Google ads, API Expert

Terminé Publié le il y a 2 ans Paiement à la livraison
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We have a simple task for a Expert.

I would like to READ out information from Google ads campaign.

Today when we login to a Google Ads account, we have many campaigns running,

We need a way to get 1 or more campaigns read out.

What I would like to have is the API calls, so we can just change the data (campaigns IDs) to get the data our.

There should be a option also to set the date ranges.

The API should be written in PHP, and we should be able to test it in Postman.

Since I have no idea how to do this, I would need someone who has done it before, there also can give us other option I’m sure the google API can do

Sample output could look like this:

CampaignID, CampaignName, CampaignDates, Campaign Currency, CampaignPrice...ect

We would also need a endpoint there can take more Campaigns and add up the amount within the dates.

Would be great if you have written it before, in that case you would only need to tell us how to use it.

The task should not take more when a few house.

Please send you bid.

Thank you

PHP Google Adwords API

Nº du projet : #35269937

À propos du projet

12 propositions Projet à distance Actif il y a 2 ans

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Hi Claus Petersen, It's me Subin, we were talking there on upwork. I have good experience of web development with Google Ads API We can discuss further on chat. Thanks!

%selectedBids___i_sum_sub_7% %project_currencyDetails_sign_sub_8% USD en 2 jours
(13 Commentaires)

12 freelances font une offre moyenne de 37 $ pour ce travail


I have some questions regarding the specs that you have provided. Could we please have a chat? My Skills: API, Google Adwords and PHP

$10 USD en 7 jours
(124 Commentaires)

Yo! I am skilled Data Entry computer programmer with skills including API, PHP and Google Adwords. I have read your all given information in description and i am ready to do various type of work for you and available 2 Plus

%bids___i_sum_sub_32% %project_currencyDetails_sign_sub_33% USD en 1 jour
(32 Commentaires)

A Certified Google Adwords Google Analytics, Google tag manager Expert, I have extensive knowledge of Google Adword policies & setting up, monitor and successfully running Ad Words campaigns. we will perform followi Plus

$60 USD en 30 jours
(11 Commentaires)

Helllo. I can show you my work written in Laravel via DM. I have bunch of experience in Google Ads API, Google OAuth2, Google Ads QL. Let's talk. I am ready now.

$20 USD en 7 jours
(1 Évaluation)

I am skilled in HTML, CSS and C++ programming and have certificates from Microsoft Professional content designer and writer who handles photos and videos I am in English commerce, I worked as a secretary to the chairm Plus

$20 USD en 7 jours
(0 Commentaires)

Hi, I am interested in your project and I would like to know more details. Kindly drop a message so we can discuss.

$10 USD en 7 jours
(0 Commentaires)