Art Deco Style Design
- État: Closed
- Prix: $20
- Propositions reçues: 45

Résumé du concours
Looking to design a rectangular product design that has art deco style coloring with box style characters. Will include color photos and style of art as inspiration. I need someone who can improve upon the design, takes direction, and works quickly.
Compétences recommandées
Meilleures propositions de ce concours
hossainmdrakib29 Bangladesh
EmadOwaida Saudi Arabia
mrperfect21 Bangladesh
mrperfect21 Bangladesh
ashar1008 Pakistan
smalamgir01 Bangladesh
smalamgir01 Bangladesh
smalamgir01 Bangladesh
smalamgir01 Bangladesh
smalamgir01 Bangladesh
Aysha203 Oman
apurbossisir820 Bangladesh
phremo23 Egypt
sujatambhuyar82 India
Tableau de clarification publique
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