Hi, I'm a Data scientist with more than 3 years experience in the field.
These are my steps for this project:
[login to view URL] and Understand: Analyze the provided PDF to comprehend the pressure metrics and base material.
[login to view URL] Integration: Examine the JSON files to understand their structure and relationship. Transform the data into a usable format for calculating pressure metrics.
[login to view URL] Calculation: Compute the pressure metric for each week of the academic year based on the Consistent working model.
[login to view URL] Design: Develop a user-friendly dashboard using HTML, JavaScript, and D3.js (or Processing) to present the pressure information clearly.
[login to view URL] Models: If time permits, include additional working models (keen, stuck-start, stuck-middle, and late) for a more comprehensive analysis.
My experience with data visualization and dashboard creation ensures that I will deliver an effective solution tailored to your needs. I am committed to providing a clear, accurate, and insightful dashboard that meets your project's objectives.