Turn new web audio sound into downloadable/exportable mp3 or wav file.

Fermé Publié le il y a 7 ans Paiement à la livraison
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I'm building a music-based web application using jquery, javascript, web audio API, and Howler js (a library based on web audio.)

Currently, I am overlapping/mixing two distinct mp3 files to make it sound like they are creating a new sound, when in fact they are just playing at the same time.

Instead of just playing these overlapping sounds, I want to save this new "mix" as its own mp3 or wav file, so the user can download it.

If you are interested in helping with this project, I can send you additional code. For now, see the simple screenshot below to see how I am overlapping the two sounds.

JavaScript jQuery / Prototype

Nº du projet : #15477170

À propos du projet

1 proposition Projet à distance Actif il y a 7 ans