial Power BI topics including: - Data modeling and DAX - Power Query and data transformation - Visualization techniques and best practices - Dashboard creation and publishing Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in delivering Power BI training - Exceptional communication skills - A knack for making complex concepts easily understandable - Hands-on experience with the latest Power BI features - Ready for in person training at a College campus I'm looking for a trainer who can engage the participants and facilitate a practical, interactive learning experience.
...Development of a Training Manual for Food Preparation Project Description: I am looking for a freelancer to create a detailed training manual for a food preparation task, following specific guidelines. The project consists of the following tasks: Create a Training Manual Select a recipe (provided in the assignment). Write a step-by-step instruction manual including: Preparation steps Process steps Cleaning steps Equipment usage explanations Incorporate food safety measures, sanitation steps, workplace safety, and work simplification principles using different color-coded text. Ensure the manual is clear, well-structured, and suitable for beginners. Write a Reflection Report Answer specific questions about the training manual development process. Ex...
I'm looking for a talented illustrator to create a cartoonish coloring book for children aged 3-7. The theme of the book is 'Ethnic children with ethnic hair and clothing'. Key Requirements: - Illustrations that are appealing and suitable for young children - A deep understanding and appreciation of different ethnicities to accurately represent them - Experience in creating cartoonish-style illustrations The ideal freelancer for this project should have a portfolio demonstrating their ability to create engaging, child-friendly illustrations in a cartoon style. Experience with children's books is a plus.
...freelancers! We’re looking for a creative video editor who can turn our blog content into engaging short videos/reels for Instagram & YouTube. ? About Us: We run a blog focused on teens, academics, internships, mental health, college prep, and more! ? What We Need: ✅ Create short-form video content (Reels/Shorts) based on our blog posts ✅ Transform blogs into engaging, fast-paced, and visually appealing videos ✅ Use captions, animations, stock footage, and trending music to enhance engagement ✅ Understand SEO & hashtags for better reach ✅ Deliver high-quality, engaging content consistently ? Example Task: ? Blog: "10 Books to Read for Personal Growth" ? Your Job: Create a 30-60 sec reel highlighting key takeaways, with text ...
I am launching a new clothing line called M@B (Mediocre at Best) and need a talented designer to bring the brand to life. The project will include logo design, branding, and initial apparel concepts. The style should be bold, modern, and slightly irreverent, embracing the idea of "mediocre" with an ironic or playful twist. More details: What emotion or message do you primarily want your brand to convey? Humor What kind of humor best represents your brand? Satirical Which design style do you prefer for the logo featuring your bulldog? Abstract
Video Brief: The Best Way to Pay in Europe – Forget Revolut & Wise! ? Concept: Create an engaging Instagram Reel that explains why travelers in Europe should skip Revolut and Wise and instead use an EUR account from Fio Banka with currency exchange via RoklenFX. The video should be dynamic, easy to understand, and visually appealing. ? Structure: 1️⃣ Intro – Hook: “Traveling in Europe? Stop using Revolut & Wise!” • Show the Revolut app → Cross it out • Show the Wise app → Cross it out 2️⃣ Better Alternative • Show registration at Fio Banka () • Highlight getting an EUR account & a free EUR card 3️⃣ Smart Currency Exchange • Show the RoklenFX platform () • Demonstrate exchanging CZK → EUR with ...
We are looking for a logo for WonderLabs, a company focused on Curriculum and Education Content. This includes creation of Education Cartoons, Games, Books, and Classroom materials. Key Requirements: - The logo should have a professional and classic style but still be fun and versatile. This reflects our commitment to quality while also engaging with the playful nature of our content. It should look very good in videos, on merch, on a website, etc. - Most importantly, it should not be overly complex or busy, but communicate the 'wonder' of learning and discovery in a clear, sophisticated way. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in designing professional and versatile logos is essential. - A portfolio demonstrating fun yet classy designs would b...
I'm seeking a Pakistani investor, ideally, for a lucrative opportunity in a fixed deposit that promises a 10% profit per month over a period of 6 months. Key Details: - Investment Duration: 6 months - Minimum Investment: $100 Skills & Experience: - Prior experience in investing - Knowledge of fixed deposit schemes - Trustworthy with a track record of reliability Please note that this project requires a serious investor willing to commit to the said terms.
I'm looking for a talented illustrator to create engaging and fun cartoonish-style illustrations for a comic book aimed at older children (8-12 years). The comic will revolve around themes of adventure, father-son bonding, and friendship, featuring a mix of animals and people. This is a work-for-hire job. I will own all illustrations, and the illustrator will be able to use 10% or less of the illustrations for marketing and promotion use in their portfolio. -All images will need to be delivered in line and color in the following formats: jpg, png, PDF, psd Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in cartoonish illustration style - Experience in creating illustrations for children's books/comics - Understanding of themes of adventure and friendship ...