In our country more than 80 people are farmer so we should give facilities to farmers so that they will incrise their products and they will give jobs to workers so there will no unemployed in India and we will tell them use of farming be of them only we will are surving in this world there is one fact that if whole world is not having food than india can give food to whole world for three months Pension Scheme: There is good news for the farmers who have received the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM Kisan). Now, to provide financial help to the farmers in their old age, the government has started the pension facility PM Kisan Yojana. Under this, farmers will get a pension of up to Rs 3000.
Under PM Kisan Yojana, farmers will be given a pension after 60 years. More importantly, if you are an account holder in PM Kisan, then you will not need any paperwork. Your registration can be done directly in PM Kisan Scheme.
According to the information given on the website of PM Kisan Scheme, there is a provision of pension under this scheme after the age of 60 years. Any farmer from 18 years to 40 years can invest in this scheme. Under this, the farmer gets a monthly pension of up to Rs 3000.
Documents required for Yojana
1. Aadhar . Identity . Age . Income . Khasra Khatauni of the field6. Bank Account . Mobile . Passport Size Photo
In this scheme, the registered farmer will get a minimum monthly pension of Rs 3000 or an annual pension of Rs 36,000 after the age of 60 on monthly investment according to the age. For this, farmers will have to make a monthly investment from Rs 55 to Rs 200. There is also a provision of family pension in PM Kisan . On the death of the account holder, the spouse will get 50 percent pension. Only spouse is included in the family pension.
Under the PM Kisan scheme, the government gives financial assistance of Rs 6,000 every year to the eligible farmers in 3 installments of Rs 2,000 each. This amount is released directly into the account of the farmer. If its account holders participate in the pension scheme PM Kisan , then their registration will be done easily. Also, if the farmer chooses this option, then the contribution deducted every month in the pension scheme will also be deducted from the amount received in these 3 installments. That is, for this the PM Kisan account holder will not have to invest money out of [login to view URL] out a comprehensive medium-term strategy for food and nutrition security
in the country in order to move towards the goal of universal food security over
Propose methods of enhancing the productivity, profitability, stability and
sustainability of the major farming systems of the country based on an agro-
ecological and agro-climatic approach and the harnessing of frontier
Bring about synergy between technology and public policy and recommend
measures for enhancing income and employment potential in rural areas through
diversification, application of appropriate technology including IT for
information on market, weather, credit facilities and e-commerce, training and
market reforms.
Suggest measures to attract and retain educated youth in farming and
recommend for this purpose; methods of technological upgrading of crop
husbandry, horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries (inland and marine), agro-
forestry and agro-processing and associated marketing infrastructure.
Suggest comprehensive policy reforms designed to enhance investment in agri-
research, substantially increase flow of rural credit to farmers including small
and marginal, triggering agricultural growth led economic progress, which can
lead to opportunities for a healthy and productive life to rural families.
Formulate special programmes for dryland farming for farmers in the arid and
semi-arid regions, as well as for farmers in hilly and coastal areas in order to link
the livelihood security of the farming communities living