We are a small IT Services company with offices in Scotland and Canada. Our portfolio comprises of enterprise integration and data analysis projects. Please write to us for further details. Thank you.
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Technical Team Lead
juil., 2017 - juil., 2024
7 ans
Confidential (Bank)
juil., 2017 - juil., 2024
7 ans
- technical lead as well as Scrum Master for a small team
- could-based backoffice fintech solution
juil., 2017 - juil., 2024
7 ans
Software Developer
sept., 2013 - janv., 2015
1 an, 4 mois
Mindware OU
sept., 2013 - janv., 2015
1 an, 4 mois
software development for national treasury and banking solution
sept., 2013 - janv., 2015
1 an, 4 mois
Software Engineer
févr., 2010 - févr., 2012
2 ans
Wise (previously TransferWise)
févr., 2010 - févr., 2012
2 ans
currency exchange routes enablement
févr., 2010 - févr., 2012
2 ans
Tartu Ülikool
2010 - 2012
2 ans
MSE (Software Engineering)
2010 - 2012
2 ans
Professional Scrum Product Owner I
equips me with the functional knowledge and skills to bridge the gap between strategy and agile product management in order to create valuable products using Scrum
MBA Essentials
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
equips you with holistic business skills to thrive in any business environment
Oxford Executive Leadership
University of Oxford
unlocks leadership potential to create value, drive change, and increase success in organisation
Service integration for biometric authentication
Proceedings – 2014 International Conference on Emerging Technologies, ICET 2014
In this paper we introduce an approach that allows automatic configuration and deployment of heterogeneous biometric systems for different business processes and related environments. The need for development and integration of scenario-specific compatible systems is replaced by repetitive scenario-specific configuration and deployment. Our proposed approach comparatively reduces the effort required for developing and deploying reliable biometric authentication systems.
Implementation of Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Lung Cancer Detection
Lecture Notes on Software Engineering
In this paper we detail a novel lung cancer detection technique entitled “Contour Detection Method” for identification of lung cancer nodules. We describe the various algorithms employed for each step of the diagnosis process. The implemented algorithms are tested for the LIDC comprising of CT scan images in DICOM format. The proposed technique outperforms widely employed Local Density Maximum algorithm by detecting and classifying 7% of the observed false negatives.
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