I am .Net programmer almost 10 years. I usually use C# and SqlServer as my tools.
In my application I usually develop in web using webform or MVC. In desktop application I use winform.
The system I develop like inventory system, employee system, selling system. Besides c# I used to use
Visual Basic and Java as my tools. I am eager to learn new technology if the company use new technology to develop system.
Now I am freelance programmer since 2018. Before that I worked as employee in office.
I have job experience in Newspaper publishing, Banking, and software development.
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janv., 2012 - Présent
12 ans, 10 mois
Touch technology
janv., 2012 - Présent
12 ans, 10 mois
I am working as programmer in Touch technology. I have worked as freelance programmer since June 2018.
Before that I was working onsite project.
My experience programming languages like Java, C#.
janv., 2012 - Présent
12 ans, 10 mois
Universitas Bina Nusantara
1991 - 1995
4 ans
Information Management
1991 - 1995
4 ans
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