Task is to create a live polling system with 2 person as 1. Teacher2. Student -- 2

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Task is to create a live polling system with 2 personas 1. Teacher

2. Student


The teacher should be able to

● Create new poll

● View live polling results

● Teacher should be able to ask a new question only if no question

was asked previously or if all the students have answered the question


The student should be able to

● Enter his name while visiting for the first time this should be unique only to a tab i.e if i open new tabs i should be able to act as a new student but if i refresh the current tab i shouldn’t be asked the name again

● Once the Teacher asks a question the student should be able to submit his answer

● Once the student submits the answer he should be able to see the live polling results

● A student should only get a maximum of 60 seconds to answer a question post which he will see the live polling results

Technologies to be used

● Frontend - React, Redux(not a must have but good to have) ● Backend - Polling to be powered by [login to view URL], server to be based on ExpressJs

JavaScript React.js Socket IO Express JS Redux.js

Nº du projet : #38851673

À propos du projet

3 propositions Projet à distance Actif il y a un mois