HI ! I'd be glad to help you on this project. I'm a native french translator and proofreader, very accurate and through and can provide excellent medical based translation, guaranteeing no misunderstanding nor mistyping. My fees are USD 0,04 per word translated and USD 0,01 for proofreading. Then I don't understand why you require some sample as you posted the tranlated sentences already. Nevertheless, let me give you some better translations than what was previously provided :
5 Combien de mouchoirs en papier avez-vous utilisé pour cracher votre sang ?
13 Est-ce que vos selles sont liquides ?
24 Allaitez-vous ?
28 Pendant que vous urinez, ressentez-vous des arrêts ou hésitations ?
40 Votre vision est-elle affectée par des lumières clignotantes ?
Here, I hope I was convincing enough, best regards.